"Essential" Hypertension And Appreciating It For What It Really Is



Mar 29, 2016
My last test on ferritin showed it had come down, compared to last year when I had not have my periodontal-infected teeth (two of them) extracted. My last test, early February this year, was before I started using enzymes. I attribute the lower ferritin from lower bacteria levels, as the source of bacteria had been taken care of. But I haven't tested my ferritin, TIBC, and serum iron lately. If bacteria is being released from lysing plaque, my ferritin level would increase. If it's both bacteria and iron being released, ferritin would increase further. Either way, I wouldn't release know if iron were being released.

What exactly does vitamin C do to iron? Does it cause increased uptake of iron from the gut? Or does it caused increased uptake of iron into the cell? If it's the former, then it doesn't matter. If it's the latter, then it matters, and since I don't take vitamin C after meals, my vitamin C intake won't really increase iron absorption from the gut into the bloodstream.

I'm not following you on the distinction between natural and synthetic vitamin C in terms of stability. Can you elaborate?

The only thing I see noteworthy is that the use of serrapeptidase on these chickens caused the chickens to gain weight. It's funny as this is a positive thing for the chicken raisers, but if I gained weight it's not a positive thing. But the reality is that the serrapeptidase is causing weight gain. Study does not dwelve into why.

But you made me look into my doxycycline usage.

At a low dose of 40 mg/day for a month, my seborrheic dermatitis was gone.

This was followed by a month where I just used the proteolytic enzyme ZymEssence for a month, and I seemed to do well. There was an increase in bacteria, as seen in higher wbc (7.38) and neutrophil (71.30), but there was a reduction in endotoxins, as seen in lower serum monocyte readings (5.80).

This was followed by a week where I continued to take ZymEssence but added 2x100mg of doxycycline daily. I began to urinate a lot. My bacteria went down, as seen in lower wbc (6.98) and neutrophils (65.0), but my endotoxins went up, as seen in higher monocytes (8.20).

The following week, I lowered doxy to 100mg/day, while continuing to take ZymEssence. My heavy urination still continued. My bacteria went further down (wbc- 6.67, neutrophil-67.1), and my endotoxins went down, with monocytes at 6.0. I developed a hip pain at this point, which I believe to be endotoxin-related. The pain persists till now, 4 months and counting.

I then stopped all enzymes and antibiotics the following week. I took Serrapeptidase 120,000 SPU for 3x for only one day. Then, five days later, I had my blood tested. My bacteria skyrocketed. My wbc was 11.34, and my neutrophils was 81. Yet my endotoxins went down, as monocyte went down to 5.60.

Now, everything seems to be falling into place. It's good you made me look again, as this time I can see what I missed earlier- 4 months ago!

- I do well with doxycyline at 40mg/day. It was able to lower bacteria such that my seborrheic dermatitis cleared. It wasn't creating an endotoxin load that my body can't handle. Doxycyline at 100mg/day or more is too much for my body to handle, as far as endotoxin is concerned.

- Whether I was using ZymEssence or serrapeptidase, the lysing of plaque was only releasing bacteria, and not endotoxins.

-Taking ZymEssence at 3x/day was releasing bacteria at a manageable rate, but taking the 120,000 SPU serrapeptidase 3x/day just for a day, was enough to release a load of bacteria. Just a day of serrapeptidase 120k spu taken 3x results in wbc and neutrophils of 11.34 and 81, whereas a week of ZymEssence taken 3x/day results only in wbc and neutrophils of 6.67 and 67.1.

-It was the use of doxycycline at 200mg/day (and maybe also 100mg/day) that would result in very heavy urination, as the die-off or endotoxins was causing the high urination rate.

As I consider the ramifications of what I just concluded, I realize that I have to go back to my notes from early July to now, to see what led to my increase in blood pressure and its persistent stay in that high range. I think I know the answer. There was a lot of endotoxin that needed to be expelled, and it took away a lot of my serum albumin along with its excretion in urine. This resulted in lower blood volume, and this is seen in much higher serum RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit readings. Since blood volume does not change so much rapidly, it explains why my blood pressure has consistently remained high.

In my case, where I have lots of embedded and dormant bacteria in my vascular plaque, too high a dose of doxycycline should be avoided. I can continue using ZymEssence at 3x/day, but serrapeptase 12ok spu should be used sparingly or avoided if ZymEssence can already do the job adequately.

I have to add this as I forgot to mention this important observation:

I have been trying to figure out why I have of late gained weight (10 lbs within the last 4 months), have begun to feel hunger between meals, have been feeling low energy, and yet at night, I have had difficulty sleeping. I also have noticed myself grasping for words when I write, words that I've used recently and should be able to access, yet I keep getting stuck in a tip-of-my-tongue condition.

I believe this all have to do with having low blood volume due to the low albumin of late. There is less capacity to deliver sugar and oxygen to my tissues, including the brain. Blood tests are misleading, as they usually measure concentration. So, as mentioned earlier, my serum albumin would seem normal, but it actually is lower. The value of using RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit to detect low blood volume, or also referred to as dehydration in medical parlance, cannot be overemphasized. Once I know the extent of how low my blood volume is, I can frame my condition as a matter of low capacity of my blood to carry nutrients, as well as to remove waste.

On the subject of waste, I can easily see how my serum creatinine has risen.

On the subject of nutrients, I have a reduced ability to deliver sugar and oxygen to my tissues. This would translate into me developing hypoglycemia, as this is the result of me developing a high blood sugar as a result of blood sugar not readily being delivered and metabolized. And with high blood sugar, hypoglycemia is the consequence of it being addressed by an insulin reaction that would lower my blood sugar (thru the insulin causing the liver to convert blood sugar to fat). This would explain why I have low energy, hunger in between meals, and difficulty sleeping at night. The reduced delivery and metabolic rate would also affect the supply of sugar to the brain, and this would explain my episodes of not being able to retrieve familiar words from my memory banks. Just last week, my left eye reddened when I skipped a meal - burst capillaries due to extended hypoglycemia.

These are direct results of having low blood albumin and low blood volume. I could speculate also on how lately my hair has lost some of its thickness, and of how my virility and interest in sex has waned. I don't think it is a coincidence at all. And I hope for my sake I'm right about this, as the fix is doable. It will just take a few months to restore all this, given how in a matter of four short months my condition has deteriorated. All because of endotoxins leading to low albumin leading to low blood volume leading to low metabolism to low blood sugar issues leading to weight gain, impaired memory, and bad hair and low virility.

@Ella since I read that you had a problem with low albumin, I think you may find this post of interest.
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Apr 28, 2018
You have been sincerely dedicated to sussing out many facets of your biology Yerrag. Along the way, informing those of us who read your posts and ponder your questions. Thankyou for teaching, through the wealth of your discoveries. I wish you all the best.


Mar 29, 2016
You have been sincerely dedicated to sussing out many facets of your biology Yerrag. Along the way, informing those of us who read your posts and ponder your questions. Thankyou for teaching, through the wealth of your discoveries. I wish you all the best.
Thanks akgrrrl! Glad to help. I'm happy to see a missing link that ties the pieces together. Having that, it makes things simpler and more coherent. Even in somebody else's context, it could still find some use.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
What is this phantom reaction you speak of?

I'm not following. Do you literally mean a saw?

I only read the abstract, and it didn't talk about the anti-inflammatory effect of serrapeptidase. That changes the picture, as now I see the weight gain, and improved FCR as a positive now. Thanks, as I had forgotten totally about the anti-inflammatory effect of proteolytic enzymes, being that I got so focused on its plaque-lysing abilities as well as the attendant release of bacteria from distintegrating plaque.

Nice graph. I can see how helpful the graphs can be. I'm tempted to do them, but on the other hand, I've become a "conclusion reader" of studies and think I might as well be a "conclusion writer." And a person who skips graphs like me could still get away with reading the conclusions, and I laid my conclusions as clear as i can.
- Neuro-oxidative-nitrosative stress in sepsis (fig. 2)

Regarding the graph, you and akgrrrl were interested in cellular respiration being demonstrated. The time it takes to make the connections and arrive at conclusions when you're dealing with graphic content is far shorter than text. You can make a template and work from there, the information can be made more elucidating if you space out according to periods, defining optimal and acceptable limits, adding marks on what you did differently, and so on. Some labs offer something similar now.

The white blood cells pattern from your high serrapeptase use was brutal.

At some point I thought that your repetition was to victimize yourself, but it was only later that I realized it was meant to internalize what you already know so that there's no mental energy wasted in recapitulating what's sure, and this allows you to move on to the next dot with less effort. Music composers do this, they repeat a passage to exhaustion, at this point they don't have to think about the certain part anymore, they can resume daily activies and the solution to where they're stuck appears spontaneously.

But the reason to be posting these is because comparing your experience with others can help you avoid developing your ideas on wrong premises, it's not guaranteed but it increases your chances of honing them on the right direction, might save you energy and time. It doesn't seem that you're doing this in spite of the fact these drugs are widely used or people are found in similar conditions. For example, if you're gaining weight and suspect a connection without being confident on the cause, trying to find if this has ever been reported will encourage you to expand or narrow your considerations.

Have you looked into nutritional losses from diuretics that we mentioned? How bad a change in blood volume has to be to have those effects?

By the way, I also appreciate your persistence and discoveries. Keep swimming!
Bill said:
Improvement makes straight roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement are roads of Genius.
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Mar 29, 2016
Regarding the graph, you and akgrrrl were interested in cellular respiration being demonstrated. The time it takes to make the connections and arrive at conclusions when you're dealing with graphic content is far shorter than text. You can make a template and work from there, the information can be made more elucidating if you space out according to periods, defining optimal and acceptable limits, adding marks on what you did differently, and so on. Some labs offer something similar now.
I was focused on the significance of blood volume on cellular respiration, in the way it impacts blood pressure and metabolic rate, as well as the secondary effect on increased fatty acid synthesis.

I would like to put out nice bars and graphs, but my mind is focused more on solution generation right now and less on presentation style. I agree with your take on the beauty and effectiveness of visual aids in the form of graphs and charts, and I wish I have the inclination to do it now. But I'm now as impatient as the firefighter fighting a forest fire. He doesn't care how he looks as long as he stays on top of the fire, keeping it from spreading. Perhaps when the dust has settled, I could do that.

The white blood cells pattern from your high serrapeptase use was brutal.
It certainly is. I'm still dealing with the consequences, it seems. And how often do I hear it said that proteolytic enzymes usage has no side effects. Well, I can tell from first-hand experience it isn't always so. Maybe often one doesn't realize it. Thankfully, I had the sense to monitor my wbc and neutrophils and other markers in a common blood test called the CBC. Otherwise, I would not have observed the effect of enzymes and antibiotics on my innate immune system and the ramifications. If only I could make more people in this forum appreciate more the use of the CBC test. But my message is landing on deaf ears. People look down on tests they can afford , and waste their money on very specialized tests they can ill afford. Worse, it seems many blindly follow Ray Peat's practice of intuitively feeling effects on their body of ingested or applied substances. It is tomfoolery, as I doubt Ray Peat ever advocated to his listeners to use that approach. Some TCM doctors could just hold a patient's hand and feel his pulse and be able to diagnose. A shaman could listen to your voice and he could know what ails you. And Ray Peat could feel the effect of some substance on him. But that doesn't mean I can.

At some point I thought that your repetition was to victimize yourself, but it was only later that I realized it was meant to internalize what you already know so that there's no mental energy wasted in recapitulating what's sure, and this allows you to move on to the next dot with less effort. Music composers do this, they repeat a passage to exhaustion, at this point they don't have to think about the certain part anymore, they can resume daily activities and the solution to where they're stuck appears spontaneously.
I was sure all the time I wasn't a masochist. There was never any doubt, trust me. And there was no repetition at all involved, despite the impression you imagined. There is simply a method to my madness. There's no point in forcing a preconceived conclusion when the data contradicts that conclusion. I know, people can get trapped in that cycle and get frustrated when they can't extricate themselves from a trap they set for themselves. They never heal as they're on an endless and futile loop and disintegrating as they lose hope. It's sad. My eldest sister is in that sorry state. It is sad, as I feel helpless as she feels all her experience entitles her to be right - not now, but eventually. Mental barriers need to be broken.

But the reason to be posting these is because comparing your experience with others can help you avoid developing your ideas on wrong premises, it's not guaranteed but it increases your chances of honing them on the right direction, might save you energy and time. It doesn't seem that you're doing this in spite of the fact these drugs are widely used or people are found in similar conditions. For example, if you're gaining weight and suspect a connection without being confident on the cause, trying to find if this has ever been reported will encourage you to expand or narrow your considerations.
I hope I'm not being stubborn, but I beg to disagree on your assessment. All of what I say is theory, that I can say, but it's not based on wild assumptions nor a matter of throwing darts blindly. You fail to fathom that I express myself in such a way that I present my actions and decisions with reasoning behind each of them, and I try to find coherence in my conclusions. I just don't go about taking a substance just because someone says it's good for resolving my condition. Ask one question in this forum on that matter and you get a bewildering array of suggestions. Most, if not all the time, it's all about "take this or take that" without any mention of the mechanism of action. Yet you seem to voice no objection to that, but do you?

And here you are, just because I won't meekly obey your command to present my findings in a graph or a chart, and make it cause to disparage what I'm saying. You say all this, and then give me backhanded praise?

By the way, I also appreciate your persistence and discoveries. Keep swimming!


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I was focused on the significance of blood volume on cellular respiration, in the way it impacts blood pressure and metabolic rate, as well as the secondary effect on increased fatty acid synthesis.

I would like to put out nice bars and graphs, but my mind is focused more on solution generation right now and less on presentation style. I agree with your take on the beauty and effectiveness of visual aids in the form of graphs and charts, and I wish I have the inclination to do it now. But I'm now as impatient as the firefighter fighting a forest fire. He doesn't care how he looks as long as he stays on top of the fire, keeping it from spreading. Perhaps when the dust has settled, I could do that.
It's not superfluous as you imply, how you layout and organize your available information can change how you interpret it. itmaypassunnoticedbutitsallaroundustrytoregisteryourthoughtswithoutpunctuation Proper formatting of text makes the information clearer, there are grades of enrichment. Why people prepare these for their personal use in tracking the evolution of temperature and pulse based on what they's doing? There's little effort involved in relation to what they can offer.
I was sure all the time I wasn't a masochist. There was never any doubt, trust me. And there was no repetition at all involved, despite the impression you imagined. There is simply a method to my madness. There's no point in forcing a preconceived conclusion when the data contradicts that conclusion. I know, people can get trapped in that cycle and get frustrated when they can't extricate themselves from a trap they set for themselves. They never heal as they're on an endless and futile loop and disintegrating as they lose hope. It's sad. My eldest sister is in that sorry state. It is sad, as I feel helpless as she feels all her experience entitles her to be right - not now, but eventually. Mental barriers need to be broken.
I can't spot madness, but can repetition (something I'm good at). Of course there's doubt on the dots that haven't been connect'd yet. A way of moving on comfortably is by solidifying the known parts.
I hope I'm not being stubborn, but I beg to disagree on your assessment. All of what I say is theory, that I can say, but it's not based on wild assumptions nor a matter of throwing darts blindly. You fail to fathom that I express myself in such a way that I present my actions and decisions with reasoning behind each of them, and I try to find coherence in my conclusions. I just don't go about taking a substance just because someone says it's good for resolving my condition. Ask one question in this forum on that matter and you get a bewildering array of suggestions. Most, if not all the time, it's all about "take this or take that" without any mention of the mechanism of action. Yet you seem to voice no objection to that, but do you?

And here you are, just because I won't meekly obey your command to present my findings in a graph or a chart, and make it cause to disparage what I'm saying. You say all this, and then give me backhanded praise?
The last paragraph was hallucination. You do whatever you find it's best, I wasn't commanding, it was a suggestion to synthesize the information, I think it can be a helpful tool for you and readers.

There's a reason for every action, and just because there's coherence, it doesn't mean it's right. Getting to what is without considering others' experiences is missing an opportunity to hone your speculations and speed up this process. It's challenging, and the praise was sincere.

Regarding the 'take this or that' and clueless measures, not as a coincidence, my previous post on the other thread was against this.

You might be flushing out water-soluble nutrients from diuresis, increasing the demand from isolated supplementation of specific ones, and humiliating the intestinal bacteria that could give a share in mitigating this.

Amino acids that are not presented in conjunction are more prone to be wasted, I don't know what's the time window to avoid this, but supplemental lysine might appear earlier than the others and lead to distortions. I would supplement it after meals or perhaps try it with BCAA to grasp if there's a mismatch. It's worth looking into 'renal metabolism of amino acids' as well.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Mk-4 doesn't last long in circulation and we doesn't know the period that it stays active in tissues, vitamin E can antagonize it (especially when the route is transdermal), and it's also uncertain yet if we can produce the long-chain menaquinones. The amount present in the gut can be surprising, the forms are similar to those found elsewhere in the body. The antibiotic can make producing bactaeria cry and if they happen to be contributors, you're left with gaps where you are susceptible to adverse calcification. It's why I was curious about your experience with different forms and how you use them. Do you consume leafy greenos?

There can be urinary losses of venom D's antibody (worth reading):
- Behind the scenes of vitamin D binding protein: More than vitamin D binding

This makes the person prone to poisonosis A as well.

If other binding proteins are compromised along with albumide, with considerable appearance of proteid in the urine, there can be wasting of trace minerals such as iron, copper and zinc. If I'm not wrong, it's recommended to replace these in more advanced cases while being cautious because there's risk of overwhelming the capability of keeping them protected.

Taurine tends to be low in kidney issues. Supplementing cysteine is reliance on conversion that depends on pyridoxine that might already be decreased. Pyridoxine, folic acid and antidote C are often mentioned to be affected in those cases that is more serious. Have you tried to distribute some of the dose to taurine and perhaps magnesium sulfate?

There may be losses of betaine and choline will be affected.

When there are kidney issues, unnecessary stress can predispose you to more harm when it's burden'd:
- Potentiation of ischemic renal injury by amino acid infusion

How was the blood tests related to calcium in these instances?

No need to reply, these are for your consideration.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
There is one more concern with vit K if you're using only thiamine and niacin. It can be recycled with NAD(P)H, the reductase involved requires riboflavin:
- Vitamin K and cardiovascular calcification in CKD: is patient supplementation on the horizon?
- NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone 1) - Wikipedia

Since they hinted at glutathiod, supplementing taurine should spare cysteine, but it might be interesting to have some of both:

Even though taking ascorbic acid away from the proteolytic enzymes can be valid for experimentation, what's best is to focus on the minimum effective dose because it's going to be put to use and excesseses will be minimized.

You must have read it:
- A new recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C for healthy young women

This pool is better conserved, reutilized and stays elevated for longer (at least in wealth). Stressful conditions will demand more, but it's better to renew it more often than taking a lot just to be on the safe side, the excess will lead to unnecessary stress and be flushed out anyway.

Now imagine having that information in phrases, then compare to the table at the bottom of the page, and the graph on the left, which took you less than a minute to grasp what was going on and make the needed associations.

It's interesting that the fat-storage effect from vitamin E is similar to niacin. A small amount of it can't be responsible for volume elsewhere, it should be clearance of fatty acids from circulation. If you currently supplement TocoVit or an inferior alternative of choice, provided that you tolerate, ingesting it must be milder than applying on skin in terms of vitamin K antagonism. This way it also helps in conamazoniacing the metabolism of carbohydrates in a meal. You might gain more weight, but it must pay off with time with their better use. Increasing muscle could take care of it.

Perhaps you can find something useful in these:

- Strategies for combating bacterial biofilms: A focus on anti-biofilm agents and their mechanisms of action
- Strategies for combating bacterial biofilm infections
- Advanced strategies for combating bacterial biofilms

- The Strategy to Prevent and Regress the Vascular Calcification in Dialysis Patients
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Fish, it's still uncertain the origin of those long-chain menaquinones, if they are produced internally ('synthases'). One of the explanations for vitamin K complications with antibiotic use is the decimation of gut bactaeria that produce it; another is a possible interference in any step of its metabolism. The colon isn't very absorptive to it, might be uptaken with other fatty compounds, however it's also suggested that it may be refluxed to the small intestine (Raj mentioned in an interview with Patrício something regarding crap being detected in mouth from a reversion of digestion) or maybe the bactaeria residing at its end providing enough to make a difference.

Transdermal vitamin mk-4 is more sustainable with vitamin E along, it's worth trying and finding a sweep stot. If you suspect recycling issues, they can be applied for the day as if it was an continuous intrajugular infusion, it's a matter of defining how much is supposed to be absorbed. It may be difficult to predict, but on the bright side you'll know that it can't surpass how much you applied.

If you read the publication on the venom's antibody, they mentioned a2-globulin, VDP was formely known as gc-globulin. It reminded me of this:

- Bioelectronics and Cancer | Alberto Santo-Jorge
- Globular protein - Wikipedia
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May 30, 2018
Infection, Autoimmunity, and Vitamin D - ScienceDirect

"In addition, bacterial species in biofilm often secrete the sulphonolipid capnine, which we have demonstrated can inhibit VDR activation. Indeed, disabling the innate immune response via the VDR pathway is such a logical pathogen survival mechanism that many more species capable of persisting in the same or similar fashion will likely be identified in the coming years."

VDR regulates the production of the peptide LL-37 which can prevent the formation of biofilms or even disrupt if they are already formed (Human Host Defense Peptide LL-37 Prevents Bacterial Biofilm Formation).

I might already have linked this publication to you but I find it very interesting because if I'm not mistaken, it would imply that even in this situation, the innate immune system can be "triggered" via hyperosmolarity: Osmolality controls the expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (LL-37) in human macrophages (Osmolality controls the expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide in human macrophages)

Could we interpret your frequent urinations as your body trying to lose water and "dehydrate" itself in order to activate your immune system? I read a paper where they said that infections of the nervous system are associated with an inappropriate secretion of the antidiuretic hormone. Apparently, there is also this association with cancer, for which I think we can say that there is an issue with the innate immune system. It has also been found for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
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Mar 29, 2016
Thank you. Why did you stop the breathing exercises?

I hadn't made that clear in my post, sorry. The breathing exercises actually made my hypertension worse. Now I think I know what was going on. As my breathing improved, and my CP improved, my serum CO2 improved as well. That would lead to better oxygenation. But my body was resisting it because it wanted to maintain a hypoxic state - to produce enough uric acid, to protect me from oxidative stress from the lead toxicity. It had to counter the better level of oxygenation by further constricting my blood vessels, in order to keep the same level of hypoxia.

I had to review this log, as I noticed my CBC results from August 2016 to April 18 (two successive CBC tests with a large gap of 20 months in-between) showed that my WBC parameters had worsened. WBC from 4.5 to 7.6, neutrophils, monocytes from 2% to 7.10%, and eosinophils from 1 to 3%. I never noticed this before.

So anyway, I believe the reason to Buteyko increasing my blood pressure was that I then had very acidic urine pH. This also maps out to my blood/ecf being acidic as well.
This meant that I had low CO2, because I must have high lactic acid and other acids that was already making my blood near the border of allowable high acidity. Doing Buteyko increased the CO2 content in my blood, which further increased the acidity in the blood.

I was nowhere near crisis level, where serum pH would be at a point of being in acidemia (the point where it becomes very physiologically dangerous), as the increased serum CO2 didn't cause to increase my breathing rate in an effort to expel CO2. But it caused my body to convert CO2 to carbonic acid to bicarbonate, as well as to increase the excretion of acid by the kidneys in the form of urine. Then, I was low on electrolytes, so the liver had to breakdown protein to produce glutamate, and the kidneys had to convert glutamate to ammonium, which would then be used to make ammonium lactate with lactic acid, so that the acid can be excreted in urine. I don't exactly know how this would affect blood pressure, but maybe just acidifying my blood and ecf would easily disturb the flow of calcium in and out of the cells, and the change in the ionic gradient would impact the efficiency of the heart in pumping blood at a moment when additional demand in forced on the liver and kidneys.


Mar 29, 2016
I finally have found a good reason to resume this thread. It has been two and a half years since I last posted here. I stopped posting on this thread because I felt like I was going in circles, on a wild goose chase, every blind lead turning out empty, and I was wasting both my own time and that of those who would read my posts looking for answers. Already 13 pages long, and nothing to show except failure after failure.

But today, I began to question some assumptions I had made in order to narrow the scope of my problem solving, and I want to explain to you my thought process that lead to me rejecting my assumption.

At the start, I suspected lead toxiicity, and I abandoned that assumption. And that led me to assume my high blood pressure was due to microbial causes, until today. But today, I am back to suspecting heavy metal toxicity- more likely from mercury, and less from lead, and quite likely both.

I had long assumed that after I had my mercury amalgams removed and undergone mercury chelation using DMPS, all my mercury toxicity issues were behind me. As I could feel greater energy levels, in becoming very immune to flu and fever and colds and allergic rhinitis (which would happen very often) and to being able to run long sistances, uphill even, at a rapid clipm with 5k being a piece of cake, where it used to be at at 1k I would be so sore and panting so hard. That was because I my blood was carrying oxygen more fully with the mercury not displacing the oxygen at the sites where hemoglobin attaches to oxygen. My conclusion, without ever submitting to a provoked mercury challenge test, was that mercury is gone from my system.

But I was dismayed, thinking life doesn't give me a break, that less than a year later after this great improvement in health, like I was floating in paradise, that life would deliver me another health issue - high blood pressure. So, for the next 1o years, my bp would increase from a normal 120/80 to 180/120 as I looked for a solution to it. My naturopathic doctor would give up and told me to take bp medication, which I refused (in retrospect it was a good dicision, as other than high bp, my health was good. And by that, no respiratory illnesses, no heart of liver or kidney problems, no diabetes, no weight problems, but it's not perfect as my hair was beginning to thin out and my virility isn't dependable. Still, I'm better of than most of my contemporaries who are already taking plenty of maintenance drugs and when COVID hit, were so lacking in confidence in their health that they would submit willingly to mandates.

I took a trip to the US at that time and took a provoked challenge test,for heavy metals, as the regular heavy metal testing revealed no heavy metal toxicity, and it revealed that I had lead toxicity. And I said, there's the problem! But I came back to the Philippines and decided I wasn't going to do any more IV chelation and instead ordered a few products that the US naturopath prescribed where lead detox can be done orally. I did the detox but never got to do another provoked challenge test to ensure the lead toxicity is gone. But just to be more certain, I also took magnesium and vitamin C for a while as they are purported to be useful in clearing out lead from the body. Yet my bp stayed the same. And this is when I decided to change my approach. I began to think the problem could lie elsewhere in microbes.

I already had periodontal issues, and began to consider that the problem is from periodontitis. This was confirmed when I went to my biological dentist and had my tooth extracted where the periodontal issue surfaced befor. He showed me the large mass of periodontal bacterial colony which resembled a large muscle mass, and then for the next few months, I was waiting for my bp to go down. To my dismay, they stayed put stubbornly high.
It was then that I decided, after more research into Pubmed and all, that the bacteria must have translocated to my blood vessels. I took biofilm busters, chinese herbs, and antibiotics, all in a concerted effort to rain hell on these bacteria. Nothing worked. It got me worked up more.

I decided then to take proteolytic enzymes, such as ZymEssence and serraptidase, in a brute force attempt to to remove the plaque lining my blood vesssels, so that the periosontal bacteria could be exposed and die, on the assumption they are anaerobic and couldn't stand being exposed to the oxygen in my blood. But taking the enzymes turned the tables on me. I saw my blood pressure increase from 180/120 to 240/160. And that high bp persisted for the next 3 years until I was able to bring it down to around 200/140. This was still higher than before I started taking the enzymes.

Clearly I am being schooled by a devastating and wily foe!

More and more I am convinced this is a microbial issue, and as I began to learn about pleomorphism, I began to think that my internal microbiome has changed over time to include a greater portion of fungal microorganisms, and that I needed a newer approach. As much as I believe this to be the case, I began to lose my trust in pharma antibiotics as I would learn that some antibiotics would induce bacteria to assume more fungal characteristics on the way to becoming more virulent fungal parasites. This was confimed a year ago when I fell deathly sick a week after taking tetracycline while I was also taking potassium citrate in order to improve by blood's zeta,(to improve flow characteristics). I developed a high fever, severe cramping, and my liver enzymes shot up with visible jaundice, as my heart rate also went very high. I made the conclusion that taking the tetracycline together with a substance in potassium citrate that was made from a mold called aspergillus niger caused me to get this sick. So I decided to approach the microbial issue with the use of essential oils.

But during all this time, I was monitoring my CBC as well as my nightly spO2 charts.

Among the many things I obsserved in my CBC, what stood out was my WBC would always be high, and that my neutrophils were always very high. And I kept wondering on end why. And though I was sure it was because of high microbes, especially bacteria, I still left out the possibility there was something else at play- involving toxigs. Hmmm, could heavy metals still be at play here? That nagging thought never left me.

For more than a year, I would be wearing an O2ring, and it bothered me that as I slept, my spO2 would drop to as low as 72. And it isn't sleep apnea, as I also record my sleep with my cellphone, and I don't snore. I would suspect that at night, the immune system is actively protecting the body by doing its detox functions that it doesn't do during the day. The Chinese believe the liver's detox time is between 1 and 3 am, and that the lung's detox time between 3 and 5 am. And it is in these hours that my spO2 go crazy. I suspect this is the reason why my neutrophil count is high, and it's because neutrophils are the wbc's that do phagocytosis involving myoperoxidase, which produces a potent ROS called HOCl- and this ROS when it spills over and threatens the destruction of nearby tissues, albumin steps in as the main extracellular antioxidants to neutralize it. The resulting oxidized albumin is why my urine has a lot of foam as oxidized albumin cannot be recycled and is excreted, and is why I have high blood pressure, as I have less serum slbumin available to keep my blood at full volume. With lower blood volume than normal, the body has to compensate to ensure good circulation and perfusion of vital organs by increasing blood pressure.

As you can see, I am throwing the sink at the microbes with all means I have at my disposal, from pharma to herbs to chemical susbstances (methylene blue, copper acetate, turpentine) to essential oils, and I keep wondering what I am missing. I would use oral, nasal. ,anal (thru suppositories), and topical methods of delivery, but not IV, and nothing is working! Shoot, my enemy is bulletpoof and has a charm!

And so, this week @Brooks Esq. made a thread that enjoined me to get involved and it led me to looking up OSR, a heavy metal chelator, which @Santosh mentioned, and @Dave Clark had positive things o say, which led to me to this video interview of Boyd Haley:

View: https://youtu.be/uKKD6XWK8Do

And I began to rethink my assumptions.

Perhaps the high wbc and neutrophils were really due to toxins, and the toxins likely to be lead (as it was confirmed in the provocation test I mentioned). But I still hold out the possibility that the mercury chelated out of my rbc simply partly redistibuted to my liver and lung tissues inner recesses. undetectable even with provocation tests.

And that perhsps I needed OSR to rid the lead (and/or mercury) in my liver and lung tissues.

And perhsps that is how I could stop the chronic oxidative stress that is depriving me of precious albumin and causing my blood pressure to be high.

It also explains why my ferritin is always high, as the body is keeping iron away from being involved in the chronic oxidative stress coming from the lead or mercury toxicity and the phagocytic response of neutrophils to it:



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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
If you are throwing the kitchen sink at the microbes, I can say from my own experience fighting fungal issues for 30 years, that only one protocol knocked out the systemic fungus, and that is ozone. After reading much about ozone therapy, a few years ago I bought a home generator and decided to do the rectal insufflations{RI}, which had been talked about for getting the ozone through out the body systemically, as opposed to drinking the ozone water which works mostly in the gut.
For years I had tried every anti-fungal approach in the books with little success. But, after two weeks of RIs, my fungal rashes disappeared externally, and I could feel an improvement in my over all health. The gamma settings have to be above 40, not more than 60. I only used small 200ml volumes and still got success.
If you have tried everything else and not ozone, this could rectify any microbial issues you are dealing with. I do a maintenance RI once and a while, just to keep any fungus from trying to re-establish. And, I think the NBMI, which I started years after the ozone, is helping to keep the fungus away by removing Hg from my system {which tends to set up conditions for fungus to thrive}. Three things I won't give up is: ozone, NBMI, and molecular H2 {inhalation}. They have all helped me turn some corners, very valuable things to have available.


Mar 29, 2016
If you are throwing the kitchen sink at the microbes, I can say from my own experience fighting fungal issues for 30 years, that only one protocol knocked out the systemic fungus, and that is ozone. After reading much about ozone therapy, a few years ago I bought a home generator and decided to do the rectal insufflations{RI}, which had been talked about for getting the ozone through out the body systemically, as opposed to drinking the ozone water which works mostly in the gut.
For years I had tried every anti-fungal approach in the books with little success. But, after two weeks of RIs, my fungal rashes disappeared externally, and I could feel an improvement in my over all health. The gamma settings have to be above 40, not more than 60. I only used small 200ml volumes and still got success.
If you have tried everything else and not ozone, this could rectify any microbial issues you are dealing with. I do a maintenance RI once and a while, just to keep any fungus from trying to re-establish. And, I think the NBMI, which I started years after the ozone, is helping to keep the fungus away by removing Hg from my system {which tends to set up conditions for fungus to thrive}. Three things I won't give up is: ozone, NBMI, and molecular H2 {inhalation}. They have all helped me turn some corners, very valuable things to have available.
Thanks for the good ideas.

Short of ozone and UV and molecular H2 gas, I think the other ways I have tried should still have enough of an impact if my issue were microbial. And this is why I would first want to try NMBI, simply to know for sure if my issue were heavy metals. If NMBI fails, I can then resort to ozone.

I've bought and used an EMF zapper last year and it hasn't worked for me here. So I have a reticence fo add more special gizmos such as ozone and H2 gas machines. And those however are options I may consider if nothing else works, and desperation sets in.


Apr 28, 2018
As I have followed your journey and already commented here, I have had similar track re: peridontal from biofilm at rootcanal jaw infection will be 5 years August, because "standard of care" in usa AmerDentalAsses is 5day antibiotic.
Also, virilent aspergillus exposure after basement flooding, when industry cleanup standard was a bleach wipedown.
As per your usual thorough analysis and dogged self testing, we benefit from your travails. Just as Dave points out, there are now things I will not do without: the removal of blood ozonated and replaced was a turning point, but also sitting for hours with fiberoptic uv light in large veins. I will never stop ingesting lab authenticated clove and oregano. Smelling like pizza for a couple days is a small price to pay for energy and mental acuity. I do not know where to go to get site injection plus systemic antibiotic at the jaw. At best, my efforts with oils and ozone and now 10 prescriptions of short term standard of care antibiotic lasts approx 3-4 months until jaw pain and other systems spiral. At least the aspergillus is gone.
Still grateful for your S.Holmes determinations over time. Some issues hide themselves---wiley indeed.
It is worth getting rid of cheap ceramic dishes of anykind if you have not already considered---heat and use cracks the cheap glaze allowing lead leak every sip you take. Go heavy china, tempered glass, un-color glaze pottery, or American PYREX, Fireking, or Corelle.


Mar 29, 2016
After reading much about ozone therapy, a few years ago I bought a home generator and decided to do the rectal insufflations{RI}, which had been talked about for getting the ozone through out the body systemically, as opposed to drinking the ozone water which works mostly in the gut.
I like this idea better than IV ozone, as I don't like sticking a needle into my arm where I think a lot of things could go wrong with me being a Murphy's Law magnet. Besides, enemas were a standard way of medicine before IV became standard. Could you please send me a link to this device?

Your success in using it overcomes my negative feeling about ozone. I have this thinking that because I've used hydrogen peroxide orally and it hasn't been effective, and thinking that ozone turns into hydrogen peroxide easily inside the body (as rain turns ozone into hydrogen peroxide and I often see my koi pond become clearer after it rains due to the hydrogen peroxide rain brings into the pond). I would see the ozone becoming ineffective as it turns into hydrogen peroxide and I would imagine the microbes are protected by catalase-positive microbes among them, and it would just turn hydrogen peroxide into water, rendering the ozone/hydrogen peroxide ineffective.

And because of this, I had looked into and began using essential oil blends, as the microbes form a symbiotic community where they can contribute each microbes strength to cover for each other's weaknesses, and to counter that, I can use blends of essential oils, drawing from each oils special qualities to counter the symbiotic strengths of the microbial community. And if this isn't making a dent, I may not be dealing with microbes at all, but with a heavy metal - either lead or mercury.


Mar 29, 2016
As I have followed your journey and already commented here, I have had similar track re: peridontal from biofilm at rootcanal jaw infection will be 5 years August, because "standard of care" in usa AmerDentalAsses is 5day antibiotic.
Also, virilent aspergillus exposure after basement flooding, when industry cleanup standard was a bleach wipedown.
As per your usual thorough analysis and dogged self testing, we benefit from your travails. Just as Dave points out, there are now things I will not do without: the removal of blood ozonated and replaced was a turning point, but also sitting for hours with fiberoptic uv light in large veins. I will never stop ingesting lab authenticated clove and oregano. Smelling like pizza for a couple days is a small price to pay for energy and mental acuity. I do not know where to go to get site injection plus systemic antibiotic at the jaw. At best, my efforts with oils and ozone and now 10 prescriptions of short term standard of care antibiotic lasts approx 3-4 months until jaw pain and other systems spiral. At least the aspergillus is gone.
Still grateful for your S.Holmes determinations over time. Some issues hide themselves---wiley indeed.
It is worth getting rid of cheap ceramic dishes of anykind if you have not already considered---heat and use cracks the cheap glaze allowing lead leak every sip you take. Go heavy china, tempered glass, un-color glaze pottery, or American PYREX, Fireking, or Corelle.
I'm glad you were able to tamp down on the dominance of the aspergillus mold that gave you problems.

A reason why I see ozone and UV as a last resort is because I like to my body to rely on its microbial balance to be healthy. As long as there is no dominance by one set of microbes, they should balance each other out and I can benefit from having an al Qaeda microbe being able to subdue a virulent "rules-based moronic NATO soldier of fortune" and the other way around, and innocent civilians in my microbial world can go about doing their job of keeping me healthy.

I have a koi pond and I like my koi to thrive in such an environment where I do not rely on UV light to kill potential pathogens. As much as I fear these pathogens, I also fear killing the commensal microbes that the koi need to keep its skin healthy and glowing. Most koi pond owners use UV to make their job easier, but I prefer working with nature and making my koi pond a microcosm of nature as much as possible.

But when it becomes too troublesome, I am willing to bring back the UV lamp to the pond and to myself.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I like this idea better than IV ozone, as I don't like sticking a needle into my arm where I think a lot of things could go wrong with me being a Murphy's Law magnet. Besides, enemas were a standard way of medicine before IV became standard. Could you please send me a link to this device?

Your success in using it overcomes my negative feeling about ozone. I have this thinking that because I've used hydrogen peroxide orally and it hasn't been effective, and thinking that ozone turns into hydrogen peroxide easily inside the body (as rain turns ozone into hydrogen peroxide and I often see my koi pond become clearer after it rains due to the hydrogen peroxide rain brings into the pond). I would see the ozone becoming ineffective as it turns into hydrogen peroxide and I would imagine the microbes are protected by catalase-positive microbes among them, and it would just turn hydrogen peroxide into water, rendering the ozone/hydrogen peroxide ineffective.

And because of this, I had looked into and began using essential oil blends, as the microbes form a symbiotic community where they can contribute each microbes strength to cover for each other's weaknesses, and to counter that, I can use blends of essential oils, drawing from each oils special qualities to counter the symbiotic strengths of the microbial community. And if this isn't making a dent, I may not be dealing with microbes at all, but with a heavy metal - either lead or mercury.
My understanding is that when the ozone gets into circulation, it will contact and destroy any circulating microbes before it becomes metabolized. I believe this to be so, since I had used many anti-fungal treatments, essential oils included, with very minimal success, and did not eradicate the fungus until I used the ozone RIs. I am sure that some microbes will hide in deep tissue, etc., but that is why it is not a once and done treatment. Mine took two weeks with monthly maintenance, others may take longer. Osmose is doing the RIs, and you may want to ask him about his experience.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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