Feeling worse and am in the worst health I've been in a while. Need guidance. Can't figure out why.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
I have been struggling with health issues for a minute now. I am an 18 yo male and am recovering from marijuana and tobacco addiction. I smoked for about 4 years chronically. My health has deteriorated since. I have eczema, seb derm, slight hypothyroidism, nutrient deficiencies, mental health issues, sleep issues, gut issues, hair loss, skin issues, liver issues...

Over the past 2-3 years, my health has gone down. And over the past 2 years my skin issues have worsened into full body eczema, before it was just dandruff then seb derm, then gut issues, etc... eczema... so many more issues.

My labs showed I had a high reverse t3 which was out of the range. My t3 was below the range and my t4 was barely within the upper range. So I had a t4 to t3 conversion issue. Maybe from a compromised liver from the chronic stress and drug and tobacco use. My TSH was 3.11 and my temps and pulse were low and I struggled with constipation. My mood and mental state has also been different and I struggle with what I believe to be a case of low grade ADD, or maybe it's just a lack of discipline and an abundance of laziness. I decided I wanted to fix my health since.

My family has a strong family history of thyroid disorders. My grandfather had hyper, while my grandmother and my uncle and aunts had hypo. My mother has hypo. My dads health is horrible as well, so genetics have not been kind to me. I need to get on top of this..... if it's even possible....Is it? To completely course correct?

Since the results of my labs. I have been trying to get into health and medicine. I found Ray's work from my research on thyroid. I have since supplemented t3. I think I dosed too high and had dirahhea so I lowered my dose and I'm pooping better. Still think I need to lower it just a bit. Maybe less than 25 mcg a day. Does anyone know the average dosage before the thyroid downregulates hormone production? I want to use t3 as a supplement, and not so much a medication. Accurately monitoring labs to dose properly is key, with the objective being to use as little t3 as possible to achieve hormone equilibrium.

My most recent labs look better now I think-


My free t3 improved but my free t4 tanked. I didn't do total t3 and t4 when I first did baselines so I don't have that. Anyways, I'm hoping someone with more knowledge than me can shed some light on the matter. I need to redo my trace minerals and b vitamins again because my hair mineral showed I was deficient in a lot of things. I had a b1 deficiency, which maybe could have even been the cause of everything but I'm not sure. I had a mercury filling removed. Now I just have a root canal left to take out, which is happening soon. And if you aren't familiar with why this relates, @mostlylurking knows a lot about it, thiamine deficiency could be caused by mercury.

I have been taking a probiotic and I have issues with probiotics for some reason. I took them before and it flares my eczema up even more. Could this be a clue? Histamine issues from the probiotic?

Also my bilirubin is elevated... another problem now... :( Anyone know why?


Mar 26, 2014
Also my bilirubin is elevated... another problem now... :( Anyone know why?

You could try TUDCA, it's cheap, effective and seems to be safe - I am using it right now for what appeared to be cholestasis (Self diagnosed on long term symptoms and have noticed improvements in the short time I have been taking it).

Personally I don't think taking thyroid is a good idea until you know you have you nutrients sufficient or you're asking your body to ramp up stress hormones too.

Ditch the probiotics.


Apr 21, 2021
For eczema, zinc (oysters if you can). Are you eating enough? What kind of probiotic are you taking?


Apr 4, 2016
Mercury can induce a selenium deficiency and take its place by accumulating in the thyroid, this may be the reason for your low t4 to t3 conversion,try to supplement with selenium and iodine to replace the mercury. Alternatively you can also try the chelation route because its possible that you have too much cadmium from your previous marijuana and tobacco intake.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
For eczema, zinc (oysters if you can). Are you eating enough? What kind of probiotic are you taking?
No actually, I haven't been able to source it, I take a trace mineral supplement occasionally. The probiotic is skinessa probiotic.


May 13, 2015
So I had a t4 to t3 conversion issue. Maybe from a compromised liver from the chronic stress and drug and tobacco use.
Points to problems with your liver possibly. The liver converts t4 to t3; usually it's blamed on high estrogen, but anything that stresses the liver (like toxins) would hinder its ability to convert t4 to t3.
My TSH was 3.11 and my temps and pulse were low and I struggled with constipation.
TSH is too high which would in and of itself increase inflammation. Points to hypothyroidism. How's your cholesterol? Do you avoid PUFA? For how long?
My family has a strong family history of thyroid disorders. My grandfather had hyper, while my grandmother and my uncle and aunts had hypo. My mother has hypo. My dads health is horrible as well, so genetics have not been kind to me. I need to get on top of this..... if it's even possible....Is it? To completely course correct?
I wouldn't worry so much about the genetics; chances are more likely it's caused by diet, like high polyunsaturated fatty acids. Or environmental toxins (including heavy metals).
I had a mercury filling removed. Now I just have a root canal left to take out, which is happening soon.
Can you please describe the removal procedure? Did they use a dental dam? Were cautionary procedures taken?
I had a b1 deficiency, which maybe could have even been the cause of everything but I'm not sure
B1 deficiency causes a multitude of maladies.

bilirubin is elevated
This is a sign that your liver isn't working very well.
"High bilirubin levels can cause jaundice and be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Several of these conditions, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, may be serious and need medical attention."

A few of the things you mention point to possible problems with your liver function. Avoiding PUFA and eating a nutrient rich diet would be helpful. Avoiding toxins is important. I personally found benefit from B1 and magnesium for my liver function; I had the beginning of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease but it went away after several months of thiamine and magnesium supplementation, along with 100mg niacinamide 4Xday.


Dec 8, 2016
I have been struggling with health issues for a minute now. I am an 18 yo male and am recovering from marijuana and tobacco addiction. I smoked for about 4 years chronically. My health has deteriorated since. I have eczema, seb derm, slight hypothyroidism, nutrient deficiencies, mental health issues, sleep issues, gut issues, hair loss, skin issues, liver issues...

Over the past 2-3 years, my health has gone down. And over the past 2 years my skin issues have worsened into full body eczema, before it was just dandruff then seb derm, then gut issues, etc... eczema... so many more issues.

My labs showed I had a high reverse t3 which was out of the range. My t3 was below the range and my t4 was barely within the upper range. So I had a t4 to t3 conversion issue. Maybe from a compromised liver from the chronic stress and drug and tobacco use. My TSH was 3.11 and my temps and pulse were low and I struggled with constipation. My mood and mental state has also been different and I struggle with what I believe to be a case of low grade ADD, or maybe it's just a lack of discipline and an abundance of laziness. I decided I wanted to fix my health since.

My family has a strong family history of thyroid disorders. My grandfather had hyper, while my grandmother and my uncle and aunts had hypo. My mother has hypo. My dads health is horrible as well, so genetics have not been kind to me. I need to get on top of this..... if it's even possible....Is it? To completely course correct?

Since the results of my labs. I have been trying to get into health and medicine. I found Ray's work from my research on thyroid. I have since supplemented t3. I think I dosed too high and had dirahhea so I lowered my dose and I'm pooping better. Still think I need to lower it just a bit. Maybe less than 25 mcg a day. Does anyone know the average dosage before the thyroid downregulates hormone production? I want to use t3 as a supplement, and not so much a medication. Accurately monitoring labs to dose properly is key, with the objective being to use as little t3 as possible to achieve hormone equilibrium.

My most recent labs look better now I think-

View attachment 54614

My free t3 improved but my free t4 tanked. I didn't do total t3 and t4 when I first did baselines so I don't have that. Anyways, I'm hoping someone with more knowledge than me can shed some light on the matter. I need to redo my trace minerals and b vitamins again because my hair mineral showed I was deficient in a lot of things. I had a b1 deficiency, which maybe could have even been the cause of everything but I'm not sure. I had a mercury filling removed. Now I just have a root canal left to take out, which is happening soon. And if you aren't familiar with why this relates, @mostlylurking knows a lot about it, thiamine deficiency could be caused by mercury.

I have been taking a probiotic and I have issues with probiotics for some reason. I took them before and it flares my eczema up even more. Could this be a clue? Histamine issues from the probiotic?

Also my bilirubin is elevated... another problem now... :( Anyone know why?
Well as you know 14 to 18 are giant growth years for men

You have the most important piece down
And that is wanting to change

I agree with your assessment about a weak or dirty liver

You mentioned stress: other than the drug use what do you think your biggest stress was or still is?

If you were my son I would tell you to:
-lay off the supplements. Your body is in a clear state of chaos (as seen topically on your skin) and adding supplements to an already congested liver is probably not the best start
-You’re clearly hypothyroid. Are you eating enough?
-get sun
- again. No probiotics. Settle down. Get to baseline. You can always add them in judiciously one by one later
- your young. Your body will heal well if you give it what it needs and stop giving it what isn’t working

Food as medicine

Wake up
Take temp

Eat a fabulous and balanced breakfast
Twenty minutes later take your temp again in a relaxed state

See how that meal supported you


Your stress could be digestion
Your stress could be blood sugar
Your stress could be supplements

Remove stressors
Get sun

Your body will heal if you give it what it needs metabolically
Which will in turn help you hormonally

It’s laborious
And you have to pay attention
But once you start feeling better
It’s super motivating

Best to you


Jun 6, 2023
United States
Points to problems with your liver possibly. The liver converts t4 to t3; usually it's blamed on high estrogen, but anything that stresses the liver (like toxins) would hinder its ability to convert t4 to t3.

TSH is too high which would in and of itself increase inflammation. Points to hypothyroidism. How's your cholesterol? Do you avoid PUFA? For how long?

I wouldn't worry so much about the genetics; chances are more likely it's caused by diet, like high polyunsaturated fatty acids. Or environmental toxins (including heavy metals).

Can you please describe the removal procedure? Did they use a dental dam? Were cautionary procedures taken?
I did the SAFE mercury removal, the one you told me about before. Were it not for you, I think I would have just gone to a normal dentist for that.
B1 deficiency causes a multitude of maladies.

This is a sign that your liver isn't working very well.
"High bilirubin levels can cause jaundice and be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Several of these conditions, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, may be serious and need medical attention."

A few of the things you mention point to possible problems with your liver function. Avoiding PUFA and eating a nutrient rich diet would be helpful. Avoiding toxins is important. I personally found benefit from B1 and magnesium for my liver function; I had the beginning of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease but it went away after several months of thiamine and magnesium supplementation, along with 100mg niacinamide 4Xday.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
If you were my son I would tell you to:
-lay off the supplements. Your body is in a clear state of chaos (as seen topically on your skin) and adding supplements to an already congested liver is probably not the best start
-You’re clearly hypothyroid. Are you eating enough?
-get sun
- again. No probiotics. Settle down. Get to baseline. You can always add them in judiciously one by one later
- your young. Your body will heal well if you give it what it needs and stop giving it what isn’t working
Including t3?


May 13, 2015
I did the SAFE mercury removal, the one you told me about before. Were it not for you, I think I would have just gone to a normal dentist for that.
Keep in mind that the mercury toxicity symptoms will ebb and flow for years. I had mercury tatooing show up on my gums 20+ years after my amalgams were removed. You will probably always have to be hyper-vigilant when it comes to avoiding toxins. Things like second hand smoke, car exhaust, etc may well affect you more than some other people. Just be aware.

Yup, will do it from the same SMART dentist. Hurting my pockets but what good is money and worldly things with ill health.

You've got that right.


Dec 8, 2016


Aug 17, 2016
I like the supplements mostlylurking suggested: thiamine, magnesium, niacinamide.
I also like the selenium and zinc suggestion. But maybe 3x a week--not everyday.

Inosine would be good to quell adrenaline.

Also B2 .

Pregnenolone is awesome to get the whole body out of stress. And to quell cravings.

Good luck.


Nov 28, 2014
Lack of calories and/or protein can cause your symptoms and contribute to hypothyroidism. And isn't tobacco an appetite suppressant? Maybe the marijuana balances it out. Anyway, I think it would be good to tell us more about your diet. Not just what, but how much you eat in a typical day.


Dec 8, 2016
Could you elaborate why? I am in a hypothyroid state. Does it not make sense to help aid the sluggish thyroid with t3? As to prevent the chain reaction of a sluggish thyroid.
I presume the t3 or ndt is a stressor.

If you are revving a dry engine with no oil or gas- it’s not good for the car

You need nutrition from food
A slight abundance of kcal consistently
Then slowly add ndt in if needed

Food wonderfully stops the stress response too


Feb 3, 2020
T3-only is really messy. And it’s normal that it tanks your T4. Taking exogenous T3 suppresses TSH, so the body does not make it‘s own T4. If you take T3 only you likely need to take full replacement doses of T3, but I don’t know the amounts needed for that.

NDT or T4/T3 (Cynoplus/Novotiral/Bitiron) are better in my opinion.


Dec 8, 2016
T3 or even NDT requires energy
Energy that he doesn’t have
Pushing him into a further stressed state

My opinion
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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