Low Toxin Logs Charlie's Low Toxin Lifestyle (diet, supplements, etc)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
This is not log per say, simply because I really do not have the time to log a complete picture. But I will use this thread to post a general all around of how I am doing this low toxin lifestyle, and any tips/tricks that I learn along the way.

First, this lifestyle has taken me from what I felt was the brink of death and now I am thriving with plenty of energy, deep sleep, and continually improving digestion and basically continually improving everything. I do not want to get into all the specifics, but it truly is a miracle the turnaround that was made in a little under 2 years. My brother was just telling me yesterday that I look so strong and vibrant and continue to get more of both. He calls it the miracle turnaround.

Going in, I knew this would be a commitment and am in it for the long haul. Same with Peating, the drain PUFA in 4 or 7 years mantra was big back in the day, so I decided to stick in that long to prove right or wrong. It was proven wrong in my case. So for the low toxin lifestyle, the theory is the liver is slap full of "vitamin A" (vA) and it takes quite a while to remove the vA. So, I am committed to walking this out. And so far, the results have been nothing but incredible. The "detox events" can be a bear sometimes, but every single time I come out on the other side stronger, more vibrant, and just all around healthier.

Here is some info about what I am eating. I do hesitate to post it, because what works for me might not work for you. But this is how I am rolling right now and it can indeed change. Also my diet is very simple because I am not married at the moment so basically doing all the food prep myself so I keep it simple as possible.

-Lean Steak(filet), lean hamburgers with beef or bison, Turkey, Chicken
-Brown rice, white rice (rice from Thailand due to low mercury)
-Thailand rice noodles
-White corn masa (I make arepas with this), white corn
-sourdough bread
-pinto beans, black beans
-oats, i make oatmeal bars with banana. delish!
-apples, bananas
-pure water, reverse osmosis or distilled
-pure white salt (jacobsons salt co) dont do the Peat suggested Mortons salt, it has one of the highest lead readings
-I keep fat low as possible, will cook with coconut oil.

I soak beans and rice overnight. I do organic and grass fed when possible.

I also have cake recipe I have been doing well on, using pure glucose. I will post later. Delish! :drool

When I eat out, I go to buffalo wild wings and have their french fries as they are cooked in tallow and will have 4 hamburger patties. I get everything plain with no seasonings and bring my own salt. I do not suggest potatoes often because of the solanine will eventually cause issues if not cleared by the liver. So it is best to limit potatoes for most people, and if a person is really toxic then potatoes should be off the list. Again make no mistake, potatoes will eventually cause issues for most people if eaten regularly.

I use coconut oil if I need to warm something up in the pan. And I use dextrose which is pure glucose when I need extra sugar like when I wake up in the morning.

I use 50/50 salt for all my salt needs. Here is the recipe below. I even take it with me when I eat out, I ask them not to put any spices or salt or pepper on my food and I use my 50/50 salt instead.

50/50 Salt Recipe
-50% Potassium Chloride 8 ounces
-50% Salt 8 ounces (Jacobsons Salt co.)
-1/2 Teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (some people use 1/4 teaspoon)

One of the most important aspects about the low vA diet is pooping. If you are not pooping, you are not getting the toxins out. Simple as that. And if you have cholestasis, the toxins are dumping into the blood and some will leave through the skin as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. So you have to get bile moving and out of the body. Soluble fiber is so important for this. So beans, psyllium husks, etc are needed to pull out the bile. Not only does soluble fiber stimulate the liver to excrete bile, it also grabs ahold of the bile and moves it out the body into the toilet. For some, adding in soluble fiber can be a rough go at first, so backing down and easing back into it keeping to a comfortable level is good. Detoxing is truly and art, and artform you will perfect as you go. As your bile starts flowing better, and your bile acid profile changes, digestion will continue to improve.

Another very important and incredible way to get the poop going, is potassium. In the low vA groups many have noticed potassium is a game changer. And for me, it was an absolute game changer for me. Magnesium is another. Dr. Smith in his practice has found that magnesium as magnesium chloride topically stands alone on its ability to bring up magnesium stores. He says it works 10 times better then anything else. I have found this to be true. So, for my topical magnesium I use this recipe:

Magnesium & Potassium (MAGA-Pot) Recipe
It's important to note that potassium chloride doesn't blend well with alcohol, necessitating the addition of extra water for proper integration.
Here's the formula for Magnesium and Potassium mix:
  • 1 cup of magnesium chloride in either powder or flake form
  • 1 TBSP of potassium chloride in powder form
  • 1/2 cup of a clear alcoholic drink, preferably 80 proof (which is 40% alcohol by volume - I opt for Kirkland/Costco Tequila for its superior aroma compared to vodka)
  • 1/2 cup of purified water, be it reverse osmosis, distilled, or deionized
Recommended usage for MAGA-Pot ranges between 20-40 sprays daily. This suggestion is based on the typical plastic hair spray pump bottle used for magnesium oils. I've discovered that this blend, incorporating water and not just alcohol, along with both magnesium and potassium, offers a more agreeable experience and is more effectively absorbed by the skin compared to a formula that only includes alcohol and magnesium.
You can also do baths with magnesium and potassium. It is important NOT to use magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt) as the sulfur slows down the detox system. Also, keep in mind that if you water is high in copper, this can be an issue as the copper is absorbed very easy. Personally, I stay away from baths.
Bath Recipe:
  • Between 1 and 1.5 cups of magnesium chloride powder
  • 1 tablespoon of potassium chloride
So again, pooping is crucial. Ideally a person should be pooping first thing when they wake up, then after every meal. Many of us are noticing the size of our poops are monumental, this is what you want. Me and my brother are head members of the "logs for life" club. Hope to see you in there soon.

As far as supplements. I will post my stack below. Did I start on all these at first, no way. And I had a very hard time with Selenium(Sel) and Molybdenum(Molyb) at first. I was extremely copper toxic going into this, I thought I had full blown Parkinsons. Come to find out after testing it was copper toxicity. I think copper toxicity is running rampant alongside vA toxicity and a lot are suffering from it without realizing.

I also had a very hard time with zinc due to it displacing copper. So when I would introduce Sel, Molyb and zinc I would literally feel like I was getting fried by electricity due to my liver trying to remove the copper and also other heavy metals and toxins. It is not until recently have I been able to tolerate all three, and I think a big reason for that is the introduction of Niacin as Nicotic Acid. Niacin has been an absolute game changer. Dr. Smith says it opens up the bottlenecks of detoxification, and boy oh boy does it do that. Toxins are literally ooozing out of every pore and fluid of my body to get out. The profound changes that happen with Niacin are nothing short of miraculous. I have some family members around me who have not started the diet yet, and they have started the Niacin and it has been a game changer for them. Better sleep, more energy, etc.

I am also trialing CDS right now to help oxidize the toxins. I am only taking a very small dose and I do not recommend anyone taking this without doing full research into it. This is not a game.

So, for my family members. My first recommendation to them for supplements is Niacin, then Magnesium and Potassium. Once they get a solid feel and foundation built on those, then I advise them to start looking at Sel, Molyb, and Zinc all the while making sure you are getting good clean sodium too.
My supplement stack:

-MAGA-Pot Spray (recipe above)
-Magnesium Lotion (I am current using Dr. Smiths Magnesium Lotion)
-Nicotic Acid Spray (I will post recipe soon)

-Niacin as Nicotinic Acid (make sure to buffer if going over 100mg. I will post a buffering chart soon)
-Potassium Bicarbonate (I use this to buffer the Niacin)
-Potassium Gluconate
-Magnesium Hydroxide (I find a small amount like 200mg can help achieve 3 poop's a day for me)
-Selenium (sodium selenite)
-Molybdenum (sodium molybdate)
-Zinc (zinc picolinate) Important to stay below 30mg unless testing blood levels.
-Vitamin B1 (thiamine pyrophosphate and thiamine HCl)
-Vitamin B5
I am also going to be trialing B7 due to @haidut's recent findings. Dr. Smith has said that he believes the B Vitamins are simply antidotes for toxins. My experience backs up his claims.

Sunlight is important to detox vA, so getting plenty of safe amounts of sunlight is important. When I am not able to get sunlight I supplement with tanning beds. Will sunlight get rid of excess vA from a vA rich diet? No way, you cannot out sunlight a vA heavy diet.

Breathing is such another important part about all this. If you notice, mainstream knowledge is all about "anti-oxidants". Well, oxidation is life, no wonder they are against oxidation. And a huge amount of detox of Aldehydes happens through the lungs. So breathing can be another game change as I have found this to be true. I am using Rome Za's breathing program. It has taken my detoxing up another level and has profoundly changed me. This is so important, do not miss this. I am in no way affiliated with Rome I am only a user of his breathing program.

Another big aspect is EMF mitigation. When the correct EMF mitigation is applied, the detox capacity of the body increases dramatically. If I had to pick of only two things I could use for detoxing, they would be Niacin and the proper EMF mitigation. These two things have made the biggest and most profound changes in my life and my family members around me. Truly mitigating EMF removes an incredible amount of stress from the body so that it can then use that energy to detox instead.

Clean water is another very important aspect, so distilled water is best and then reverse osmosis is second best. Either one of these will be fine. If you are worried about no minerals in the water, sprinkling a bit of 50/50 salt.

I am also doing infrared sauna and ozone sauna's with CO2. Both of these are absolute game changers. Especially when used in tandem with Niacin. I used the Ozone Lady website to get the instructions for the sauna. Here is the link:

That is about all I can think of right now. I will update this thread as I can. If I make any changes to the OP I will post about it in the thread. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer best I can.

Edit to add cake and oat bar recipe:

Cake Recipe:

Here is the link to the recipe: Easiest Vanilla Cake (No eggs, No milk, No butter!)

Obviously I do not use table sugar, instead I use dextrose which can easily be found on Amazon. Also, instead of canola oil I use coconut oil. I also try and use the best vanilla extract as possible. And for flour I have been using Italian organic flour that is non fortified.
Banana Oat Bar Recipe:

2.5 Cups of oats
2 cups of water
2 bananas
2 or 3 tablespoons of dextrose ( you can adjust this to your liking)

1. In a pot, heat up water and dextrose.
2. add 2.5 cups of oats to mixing bowl
3. add heated water/dextrose to the oats and mix
4. while oats are soaking up the water, take 2 bananas and mush them real good with a fork.
5. mix bananas in with oats
6. I use a clay type baking pan and put parchment paper on it for ease of cleaning
7. spread out oats on parchment paper.
8. bake oat bars for about 45 minutes on 350. Sometimes I go a little longer because I like them crispy a bit.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I have added this to the original post:

I am also doing infrared sauna and ozone sauna's with CO2. Both of these are absolute game changers. Especially when used in tandem with Niacin. I used the Ozone Lady website to get the instructions for the sauna. Here is the link:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The reasoning behind the 5 Big minerals (magnesium, potassium, selenium, molybdenum, and zinc) is that toxins crowd these out and that is why the liver starts basically shutting down the detox capacity. The balance of the body gets shifted over to toxicity running the show which leads to degeneration. All the toxins crowd out the Big 5, and the chemical balance gets messed up to where you hold onto more and more toxins. So when you start introducing the Big 5 back in, the balance starts to shift, the liver starts to fire back up, and the toxins start purging. It literally become biologically impossible for the toxins to stay in due to the opposing nature of the Big 5. So simple, but yet so powerful. And Niacin as Nicotinic acid super charges all these. Start shifting the balance from toxicity, over to the Big 5, along with Niacin. And everything changes.


Sep 13, 2012
Thanks for the write up Charlie, this is awesome! Did you do any labwork or hair tests?

I'm curious did you use magnesium supplements regularly before this? I was always big on epsom salt baths. When I got the severe TMJ in 2019 I started using mag chloride lotion on my face every night and it cured it pretty quickly to the point I don't need the lotion at all anymore, now it tends to give me a little too much energy as opposed to feeling relaxed. Magnesium is a catabolic mineral according to the late Dr Revici, a lot of people are too anabolic (sluggish) thus they wake up all night with blood sugar crashes, the mag can push one the opposite direction so they can sleep, but going too far can lead to too much energy at night vs relaxation. I think I need more potassium now.

Also, what symptoms did you have during detox waves?

What was the reasoning behind using vit B5?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thanks for the write up Charlie, this is awesome! Did you do any labwork or hair tests?
About 3 months into it I had a consult with Smith but that is pretty much all I did other then some T tests. So he did the blood tests and hair test. Btw, working with Smith one on one is a totally different story from his online persona. I found him to be quite the gentleman and was very empathetic and respectful towards me. I have only talked to him one time though during my initial consultation with him. But it was a smooth call and I was impressed. The rest were the office visits which are a group setting so I did not interact during that.
I'm curious did you use magnesium supplements regularly before this?
No not steadily. I use magnesium and potassium daily now. These are game changers.
I think I need more potassium now.
When I finally got potassium right, it increased my forward progress greatly.
Also, what symptoms did you have during detox waves?
During detox events it feels just like a flu or cold. Because like Smith says, that is all that a flu or cold or virus is, a detox event. I can tell when I am moving copper because it will cause headaches, internal tremors, constipation, anxiety, just a really bad off feeling, the jewels will ache, just typical copper detox stuff.
What was the reasoning behind using vit B5?
That was because of the user @youngsinatra and his experience with it so I started it back up. I do find it helps but I only take a small amount.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I think I need more potassium now.
Magnesium calls on processes that use up potassium. So, if one is supplementing magnesium without potassium that can lead to an even farther deficiency then the body already has. Detoxing also uses up quite a bit of both of these so a steady supply is needed from my observations.


Sep 13, 2012
About 3 months into it I had a consult with Smith but that is pretty much all I did other then some T tests. So he did the blood tests and hair test. Btw, working with Smith one on one is a totally different story from his online persona. I found him to be quite the gentleman and was very empathetic and respectful towards me. I have only talked to him one time though during my initial consultation with him. But it was a smooth call and I was impressed. The rest were the office visits which are a group setting so I did not interact during that.

No not steadily. I use magnesium and potassium daily now. These are game changers.

When I finally got potassium right, it increased my forward progress greatly.

During detox events it feels just like a flu or cold. Because like Smith says, that is all that a flu or cold or virus is, a detox event. I can tell when I am moving copper because it will cause headaches, internal tremors, constipation, anxiety, just a really bad off feeling, the jewels will ache, just typical copper detox stuff.

That was because of the user @youngsinatra and his experience with it so I started it back up. I do find it helps but I only take a small amount.
Yeah I have messaged with him on FB a long time ago maybe 2015? He was cordial until I taunted him about drinking coke and feeling good because he always said soda was toxic. I was a real Ray Peat cultist back then. He blocked me. I regret how I behaved. I don't get how many people get butt hurt when he blocks people, it's only natural when someone is behaving badly. He can pick and choose who gets to be in his circle.

Yeah I'm so nervous about potassium supps though! I will try more bananas and see if that helps if it does then I guess I do need more.

I had a couple yrs recently where I got some pretty nasty colds, so far I haven't been sick since June I think it's because I spent hours outside weeding this summer. I do think that really helps with detox, but no it can't overcome a high vit A diet (and low fiber diet like I had). Copper is nasty, I think that's why I struggle to take much niacin right now.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Yeah I'm so nervous about potassium supps though! I will try more bananas and see if that helps if it does then I guess I do need more.
It's amazing how people are nervous about potassium, I see it all around me. Literally one of the most important ones and people are afraid of it.
Copper is nasty, I think that's why I struggle to take much niacin right now.
OH yeh, I have had to back down quite a few times because Niacin starts pushing copper too hard.


Sep 13, 2012
It's amazing how people are nervous about potassium, I see it all around me. Literally one of the most important ones and people are afraid of it.

OH yeh, I have had to back down quite a few times because Niacin starts pushing copper too hard.
What do you think about the idea that getting enough salt spares potassium? Basically making sure we aren't peeing the potassium out.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
What do you think about the idea that getting enough salt spares potassium? Basically making sure we aren't peeing the potassium out.
I am not sure. I know sodium goes high in some people with copper toxicity. I think that is the bodies way of trying to protect against the copper toxicity.


Nov 6, 2020
Thanks for the write up, that really doesn't look much different from stuff I eat, except for the beans and banana, and I eat dairy.

I skimmed it on a break at work.

Can you also add what you were eating/supplements when you were peating for any easy comparison early in the thread.


May 3, 2019
I've seen and heard that Dr. Smith's goal for people is to become vitamin A deficient, according to lab work.
That is one of the end goals I presume, amongst other things related to lowering toxins, overall.
Charlie, do you know if he views copper in the same light?
Should one strive to be copper deficient in the same context as vitamin A, from Smith's perspective?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Charlie, do you know if he views copper in the same light?
Should one strive to be copper deficient in the same context as vitamin A, from Smith's perspective?
Smith is becoming more and more convinced that copper is a toxin. I think he might have already fully committed to it, but he was being careful not to totally say it was for a while. He has shown, and I have seen people in the low vA groups that when people think they are copper deficient, they are actually super copper toxic. One lady, @Hope, her doctors diagnosed her copper deficient, super low blood copper. Well, she knew different and instead treated herself as copper toxic. It took her about 3 years I think, and then the liver finally started letting go of the copper and dumping it, literally electrocuting her in the process. Now, her doctors have diagnosed her as copper toxic. However, she knows that she was always copper toxic and now the body is finally letting go of that copper and she is getting better and better. Copper is just plain awful, I suffered greatly because of it and wish it upon no one. And getting it out is quite the challenge and when its coming out it causes immense discomfort and just messes with the entire body electrical system. I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger the more of it that comes out. So I am in agreement with Smith, copper should be limited as much as possible. From food, jewelry, water as in drinking water, shower/bath water, etc.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Organized life would not exist without copper.
That is what the science gods would have you believe. That is being challenged now.


May 3, 2019
@charlie Utterly fascinating developments going on around here.

Quite remarkable, actually.
Thank you for your detailed response.

I've begun to embark on this journey, although it contradicts most things I've come to understand from a 'Ray Peat perspective'.
But, I embrace the challenge of my former knowledge, and I'm excited to see the good it brings.

1 Corinthians 8:2-4
2 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.


Aug 17, 2018
Would molasses be a good source of sugar? Looking at the composition, it's mostly sucrose.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Would molasses be a good source of sugar? Looking at the composition, it's mostly sucrose.
That is a good question but I am not sure. Maybe someone else will be able to chime in.


Sep 13, 2012
Molasses is high in iron. Probably fine once in a while but not as a staple.


Sep 6, 2020
How do you know your liver is compromised? What are the symptoms? If you don't have them, can you eat a more relaxed diet?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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