Century-long metabolic decline, not less exercise and/or more eating, causing the obesity epidemic

Sep 5, 2016
This explanation would complement Peat's stress theory of disease nicely. Another interesting complementary dimension is added by Lawrence Wilson's idea of directional energy, in which downward energy flow corresponds with parasympathetic activity and upward flow with sympathetic activity. Indeed, it seems that pulling energy down to the feet and hands so that they begin to tingle, as well as relaxing the body and slowing down the breathing combine into a powerful self-reinforcing trinity. Doing them all together calms the body and feels very pleasurable. A 30 minute session of this often leaves me feeling incredibly sane, joyful and calmly focused, moreso than doing any of them separately.

Thanks for this interesting post. How does one "pull energy down to the feet and hands"?


Jan 6, 2019
I think those are all good thoughts. I was a big fan of Wilson's work back in the day (like 8 years ago) but he's kind of gone off the deep-end lately. However, a lot of his ideas have some degree of merit. With the "pulling energy down" technique being so helpful I've felt all kinds of positive benefits from grounding, Dan Tien-type exercises, etc. I think we have such an intellectual/theorizing type culture now that, combined with screen exposure, TV, etc. causes most of us in the West to walk around with too much energy in our heads.

I doubt Buteyko said that, it sounds more like something Rakimov would say (as I understand that Buteyko tried all sorts of things to get people's CP up but nothing worked consistently except hypoventilation). By the way, have you worked with him to try to raise your own CP? I came across him years ago and have heard mixed reviews about his approach and claims as to "holding the lineage" (so to speak) of Buteyko's work.
Yeah, it probably was Rakimov. I tried skimming through Buteyko's Moscow lecture transcript and couldn't find him saying that. I haven't worked with R, just self-taught myself what I could with the help of internet.

Agree about Wilson, he has some wild ideas. To be honest, his craziness just makes me like him more, hehe. At least the underlying science (htma) is pretty sound.

Thanks for this interesting post. How does one "pull energy down to the feet and hands"?
It's something you learn quickly by just trying to do it. Different people will find different cues helpful. I like to imagine that I'm either shooting energy out of my soles and palms, or exhaling out of them. When your soles and palms begin to tingle pleasurably, you're doing it right. The harder you focus the stronger the tingling will become. Over time you learn to push your whole internal energic body out of your feet into the ground, so to speak, as if you were emptying your body. Once you get a hang of it, you will be able to do it while watching TV, walking outside, and so on. Racking in multiple of hours per day becomes relatively easy because doing it is so pleasurable. Gradually you will notice that you're more relaxed, more grounded and less reactive. Even your posture may improve as you pull down through various areas of tension. A more thorough explanation can be found here: meditation
Sep 5, 2016
It's something you learn quickly by just trying to do it. Different people will find different cues helpful. I like to imagine that I'm either shooting energy out of my soles and palms, or exhaling out of them. When your soles and palms begin to tingle pleasurably, you're doing it right. The harder you focus the stronger the tingling will become. Over time you learn to push your whole internal energic body out of your feet into the ground, so to speak, as if you were emptying your body. Once you get a hang of it, you will be able to do it while watching TV, walking outside, and so on. Racking in multiple of hours per day becomes relatively easy because doing it is so pleasurable. Gradually you will notice that you're more relaxed, more grounded and less reactive. Even your posture may improve as you pull down through various areas of tension. A more thorough explanation can be found here: meditation

Thank you, this explanation and the linked info are helpful. Looking forward to trying this technique.


May 5, 2022
I think the obesity epidemic can be pretty well explained by a few simple factors. I’m sure there are nuances, but the following account for a LOT and several of these haven’t been mentioned yet:

1) antidepressants/other psychotropic drugs, birth control pills / IUDs and other very widely used drugs that cause weight gain. This is a massive contributor no one talks about.

2) PUFAs

3) dieting culture - very effective way to keep gaining weight (yo-yo)

4) artificial sweeteners / diet sodas - these are legendary for causing weight gain

5) ubiquitousness of addictive snack foods like Doritos and Pringles and the like

6) nutrient depleted soil - need more to be satisfied

7) pesticides and other environmental toxins


Apr 19, 2020
Agreed. Well, at least glyphosate is now banned in the EU, isn't it? One less poison to worry about there. It is still used most everywhere else, AFAIK.
I have heard farmers say (in person when I mentioned glyphosate/cancer studies) that it was inert after spraying on the fields within 24 hours. FFS.... This was 12 years ago or so. Also relatively under the radar is Cadmium toxicity. It is in the superphosphate mix that farmers spread for fertiliser.
I checked about 10 years ago, and the Danish Gov't had Cadmium levels at about 10,000 times more SAFE than certain areas of NZ. They do very intensive dairy farming in the Waikato, and milking frequency I heard was up to 3x day. I just looked it up and there are 3 Milks in 2 days, and 10 milks in 7 day intervals considered sustainable. IMO it is called greed. But.... the cadmium levels.... do check it out.


Mar 21, 2021
It says right there in my post - 3rd world countries typically do not consume a lot of PUFA (as it is a product of mechanized agriculture), do not often use Western drugs, or have the same levels of persistent chronic stress. That is changing for some of those countries as they "modernize", and consequently their rates of "western" diseases and especially obesity/diabetes have skyrocketed. Look at obesity/diabetes rate changes in India and China over the last 50 years.

View: https://youtu.be/UuzFzVe2FKY?t=4680

At the 1 hour and 18 minute mark
RFK Jr talks about the rise in autism, autoimmune and allergies and a bunch of other conditions in children that started spiking in 1989 after a bunch vaccines were added to the vaccine schedule in 1986.

About the 1 hour and 44 minute mark he talks about the aluminum adjunctive that is in vaccines that create an immune reaction to anything in the vaccine. So if you put a dead virus in a vaccine the body wouldn’t react, but add the aluminum adjunctive then the immune system over reacts to everything. Then he mentioned they used peanut oil in some of these vaccines which could be the reason we see the rise of peanut allergies and he also said they used other tree nut oils which we know are PUFAs.

So we have seen the rise of heart attacks, cancer , diabetes and Alzheimer’s since PUFAs were introduced in the early 1900’s but they skyrocketed in the 90’s.

So up until the 1990’s cancer, heart attacks , Alzheimer’s ,diabetes were condition that happened, but not as common as now and were usually later in life and almost nonexistent prior to the introduction of PUFAs into our food system.

So PUFAs we’re damaging but it’s seems it took longer for the effects.

Now were are seeing this skyrocketing obesity, cancers, heart disease in the younger populations.

So could there be some connection with this aluminum adjunctive combined with some pufa oil in the vaccine or they consumed some pufa in some food they ate right after the vaccination that is making pufa’s even more damaging to the body and cellular metabolism and could this be contributing to the earlier metabolic disease that is skyrocketing in young people?

There could be a million things contributing,
But do you think there is anything to this?


Mar 29, 2016
I think that the pernicious psyop of distracting the world from the devastating but unreported decline in metabolism is the real story here. The resulting increase in reductive stress leading to the many diseases of organ destruction and eventual failure at an early age is masked by establishment medicine distracting us into looking at the wrong places like cholesterol and blood pressure.

While they keep telling us our thyroid is fine while they're not with another false set of tests in the thyroid panel (TSH, T3, T4) and their maliciously intentionally misleading interpretation.

While we stay glued to monitoring our blood pressure with blood pressure monitors, and as we ignore the use of tools to monitor our metabolism. Even in this forum, not many would care to use an ECG to monitor his QTc, nor a neuro hammer to test his Achilles tendon reflex. What more with the rest of the world?


Sep 20, 2023
PUFAS are a factor in the obesity epidemic, but i believe the evidence for pesticides is overwhelming.

In the glyphosate study, the infinitesimal dose of 4 ng/kg/day was enough to multiply the blood triglyceride concentration in rats by a factor of 10 in 2 years.

Now let's think about that for a few seconds...
Where is the glyphosate study that you are referring to?
Mar 10, 2021
It says right there in my post - 3rd world countries typically do not consume a lot of PUFA (as it is a product of mechanized agriculture), do not often use Western drugs, or have the same levels of persistent chronic stress. That is changing for some of those countries as they "modernize", and consequently their rates of "western" diseases and especially obesity/diabetes have skyrocketed. Look at obesity/diabetes rate changes in India and China over the last 50 years.
I imagine in Africa they get a lot more sunshine too.
Mar 10, 2021
According to the latest studies, women in that same age "consume" almost as much porn as males, even though a lot fewer of them are celibate. Not to mention the now completely normalized and ubiquitous possession/usage of female "sex toys" like vibrators, mechanical dild*s, and various other...tools. Most men would still be laughed out of the room if they mentioned in a social gathering they bought/have something like...a flesh-light. So, whatever is happening is affecting both sexes, just as obesity is.
I think porn is creepy.
Mar 10, 2021
Maybe I'm reading into it too much but by just looking at how people in general walk it feels like we are much less capable as a species. It might be cultural to some extent. Not looking on a phone all the time, different shoes, more freedom to "be you" etc. But I wonder how much of it is just general degeneration of our physiology - low metablic rate, endotoxin etc. Even though it might not look like we're complete Quasimodos, looking closely at how people walk you see things like jerky hip swaying, assymetrical swaying of the arms, hunched forward, uneven shoulders etc. When looking at the 1930's people at first they all look like they have some sort of long lost cultural integrity, a base of confidence in their presence. Looking closer at how they actually move there is a lot more uniformity between persons; relaxed shoulders and less lateral sway of the hips.

New York 2021:

View: https://youtu.be/yhkbg8p2Gts?t=228

New York 1930's:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePH--widhXk

I love this kind of seeing is believing stuff. What a difference in peoples appearance and just the very fact that people walked more back in the healthier days, even in high heels!
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