Can we get to the bottom of mercury toxicity solutions


Feb 20, 2021
According to recent research the toxicity of mercury is primarily mediated/due to selenium antagonism. In a published case study a young man near death from mercury exposure responded within a few days to selenium 500 mcg and NAC daily.
I will look for the link.


Feb 20, 2021
Selenium also mitigates arsenic and cadmium toxicity.
A new perspective on mercury toxicity:
(500 mcg Se is not a hazardous dose for moderately long term, 5 months in the case cited.)
>In recent years, there has been an important shift in the
understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of mercury
(Hg) both at the cellular and organism level. The shift in a
large part has occurred from a long-held focus on the
covalent binding of mercury to sulfur in the body’s ubiqui-
tous sulfhydryl groups. There is convincing evidence that
the pathophysiological target of mercury is not the in vivo
binding of sulfur, but rather selenium (Se). Recent evi-
dence suggests that the mechanism of toxicity of mercury
is the selenium-based proteins thioredoxin reductase and
glutathione peroxidase [1,2]. We report a case of severe
mercury poisoning unchanged by chelation who later
achieved significant improvement related to selenium and
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supplementation.ABSTRACT
A healthy 15-year-old male spilled elemental mercury contaminating his garage and bedroom. The
patient developed new onset hypertension, significant weight loss, pain (muscular, testicular, and
abdominal), insomnia, delusions, hallucinations, tachycardia, palmar desquamation, diaphoresis,
tremor, and ataxia leading to two consecutive hospitalizations. Blood and urine mercury were 23 and
330 mg/L, respectively. He received 21 days of chelation with 2,3-Dimercaptosuccinic acid during his
second hospital stay. He continued to deteriorate. Three weeks post-chelation, he was transferred to
our facility and his exam was unchanged. He could not stand or feed himself unassisted. He was
started on selenium 500 mcg/day and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 50 mg/kg/day. By day 3 of Se and NAC,
he showed noticeable improvement, and by day 11, delusions, delirium, tachycardia, and abdominal
pain resolved. Muscle strength, weight gain, speech, unassisted ambulation, and emotional liability
improved. After five months with Se and NAC (1) he had regained 45 pounds, (2) restored to
premorbid emotional, academic, and athletic performance, and (3) tachycardia, hypertension, rash,
palmar skin changes, tremor, and insomnia had resolved. Features of this case include (1) improvement
after selenium and NAC supplementation (2) contrasted with continued deterioration after DMSA


Sep 6, 2020
From my experience it's very hard to get rid of mercury or any other toxicity you built up. Even with NB. I definitely detoxed with NB but it was quite slow in the grand scheme of things. A few years later and I still had mercury/heavy metal toxicity symptoms. Even after detoxing a shitload as per the hairtests. That was after 2-3 years of hardcore focussing on it.

Most people I know who did NB feel better after a few years and improved a lot. But if I look objectively at how they live life they still have to live a "healing" lifestyle or they fall off. That's just reality. They are not super healthy. It is not like they want from poor health to great health. Plus add the fact that it is slow. You will be doing that program forever.

I think if you really want to get rid of it you need quite an extreme approach with things like chelators, ALA, support and a good diet. Or bandaid yourself with things that make you feel better. Which is more Ray Peats approach.


Jan 6, 2019
From my experience it's very hard to get rid of mercury or any other toxicity you built up. Even with NB. I definitely detoxed with NB but it was quite slow in the grand scheme of things. A few years later and I still had mercury/heavy metal toxicity symptoms. Even after detoxing a shitload as per the hairtests. That was after 2-3 years of hardcore focussing on it.

Most people I know who did NB feel better after a few years and improved a lot. But if I look objectively at how they live life they still have to live a "healing" lifestyle or they fall off. That's just reality. They are not super healthy. It is not like they want from poor health to great health. Plus add the fact that it is slow. You will be doing that program forever.

I think if you really want to get rid of it you need quite an extreme approach with things like chelators, ALA, support and a good diet. Or bandaid yourself with things that make you feel better. Which is more Ray Peats approach.
Is it even reasonable to hope to ever reach a state of health that allows you to discard healthy lifestyle and live happily ever after? By doing so, you would begin to fall apart no matter who you are or where you are coming from. Is it not so? Perpetuating health does require constant work -- that's the basic starting point in my eyes!

A few questions if you don't mind:
What symptoms remain for you?
Which procedures/aspects of the program were you incorporating? Did you do IR?
What currently separates the people you describe from great health?


May 21, 2018
Liquid Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) should helpt with it. I'm trying it myself


Sep 6, 2020
Is it even reasonable to hope to ever reach a state of health that allows you to discard healthy lifestyle and live happily ever after? By doing so, you would begin to fall apart no matter who you are or where you are coming from. Is it not so? Perpetuating health does require constant work -- that's the basic starting point in my eyes!

A few questions if you don't mind:
What symptoms remain for you?
Which procedures/aspects of the program were you incorporating? Did you do IR?
What currently separates the people you describe from great health?

What I meant is that a lot of people following NB still have massive issues even after 5+ years of following the program. They are still forced to live quiet/slow lives with a lot of rest, detoxing, strict diet, etc.

I don't think health is constant work. If you are healthy you barely think about health. I know healthy people they just do whatever and are always fine. They go back to baseline always. That I think is hard to grasp for sick people.

It is constant work if you are sick for sure. But the fact that people still live that "healing" lifestyle after 5+ years to me shows that the program is slow and maybe not effective for certain problems.

That is what I mean is that a lot of people who follow NB do their program forever. And they are in that "healing" mindset forever. I think and that is my opinion because that program is very slow. I did it myself. It works but it is very slow. I didn't like that fact about it.

I also know people who do more extreme programs and they suffer much more temporarily but get out of the "sick realm" quite fast and then able to pick up life faster. I hope you understand what I mean.

Also read in some of Dr. Wilsons crazy ideas. He went crazy on some point. Just read his website. For me all this together turned me away from NB and focus on my own approach. But if it works for you keep doing it for sure.

He has some good tips for sure too. But it is sprinkled with insanity all over...


Sep 22, 2021
new york
What I meant is that a lot of people following NB still have massive issues even after 5+ years of following the program. They are still forced to live quiet/slow lives with a lot of rest, detoxing, strict diet, etc.

I don't think health is constant work. If you are healthy you barely think about health. I know healthy people they just do whatever and are always fine. They go back to baseline always. That I think is hard to grasp for sick people.

It is constant work if you are sick for sure. But the fact that people still live that "healing" lifestyle after 5+ years to me shows that the program is slow and maybe not effective for certain problems.

That is what I mean is that a lot of people who follow NB do their program forever. And they are in that "healing" mindset forever. I think and that is my opinion because that program is very slow. I did it myself. It works but it is very slow. I didn't like that fact about it.

I also know people who do more extreme programs and they suffer much more temporarily but get out of the "sick realm" quite fast and then able to pick up life faster. I hope you understand what I mean.

Also read in some of Dr. Wilsons crazy ideas. He went crazy on some point. Just read his website. For me all this together turned me away from NB and focus on my own approach. But if it works for you keep doing it for sure.
What in your opinion would be more rapid and provide quicker healing short term but more struggles.. that would lead to being healed faster and back to normal ? What protocol?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
What I meant is that a lot of people following NB still have massive issues even after 5+ years of following the program. They are still forced to live quiet/slow lives with a lot of rest, detoxing, strict diet, etc.

I don't think health is constant work. If you are healthy you barely think about health. I know healthy people they just do whatever and are always fine. They go back to baseline always. That I think is hard to grasp for sick people.

It is constant work if you are sick for sure. But the fact that people still live that "healing" lifestyle after 5+ years to me shows that the program is slow and maybe not effective for certain problems.

That is what I mean is that a lot of people who follow NB do their program forever. And they are in that "healing" mindset forever. I think and that is my opinion because that program is very slow. I did it myself. It works but it is very slow. I didn't like that fact about it.

I also know people who do more extreme programs and they suffer much more temporarily but get out of the "sick realm" quite fast and then able to pick up life faster. I hope you understand what I mean.

Also read in some of Dr. Wilsons crazy ideas. He went crazy on some point. Just read his website. For me all this together turned me away from NB and focus on my own approach. But if it works for you keep doing it for sure.

He has some good tips for sure too. But it is sprinkled with insanity all over...
What I meant is that a lot of people following NB still have massive issues even after 5+ years of following the program. They are still forced to live quiet/slow lives with a lot of rest, detoxing, strict diet, etc.

I don't think health is constant work. If you are healthy you barely think about health. I know healthy people they just do whatever and are always fine. They go back to baseline always. That I think is hard to grasp for sick people.

It is constant work if you are sick for sure. But the fact that people still live that "healing" lifestyle after 5+ years to me shows that the program is slow and maybe not effective for certain problems.

That is what I mean is that a lot of people who follow NB do their program forever. And they are in that "healing" mindset forever. I think and that is my opinion because that program is very slow. I did it myself. It works but it is very slow. I didn't like that fact about it.

I also know people who do more extreme programs and they suffer much more temporarily but get out of the "sick realm" quite fast and then able to pick up life faster. I hope you understand what I mean.

Also read in some of Dr. Wilsons crazy ideas. He went crazy on some point. Just read his website. For me all this together turned me away from NB and focus on my own approach. But if it works for you keep doing it for sure.

He has some good tips for sure too. But it is sprinkled with insanity all over...
Oh I read it wrong. I thought you were talking about OSR chelation saying it’s slow. You were saying that nutrition balancing and mineral balancing is slow. And it can be beneficial but slow. You’re saying something more targeted and “extreme” chelation might be necessary if you want change in this lifetime lol.

Are you familiar w OSR? It apparently doesn’t cause redistribution or bind to protective minerals like cutlers approach and has a high affinity for just mercury .. have you chelated before ? Or maybe high dose vitamin C/glutathione/selenium is a common protocol aside from synthetic chelators


Jul 25, 2013
I had success with Cutler's protocol, but I think the key was that I used DMPS vs DMSA, as the former is stronger and longer lasting mercaptan. Also, the protocol requires a lot of discipline, and takes time. Mercury is a difficult toxicity to remove. It sticks to sulfur groups, which are all over the body.


Jan 6, 2019
What I meant is that a lot of people following NB still have massive issues even after 5+ years of following the program. They are still forced to live quiet/slow lives with a lot of rest, detoxing, strict diet, etc.

I don't think health is constant work. If you are healthy you barely think about health. I know healthy people they just do whatever and are always fine. They go back to baseline always. That I think is hard to grasp for sick people.

It is constant work if you are sick for sure. But the fact that people still live that "healing" lifestyle after 5+ years to me shows that the program is slow and maybe not effective for certain problems.

That is what I mean is that a lot of people who follow NB do their program forever. And they are in that "healing" mindset forever. I think and that is my opinion because that program is very slow. I did it myself. It works but it is very slow. I didn't like that fact about it.

I also know people who do more extreme programs and they suffer much more temporarily but get out of the "sick realm" quite fast and then able to pick up life faster. I hope you understand what I mean.

Also read in some of Dr. Wilsons crazy ideas. He went crazy on some point. Just read his website. For me all this together turned me away from NB and focus on my own approach. But if it works for you keep doing it for sure.

He has some good tips for sure too. But it is sprinkled with insanity all over...
Do you know where I could converse with all these people? I've only come across a few people doing the program. There doesn't seem to exist any central hub for NBers, which is strange since thousands of people have done the program.

Would these very sick people fare any better on any other program?

Realistically, people who do whatever are slowly deteriorating. They just have a good baseline to mess around with so the decline will take a while. Even yogis and other paragons of health and longevity spend a significant portion of the day on health maintenance.

I personally don't know anyone who is in great health, even less so those who aren't constantly putting in effort or are otherwise surrounded by health-conducive circumstances. The masses are running around with multiple (sub)clinical diseases. Great health itself is rare regardless of what health framework we are dealing with.

Wilson is a weirdo, I agree. The underlying science behind HTMA seems sound, however. Healing, in the end, is slow, no matter what you do, is it not? Wilson thinks that complete recovery may take 10-15 years. This parallels Aajonus' view on recovery occuring at a rate of a few percents a year.

Other than building up and cleaning the most fundamental structures of the body, what else is there that we could even do? If it took us years to descend into our current sorry condition, why should recovery be any faster? Or am I, in my ignorance, missing some crucial treatment modality that accelerates healing? Where am I to turn to? NB is pretty much my last hope.

As for mercury detox, have you tried Aajonus' cheese cube trains?
Last edited:


May 13, 2015
I Believe this is a huge problem and causing many of peoples issues. I’m just looking for some advice or anecdotes of people who have suffered greatly and post removal detoxed w results.

From what Ive gathered mercury is at the root of iron mobilization issues. Causes Alzheimer’s autism and so on.

I know on here we tend to be anti supplements at times and say to focus on food and thyroid. Thing is we don’t live in a perfect world and sometimes we’re poisoned very much and dug ourselves into the ground w metal fillings. Trust me when you’re suffering enough and eating well, getting sunlight, drinking coffee etc ain’t cutting it, you’ll jump on the supplements.

The main issue is mercury damages the glutathione system. Displaces other minerals. So a good start is replenishing w minerals magnesium, zinc, iodine selenium. Ascorbic acid is known to be the best thing to increase glutathione. More then glutathione itself.

I have low iron numbers across the board, and low zinc. I eat a lb of red meat a day. I think I defiantly have a ton of FREE iron and am copper deficient. I’m desperately trying to get back to even functional, let alone thriving.

I’m on my own little detox protocol. Systematic enzymes in the morning. Copper sulfate topically and internally. Magnesium topically and bi-carb. Vitamin C ascorbic acid 1-2g a day. Zinc at night. Ionic selenium and iodine. Msm sulfur ,glycine.
On top of a diet w milk , eggs , honey , meat ,

Neurological issues is my worst symptom. Insane brain fog. Eyes are rly ****88 up which is tell tale. Tanked dhea preg and prog w out supplementation. Those are strongly copper dependent.

My goal is to restore mineral balance and give my body the building blocks it needs to heal itself. Up copper to get iron out of the tissue. Ascorbic acid for redox purposes.

Id rather not need chelation and hopefully i can heal. Has anyone heard of Or used OSR? Apparenly it chelates mercury very well w out the redistribution issues or affinity for good minerals.

Well, obviously you're trying really really hard to get straightened out. Mercury is tough; been there, done that. I'm probably still doing that. I was chelated for mercury around 1999(?) with DMSA + EDTA IV chelation, 20 treatments. It made me better, I think. It didn't cure me.

I had very low glutathione levels for many years. However, my glutathione level is now in the normal range, due to taking high dosing thiamine hcl for the past 19-20 months. Thiamine hcl raises glutathione. Thiamine also chelates heavy metals; they bind to the sulfur molecule in thiamine, ripping it apart and destroying it. There's more info about this regarding lead (I've got lead poisoning too) than there is about it working on mercury. The symptoms of lead poisoning exactly match the symptoms of thiamine deficiency/functional blockage; thiamine supplementation resolves the symptoms of lead poisoning.

Here's a link to a post I made previously with lots of links to research articles.
link: Low acetylcholine? Dysautonomia?

I’m on my own little detox protocol. Systematic enzymes in the morning. Copper sulfate topically and internally. Magnesium topically and bi-carb. Vitamin C ascorbic acid 1-2g a day. Zinc at night. Ionic selenium and iodine. Msm sulfur ,glycine.
There's quite a bit on line about zinc messing up the body's copper supply; you may want to look into that.

The risk of copper deficiency in patients prescribed zinc supplements - PubMed

The predictive value of low plasma copper and high plasma zinc in detecting zinc-induced copper deficiency - PubMed

" Zinc-induced copper deficiency is a condition whose diagnosis is often delayed allowing severe and usually irreversible neurology symptoms to develop. Plasma copper concentrations are usually low and plasma zinc concentrations high. The aim of this study was to measure the predictive value of this combination of results as a means of facilitating its early diagnosis. "


Jun 30, 2018
There's quite a bit on line about zinc messing up the body's copper supply; you may want to look into that.

The risk of copper deficiency in patients prescribed zinc supplements - PubMed

The predictive value of low plasma copper and high plasma zinc in detecting zinc-induced copper deficiency - PubMed

" Zinc-induced copper deficiency is a condition whose diagnosis is often delayed allowing severe and usually irreversible neurology symptoms to develop. Plasma copper concentrations are usually low and plasma zinc concentrations high. The aim of this study was to measure the predictive value of this combination of results as a means of facilitating its early diagnosis. "
Irreversible neurology symptoms huh? That's bound to scare the crap out of a few people that come across this and have been taking zinc supplements.


May 13, 2015
Irreversible neurology symptoms huh? That's bound to scare the crap out of a few people that come across this and have been taking zinc supplements.
yep. That was a quote from the linked PubMed article (above). Ray Peat isn't a fan of supplementing individual minerals; he recommends eating shellfish once a week instead.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Well, obviously you're trying really really hard to get straightened out. Mercury is tough; been there, done that. I'm probably still doing that. I was chelated for mercury around 1999(?) with DMSA + EDTA IV chelation, 20 treatments. It made me better, I think. It didn't cure me.

I had very low glutathione levels for many years. However, my glutathione level is now in the normal range, due to taking high dosing thiamine hcl for the past 19-20 months. Thiamine hcl raises glutathione. Thiamine also chelates heavy metals; they bind to the sulfur molecule in thiamine, ripping it apart and destroying it. There's more info about this regarding lead (I've got lead poisoning too) than there is about it working on mercury. The symptoms of lead poisoning exactly match the symptoms of thiamine deficiency/functional blockage; thiamine supplementation resolves the symptoms of lead poisoning.

Here's a link to a post I made previously with lots of links to research articles.
link: Low acetylcholine? Dysautonomia?

There's quite a bit on line about zinc messing up the body's copper supply; you may want to look into that.

The risk of copper deficiency in patients prescribed zinc supplements - PubMed

The predictive value of low plasma copper and high plasma zinc in detecting zinc-induced copper deficiency - PubMed

" Zinc-induced copper deficiency is a condition whose diagnosis is often delayed allowing severe and usually irreversible neurology symptoms to develop. Plasma copper concentrations are usually low and plasma zinc concentrations high. The aim of this study was to measure the predictive value of this combination of results as a means of facilitating its early diagnosis. "
thanks for the answer. I will try thiamine. I’ve used before. You used high dose? I supplement copper too this way my zinc doesn’t hammer my copper. I’m deficient all over. On top of severe mercury poisoning. I did a steroid cycle that messed me up badly crashing all hormones and was partying a lot throughout that phase w an already broken brain. Whole food isn’t going to cut it. I depleted myself badly


Sep 22, 2021
new york

thanks for the answer. I will try thiamine. I’ve used before. You used high dose? I supplement copper too this way my zinc doesn’t hammer my copper. I’m deficient all over. On top of severe mercury poisoning. I did a steroid cycle that messed me up badly crashing all hormones and was partying a lot throughout that phase w an already broken brain. Whole food isn’t going to cut it. I depleted myself badly
What does thiamine did you use? I have thiamine monotitrate

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Surprised nobody mentioned NBMI/OSR, Dr. Boys Haley's compound. Arguably, the best Hg chelator out there right now. I have had huge improvements using it, as many others have, but some have to start low and slow since some are more Hg toxic than others. If you have not heard of NBMI, here is a video of Dr. Haley talking about the compound:



Sep 22, 2021
new york
Surprised nobody mentioned NBMI/OSR, Dr. Boys Haley's compound. Arguably, the best Hg chelator out there right now. I have had huge improvements using it, as many others have, but some have to start low and slow since some are more Hg toxic than others. If you have not heard of NBMI, here is a video of Dr. Haley talking about the compound:


I did mention it in these comments a couple times ! Was hoping someone w an anecdote w respond. From what I’ve gathered it’s safe and doesn’t bind to protective minerals and has a strong affinity to mercury. No redistribution! Where do you source from? Fandchem? Looking forward to ordering some


May 13, 2015

thanks for the answer. I will try thiamine. I’ve used before. You used high dose? I supplement copper too this way my zinc doesn’t hammer my copper. I’m deficient all over. On top of severe mercury poisoning. I did a steroid cycle that messed me up badly crashing all hormones and was partying a lot throughout that phase w an already broken brain. Whole food isn’t going to cut it. I depleted myself badly
I'm taking 2 grams of thiamine hcl/day. I'm following Dr. Costantini's protocol.

Keep in mind that a thiamine deficiency will cause the blood/brain barrier to become compromised. Heavy metal poisoning depletes thiamine. Iron is also considered a heavy metal and wreaks havoc if it gets past a compromised blood/brain barrier and into the brain.

Alcohol depletes thiamine too, which can result in dementia caused by the absorption of iron into the brain.

I'm following Ray Peat's advice and relying on shellfish for my minerals. It's easy to goof up when supplementing individual minerals.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I did mention it in these comments a couple times ! Was hoping someone w an anecdote w respond. From what I’ve gathered it’s safe and doesn’t bind to protective minerals and has a strong affinity to mercury. No redistribution! Where do you source from? Fandchem? Looking forward to ordering some
Oh, I thought I had read it in a different thread, sorry. I have only heard of a few on this forum talk about using it, but I have been for a year and noticed elimination of Hg related symptoms. I now just do a couple days/week to keep some in circulation, in case some new Hg, or Hg released from deep tissue needs to get grabbed. I source from Fandachem, for now.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Oh, I thought I had read it in a different thread, sorry. I have only heard of a few on this forum talk about using it, but I have been for a year and noticed elimination of Hg related symptoms. I now just do a couple days/week to keep some in circulation, in case some new Hg, or Hg released from deep tissue needs to get grabbed. I source from Fandachem, for now.
Got it . Thank you : it’s very expensive right ? They said 800 dollars for 10 grams . What did you pay?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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