Cut The Circle Of Gut Issues, Where To Enter? I Am Confused



Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
So you are not from southern US...

My doctor told me to take olive leaf extract in case of H. Pylori.

I miss something inorder to know if lactic-fermented food can do me good: I have excessive urine lactate.

Have you checked out 2 things that says RP? (that is what I notice you do not take into account and so I don't know why...):
- he is not infavour of fermented food because of lactate,
- and he says aerobic glycolisis IS a problem, because it should be only anearobic, because it is not efficient for supplying energy, and we should not use this path way when there is oxygene. When we produce lactate, we do not produce CO2, which is also a problem.
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Apr 13, 2017
So you are not from southern US...

My doctor told me to take olive leaf extract in case of H. Pylori.

I miss something inorder to know if lactic-fermented food can do me good: I have excessive urine lactate.

Have you checked out 2 things that says RP? (that is what I notice you do not take into account and so I don't know why...):
- he is not infavour of fermented food because of lactate,
- and he says aerobic glycolisis IS a problem, because it should be only anearobic, because it is not efficient for supplying energy, and we should not use this path way when there is oxygene. When we produce lactate, we do not produce CO2, which is also a problem.

There is only certain fermented foods and brands i feel good with, i find cultured veggies instead of fermented dairy best for me, it has helped greatly, i stopped taking digestive enzymes a while ago and have good digestion and full daily bowl moments.

You would have to experiment. If your concerned about about bacterial overload, i would start on the larch arabinogalactan for couple months first and maybe some rounds of olive leaf.

The larch arabinogalactan really offers so many positive benefits, it may quickly improve your health, you might not need much else to start feeling wonderful. I like mixing with lemonade..

Are you using the red light i have been talking about…


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I have less choice than in the US, so I can buy only one type of sauerkraut and it is maybe not even raw, it is food but maybe no more...
I was tempted to do mine...

If fermented veg did better than f. dairy, it means you were on the tendency of constipation... I am the reverse, so fermented or non ferm. dairies are better for me.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
- Then I have low liver and pancreas,
diagnosed in childhood too.
I had issues with reactive hypoglycemia my whole life
Some forum members here gain weight, I do not, and have never in my life.
What is the difference I have with people gaining weight though having some similar issues?
Most people will just store it as fat, with the help of insulin. My body did the opposite -- it stopped making insulin.
Blessed is your input! As people develop diabetis very often after storing fat for years.... I knew something was escaping me!

Eating more sugar, mostly in the form of fruits, didn't seem to have any negative consequences at first
I do the same... fruits, and well, guts problems.

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to know that you're one of the ones who shouldn't do something until you've already tried it
That is why I think the forum is 1st to know others' experiences, and we have to look for who is similar and who is different and on what points.
I am close enough to the case of artemis to ring a loudy bell!
eating well lots of fresh fruit throughout the day and even though I've lost weight and I feel good my blood sugar is Sky High. It may be due to infection
It seems that fruits + high sugar + loosing weight can mean there is a bad reaction from the pancreas, and that insuline is not made in sufficient quantities.
For myself, I am going to rule this out before becoming T1.

@artemis real big thanks again for sharing your experience.


Dec 19, 2014
Blessed is your input! As people develop diabetis very often after storing fat for years.... I knew something was escaping me!

I do the same... fruits, and well, guts problems.

That is why I think the forum is 1st to know others' experiences, and we have to look for who is similar and who is different and on what points.
I am close enough to the case of artemis to ring a loudy bell!

It seems that fruits + high sugar + loosing weight can mean there is a bad reaction from the pancreas, and that insuline is not made in sufficient quantities.
For myself, I am going to rule this out before becoming T1.

@artemis real big thanks again for sharing your experience.

Hi Xisca,

I'm glad you found some value in my recounting my experience. I wish I could go back in time for a re-do. I wouldn't drink anything sugary, and I wouldn't take up drinking milk for the first time in my life at age 52. I will always wonder if it was the milk -- the A1/A2 milk thing has been discussed on here before. Could it have been the A1 milk protein that triggered my autoimmune reaction? Especially since I never drank milk before? Maybe it wasn't the high carbohydrate intake at all, but the milk! Guess I'll never know for sure.

And I wish I had paid closer attention to the thirst and fatigue, and had reversed course sooner. I've read that if you can catch a derailment like mine in its early stages it may be possible to reverse the damage. But I was so completely ignorant of diabetes, no one in my family has ever had any form of it -- I hardly even knew what it was! Then after learning about it, I was firmly in denial about the possibility for awhile. Then when I decided to seek help, I went to an acquaintance, a naturopathic doctor who followed Peat's ideas, and her prescription was MORE carbs! She told me I didn't have diabetes, which of course was music to my ears! I gave her plan a long time to work. It just really prolonged the trainwreck. I did everything wrong. I'm glad if you can get some benefit from my mistakes. Good luck.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
We are the same age... I wonder if you can still reverse the process... I guess you look for something that can help!
Are you ok since you take insuline?
You had low glycemia but they never told you about diabetis? I was, from an early age, but they just told me to stop sugar! My sugar blood level would go down too slow after glucose, I had the test at 18.
I am not thirsty, and I am careful to not take a lot of fruit at the same time, I eat many meals, I do not count.


Aug 9, 2014
Here is the prescription that goes with my lab results, I guess you will scream for a few things as well....
Let's see what can be worth a try...
This BCAA, I still have to look for what it is.

Multiprobiotics 20.000 ufc
batido proteico bajo en azucar rico en aminoacidos ramificados (BCAA) 20g prots
mineral 650 pure encapsulation
complejo B con metafolin y factor intrínseco
omegor perlas (=DHA 2 gr)
vit C (esther C)
Ácido R lipoico 100mg
Orotato de litio 5mg
Melatonina 100 mg
Curcumina meriva
Intestamine Douglas
Neurotransmitter balance douglas
vit A
vit E 400
K2-D3 douglas
Indol 3 carbinol
exprimido de aloe arborens ecológica
extracto de hoja de olivo (si helicobacter)

dieta sin gluten, lactosa, caseina ni azucar (no dairy no sugar!)
I hope you're not taking everything on this list!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
No I take nothing and study it at the moment...
My lactic acid problems went away when I raised thiamine and calcium carbonate.
Veeery interresting!
How was it for you to have lactic acid? Muscles pains? Something else at the same time?

1) @Ella also told me about B1.
I have just receive energin from haidut, it has 50 mg thiamine HCl. I don't know if I need more of this one, and energin is a mix of 5 vitB.

2) Even the shell from oyster would have some use!
How did you take calcium carbonate? Egg shell?

It makes me think that my homeopath gave me calcium carbonate for changing metabolism, but I want to see the dosage, the dilution, I was feeling it was too much for me at this moment.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Also, we thought with my bodytherapist that I have to 1st tackle my throat and gum issues, before the homeopathy for metabolism.
But I am open to take calcium carbonate as a supp too!

So, I wash my tongue every morning, garge caugh and spit, then do some washing with coconut oill, then horse radish. My sinus are also improving. Also laurel, bay leaf I think is the name.
Then I use baking soda after meal, to not get acidity on my teeth. I have 4 little decay in 1 year, and I had none for a very long time!

I put Allep soap on my tooth brush, and occasional baking soda without brushing too strong.


Aug 9, 2014
No I take nothing and study it at the moment...

Veeery interresting!
How was it for you to have lactic acid? Muscles pains? Something else at the same time?

1) @Ella also told me about B1.
I have just receive energin from haidut, it has 50 mg thiamine HCl. I don't know if I need more of this one, and energin is a mix of 5 vitB.

2) Even the shell from oyster would have some use!
How did you take calcium carbonate? Egg shell?

It makes me think that my homeopath gave me calcium carbonate for changing metabolism, but I want to see the dosage, the dilution, I was feeling it was too much for me at this moment.
If you are sick you need 300mg of thiamine every 4 hours. It is a powerful carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and will help lower lactic acid and raise glucose oxidation.
I use store bought calcium carbonate powder. 1500-2000 mg was therapeutic for me. Calcium, D3 and K2 seem to make teeth stronger from the inside and stop tooth decay. Calcium and bicarbonates also help with acid reflux.
You are taking too many supplements and overwhelming yourself.
Stick to basics and prioritize your nutritional deficiencies, and stay away from things that are known to cause harm. :2cents:
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
If you are sick you need 300mg of thiamine every 4 hours.
that is a lot, and more than what is in energin.
Is it the dosis you used? For how long?
If I need more of just this B, then I have to find it separate. Or if I can take more of the others...
@haidut what do you think?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
that is a lot, and more than what is in energin.
Is it the dosis you used? For how long?
If I need more of just this B, then I have to find it separate. Or if I can take more of the others...
@haidut what do you think?

Depends on the need/issue. If lactic acid is really high then 300mg orally several times a day may indeed be needed, but probably only until lactate normalizes. After that, 50mg - 100mg daily is probably enough to boost cognitive function as Peat said.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Depends on the need/issue. If lactic acid is really high then 300mg orally several times a day may indeed be needed, but probably only until lactate normalizes. After that, 50mg - 100mg daily is probably enough to boost cognitive function as Peat said.
Only of B1?
Sorry I am sometimes not clear. I wanted to know if it was only B1 = do I have to find an extra B1 only product for a while? Or I can take more of the other Bs?
Actually, this is strong to take in drops...
I have also heard about another form than thiamine CHl...
With the repport, they say to take
CoQ10, Lipoic Acid, B1, B2, B3, B5
Still have to look for what is lipoic acid...
I already have CoQ10 and I have kuinone too.
The x-ray today showed 8 tooth decays!
All in one year, and I have been fine for yeaaaars... :(
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
If lactic acid is really high
18 mcg/mg
my pains and aches are unrelated to the amount of exercise I do: I am active but too sensitive and it hurts all the time.
Also high succinate, Homovanillate, 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate.
No Abnormality Found in B-Complex Vitamin Markers, nor in Methylation Cofactor Markers,


Aug 9, 2014
my pains and aches are unrelated to the amount of exercise I do
Exercise is not needed to produce lactic acid. A defect in glucose metabolism (in the absence of CO2) can produce lactic acid even if you are sedentary.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Exercise is not needed to produce lactic acid. A defect in glucose metabolism (in the absence of CO2) can produce lactic acid even if you are sedentary.
That is what I asked to @Daniel11 if he took into account the difference, as what you describe is aerobic glycolisis I believe. Producing lactate instead of CO2 even when there is enough oxygen for producing a lot of atp and CO2.
Thus my sensibility to chronic fatigue, when I deplete atp!

I am better but stay careful, I reacted with nervous symtoms to the local anestesia for teeth cavities, as I have many all of a sudden! Now I have to eliminate all the product... I waited long for my turn and had a slight hypoglycemia which did not help.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Also high succinate, Homovanillate, 5-Hydroxyindoleacetate

The high succinate suggests low activity in electron transport chain. The high 5-HIAA is indicative of high serotonin. Have you had plasma serotonin tested?
All in all, common signs of hypothyroidism. Usually methylene blue may help with the high succinate. The high serotonin deserves to be investigated further IMO.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Have you had plasma serotonin tested?
All in all, common signs of hypothyroidism. Usually methylene blue may help with the high succinate.
Thanks, yes I have your MB, I put 1 drop in belly button before sleep. It makes a good cup!

No, it was not tested.
T3 and 4 and reverse were normal last year... thyroid even more on the high side.
My temps are high during the day 37º3 to 37º5

I read hard in the forum, and up to now conclude that it would be a bad idea (opened to change it...) to boost metabolism more, because:
- I do not want to get the same diabetis type1, as I have insuline problem since childhood.
- I have mild SIBO, and it gets worse with sugar including fruits.

- AND my liver detox is compromised!
I have found this very great paper:
All the detox is explained, I understand more about glycine, and more, and the help in that case of cruciferous veggies, and epsom salt for sulphur... I great read.
They take into account the DIFFERENCES between people.
Like why grapefruit is not good for all! But good for some!

The phase 1 and 2 have to be in balance or else there is a traffic jam of toxins.
I have problems in the hepatic phase I and II detox
High glucarate and hippurate
NAC and glycine?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
And my gene test says I am fast for phase I and slow for phase II detox pathways.
Now I understand the advise for curcumine.

"Both slow and rapid acetylators are at increased risk for toxic overload if they are exposed to environmental toxins."

"Make sure you get your gut health better before taking compounds to assist your liver pathways. This is a vital step not to miss out!"

I felt that there had to be an order in doing things....
But adrenals and thyroid for sure have also to be addressed.
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