Cheers from Iceland


Oct 18, 2013
Although I've been posting for some time I haven't formally introduced myself. So without further delay here am I.

I am a 35 year old transwoman(so I have had my share of experimenting with hormones) who happened on Peat when I was younger and suffering from hairloss. I also had a bad bout of Anorexia Nervosa which thankfully only lasted a few months before I came to my senses(300 calories a day on fat and protein only is a bad idea).

Due to lack of quality(as in ripe) fruits in Iceland I have had to limit my fruit intake. Pricing is also an issue which is probably why you'll never find a fruitarian in Iceland. I drink OJ if I can, but due to medical problems I have to avoid OJ that has some fibre in it(I could probably try to strain it, but I am also a bit paranoid). On the other hand, Iceland has some really good ******* dairy although as of late more and more dairy products are finding themselves contaminated by ***t like Carrageenan. Thankfully milk has no additives, and Skyr - which is a kind of liquid cheese - is more or less additive free. Fun to mention that the traditional way to eat Skyr is with some milk and lots of sugar, which I find rather Peat-ish.

I try to avoid PUFA as much as I can, but it seems this crap is finding its way into more and more food. Doesn't help that fat shortenings were very popular in Iceland due to their inexpensive nature. My mom cooked with it throughout my childhood. However, as a child I was an incredibly picky eater and ate mostly sugar, milk, potatoes, and rice(and some cheese).

My health problems used to be insomnia, anxiety, stress, hemorrhoids, and just being almost bipolar(came at the end of my anorexia nervosa period). However, with Peat and some of my own experiments I have fixed a lot of issues, with the weight being the only last wall left.

I really don't know what I could write about here, but feel free to ask me any question or message me.


Feb 20, 2013
Welcome to the forum

How many hours of sunlight do you have there?
Are you using red light therapy?
Do you know how much calcium is there in Skyr?
Straining can remove a good amount of calcium.
You probably know that RP recommends
high calcium diet for weight loss.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome SaltGirl! Thanks for the introduction. :welcome


Oct 18, 2013
Mittir said:
Welcome to the forum

How many hours of sunlight do you have there?
Are you using red light therapy?
Do you know how much calcium is there in Skyr?
Straining can remove a good amount of calcium.
You probably know that RP recommends
high calcium diet for weight loss.

Since it's summer we are getting more sunlight here(infamous 24 hour sun is almost upon us. Not surprisingly, my favourite time of the year). I haven't been able to try much red light therapy due to not knowing where I can approach it locally. However, I have a lead that I am pursuing. I actually have a chair in front of the largest window in my apartment where I take "window sunbaths". When the sun is up I can sit in that chair for ages. Often I find myself napping in the sun.

Skyr tends to favour phosphour somewhat, although it seems to depend on who is making it. Which is probably why eating it with sugar and milk/cream is traditional. That tends to offset the phosphour to some degree.

In regards to calcium I have for the past 2 weeks been a bit more strict on myself in regards to calcium and every week I make a batch of eggshell calcium which I consume every day to keep me going. I also am trying to get myself used to drinking more cafe con leche(with lots of sugar) as I find it is easier to combine milk and coffee rather than drinking them seperately. I've never been a heavy red meat eater, but I used to have a ferritin of 200 several years back. However, last time I checked it had gone down to 35, which most likely is a result of 4 difficult surgeries I had past year.

Blossom said:
Welcome SaltGirl! Thanks for the introduction.

Thanks! :D


Feb 7, 2013
:welcome2 to the forum SaltGirl!

Sounds like you are well are on your way!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Saltgirl, :welcome
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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