Experiences With Tianeptine?


Mar 26, 2014
Coincidentally I just ordered some today. I'd never even heard of SSRE's before, but I like experimenting (Cautiously)


Mar 29, 2014
narouz said:

" ... Dual activation of the mu and, less potently, the delta opioid receptors may be critical to tianeptine's mood-brightening and anxiolytic effect - a therapeutic action seemingly unaccompanied by the physiological tolerance and dependence that have plagued traditional opioids...."
Does this mean it does not give withdrawal symptoms, at least not worse than what one had before?


Jul 22, 2012
I guess, tara, that is part of the re-evalution they note.
I would think it might indicate that withdraw would not be like opiate withdrawal.
But I think the anecdotal record would still stand--
the reports that if one takes very high doses of tianeptine for some time
and then suddenly stops cold...bad times ensue.

Another point of re-evaluation would seem to concern that kappa receptor thing.
Apparently it was previously thought that tianeptine agonized that.
But now...no.
So not the worry about dysphoria?

Short answer: I'm not sure. :D


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
narouz said:
I guess, tara, that is part of the re-evalution they note.
I would think it might indicate that withdraw would not be like opiate withdrawal.
But I think the anecdotal record would still stand--
the reports that if one takes very high doses of tianeptine for some time
and then suddenly stops cold...bad times ensue.

Another point of re-evaluation would seem to concern that kappa receptor thing.
Apparently it was previously thought that tianeptine agonized that.
But now...no.
So not the worry about dysphoria?

Short answer: I'm not sure. :D

Tianeptine is known to cause physical dependence but it is unclear how strongly. In Russia, due to its opioid effects, tianeptine is mixed with other cheap opioids to produce the dreaded drug Krokodil. If you are into some horror, do a Google image search for that drug. It's not tianeptine that causes the horrible side effects, but in Russia it is considered addictive nonetheless. However, keeping in mind the Peat explanation of addiction, anything can be considered addictive if it provides relief from inescapable stress. So, I guess the worse your health is the more careful you should be with tianeptine since it may provide much bigger relief and thus cause "addiction". That may be one of the reasons of Peat saying to use anti-serotonin drugs for a short time. The goal is to avoid taking drugs for the rest of your life jut b/c they make you feel good. So, once health is improved the drugs should be phased out. I would probably make an exception for dopaminergic drugs like lisuride, or aspirin, or caffeine. These are life extending and probably worth taking long term.
Just my 2c.


Jul 22, 2012
haidut said:
Tianeptine is known to cause physical dependence but it is unclear how strongly. In Russia, due to its opioid effects, tianeptine is mixed with other cheap opioids to produce the dreaded drug Krokodil. If you are into some horror, do a Google image search for that drug. It's not tianeptine that causes the horrible side effects, but in Russia it is considered addictive nonetheless. However, keeping in mind the Peat explanation of addiction, anything can be considered addictive if it provides relief from inescapable stress. So, I guess the worse your health is the more careful you should be with tianeptine since it may provide much bigger relief and thus cause "addiction". That may be one of the reasons of Peat saying to use anti-serotonin drugs for a short time. The goal is to avoid taking drugs for the rest of your life jut b/c they make you feel good. So, once health is improved the drugs should be phased out. I would probably make an exception for dopaminergic drugs like lisuride, or aspirin, or caffeine. These are life extending and probably worth taking long term.
Just my 2c.

I know this is wrong,
but I kinda wish some of these "Peat pharmas"
had given me some cool psychotropic effect.
Tianeptine...I don't think I felt anything.
Lisuride made me feel very heavy and lethargic.
Methylene Blue...maybe something very subtle, but nothing I could really say for sure.
Now Cyproheptadine did have a dramatic effect--
kinda knocked me out and made me sleep about 12 hours
then left me feeling kinda sedated and blurry the next day
(this passed with use).

This is not at all to dispute what you say haidut about tianeptine.
And it is not to argue that those substances do not produce good health benefits.
Just a comment on the psychotropic and addictive aspects.


May 12, 2014
Thanks for the timely warning, Haidut. I'm thinking of having my daughter try it because she has decided to go the pharma route for ADHD starting college this Fall. I figured Tianeptine is safer if it works. Thus far her experience with pharma ADHD some years ago was to take it as needed...I'm not sure you can do that with Tianeptine or not. In any case, I will talk with her about the possibility of dependency and we can monitor how much of a benefit she experiences and what to make of that...if it works at all for her.

So...thanks again!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
sunmountain said:
Thanks for the timely warning, Haidut. I'm thinking of having my daughter try it because she has decided to go the pharma route for ADHD starting college this Fall. I figured Tianeptine is safer if it works. Thus far her experience with pharma ADHD some years ago was to take it as needed...I'm not sure you can do that with Tianeptine or not. In any case, I will talk with her about the possibility of dependency and we can monitor how much of a benefit she experiences and what to make of that...if it works at all for her.

So...thanks again!

The typical dosage of 12.5mg taken 3 times a day has very low chance of addiction. However, even that dose causes some sort of adaptation b/c people taking this dose of tianeptine and then stopping it have experienced a sort of adrenalin rush with shaking, cold extremities, dizziness, etc. I think it's safest to start with 12.5mg once a day and only increase if you don't see effects. If she ends up taking more than 12.5mg per day and then wants to stop I suggest tapering off gradually.


May 12, 2014
Thanks, Haidut!

She took the first one this evening. She says it helped with homework! She's taking a second now in order to finish up homework. I don't know if it affects sleep or not (it's 10:20pm now)...I guess she'll find out.

I'll let her know to take no more than 2 tomorrow -- one before school and one after around 6pm if needed then.

I wonder if it will work if she takes it on an as needed basis instead of a regular schedule? How long does it stay in the system? But perhaps the withdrawal kicks in if she is irregular, forcing her to be regular?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
sunmountain said:
Thanks, Haidut!

She took the first one this evening. She says it helped with homework! She's taking a second now in order to finish up homework. I don't know if it affects sleep or not (it's 10:20pm now)...I guess she'll find out.

I'll let her know to take no more than 2 tomorrow -- one before school and one after around 6pm if needed then.

I wonder if it will work if she takes it on an as needed basis instead of a regular schedule? How long does it stay in the system? But perhaps the withdrawal kicks in if she is irregular, forcing her to be regular?

Tianeptine has short half life of about 4 hours so hence the need to take 3 times a day. I think taking only twice won't create dependency to the point of experiencing withdrawal signs. It's a relatively benign drug when used in low doses, but things escalate pretty quickly when you start taking daily in more than 50mg per day.


May 12, 2014
I'll bear that in mind and go over it with her. She forgot to take one in the morning! Took one after school, but is playing around with prom dresses in her room... I'll let her know about the 4ish hour window, so she can time it accordingly.

Thanks, Haidut!
Jan 24, 2014
Hi sunmountain...I'm wondering how your daughter is getting along with the Tianeptine? Is she still finding it helpful? If so, how do you dose and how often etc....if you don't mind sharing? :)


May 12, 2014
Very sporadically. For some reason, she has not given it a full try. She took 2 tablets at my reminder this evening to study for tomorrow's exam, but goofed off. I guess it does not change motivation. Part of it is that senior year is winding down. It may be that she will try it more deliberately this Fall in college.

Are you thinking of trying it BigP? I have thought about it too, and may try it once other things settle a bit.


Jan 28, 2013
I will post some soon. I just ordered it today. Also interested in hearing more about other's experiences with it.


Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 102173 I will post some soon. I just ordered it today. Also interested in hearing more about other's experiences with it.

Where did you order from?
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Jan 28, 2013
Peata said:
post 102174
Dean said:
post 102173 I will post some soon. I just ordered it today. Also interested in hearing more about other's experiences with it.

Where did you order from?
newmind.com. Ordered it this morning and just got email that it had shipped already. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.
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Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 102179
Peata said:
post 102174
Dean said:
post 102173 I will post some soon. I just ordered it today. Also interested in hearing more about other's experiences with it.

Where did you order from?
newmind.com. Ordered it this morning and just got email that it had shipped already. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot.

Tianeptine sodium salt or free acid?
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Jan 28, 2013
I ordered the sodium salt. I'm not sure what the free acid is. I was only aware of the sodium salt or some kind of new sulfur form which is supposed to be more extended release that is available on another website. I was going to order both, but I decided to try the sodium salt first. Check out toxinless.com for different ordering options.


Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 102205 I ordered the sodium salt. I'm not sure what the free acid is. I was only aware of the sodium salt or some kind of new sulfur form which is supposed to be more extended release that is available on another website. I was going to order both, but I decided to try the sodium salt first. Check out toxinless.com for different ordering options.

I just got my order of tianeptine sodium powder 5 g. I used a different company. Have you received and tried your tianeptine yet?
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