Colleagues treating me like im an idiot


Oct 14, 2012
I have no doubt that I have a vastly more in depth knowledge of human physiology and endocrinology than anyone I work with thanks to Peat and the vast amounts of reading and researching I do.

What annoys me is when a colleague sees you minding your own business doing your "Ray Peat" type thing (Whatever that might be), in my case eating, often. They choose to criticise and tell you that you are an idiot/going to give yourself a heart attack/diabetes/some other disease and laugh at you when you try to explain in brief why you do what you do.

A colleague earlier today asked people if they wanted a drink and then turned to me and asked "Do you want one of your unhealthy drinks?"

Normally its all in jest but sometimes its not and very disrespectful.

They do't seem to understand that I do actually put a lot of time into learning this stuff. At best they all rely on TV adverts like Flora's "Heart healthy vegetable oil omega 3 rich spread which lowers cholesterol" for their nutritional advice. Their response "I must eat more PUFA and omega 3 because this food company told me it lowers cholesterol and high cholesterol will kill me. SHEEP (Grr)

I'm glad I have you lot to rant too and discuss this stuff with. Otherwise it would be a lonely place with this knowledge I actually feel privileged to have.

Does anyone else have stories of rejection/being labled as crazy by others. I would be interested to hear them.


i think i turned a coworker today. explained how the thyroid is very important and that polyunsaturated fats damage them. but he is open minded. if people want to make fun of you, join in and laugh at yourself a little bit. that's what i do. also, people don't make fun of me about the diet in a sort of hurtful manner to my face. i consider myself calm and confident though, so i wonder if being that way i avoid "inviting" them to make fun of me. maybe if you think people might make fun of you, they will.


Oct 1, 2012
Hi Kettlebell,

I hear ya. Being publicly ridiculed is INAPPROPRIATE, on the part of the person doing the ridiculing, etc., but.........

I will tell you a bit of a story. I personally know someone who was terribly abused as a child, in every way imaginable. And the abuser was eventually convicted of the abuse and served a prison term, after the abused became an adult and was able to advocate for himself legally. (No statute of limitations on this type of abuse in this particular state.)

Anyway, long story short......the abused resonated at a certain frequency that invited ridicule from others. That was his comfort zone. That was all he knew, especially at a pre-verbal level. He used The Emotion Code/The Body Code to find "Hurt Me" as a Broadcast Message that he was sending out to others. This was removed and replaced with "Respect Me." A lot of other things took place as well - Heart Wall and other Trapped Emotions removed through several sessions. This is energy medicine. This person's work and social life has improved dramatically, we think as a result of these energetic treatments.

I, personally, have sucked the marrow bone out of The Emotion Code, but I have not had the stellar results that this other person has. Oy vey. These days I hide out as much as I am able.

;) :2cents


Oct 16, 2012
norxgirl said:
Anyway, long story short......the abused resonated at a certain frequency that invited ridicule from others. That was his comfort zone. That was all he knew, especially at a pre-verbal level. He used The Emotion Code/The Body Code to find "Hurt Me" as a Broadcast Message that he was sending out to others. This was removed and replaced with "Respect Me." A lot of other things took place as well - Heart Wall and other Trapped Emotions removed through several sessions. This is energy medicine. This person's work and social life has improved dramatically, we think as a result of these energetic treatments.

I'm sorry, norxgirl; I'm not familiar with the concepts and book (?) you are discussing.

Are you saying that some people speak and act in ways that (unintentionally) invite abuse from other people? If so, what (roughly) are the signals that invite abuse?

(Not criticizing here, just asking you to dumb down what you wrote. :D )


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well as everyone knows here, I am the crazy one around my area. :lol:

The hardest part about this is watching my close family members drown themselves in PUFA's and I can totally see the signs of it. Its truly heartbreaking. One really close family member might even agree with me about Ray Peat and his ways, but that person doesnt want to make any kind of change to help themselves. They rather keep going the way they are even though their health is turning for the worse. I just dont get it. Why would you want to continue being unhealthy when there might possibly be a way to get out of that mess? :banghead


Oct 16, 2012
kettlebell said:
What annoys me is when a colleague sees you minding your own business doing your "Ray Peat" type thing (Whatever that might be), in my case eating, often. They choose to criticise and tell you that you are an idiot/going to give yourself a heart attack/diabetes/some other disease and laugh at you when you try to explain in brief why you do what you do.

A colleague earlier today asked people if they wanted a drink and then turned to me and asked "Do you want one of your unhealthy drinks?"

Normally its all in jest but sometimes its not and very disrespectful.

Yes, dealing with the sheep can be enormously frustrating. A couple of thoughts...

(1) The disrespect of the ignorant is a compliment. Wear it with pride!

(2) I find the sheep much less aggravating when I can empathize with them a little. Like them, I've been seriously deluded at times. Just as my delusions have repeatedly kicked my tail, theirs will catch up with them, too, and will hurt them much worse than their disrespect can ever hurt me. Empathy for the sheep takes some of the conflict out of my interactions with them. :2cents

In the worst case scenario, just grab those sheep and make yourself some tasty lamb shanks! :D


Oct 1, 2012
Ray-Z said:
norxgirl said:
Anyway, long story short......the abused resonated at a certain frequency that invited ridicule from others. That was his comfort zone. That was all he knew, especially at a pre-verbal level. He used The Emotion Code/The Body Code to find "Hurt Me" as a Broadcast Message that he was sending out to others. This was removed and replaced with "Respect Me." A lot of other things took place as well - Heart Wall and other Trapped Emotions removed through several sessions. This is energy medicine. This person's work and social life has improved dramatically, we think as a result of these energetic treatments.

I'm sorry, norxgirl; I'm not familiar with the concepts and book (?) you are discussing.

Are you saying that some people speak and act in ways that (unintentionally) invite abuse from other people? If so, what (roughly) are the signals that invite abuse?

(Not criticizing here, just asking you to dumb down what you wrote. :D )

Hi Ray-Z,

Perhaps. In the case above, yes. And I sometimes think it may just be that the individual was so deeply wounded, and the "wolves" could sense it, perhaps at a subconscious level. (cynical?) And The Emotion Code/Body Code did seem to "fix" the problem. Not necessarily a panacea though. Sure was a lot more effective than years of traditional therapy.

I think in social groups that tend to be less evolved, public ridicule occurs more often when individuals are perceived as "different."

Hope this makes sense. There is something in me that wants to rescue and protect the persecuted, marginalized, downtrodden of this world.

Kettlebell, forgive me for hijacking the heck out of your post.


Oct 16, 2012
Charlie said:
The hardest part about this is watching my close family members drown themselves in PUFA's and I can totally see the signs of it. Its truly heartbreaking.

Yes. A thousand times, yes.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Ray-Z said:
Charlie said:
The hardest part about this is watching my close family members drown themselves in PUFA's and I can totally see the signs of it. Its truly heartbreaking.

Yes. A thousand times, yes.



Charlie said:
The hardest part about this is watching my close family members drown themselves in PUFA's and I can totally see the signs of it. Its truly heartbreaking.

Find who cooks in the family and give him or her a gift of 50 bottles of coconut oil, with some article that touts its benefits. People might want to keep doing things the way they are used to, but they're also cheap.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
j. said:
Charlie said:
The hardest part about this is watching my close family members drown themselves in PUFA's and I can totally see the signs of it. Its truly heartbreaking.

Find who cooks in the family and give him or her a gift of 50 bottles of coconut oil, with some article that touts its benefits. People might want to keep doing things the way they are used to, but they're also cheap.
I did gift some, I was told that the consistency of the coconut was not liked and that they prefer the way the vegetable oil looks. :shock: :banghead

Maybe I will try the article next.


Charlie said:
Maybe I will try the article next.

Give them 50 bottles. And a "no returns allowed" note. They won't throw it away. Now, you just first have to make tons and tons of money so it doesn't give you any pain.

Also, I'm just kidding.


Oct 13, 2012
I like what the guy on the Peat FB page said about parading his Coke and gummy bears in front of the Dept of Health and Nutrition at his university....


Nov 30, 2012
It seems the higher up people go in terms of education and sometimes workplace advancement, the stupider and more judgemental they get. It may have to do with the artificial sense of "authority" that is conferred upon people because of letters behind their name (ie Phd) or being in a hoity-toity job.

I am totally unable to get through to my sister, for example, who has gone further than me in the system, about anything health related; she has had her ovary removed due to endo and is most definitely estrogen dominant from years of use of the BCP, and also age. Ten years ago on her way up she boarded the "no sugar" train and now no one can argue with her. She also refuses to learn anything about progesterone saying that only doctors can administer BHRT; the solution is to wait to find a doctor on her health plan who will prescribe.

I have a friend who writes to me almost daily about what to eat and what to do; nothing suits her and she shows signs of probably being hypothyroid. She is a Phd program, and wrote me today saying that her colleagues are suggesting a higher carb diet which she doesn't want to do. I'm not anywhere near higher educated, so I'm not sure why she keeps asking my opinion when it is clear she doesn't respect anything I say. She wrote me asking about Jello, but then said there is no way should would eat that.

This is pretty normal I think and not anything to get upset about. Worldly, educated types are often like Peat says authoritarian, and are happy only if they (and everyone around them) follows all the "rules". So let them do that and you do what makes you feel better.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
gretchen said:
This is pretty normal I think and not anything to get upset about. Worldly, educated types are often like Peat says authoritarian, and are happy only if they (and everyone around them) follows all the "rules". So let them do that and you do what makes you feel better.



Oct 21, 2012
I am having a situation now where my 3 year old son is being fed absolute garbage by his mother. I have no real control over what he eats as he does not live with me. Its breaking my heart, but she will not listen. She wouldnt when when lived together, and even less so now. Its at the point where he wont even drink OJ or eat eggs, all he wants is bread and nutella. I feel for anyone who cannot get family on side with this stuff. My son is young, and has a chance of this never having a lasting effect, but when u see a loved one with cancer or whatever, and they STILL wont listen, what can you do?

For anyone who isnt a friend or family that disagrees with me, i have a little saying that i apply to them. I cant print it here, but it rhymes with LTJ Bukem... :D


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Combie, I feel your pain brother, I feel your pain. :(


Oct 21, 2012
Thanks Charlie.

She actually texted me last night saying her hands are so cold she cant feel three of her fingers, did i have any advice?. Will NOT have it that theres anything wrong with her thyroid, because "the doctor did tests and he said it was OK"

Aaaaaaaaaarrrghhhh!!!!! *Bangs head off wall several times*


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Here let me help you with that!

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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