How to safely go back to a t3 only protocol? Wanting to drop t4 due to conversion issues.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
I wanted to know how to safely drop t4. I started taking t4+t3 since taking 25 mcg wasn't enough and my temps would always crash in the morning. I though adding t4 would help stabalize my pulse and temps overnight but I think most of the t4 I am taking is just converting to rt3. This was my initial issue and why I started taking thyroid in the first place.

However I think my main issues are still liver issues. I was a chronic cigarette and marijuana smoker for about 5 years. I suspect I always had somewhat of a sluggish thyroid and that the sluggish thyroid caused a sluggish liver... but I made the liver issue much worse by smoking.

I want to focus my efforts now on fixing the liver... and that maybe I add in small amounts of t4 in the future once my liver health improves... but for now, with the current state of my liver, I think the t4 is just causing more issues than it is solving.

I was on 120 mcg of t4 +10-15 mcg of t3 for 1 month now.... How badly do you think I will crash. Is it better to still take a little bit of t4, but take way more t3? Like 1/8 of a cynoplus but like 25mcg of t3.... instead of completely dropping the t4?


Feb 3, 2020
I think Danny always said that a person has to experiment on his own to find out what type, frequency and dosing of thyroid works best for each individual. And it’s not only restricted to thyroid, but diet, supplements etc. Nobody can tell you, except you.

We all need to „perceive, think, act.“
Tracking your biometrics (body waking and midday underarm temperature + heart rate, bowel movement frequency, mood (scale 1-10), energy levels (1-10) sleep quality (1-10) in an excel sheet might help you discern progression or regression with what you are doing.
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