Canadian PM Just Confirmed The "Great Reset" Is Not A Conspiracy


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I know the readers here have suspected this for a long time and we have plenty of links posted on the forum about the "Great Reset" agenda from WEF. However, until now, there was not much in terms of official acknowledgment from world leaders that this agenda is about to be adopted/implemented. Now, the Canadian PM has stated this is exactly what is in the works, at least in Canada. Also, apparently completely very "curiously", several pro-globalization leaders keep using the same "Work Back Better"slogan borrowed from the WEF publications as a message for what awaits us. Biden, Trudeau, BJ, Merkel, etc are among the most highly visible ones to use it and have apparently also endorsed the "never going back" to normal narrative pushed by the WEF. If that is all true, then I guess "conspiracy" has now attained the same status in politics as the words "controversial" and "paradox" in medicine - i.e. linguistic tricks used to conceal either stunning idiocy/incompetence, evil deeds, or both.
'Great Reset' conspiracy theory takes Twitter by storm after Trudeau's speech on COVID-19

"...The re-emergence of a popular expression used in discourse by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has online media clients scrambling to look into the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset," recently excused by some as a mere conspiracy theory. An extract of an ongoing Trudeau discourse posted on Sunday has constrained some to reevaluate their suspicion over the 'Great Reset,' long pooh-poohed as a fear inspired notion regardless of being the title of a real proclamation for overall social change composed by Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum."

"...While some trust Covid-19 was purposely released to introduce the Great Reset, others think the WEF and the decision classes have only seized on the pandemic as the ideal occasion to force their arrangement on populaces improbable to grasp it in the event that they had a decision. Many were wary about plunging down the Reset hare opening while at the same time recognizing that a curiously enormous number of world pioneers and NGO chiefs were talking in comparable terms. US president-elect Joe Biden's mission trademark was "Work Back Better," while UK PM Boris Johnson declared months prior that his nation would utilize the Covid as an occasion to "work back better."

"...In the content of his "Great Reset" book, Schwab calls for worldwide pioneers to take advantage of the lucky break introduced by the Covid-19 pandemic to revamp society in their picture and pronounces the world will "never" get back to business as usualdespite the fact that the sickness itself doesn't "represent another existential danger" to humankind. "

@Drareg @boris @tankasnowgod @Regina
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
They will fail. :whistle


Jul 31, 2019
However, until now, there was not much in terms of official acknowledgment from world leaders that this agenda is about to be adopted/implemented.

The British Royal family already posted a reset video in June. I think the "conspiracy" has been out in the open for a while now. They seem pretty confident that everyone will happily come aboard to "create a more sustainable and inclusive tomorrow for everyone". I am afraid they are right. Fear is working wonders, and the majority of people in almost every society are basically shouting for an age of totalitarianism to safe the world.



Sep 10, 2019
I heard people talking about this at work today and they were just as pissed about it as we are.


Jul 31, 2019
I just read this funny NYT article "The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again." Reading the headline, I was curious to see how they would try to explain away the campaign of the WEF, and the fact that several politicians and heads of state have used the exact same phrases. But there is actually none of that in the article. The just call it baseless, that's it. Journalism at its' best.

The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again.


Oct 1, 2019
I just read this funny NYT article "The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again." Reading the headline, I was curious to see how they would try to explain away the campaign of the WEF, and the fact that several politicians and heads of state have used the exact same phrases. But there is actually none of that in the article. The just call it baseless, that's it. Journalism at its' best.

The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again.

The laziness of the fact checks is reaching new heights. It basically goes like this: "The Great Reset a crazy conspiracy theory about world leaders wanting to reshape the economy. In reality it's just a meeting of world leaders called The Great Reset, where they plan to reshape the economy. Here, debunked." :rolleyes:


Jul 31, 2019
The laziness of the fact checks is reaching new heights. It basically goes like this: "The Great Reset a crazy conspiracy theory about world leaders wanting to reshape the economy. In reality it's just a meeting of world leaders called The Great Reset, where they plan to reshape the economy. Here, debunked." :rolleyes:

Yeah, you can observe the IQ decline that haidut has been warning us about in real time, here.


Dec 16, 2017
The left in several countries, their agents, they are all in sync talking about it. They conspire together, the communist/marxist internationale.


Jul 30, 2020
When people dismiss something because it is labeled "conspiracy" it tells me that they lack an inquisitive mind and/or are overly trusting. People can be so easily manipulated using trigger words it's kind of scary, they are trained to respond a certain way to certain phrases like dogs.


Aug 13, 2020
I just read this funny NYT article "The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again." Reading the headline, I was curious to see how they would try to explain away the campaign of the WEF, and the fact that several politicians and heads of state have used the exact same phrases. But there is actually none of that in the article. The just call it baseless, that's it. Journalism at its' best.

The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again.

They came out with that article literally the same day that the WEF was celebrating and pimping the Great Reset.

NYT makes satire obsolete. It's getting to the point where I use them and similar MSM outlets as reverse indicators of what is true, e.g. it makes sense if you treat it like Bizarro (Superman comics) is talking, where everything is the opposite.


Jun 16, 2015
The elites are so out of touch. They were the ones that presided over the economic development scheme which they now say is bad.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
The elites used the current system to create the innovative environment necessary to create the technology needed to implement their one world government. As soon as the technology was ready, they are using its centralization abilities to destroy free enterprise and humanity.

Brilliantly executed plan by exceptionally evil control freaks.


Sep 24, 2016
Exactly right.

And they used to undermine and work against the liberal state with rule of law so not to pay too much taxes, be able to establish cartels, and have capital flow freely along the world without reach from governments.
All along they were „right-wing“ and the left around the world fought them

Now that they have acquired all the tech, resources and money they needed and have subverted and corrupted the state, they perform an about face. The State will have a big Comeback, Schwab himself said that in his book.
Why? Because now it’s gonna be a totalitarian rule. The State is necessary to control everything. It will also print money like not deemed possible.
Money is about to become something entirely different than what we know. Again, Schwab writes just that. The shareholder era is over.

And he writes about reconciling capitalism with socialism. That’s a pay-op, relabeling and reframing operation. Nothing of that sort will happen in a true sense as socialism was meant. It is to placate and even ally and control the left camp that once was their enemy. They have completely fooled the left. Played them and manipulated them. They know embrace and coopt the politics of their enemies because they think they too now want „social justice“, equality blah blah.

And that’s why the right is now the vilified and defamed camp. They are no the ones to fight the class war and will be destroyed by any means necessary.

Rupert Murdoch is a good example of what happened. Was key part and upper tier of the elites. Shilled and propagated „free narket“, „Liberty“ and small, powerless government for decades. Destroyed institutions and social democratic minded people. The middle-ground.
Than slowly but surely he became obsolete because the elites change tactics. Now his sons have taken over and fall online Wort the globalist great reset agenda.

The globalists performed a masterstroke with corrupting the left. Had they not, they would now face both piles of society as opposition, no chance of success that way. Now they have managed to coopt the left completely. Fanatized foot-soldiers, lackeys in administrations.


Sep 24, 2016
And it had to be the left.

The right would have never embraced total global rule and uniformation.
We know that healthy, androgen is people are more cooperative, peaceful and fair with a strong sense of justice. Integrity. Decency. These traits get cultivated on the right.

They would defend culture, tradition, also nations. Never world they have given in to global totalitarianism.

The left, even the Original uncorrupted Marxists and socialists always aspired a global model. That’s where they could be picked up.
But uncorruoted, „healthy“ left would never have bowed to the elites they now are enslaved to without them knowing. Quite the opposite.
So the left had to be weakened and derailed. Class struggle was replaced by identity and diversity gender bullcrap. The minds and bodies poisoned and weakened with decades onslaught of serotonin, cortisol, pufa insanity. These crazed hordes now are so primed and hellbent on totalitarian salvation it doesn’t need much more. They will still virtue signal when they slaughter the evil fascist right-wingers in the street.
Happy to step into the new great reset green new deal utopian era when they happily own nothing


Oct 16, 2017
And it had to be the left.

The right would have never embraced total global rule and uniformation.
We know that healthy, androgen is people are more cooperative, peaceful and fair with a strong sense of justice. Integrity. Decency. These traits get cultivated on the right.

They would defend culture, tradition, also nations. Never world they have given in to global totalitarianism.

The left, even the Original uncorrupted Marxists and socialists always aspired a global model. That’s where they could be picked up.
But uncorruoted, „healthy“ left would never have bowed to the elites they now are enslaved to without them knowing. Quite the opposite.
So the left had to be weakened and derailed. Class struggle was replaced by identity and diversity gender bullcrap. The minds and bodies poisoned and weakened with decades onslaught of serotonin, cortisol, pufa insanity. These crazed hordes now are so primed and hellbent on totalitarian salvation it doesn’t need much more. They will still virtue signal when they slaughter the evil fascist right-wingers in the street.
Happy to step into the new great reset green new deal utopian era when they happily own nothing
It's no wonder why the "left" looks like that now. In the 19 and 20 centuries, the left was remarkable, it fought imperialism, fought hierarchism, put class struggle into notice. But the right-wing won. Zionism, Bankers and eugenicists won. The CIA, FBI, and the Zionists with the help of the media created a massive anti-communism cult, they have massive operations to misinform about communism and against communist acts and people.

Fascists, eugenicists, capitalists, zionists, nazis all where together to combat the left. Our media now is controlled by an elite which uses capitalism, imperialism to enrich themselves.

Funnily, Zionists spread and conquered power in different countries thanks to great cooperation between them, massively financing poor zionists in other countries, they achieved absurd power.

The actual "left" is just a controlled opposition created by the eugenicist and zionist elite to enrich them, and divide and conquer us. The left is about egalitarianism (anti-hierarchical).
Controlled Opposition, Left Vs Right
@Energizer Finally coming back?
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Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
They will fail. :whistle
1) hubris
2) listening to their own "polls" and belief in their models & simulations
3) belief that essentially their technologies for surveillance & control are infallible
4) disdain for the creator

But they could make a real mess of the world in the meantime.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
But they could make a real mess of the world in the meantime.
They have already done that. I think we are about to take the world back.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
Great comment on ZH by Faeriedust in response to "So what is "the great reset":

"Before we get all alarmed by these revelations, we need to remember that the World Economic Forum is DAVOS. And Klaus Schwab, a man who has been gifted with a million-dollar prize by the State of Israel, is its sole founder and originator. No matter how popular the conference is as THE place to meet People Who Matter, it is run by a proprietary NGO out of Geneva, controlled by the same clique previously responsible for the League of Nations and currently controlling the majority of permanent UN bureaucracies.

In other words, these are the ravings of a single elitist idiot who surrounds himself with like minds and then thinks that his ideas are actually popular. He comes from and has created a continuing culture of overprivileged professional Speakers, people who think that what they say to each other Really Matters when it's no more important than the panel presentations at your local science-fiction convention, and far less likely to result in innovation that will change the world (a lot of sci-fi geeks are professional engineers). For all the high-sounding rhetoric, what this man has actually created is a popular social club for rich a-holes. When it comes to actually doing the hard work of materializing their dreams, you couldn't come up with a less effective demographic, because most of these people have never even learned to feed themselves, let alone iron their own starched shirts. Their reality-testing is severely limited."
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