Drinking Hydrogen Peroxide For Oxygen Therapy


Mar 29, 2016
after I got a very bad flu and it got better, the next day I felt much worse and suspected pneumonia so I went to the doctor (very very rare for me) for a chest x-ray. The doctor was a contract employee of urgent care, but he was fairly unusual and he thought I had COVID-19 and recommended I get hydrogen peroxide intravenous therapy (but not from him -- he didn't know who offers this, but thought it was a good idea.) Good for a few doctors like this who aren't completely close minded.
The ebook I linked to has an appendix that lists doctors offering IV therapy. The book was written 2008 though.

Read also the first chapter. It's an engaging read. I wanted to share some excerpts as they are worth sharing.

It's not practical for me to seek IV therapy because of the current situation. I hope the oral route would work.
Nov 21, 2015
The ebook I linked to has an appendix that lists doctors offering IV therapy. The book was written 2008 though.

Read also the first chapter. It's an engaging read. I wanted to share some excerpts as they are worth sharing.

It's not practical for me to seek IV therapy because of the current situation. I hope the oral route would work.

I am thinking it will work. It will prove very interesting to find out.

By the way, awhile back I posted about “ozonated magnesium” which releases ozone or oxygen atoms rather, as it digests. It kills archaea which generate methane and are responsible for slow gut motility. Peroxide orally reminds me of that.


Mar 29, 2016
I am thinking it will work. It will prove very interesting to find out.

By the way, awhile back I posted about “ozonated magnesium” which releases ozone or oxygen atoms rather, as it digests. It kills archaea which generate methane and are responsible for slow gut motility. Peroxide orally reminds me of that.
I remember having read your post on ozonated magnesium. I think its effect on archea is just one benefit. Being able to bust biofilms in the gut would be another benefit. I recently have been taking different more natural antibiotics and each time I use a new one I get diarrhea. I'm now seeing the diarrhea as a positive sign, seeing that as another biofilm busted. I take activated charcoal right after, and it took care of the diarrhea, and I don't have to take the AC again.

If I don't get a ghost wipe after that, I take another scoop of AC, and I'm back to ghost wiping. Ghost wipe to me is my new gold standard of gut health - together with smaller stools and zero smell.

I should look up ozonated magnesium and anything ozonated. You've piqued my interest.


Apr 30, 2015
Oh yeah, he was the one who said it. I think he said try hydrogen peroxide first before resorting to Flagyl. That made quite an impression.

I'm now doing a dosage schedule that has me increasing the dosage from 3 x 3 drops/day increasing to 25 x 3 drops/day with 35% H2O2 - with distilled water or milk or fruit juice - as long as it's not chlorinated tap water.

Here's a very informative ebook on it, which I recommend for anyone interested:

FREE E-book

The same site also contains the many studies and articles regarding use of hydrogen peroxide for healing.

Chlorine dioxide is also recommended for large-scale decontamination of public places:

Coming Out of Lockdown Unprepared

3.5 Large-scale decontamination of public places.

The use of snow cannons has been suggested to disinfect public places, but the choice of agent to use is important. Chlorine dioxide gas (ClO2) is the disinfectant for public places that I recommend, it is very well understood and leaves no pollution after use. It must be produced on site due to the instability of this gas, and the cleanest reaction to obtain it is a mixture of sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid: 5NaClO2 + 4HCl → 4ClO2↑ + 5NaCl + 2H2O. (we can also start from sodium chlorate which is cheaper: 5NaClO3 + 6HCl → 6ClO2↑ + 5NaCl + 3H2O).
very cool

after I got a very bad flu and it got better, the next day I felt much worse and suspected pneumonia so I went to the doctor (very very rare for me) for a chest x-ray. The doctor was a contract employee of urgent care, but he was fairly unusual and he thought I had COVID-19 and recommended I get hydrogen peroxide intravenous therapy (but not from him -- he didn't know who offers this, but thought it was a good idea.) Good for a few doctors like this who aren't completely close minded.
That is very open minded. I wonder about the oxidizing effect and whether it can drain your anti oxidants to dangerous levels of an IV.


Mar 29, 2016
Here's how you can make your own chloride dioxide, as explained by Andreas Kalcker:

How to make CDS ? with Andreas Kalcker

Here's Andreas Kalcker's site:

Home - Andreas Kalcker

He has written books that are now censored by Amazon because he has his own ideas about COVID and Autism, as related to chlorine dioxide. Amazon is kowtowing to big pharma and protecting us for our own good har har har


Mar 29, 2016
Here's how you can make your own chloride dioxide, as explained by Andreas Kalcker:

How to make CDS ? with Andreas Kalcker

Here's Andreas Kalcker's site:

Home - Andreas Kalcker

He has written books that are now censored by Amazon because he has his own ideas about COVID and Autism, as related to chlorine dioxide. Amazon is kowtowing to big pharma and protecting us for our own good har har har
Since it seems quite a chore to get sodium chlorite, I might as well make it with water and salt, with the help of some heat first, and then some DC electricity:

How to Make Sodium Chlorite


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


Mar 29, 2016
Did you bother to try to make sodium chlorite, yerrag?
Haven't found the time to do it.

I'll also need to buy the storage bottle and shot glass so I can have everything ready to make chlorine dioxide.

It's very doable though.


Mar 29, 2016
Friends of mine in Germany take three activated drops three times daily.
How were the Chlorine Dioxide products shipped to Germany? Is it by air? In the FAQ it can only be delivered by ground and only to the 48 US states.

I want to ship thru my forwarder by air but I don't know if the labelling by the KVLab would alert them and cause them to refuse shipping my parcel. Just the same, I have left an inquiry with KVLab to ask about their labeling. The products as solutions are no longer hazardous, but I guess the government is being strict about it.

I wanted to order sodium chlorite at first as a flake, but realized as a flake there is less reason for my forwarder to accept my parcel.


Mar 29, 2016
Sorry, I just checked in to the forum:

In Germany, I ordered it through nulife.de, their product is called ‘Aquapur’.

Aquapur? Trinkwasserdesinfektion - NU LIFE Shop
That makes sense.

I didn't order from kvlab because they only ship to the 48 contiguous US states, and though it could be forwarded to me by a forwarding service to the Philippines, there's a good chance the parcel would be refused by how the products are labeled. The labels make the product appear more flammable/incendiary than it is, given the product is already in solution and nowhere flammable. Can't blame them - they're following the law.

Instead, I ordered sodium chlorite and it's on its way to me. I'll have to make my own CDS (3000ppm chlorine dioxide in water solution) following Andreas Kalcker's instructions. I also bought his Amazon-banned book and it shows the many ways CDS can be used. From periodontal issues to COVID-19.



Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
That makes sense.

I didn't order from kvlab because they only ship to the 48 contiguous US states...

I have seen his videos, very impressive, especially the results in Ecuador. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find confirmation in the Ecuadorian press but I don’t speak Spanish...

The CDS solution is a great product. I got some from KVLab and I came down with a sudden increase in floaters in my right eye followed with an eye infection in the same eye. I had a swollen lower eye lid and diluted the 3,000 ppm CDS that I fortunately had and added 1 ml to eye drops so that I ended up with a 10 ppm eye drop solution. The next morning the swelling was almost gone. Then a stye formed, puss came out for three days and then the eye was fine. It may have been COVID-19, I was also taking MMS 3 drops daily, so I never had any fever or any other symptoms. I must have rubbed it right into my eye. But the floaters remained. Very annoying.

Good stuff!


Mar 29, 2016
I got my sodium chlorite yesterday, and immediately got to work making my own CDS. I'll have my CDS in 12 hours. Here is a picture of it being made in its "reactor:"


  • Chlorine Dioxide Solution .jpg
    Chlorine Dioxide Solution .jpg
    349 KB · Views: 16


Apr 28, 2018
Wondering how everyone on this thread is feeling. I started the 35% peroxide protocol and am on maintenance dose per "The 1-minute Miracle", graduated to ozonated blood exchange treatments (@6pints at a time, moving to 9 this week) plus injection at site of 4yr old rootcanal extraction site, and on to IV peroxide after that. Felt like jumping over tall bldgs after that first infusion! Hope to report back after a few weeks. The discussions I have had with AmerMed Assoc doctors and staff "my PROVIDERS" has been amazing. Will not answer inquiries as " but how can bacteria, fungi or virus live in an oxygenated environment?", how to explain H202 use in other countries for 100yrs, also pages in 1minMiracle as howsurgeonChristianBaarnard worlds first heart transplant as he became famous, AMA threatened to take his license unless he disassociated from 3 peers that advocated oxygen therapies, and never spoke of his own uses of it.
Well, they sure did make oxygen chamber therapy expensive enough to keep that out of our reach...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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