"Essential" Hypertension And Appreciating It For What It Really Is



Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag Have you ever performed tests to evaluate arterial calcification and fibrosis?
No, I think that is what's referred to as the calcium score. The medical literature is intentionally unclear as to whether that refers to internal calcification of blood vessels, or to the development of plaque on the endothlial lining of blood vessels.

Not really wanting to waste my time on researching ambiguous medical literature that only serve to mislead us, I just figure that refers to the latter.

There is also a test called carotid artery ultrasound, which probably shows plaque both on the media and intima layers of the carotid artery, without distinguishing between the two.

I think these tests have more to do with plaque than internal calcification of blood vessel cells, which has more to do with blood vessels becoming stiff and unable to dilate or constrict as freely, related to acid base balance having to do with poor sugar metabolism, exacerbated by low CoQ10 due to the use of stations.

Some cases of high blood pressure are due to internal calcification, causing blood vessels to not dilate freely, so you can see these people with high blood pressure having no bulging arteries or veins.

High blood pressure caused by plaque formarion have more to do with the effects of oxidative stress, from oxidized LDL and from the immune system producing ROS in the process of killing pathogenic microbes.

I haven't taken any of these tests, because I know I have little internal calcification, and that plaque formation in blood vessels is a natural part of the body's protective system to keep pathogens and oxidized away from the blood, modulating and managing the inflammatory response of the immune system.

Whatever my calcium score is, it is already a done deal. If I try to lyse the plaque, I only move the timeline of reckoning with the stored toxins and microbes, of which old people die of in sepsis in their old age.

I just try to keep more plaque from forming and those I already have I keep from disturbing so judgment day will come later than sooner.


Mar 29, 2016
Is lightly seared raw or semi-raw meat more difficult to absorb in the intestine?
Except for pork meat, which contains trichinosis bacteria when serves undercooked or raw, raw meat is easier to it digest, and thereby easiee 3é43


Mar 29, 2016
@Brooks Esq. I received my 20g order of Emeramide last Tuesday and so far I have taken 3 daily doses of 500mg each day out of my plan of doing a 40-dsy treatment.

I already see large drops in my blood pressure, where I see bp going as low as 150/105, from my recent norm of 200/130. This far exceeds my norm of 180/120 of 4 years ago, before my bp began to go up to 240/160 when I began taking proteolytic enzymes (which released a load of microbes that added further to the burden on the immune system requiring it to produce more ROS).

The esmeramide is thus lowering the toxic burden of lead and this is leading to the lowering of my bp. I have quite always to go to reach my target of 120/80 of 22 years ago.

The bp value I get now of 150/105, however, is merely the lowest I measures today, which means that that throughout the say, my bp would fluctuate from the high of 215/140 to the low of 150/105.

I have a slight inkling of what causes this fluctuation but I'll keep mum on it now. I am more interested in the directional trend, and happy to see it go downward.

Esmeramide in 3 days did what I could never do in 22 years. Makes almost everything I've done inconsequential as far as lowering bp is concerned. I say almost because learning Peat stuff, especially about maintaining an adequate level of sugar metabolism, allows me to stay in the fight long enough without getting knocked out. Succumbing to blood pressure medication would be equivalent to throwing the towel.

On the third inning of 40, there is much more to look forward to in the coming days ahead.


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag , have you ever tried thyroid supplementation for your troubles ?
Since I have a good thyroid, based on temperature, good sugar regulation, and on QTc values on the ECG, and on the Achilles tendon reflex test, I only use thyroid T3 supplementation occasionally.

Increasing my metsbolism, as I have observed, only increases my blood pressure. As noted when I use methylene blue.

Not that it is a bad thing, but it shows me that I have to address my hypertensive issues by looking into ways I can keep the primary antioxidant in the ECF from constantly being used up to neutralize oxidative stress, which lowers my albumin stores in blood and thus lowers blood volume. Lower blood volume causes my body to compensate by increasing blood pressure to ensure adequate blood circulation and perfusion of vital organs, to keep me functional and from degenerating, as many people who take bp medication end up suffering from (which the med establishment likes to blame on aging and genes).

What is your take on why thyroid would be helpful?
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Mar 29, 2016
After 12 days on NMBI (500mg/day), I have started to see some changes-

- bp has started to average 180/120, from a low of 170/110 to high of 190/130. Already lower than the frequent 200 systolic readings, and definitely back to the lower levels of 4 yesrs ago.

-I urinate much less, both during the day and at night. So I'm starting to get better sleep.

But my urine foaming is still a problem, although I could say less frequent urination could be interpreted as less total urine foaming. Perhaps I can see this as less oxidation of albumin due to less spillover ROS from reduced phagocytic activity due to lowered heavy metal toxicity from use of NMBI.

But there is 28 days to go before my supply runs out and much more to improve on.

My nightly spO2 charts like show very sharp drops in the kidney and lung hours from 1-5 am.

Still, progress is progress. I have to be thankful after years of seeing no improvement. Make no mistake. I am hopeful that I'm turning the corner. I am not seeing myself having to manage my hypertensive situation anymore, but fixing it for good.


Apr 15, 2015
Since I have a good thyroid, based on temperature, good sugar regulation, and on QTc values on the ECG, and on the Achilles tendon reflex test, I only use thyroid T3 supplementation occasionally.

Increasing my metsbolism, as I have observed, only increases my blood pressure. As noted when I use methylene blue.

Not that it is a bad thing, but it shows me that I have to address my hypertensive issues by looking into ways I can keep the primary antioxidant in the ECF from constantly being used up to neutralize oxidative stress, which lowers my albumin stores in blood and thus lowers blood volume. Lower blood volume causes my body to compensate by increasing blood pressure to ensure adequate blood circulation and perfusion of vital organs, to keep me functional and from degenerating, as many people who take bp medication end up suffering from (which the med establishment likes to blame on aging and genes).

What is your take on why thyroid would be helpful?
When the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or produces too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism), high blood pressure can result.

Actually , I was just digging into some old books on thyroid and picked up some ideas on relation between thyroid and vit D.
Vit D competes with t3 for receptors and lowes tsh same way, without changing t3 or t4.
Vit D was also able to reduce blood pressure acording to some studies.
Remember Ray Peat mentioned that being slightly hypothyroid could be beneficial while living in a hot climate. Living in Manila (hot humid climate) you may benefit upping your vit D and lowering t3 and lowering any thyroid boosting substances.
Sure, living in Philippines, you binge on coconut oil. It is probably not good for you since it boosts thyroid. Neither is butter. Haidut recently mentioned bears . In summer they typically feed on Salmon (PUFA) and berries. Bears in captivity are fed on salmon oil and HFCS and do just fine and live 5-10 years longer.
Mexicans are fat, they consume lots of PUFA (corn or sunflower oil) and coca-cola and still healthy. They get lots of vit D from sun.

Or the opposite can be true.
You may have exhausted your thyroid with coconut fat and iodine. Supplementing t4/t3 and abstaining from any fat (or other thyroid irritating substances) could be beneficial in this case.


Mar 29, 2016
On the effect on blood pressure, I think we are on the same page when it comes to the effect of increasing or decreasing metabolism.

Increasing metabolism increases blood pressure and decreasing it decreases it.

Normally, that is no issue. But if one has a high go condition, increasing metabolism could be interpreted as a bad thing as it worsens the high bp condition.

But I don't see it that way. high bp, as I see it, is the body's way of ensuring enough blood is circulated throughout the body, especially ensuring adequate perfusion of vital organs to keep them from wearing out too soon.

The role of thyroid and oxidative substances are crucial but I have learned to look at stressors that put a brake on the oxidative activities related to metabolism.

The stressor I am dealing with now is none other than heavy metal toxicity, which constantly causes an immune system response that produces a lot of ROS.
This creates a response to neutralize the oxidative stress, by way of albumin acting as an antioxidant.

As albumin gets used, blood plasma loses its volume, as does blood volume. Blood pressure has to increase to compensate for the reduced blood volume.

Taking NMBI is my current approach to chelate the heavy metals, and if it does its job, then my blood pressure problem will be a thing of the past.


Mar 29, 2016
After 12 days on NMBI (500mg/day), I have started to see some changes-

- bp has started to average 180/120, from a low of 170/110 to high of 190/130. Already lower than the frequent 200 systolic readings, and definitely back to the lower levels of 4 yesrs ago.

-I urinate much less, both during the day and at night. So I'm starting to get better sleep.

But my urine foaming is still a problem, although I could say less frequent urination could be interpreted as less total urine foaming. Perhaps I can see this as less oxidation of albumin due to less spillover ROS from reduced phagocytic activity due to lowered heavy metal toxicity from use of NMBI.

But there is 28 days to go before my supply runs out and much more to improve on.

My nightly spO2 charts like show very sharp drops in the kidney and lung hours from 1-5 am.

Still, progress is progress. I have to be thankful after years of seeing no improvement. Make no mistake. I am hopeful that I'm turning the corner. I am not seeing myself having to manage my hypertensive situation anymore, but fixing it for good.
After this bit of good news, the following day, a Monday, about 11 am, as I was driving, my breathing became very shallow and I became short of breath.

I went into the ER of a hospital close by, as I wasn't sure if I can make it driving back home. I was put on oxygen for the enrire afternoon and released.

My spO2 had plummeted to around 82 and that explains how bad my condition was

Does this have anything to do with the Emeramide I was taking at 500mg/day? I believe so. But should I stop taking it? No.

It's because I came to understand, from my experience, that Emeramide use causes the immune system's neutrophils to be further activated, to the point that my wbc became elevated to to 10.5 from my usual 8, and to where the neutrophils constituted a very high 90% of the wbc differential. This meant that there would be high phagocytic activity, and that this activity would involve a high consumption of oxygen.

Emeramide, my reasoning goes, would burrow deep into the tissues to bring out the lead that is hiding within the tissues. And with the lead being discovered and outed, the immune system would proceed to use the neutrophils to eat up the lead that had been brought out and exposed, as attached to the Emeramide complex. The neutrophil, having already gobbled up the lead and Emeramide complex, would eventually be defecated, which would explain why my stools would be softer, and why I would defecate shortly after the first bowel movement. The second bowel movement would consist of looser stools.

What is interesting is that ever since I began monitoring my nightly spO2 (using an O2Ring), I noticed that the only time I would see spO2 dropping was between 1 am and 5 am in the morning, while I was asleep. I had wondered initially what this meant, but only knew that the spO2 drops, that would fall to as low as 71, albeit a momentary blip, is not indicative of hypoxia caused by poor tissue oxygenation. I would then conclude (wrongly as I would find out recently), that it was due to neutrophils killings off bacteria using phagocytosis.

Those hours of steep spO2 drops, relate to the liver detox hours of 1- 3 am, and the lung detox hours of 3 - 5 am, as based on the traditional Chinese 24hr body clock, which has long been accepted by some western alternative medicine practitioners, notably German ones.

Since this phenom happens every night without fail since I started observing them 2 years ago, I reckon that the immune system must be involved in a futile cycle of getting rid of pathogenic microbes, which has some evasive defense mechanism t thwart the phagocytic activity of the neutrophils. So each night I would urinate about 4 times as my sleep is interrupted in order to get rid of some foamy urine, which is indicative of albumin oxidized and spent to counter the spillover ROS resulting from phagocytosis. And this would cause me to have high blood pressure, as lower albumin stores in blood leads to lower blood volume, and lower blood volume requires the body to compensate by increasing blood pressure to ensure adequate blood circulation and adequate perfusion of vital body organs.

BUT ever since I began using Emeramide, the pattern has been broken. I would still experience the same drops during those liver and lung hours in the wee hours, but the magnitude and consistency has been less. This is confirmed by the frequency of nighttime uirnation dropping to just one, although the urine would still retain its foaminess. And this would be accompanied by lower blood pressure, which indicates lower albumin being used. Not sure if there was lower phagocytic activity, but I am more likely to believe that this time with Emeramide in use, the phagocytosis was not running in a futile cycle, and that toxins - lead particles - were being eaten up and excreted.

I would seem to me that the neutrophils are no longer confined to doing their job only on the liver and the lungs, and that they are now freed to do their job on other parts of the body.

So, when the neutrophils began to work on the heart, which is at 11 am -12 pm, I happened to be unaware of this activity within me, and was driving, and I was surprised to have an attack of short breath. It's important to note that if I didn't hurt my lungs 2 months ago, and if my lungs were at 100%, I would not have run out of breath. But it's probably a case of serendipity or synchronicity that I would experience the shortness of breath to get the message to me that the way Emeramide works is that it would sequester from deep tissues of organs the lead particles previously hiding, and expose them to the neutrophils, which would use phagocytosis to eat it up, in the process using a lot of oxygen in the respiratory burst of phagocytosis.

The process of healing can be stressful, and this is one instance that displays this truism. My lungs being is a dismal state now, created a very stressful situation as the lungs I have currently could not adequately meet the heavy demands of the respiratory burst needed by the large numbers of neutrophils summoned by the immune system to get rid of the lead particles dug up and sequestered by Emeramide.

So now I have to cut back my dail dosage of 500mg to 250mg of Emeramide.

24hr. Chinese Body Clock: Traditional Chinese Organ Body Clock: Lana Moshkovich, DACM, L.AC: Chinese Medicine

@Dave Clark @Brooks Esq. @AlaskaJono @Vinny @Peatress


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag How did they explain your low oxygen in the ER?
I mentioned having taken cinnamon bark oil wrongly and that irritated the mucus linings of the lungs.

I got my chest xray results and interpretation. I have pleural effusion, whixh is water buildup.

Related to my mucus linings being irritated and producing phlegm and impeding gas exchange.

Rather than have the water drained by intervention, I'm continuing with nebulizationnof hypertonic saline and methylene blue. And I have some essential oils to help using the suppository method.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
After this bit of good news, the following day, a Monday, about 11 am, as I was driving, my breathing became very shallow and I became short of breath.

I went into the ER of a hospital close by, as I wasn't sure if I can make it driving back home. I was put on oxygen for the enrire afternoon and released.

My spO2 had plummeted to around 82 and that explains how bad my condition was

Does this have anything to do with the Emeramide I was taking at 500mg/day? I believe so. But should I stop taking it? No.

It's because I came to understand, from my experience, that Emeramide use causes the immune system's neutrophils to be further activated, to the point that my wbc became elevated to to 10.5 from my usual 8, and to where the neutrophils constituted a very high 90% of the wbc differential. This meant that there would be high phagocytic activity, and that this activity would involve a high consumption of oxygen.

Emeramide, my reasoning goes, would burrow deep into the tissues to bring out the lead that is hiding within the tissues. And with the lead being discovered and outed, the immune system would proceed to use the neutrophils to eat up the lead that had been brought out and exposed, as attached to the Emeramide complex. The neutrophil, having already gobbled up the lead and Emeramide complex, would eventually be defecated, which would explain why my stools would be softer, and why I would defecate shortly after the first bowel movement. The second bowel movement would consist of looser stools.

What is interesting is that ever since I began monitoring my nightly spO2 (using an O2Ring), I noticed that the only time I would see spO2 dropping was between 1 am and 5 am in the morning, while I was asleep. I had wondered initially what this meant, but only knew that the spO2 drops, that would fall to as low as 71, albeit a momentary blip, is not indicative of hypoxia caused by poor tissue oxygenation. I would then conclude (wrongly as I would find out recently), that it was due to neutrophils killings off bacteria using phagocytosis.

Those hours of steep spO2 drops, relate to the liver detox hours of 1- 3 am, and the lung detox hours of 3 - 5 am, as based on the traditional Chinese 24hr body clock, which has long been accepted by some western alternative medicine practitioners, notably German ones.

Since this phenom happens every night without fail since I started observing them 2 years ago, I reckon that the immune system must be involved in a futile cycle of getting rid of pathogenic microbes, which has some evasive defense mechanism t thwart the phagocytic activity of the neutrophils. So each night I would urinate about 4 times as my sleep is interrupted in order to get rid of some foamy urine, which is indicative of albumin oxidized and spent to counter the spillover ROS resulting from phagocytosis. And this would cause me to have high blood pressure, as lower albumin stores in blood leads to lower blood volume, and lower blood volume requires the body to compensate by increasing blood pressure to ensure adequate blood circulation and adequate perfusion of vital body organs.

BUT ever since I began using Emeramide, the pattern has been broken. I would still experience the same drops during those liver and lung hours in the wee hours, but the magnitude and consistency has been less. This is confirmed by the frequency of nighttime uirnation dropping to just one, although the urine would still retain its foaminess. And this would be accompanied by lower blood pressure, which indicates lower albumin being used. Not sure if there was lower phagocytic activity, but I am more likely to believe that this time with Emeramide in use, the phagocytosis was not running in a futile cycle, and that toxins - lead particles - were being eaten up and excreted.

I would seem to me that the neutrophils are no longer confined to doing their job only on the liver and the lungs, and that they are now freed to do their job on other parts of the body.

So, when the neutrophils began to work on the heart, which is at 11 am -12 pm, I happened to be unaware of this activity within me, and was driving, and I was surprised to have an attack of short breath. It's important to note that if I didn't hurt my lungs 2 months ago, and if my lungs were at 100%, I would not have run out of breath. But it's probably a case of serendipity or synchronicity that I would experience the shortness of breath to get the message to me that the way Emeramide works is that it would sequester from deep tissues of organs the lead particles previously hiding, and expose them to the neutrophils, which would use phagocytosis to eat it up, in the process using a lot of oxygen in the respiratory burst of phagocytosis.

The process of healing can be stressful, and this is one instance that displays this truism. My lungs being is a dismal state now, created a very stressful situation as the lungs I have currently could not adequately meet the heavy demands of the respiratory burst needed by the large numbers of neutrophils summoned by the immune system to get rid of the lead particles dug up and sequestered by Emeramide.

So now I have to cut back my dail dosage of 500mg to 250mg of Emeramide.

24hr. Chinese Body Clock: Traditional Chinese Organ Body Clock: Lana Moshkovich, DACM, L.AC: Chinese Medicine

@Dave Clark @Brooks Esq. @AlaskaJono @Vinny @Peatress


I mentioned having taken cinnamon bark oil wrongly and that irritated the mucus linings of the lungs.

I got my chest xray results and interpretation. I have pleural effusion, whixh is water buildup.

Related to my mucus linings being irritated and producing phlegm and impeding gas exchange.

Rather than have the water drained by intervention, I'm continuing with nebulizationnof hypertonic saline and methylene blue. And I have some essential oils to help using the suppository method.
It must have been pretty serious for you to get an x-ray. How are you doing now?


Apr 19, 2020
Regarding the TCM Clock organ hours, I apply or don't apply the clock as per case by case. In your case it could simply be that your cortisol/stress levels only allow you to get 4 hours straight, then wake up. I know a lot of folks who have this type of 'insomnia' for years.

Also in your situation obviously you are detoxing seriously, and maybe too much for your system to handle, but you are monitoring it and shifting protocols when needed. I don't know about all the Emeramide effects.... but a quick read states it goes out in the bowels. !! not the urine.... hmmmm. Also it does state on the Emeramide website that it passes thru the blood brain barrier. Interesting chelator. Seems that a lower dosage is better longer term, as you stated you are down to 250mg. .... though I would think that breaks are needed in-between regimens to let the body deal with the chelation, and catch your breath so to speak.

How ya doing now?


Mar 29, 2016
It must have been pretty serious for you to get an x-ray. How are you doing now?
It took two weeks since I went to the ER for me to recover.

I'm now able to function like normal. It comes down to my lungs being restored of its ability to breathe in enough oxygen. i was able to use suppositories made of essential oils, as mucolytics and expectorants, as well as another set as anti-microbials, in order to slowly rid my lungs of phlegm and liquid matter. Slowly, my breathing quality was restored.

I'm now able to restore my neuromuscular abilities that affect my autonomic functions like swallowing as well as peripheral muscle control involving the use of my legs in a surefooted way.

The constant hiccupping and the high serotonin that seems to come with the loss of the lungs' serotonin-clearing ability had me losing sleep for three straight days, but thankfully I managed to only develop a slight fever.

I had edema on both my ankles as a result of poor heart, which made it difficult to circulate blood at the extreme peripheries where my ankles are, but when my lungs improved, so did my heart, and this eventually led to the dema going away at my ankles.

There is a bit of holdover pleural effusion, which would go away soon. Until then, I would let my lungs continue to restore its breathing ability before I do anything else. My use of Emeramide is on hold until my breathing is back to 100%


Mar 29, 2016
Regarding the TCM Clock organ hours, I apply or don't apply the clock as per case by case. In your case it could simply be that your cortisol/stress levels only allow you to get 4 hours straight, then wake up. I know a lot of folks who have this type of 'insomnia' for years.
I wouldn't call this insomnia, as I sleep through these strong spO2 drops. If not for having an o2ring to give my nightly spO2 reports in the morning, I would not be aware such spO2 drops occur, as I don't even snore through it. My blood sugar is pretty steady, so there is not much cortisol involved in the spO2 drops. I believe the spO2 drops are due to the respiratory burst of phagocytosis, and not due to stress caused by having low blood sugar.

Also in your situation obviously you are detoxing seriously, and maybe too much for your system to handle, but you are monitoring it and shifting protocols when needed. I don't know about all the Emeramide effects.... but a quick read states it goes out in the bowels. !! not the urine.... hmmmm. Also it does state on the Emeramide website that it passes thru the blood brain barrier. Interesting chelator. Seems that a lower dosage is better longer term, as you stated you are down to 250mg. .... though I would think that breaks are needed in-between regimens to let the body deal with the chelation, and catch your breath so to speak.
Agree with all here. As that has been my observation. And I need a break, which I had been having as I improve my breathing. When I resume using Emeramide, it would have to be when my lungs are no longer impaired enough that it would fall short of meeting the strong demands for oxygen as detoxing heavy metals with Emeramide would entail.


It took two weeks since I went to the ER for me to recover.

I'm now able to function like normal. It comes down to my lungs being restored of its ability to breathe in enough oxygen. i was able to use suppositories made of essential oils, as mucolytics and expectorants, as well as another set as anti-microbials, in order to slowly rid my lungs of phlegm and liquid matter. Slowly, my breathing quality was restored.

I'm now able to restore my neuromuscular abilities that affect my autonomic functions like swallowing as well as peripheral muscle control involving the use of my legs in a surefooted way.

The constant hiccupping and the high serotonin that seems to come with the loss of the lungs' serotonin-clearing ability had me losing sleep for three straight days, but thankfully I managed to only develop a slight fever.

I had edema on both my ankles as a result of poor heart, which made it difficult to circulate blood at the extreme peripheries where my ankles are, but when my lungs improved, so did my heart, and this eventually led to the dema going away at my ankles.

There is a bit of holdover pleural effusion, which would go away soon. Until then, I would let my lungs continue to restore its breathing ability before I do anything else. My use of Emeramide is on hold until my breathing is back to 100%
Glad you are getting better.


Aug 17, 2018
I mentioned having taken cinnamon bark oil wrongly and that irritated the mucus linings of the lungs.

I got my chest xray results and interpretation. I have pleural effusion, whixh is water buildup.

Related to my mucus linings being irritated and producing phlegm and impeding gas exchange.

Rather than have the water drained by intervention, I'm continuing with nebulizationnof hypertonic saline and methylene blue. And I have some essential oils to help using the suppository method.
I didn't read the entire thread but how wrongly did you use cinnamon bark oil? Was it to many drops? I read somewhere that you took about 3 drops per day. You think that was too much? Thanks.


Mar 29, 2016
Glad you are getting better.
Thanks. This was a major detour. But I learned something valuable about the lungs and how it impacts the heart greatly, and how it impacts neuromuscular functions in the autonomic and voluntary nervous systems. The body is so tied together that a subsystem being impaired affects the whole one way or another.

I couldn't sleep lying down because I keep on having hiccups, and the reason the hiccups occur is because the lungs are expectorating phlegm, but the phlegm was jamming up in the throat, and the throat is jamming up because its autonomic operation is affected in a neuromuscular way because my lungs have fluids, and this affects my nerves and musccles and the electrical signals needed to coordinate the nerves.

I tried to sleep upright, and this reduces the hiccups, but because the lungs aren't doing its job of deactivating serotonin, I still couldn't sleep as serotonin is high.

Thankfully, I am able to use suppositories with appropriate essential oils that are able to act as mucolytics and expectorants, allowing phlegm to be loosened and expectorated thus slowly clearing my lungs of liquid. Eventually, my hiccups and serotonin were gone and I was able to sleep in a normal lying position. I would not have imagined being hospitalized in this state being able to resolve these issues, as hospitals have methods that are only meant to deepen and worsen issues. They would have given salbutamol that would only increase serotonin.

I'm glad I refused to be confined to a hospital, and that I stood firm in refusing the hospital's entreaties.


Mar 29, 2016
I didn't read the entire thread but how wrongly did you use cinnamon bark oil? Was it to many drops? I read somewhere that you took about 3 drops per day. You think that was too much? Thanks.
A drop of cinnamon bark oil is already too much. It isn't meant to be ingested orally in a sugar cube. It would just expose my respiratory tract and lungs to a very irritating substance that would inflame the mucous and cause it to be covered in phlegm and restrict gas exchange so needed for oxygen intake and CO2 exhaust. Backread for details.
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