Fighting Candida, Food Sensitivities / Leaky Gut, Brain Fog, Ocular Migraines, Acetaldehyde

David G

Feb 27, 2019
I have been incorporating some of Peat et al's dietary advice, eg. cutting out PUFA's, and overall eating very healthy however after much research it is becoming highly suspect that Candida (or similar yeast/fungus) is the primary cause of my issues. I'm hoping some others here may have already been through this and able to offer some simple practicable advice.

First a quick history of symptoms:
1. Since teenage years or before I always had some occasional, fairly minor telltale symptoms of candida such as mild dandruff, itchy butt, sinus congestion, and acne. As a teenager (in the 80's) my diet was not good - not super bad, but lots of dairy, cereal, bread, and a fair amount of sugar and processed foods. I could always eat anything though and never had any gut issues or sensitivities or any other issues.
2. About 5 years ago I became intolerant of gluten. I started getting tinnitus which kept getting worse until I was starting to not be able to sleep and only after cutting out gluten did it go away.
3. About 6 years ago I started getting occasional ocular migraines. They would usually mostly subside in < 1 hour but leave a slight dull pain for 1-2 days afterwards (behind right eye). These are definitely caused by some foods such as tapioca, quinoa, more recently corn, soy, and potatoes, and seemingly even white rice now. I still get them 1-2 x per month even though I have now had to cut out pretty much all grains. When I get them I take 4 aspirin and that seems to help them go away faster.
4. I have been eating 99% organic for several months now and was eating ~80% organic for the previous 1+ years. I'm pretty darn careful now with foods and do not eat any processed foods. Peat's advice to cut out raw veggies and PUFAs seems to be helping, I used to have a lot of salads but am now instead steaming a lot of veggies, eating more coconut, raw carrots, occasional well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and we typically have meat with most meals either grass fed organic pastured ground beef, pork, turkey or occasionally white fish or bison/lamb.

Specific food sensitivities:
1. Ocular migraines: caused by tapioca, quinoa, corn, soy, or potato.
2. Brain fog, fatigue, mild anxiety: caused by increased sugar intake. Once I start getting itchy butt I know Candida is back in force and then all my symptoms get worse for several days. At its worst it can also cause sleep loss and sun sensitivity but I have kept it under control well enough that those have not been issues for the past few years. So pretty simple regulation mechanism, if I start noticing itchiness (area of butt crack /rectum) I know I had too much sugar and need to cut back. So the past few years I have had to avoid any significant quantity of fresh fruit. Can't do fresh apples, or any significant amount of melon, banana, papaya, peach, etc. Apple sauce is fine though... something about the apples being in a jar as a "sauce" makes them much less tangy/tart and less appealing to candida vs. fresh. Berries seem to be fine. Definitely can't do smoothies with banana or any significant amount of other fruit. Pineapple may be OK not sure yet. I read that enzymes in pineapple can kill candida so have been eating a bit and so far that's going fine. However I started taking 3 drops of oregano oil per day also (at the same time which was just a few days ago) so that may be helping also.
3. Regular (non-migraine) headaches: A couple months ago I had not tried gluten in about 5 years so as an experiment tried eating half of a small 100% organic whole wheat danish. Noticed no short-term effect (other than it was quite tasty) but then almost exactly 24 hours later I got a very strong (non-migraine) headache, and had to take about 8 aspirin over 6-8 hours before it finally subsided. It's very rare I get non-migraine ("normal") headaches so that was very very unlikely due to anything else.
4. I'm sensitive to dust, mold, carbon monoxide, perfumes, etc. Car exhaust even in small amounts can make me feel nauseous and drained. Same with stores with a lot of VOCs like furniture or rug stores. Being around dust will make me feel fatigued and even just walking past a sidewalk where someone was sweeping up dust will cause a layer of oil to appear on my face and I start feeling fatigued, but then if I go and wash my face and got all the oil and dust off then about 15 minutes later I feel fine again.
5. Cow milk and cheese give me small but itchy, pimply spots on my legs/buttocks.
6. I think eggs do not agree with me. Been so long since I tried them though (several years) that I don't recall the exact symptoms but I if I recall it was very significant brain fog or something like that.
7. Hot spicy foods do not seem to agree with me and tend to give me brain fog and/or mild headache less than 1 hour later which then lasts several hours.
8. Can no longer do any asian food, as all asian restaurants seem to use MSG or who knows what and I will usually end up with brain fog for days.
9. I'm fine with all meats/seafood *except* for chicken. Nothing else ever bothers my gut itself, even all the above (1)-(8) will not give me an upset stomach, chicken however since about 1 year ago seems to really throw off my gut for over a week, like mild food poisoning where my stomach hurts mildly to significantly for over a week straight.

I have kept the candida reasonably under control the past few years and stayed pretty stable overall, but the food sensitivities seem to just be increasing over time which is not the right direction to be moving in. Just a few months ago I could eat mung beans and rice in moderation just fine but now I seem to no longer be tolerating those and mung beans/kitchari now give me a (non-migraine) headache 1/2 hour later.

I have been seeing an ND but she seems to have never picked up on candida being anything worth serious attention. Which may be partially my fault because I only recently have learned more about it and am just now starting to see that it does indeed seem to be highly underdiagnosed and is a well-known root cause of leaky gut and migraines. One thing my ND did pick up on was that there has been a lot of acetaldehyde in my system, which is indeed known to cause migraines and brain fog and is known to be a toxin produced by candida.

After discovering Peat's work about 1 month ago and starting to reduce PUFAs, and augment sat. fats and sugars, the candida (which I would tend to forget about after avoiding sugar for awhile) came back in force, and I then felt pretty crappy for a few days (i.e. lots of brain fog, stressed & agitated immune system, some restless nights with poor sleep, 2 ocular migraines within 1 week, low energy, sensitivity to bright light, sinus congestion/general inflammation, etc.)

So in the past week I've been reading up on candida full-time, and there is indeed a ton of info out there, a ton of supplements, cleanses, probiotics, etc., and people saying it is not easy to get rid of (takes months), ie. to the point where it is not in the fungus stage attaching its hyphae to your gut lining, as summarized in numerous studies online such as the Abstract below:

"The fungus Candida albicans is often a benign member of the mucosal flora; however, it commonly causes mucosal disease with substantial morbidity and in vulnerable patients it causes life-threatening bloodstream infections. A striking feature of its biology is its ability to grow in yeast, pseudohyphal and hyphal forms. The hyphal form has an important role in causing disease by invading epithelial cells and causing tissue damage. This Review describes our current understanding of the network of signal transduction pathways that monitors environmental cues to activate a programme of hypha-specific gene transcription, and the molecular processes that drive the highly polarized growth of hyphae." - Growth of Candida albicans hyphae - Peter E. Sudbery - Nature Reviews Microbiology volume 9, pages 737–748 (2011)

Now that I'm more aware of the seriousness of candida and how it seems like more than anything to be the likely root cause of the majority of my food sensitivity / leaky gut / brain fog / headache symptoms I would like to fight it off as effectively as possible, while being careful to also preserve other beneficial gut bacteria and not do anything too extreme, risky, or complicated. Some say that's hard to do and best thing you can do is eat well and take a good probiotic (which then create acids which discourage candida from morphing into the fungus form). So I'm open for suggestions on that as well.

Other general notes:
1. I am overall pretty healthy. Haven't had a cold in years. I'm fairly active, slim, 6'1" ~160 Lbs. Work in engineering and architecture. Walk at least 1 mile per day, do a light gym workout 4-5 times/week. I drink a few cups of coffee per day (with a bit of ghee, coconut oil & sugar).
2. I suspect my thyroid function is pretty good, I usually have plenty of energy, though in winter do tend to get cold hands/feet sometimes. Though I got a red 250W incandescent heat lamp 2 weeks ago which now sits under my desk keeping my feet cozier than ever. (Should have bought that decades ago. Big thanks to RP for that subtle but effective suggestion.)
3. My diet is pretty balanced and simple, 99% organic with good quality meat usually fried at fairly low temp in a bit of ghee or refined coconut oil along with steamed veggies. Usually we add some spices such as sea salt, turmeric, ginger, and maybe some cumin and fennel, and more recently I'm adding oregano and thyme and garlic. Then a couple snacks per day consisting of ~1/4 cup homemade organic coconut milk jello, 2-3 Tbsp of coconut yogurt, a few Tbsp of applesauce, and a few blueberries and/or rasberries or bits of other fruit.
4. Even when I don't have much brain fog, I feel like my system can't handle the level of activity it used to. I used to be able to jog for miles or do an intense gym workout no problem but now if I do just one set of weights it feels like my head doesn't have the blood flow it used to and like if I were to not rest for a few minutes between the few sets of weights I do (pullups, dips, bench press, curls, situps, basic stuff) my head starts feeling hot, I can hear the blood rushing through and I feel like I'm going to get a migraine if I push any harder. Hopefully the RP diet changes I've made and staying all organic and as clean as possible start helping that.

I'm probably missing some other details and may add to the above, or if there is any other helpful info I could provide let me know.

What I've started trying for supplements:
1. Now taking 3 drops oregano oil per day. I have been feeling better the past couple days but that may just be because I've been minimizing sugar again, which usually gets the candida back to its slightly less (ob)noxious state within 2-3 days.
2. Ordered some "Bug Buster Anti-Candida Formula, 618 mg 100 capsules by Dr Clark Store" on amazon, which has Pau d’Arco, Oregano Leaf, Thyme Leaf, Wormwood, & Cinnamon and seems to be free of other potentially bad things like micro-cellulose, silicon dioxide, etc. This should be arriving tomorrow.
3. Picked up some "Solaray - Yeast Cleanse, 180 capsules" at whole foods but have not opened it yet and may return it as some reviewers seem concerned about it having tea tree oil as well as magnesium stearate, cellulose, etc.

Probably there are no simple answers or quick fixes to get this candida out of the picture and thereby hopefully fix the root cause of the leaky get and all the food sensitivities, but hopefully someone has seen similar cases to mine before and can offer some simple practical tips or suggestions on how to best get back to full health. I would also note that one of the biggest issues in sorting out health issues these days seems to be too much information... some of the threads on this site get super scientific and next thing you know 100 different studies and biochemistry processes are being cited so I am definitely hoping for simpler more practical suggestions hopefully from people who have fixed the above types of issues.
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Jun 26, 2018
I suggest using the search function and inputting Travis’ name. He’s made some very inciteful posts about Candida—way more useful than any of the bs Candida websites.
Feb 26, 2018
I have been incorporating some of Peat et al's dietary advice, eg. cutting out PUFA's, and overall eating very healthy however after much research it is becoming highly suspect that Candida (or similar yeast/fungus) is the primary cause of my issues. I'm hoping some others here may have already been through this and able to offer some simple practicable advice.

First a quick history of symptoms:
1. Since teenage years or before I always had some occasional, fairly minor telltale symptoms of candida such as mild dandruff, itchy butt, sinus congestion, and acne. As a teenager (in the 80's) my diet was not good - not super bad, but lots of dairy, cereal, bread, and a fair amount of sugar and processed foods. I could always eat anything though and never had any gut issues or sensitivities or any other issues.
2. About 5 years ago I became intolerant of gluten. I started getting tinnitus which kept getting worse until I was starting to not be able to sleep and only after cutting out gluten did it go away.
3. About 6 years ago I started getting occasional ocular migraines. They would usually mostly subside in < 1 hour but leave a slight dull pain for 1-2 days afterwards (behind right eye). These are definitely caused by some foods such as tapioca, quinoa, more recently corn, soy, and potatoes, and seemingly even white rice now. I still get them 1-2 x per month even though I have now had to cut out pretty much all grains. When I get them I take 4 aspirin and that seems to help them go away faster.
4. I have been eating 99% organic for several months now and was eating ~80% organic for the previous 1+ years. I'm pretty darn careful now with foods and do not eat any processed foods. Peat's advice to cut out raw veggies and PUFAs seems to be helping, I used to have a lot of salads but am now instead steaming a lot of veggies, eating more coconut, raw carrots, occasional well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and we typically have meat with most meals either grass fed organic pastured ground beef, pork, turkey or occasionally white fish or bison/lamb.

Specific food sensitivities:
1. Ocular migraines: caused by tapioca, quinoa, corn, soy, or potato.
2. Brain fog, fatigue, mild anxiety: caused by increased sugar intake. Once I start getting itchy butt I know Candida is back in force and then all my symptoms get worse for several days. At its worst it can also cause sleep loss and sun sensitivity but I have kept it under control well enough that those have not been issues for the past few years. So pretty simple regulation mechanism, if I start noticing itchiness (area of butt crack /rectum) I know I had too much sugar and need to cut back. So the past few years I have had to avoid any significant quantity of fresh fruit. Can't do fresh apples, or any significant amount of melon, banana, papaya, peach, etc. Apple sauce is fine though... something about the apples being in a jar as a "sauce" makes them much less tangy/tart and less appealing to candida vs. fresh. Berries seem to be fine. Definitely can't do smoothies with banana or any significant amount of other fruit. Pineapple may be OK not sure yet. I read that enzymes in pineapple can kill candida so have been eating a bit and so far that's going fine. However I started taking 3 drops of oregano oil per day also (at the same time which was just a few days ago) so that may be helping also.
3. Regular (non-migraine) headaches: A couple months ago I had not tried gluten in about 5 years so as an experiment tried eating half of a small 100% organic whole wheat danish. Noticed no short-term effect (other than it was quite tasty) but then almost exactly 24 hours later I got a very strong (non-migraine) headache, and had to take about 8 aspirin over 6-8 hours before it finally subsided. It's very rare I get non-migraine ("normal") headaches so that was very very unlikely due to anything else.
4. I'm sensitive to dust, mold, carbon monoxide, perfumes, etc. Car exhaust even in small amounts can make me feel nauseous and drained. Same with stores with a lot of VOCs like furniture or rug stores. Being around dust will make me feel fatigued and even just walking past a sidewalk where someone was sweeping up dust will cause a layer of oil to appear on my face and I start feeling fatigued, but then if I go and wash my face and got all the oil and dust off then about 15 minutes later I feel fine again.
5. Cow milk and cheese give me small but itchy, pimply spots on my legs/buttocks.
6. I think eggs do not agree with me. Been so long since I tried them though (several years) that I don't recall the exact symptoms but I if I recall it was very significant brain fog or something like that.
7. Hot spicy foods do not seem to agree with me and tend to give me brain fog and/or mild headache less than 1 hour later which then lasts several hours.
8. Can no longer do any asian food, as all asian restaurants seem to use MSG or who knows what and I will usually end up with brain fog for days.
9. I'm fine with all meats/seafood *except* for chicken. Nothing else ever bothers my gut itself, even all the above (1)-(8) will not give me an upset stomach, chicken however since about 1 year ago seems to really throw off my gut for over a week, like mild food poisoning where my stomach hurts mildly to significantly for over a week straight.

I have kept the candida reasonably under control the past few years and stayed pretty stable overall, but the food sensitivities seem to just be increasing over time which is not the right direction to be moving in. Just a few months ago I could eat mung beans and rice in moderation just fine but now I seem to no longer be tolerating those and mung beans/kitchari now give me a (non-migraine) headache 1/2 hour later.

I have been seeing an ND but she seems to have never picked up on candida being anything worth serious attention. Which may be partially my fault because I only recently have learned more about it and am just now starting to see that it does indeed seem to be highly underdiagnosed and is a well-known root cause of leaky gut and migraines. One thing my ND did pick up on was that there has been a lot of acetaldehyde in my system, which is indeed known to cause migraines and brain fog and is known to be a toxin produced by candida.

After discovering Peat's work about 1 month ago and starting to reduce PUFAs, and augment sat. fats and sugars, the candida (which I would tend to forget about after avoiding sugar for awhile) came back in force, and I then felt pretty crappy for a few days (i.e. lots of brain fog, stressed & agitated immune system, some restless nights with poor sleep, 2 ocular migraines within 1 week, low energy, sensitivity to bright light, sinus congestion/general inflammation, etc.)

So in the past week I've been reading up on candida full-time, and there is indeed a ton of info out there, a ton of supplements, cleanses, probiotics, etc., and people saying it is not easy to get rid of (takes months), ie. to the point where it is not in the fungus stage attaching its hyphae to your gut lining, as summarized in numerous studies online such as the Abstract below:

"The fungus Candida albicans is often a benign member of the mucosal flora; however, it commonly causes mucosal disease with substantial morbidity and in vulnerable patients it causes life-threatening bloodstream infections. A striking feature of its biology is its ability to grow in yeast, pseudohyphal and hyphal forms. The hyphal form has an important role in causing disease by invading epithelial cells and causing tissue damage. This Review describes our current understanding of the network of signal transduction pathways that monitors environmental cues to activate a programme of hypha-specific gene transcription, and the molecular processes that drive the highly polarized growth of hyphae." - Growth of Candida albicans hyphae - Peter E. Sudbery - Nature Reviews Microbiology volume 9, pages 737–748 (2011)

Now that I'm more aware of the seriousness of candida and how it seems like more than anything to be the likely root cause of the majority of my food sensitivity / leaky gut / brain fog / headache symptoms I would like to fight it off as effectively as possible, while being careful to also preserve other beneficial gut bacteria and not do anything too extreme, risky, or complicated. Some say that's hard to do and best thing you can do is eat well and take a good probiotic (which then create acids which discourage candida from morphing into the fungus form). So I'm open for suggestions on that as well.

Other general notes:
1. I am overall pretty healthy. Haven't had a cold in years. I'm fairly active, slim, 6'1" ~160 Lbs. Work in engineering and architecture. Walk at least 1 mile per day, do a light gym workout 4-5 times/week. I drink a few cups of coffee per day (with a bit of ghee, coconut oil & sugar).
2. I suspect my thyroid function is pretty good, I usually have plenty of energy, though in winter do tend to get cold hands/feet sometimes. Though I got a red 250W incandescent heat lamp 2 weeks ago which now sits under my desk keeping my feet cozier than ever. (Should have bought that decades ago. Big thanks to RP for that subtle but effective suggestion.)
3. My diet is pretty balanced and simple, 99% organic with good quality meat usually fried at fairly low temp in a bit of ghee or refined coconut oil along with steamed veggies. Usually we add some spices such as sea salt, turmeric, ginger, and maybe some cumin and fennel, and more recently I'm adding oregano and thyme and garlic. Then a couple snacks per day consisting of ~1/4 cup homemade organic coconut milk jello, 2-3 Tbsp of coconut yogurt, a few Tbsp of applesauce, and a few blueberries and/or rasberries or bits of other fruit.
4. Even when I don't have much brain fog, I feel like my system can't handle the level of activity it used to. I used to be able to jog for miles or do an intense gym workout no problem but now if I do just one set of weights it feels like my head doesn't have the blood flow it used to and like if I were to not rest for a few minutes between the few sets of weights I do (pullups, dips, bench press, curls, situps, basic stuff) my head starts feeling hot, I can hear the blood rushing through and I feel like I'm going to get a migraine if I push any harder. Hopefully the RP diet changes I've made and staying all organic and as clean as possible start helping that.

I'm probably missing some other details and may add to the above, or if there is any other helpful info I could provide let me know.

What I've started trying for supplements:
1. Now taking 3 drops oregano oil per day. I have been feeling better the past couple days but that may just be because I've been minimizing sugar again, which usually gets the candida back to its slightly less (ob)noxious state within 2-3 days.
2. Ordered some "Bug Buster Anti-Candida Formula, 618 mg 100 capsules by Dr Clark Store" on amazon, which has Pau d’Arco, Oregano Leaf, Thyme Leaf, Wormwood, & Cinnamon and seems to be free of other potentially bad things like micro-cellulose, silicon dioxide, etc. This should be arriving tomorrow.
3. Picked up some "Solaray - Yeast Cleanse, 180 capsules" at whole foods but have not opened it yet and may return it as some reviewers seem concerned about it having tea tree oil as well as magnesium stearate, cellulose, etc.

Probably there are no simple answers or quick fixes to get this candida out of the picture and thereby hopefully fix the root cause of the leaky get and all the food sensitivities, but hopefully someone has seen similar cases to mine before and can offer some simple practical tips or suggestions on how to best get back to full health. I would also note that one of the biggest issues in sorting out health issues these days seems to be too much information... some of the threads on this site get super scientific and next thing you know 100 different studies and biochemistry processes are being cited so I am definitely hoping for simpler more practical suggestions hopefully from people who have fixed the above types of issues.

Xylitol is good.


Oct 5, 2018

David G

Feb 27, 2019
I suggest using the search function and inputting Travis’ name. He’s made some very inciteful posts about Candida—way more useful than any of the bs Candida websites.
Great tip. Still reviewing these posts and will try to summarize some of the key points here in this thread soon. Definitely insightful, fundamental explanations of specific substances/foods/molecules/etc. that promote and reduce candida.

Xylitol is good.
Had not paid much attention to this before but looks like something definitely worth trying. If anyone has experience with or references on its effects on candida please let me know. In the meantime I'll pick some up and try it out.

Recently came across an article: ... And other infections treated similarly: ...
Basically, Methylene Blue+Potassium Iodide(KI)+red light (680nm)for half an hour a day over five days,
completely resolved oral candida, and in the second article resolved urinary tract infection.
Methylene Blue seems somewhat mysterious e.g. if I look on amazon I just see products for aquariums or for test dyes, taking it internally seems to not be super common. If one wanted to try MB and/or KI, what specific products/sources and doses would be recommended as a starting point?

Staying very busy reading and researching all the above, yesterday probably read about 100+ articles, websites, supplements, vitamins, etc. Pineapple seems to be doing well, but laid off the oregano oil for the moment (definitely strong stuff). Trying to proceed as carefully as possible and not overdo anything.

Also stumbled across Dr. Art Ayers work, who seems to be a genius on the topic of diverse gut flora and its importance. The following, Cooling Inflammation: Search results for health in diagrams is packed with great info and insights into flora balance. Ayers in a comment states "all we need do is fix our gut flora (always possible with homemade ferments) and eat good food. The rest fixes itself..."
Makes intuitive sense, and is a bit of a contradiction to RP's view that the flora are not so important/helpful. Hard to say which view is more 'correct' but a balanced approach would seem to be the best, of targeting Candida as specifically as possible, eating right, and also taking Ayers' advice and trying to repopulate a diverse spectrum (200+ species he says are needed) of gut flora (which evolved over millennia into a complex and resilient system but which more recently has been greatly reduced in most people by environmental factors, industrialization of the food supply, modern eating habits, etc.) If anyone is familiar with Ayers' work or has feedback on the likelihood of good & diverse pre and pro biotics to help restore balance and keep candida in check please let me know. Probiotics seem like a guessing game, with lots of not so great products that don't have what you really need, do not actually turn into long term stable flors in your system after being processed, stored, shipped, digested, etc.
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Nov 20, 2017
@David G

MB options:

IdeaLabs Online Store - Cosmetic Raw Ingredients "oxidal" -- click the title of the product for a post by Haidut who runs down the research behind it and other good info. Haidut owns and operates Idea Labs DC, LLC out of DC, USA

I'm sure there are others, but those are the first two that come to mind. Quick, easy.

Idea Labs gets stuff to my house in 2 days (West Coast, USA) using the $5.99 shipping option (be sure to manually select the shipping option to pick the lower priced one of the two). Can't speak for Health Natura.


To be honest, I wouldn't focus my attention on eradicating candida as much as I would just trying to be healthier in the hope that might body would deal with it, if supported well enough.

I don't have any specific advice to offer cause I've never definitively dealt with candida and cured myself or anyone of it so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction.

I will offer: Has anyone ever suggested an enema to you ala Max Gerson? Long shot, but if you're all allergy'ed up it might be because your liver is not properly filtering your body (overworked) and a coffee enema could boost your body's ability to filter and expel waste by dilating the bile duct (principle of coffee enemas).

That's my shot in the dark.

Maybe someone else can provide more specific recommendations for your ailment.


Oct 5, 2018
Methylene Blue seems somewhat mysterious e.g. if I look on amazon I just see products for aquariums or for test dyes, taking it internally seems to not be super common. If one wanted to try MB and/or KI, what specific products/sources and doses would be recommended as a starting point?
MB has been used in medicine for around a hundred years and there's lots of research on it.
There are good interviews on YouTube with scientist who study it too.

As to source - I saw KI on, but in much lower concentration than the studies used, it might be possible to get the dried salt somewhere, or just to use alot more of the diluted solution.
For MB - I buy mine from IdeaLabs - there's a product called "Oxidal".


Feb 18, 2018
I thought I wrote a lot, but you take the cake.

I used to be super orthorexic, swung in the other direction, now I’m back to being super orthorexic again, but this time it’s really helping me.

I’m not sure if your issue is candida specifically but bacterial overgrowth of some kind, which I realized now that I think most people suffer from when they have food intolerances, bloated belly, acne, dandruff’s etc...

My solution? Become super orthorexic, diet of fatty beef, lentils, mushrooms, broccoli, tomato sauce, apple juice with sodium bicarbonate to drink.

Seems to meet all my calorie needs, nutritional needs, and avoids all types of inflammation and bacterial overgrowth that literally every other food causes (even fruits).

The sodium bicarbonate is key. Whenever you’re having symptoms of overgrowth, such as bloated stomach, drink a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar. This creates sodium acetate and in my opinion is very helpful with the whole stomach area.

Sodium bicarbonate in my apple juice also seems to facilitate absorption of energy into my body and alleviates the effects of over hydration and excitation which usually occurs from a high fruit juice intake.

Oh yea, get off the starches, they’re awful for the SIBO.

My 2c


Nov 20, 2017
@David G

Also, something else to consider, too: Bowel movements. How frequent? Consistency?

All the best
Aug 21, 2018
IMO All the candida industry is created by unavailability of OTC nystatine in US. Just order nystatine on alldaychemist or other online drugstore and see yourself that candida as it advocated by gurus does not exist. It exist exactly as real doctors says in severely immunocompromised patients only. Again IMO Candida is a cult.

David G

Feb 27, 2019
MB options ...
To be honest, I wouldn't focus my attention on eradicating candida as much as I would just trying to be healthier in the hope that might body would deal with it, if supported well enough. ...
I will offer: Has anyone ever suggested an enema to you ala Max Gerson? Long shot, but if you're all allergy'ed up it might be because your liver is not properly filtering your body (overworked) and a coffee enema could boost your body's ability to filter and expel waste by dilating the bile duct (principle of coffee enemas).
MB has been used in medicine for around a hundred years and there's lots of research on it. There are good interviews on YouTube with scientist who study it too.
As to source ...
Still reading up on Meth. Blue & how it might impact Candida. If anyone has firsthand experience on this please let me know.
I think following the major RP diet suggestions, incorporating some anti-candida foods, spices and supplements and trying to repopulate gut flora a bit should go a long way. So far I'm stable, in good health overall, and really no allergies/major issues as long I avoid my known food sensitivities. Between the fresh (very acidic & fibrous) pineapple and oregano oil for a few days in a row I feel like I already cleaned things out a bit. Now holding off on the pineapple as the acidity was causing sensitivity in a couple teeth. (Haven't had a cavity in years but due to neglect long ago I can't do overly acidic stuff.) Re. Gerson, not really into what I've seen of his work, seems like it might work for some but I suspect not the best option for me and my body type/metabolic type/blood type or whatever but may look into it more later. Also I do feel fine most of the time as long as I avoid all the grains and don't eat at restaurants (other than about 3 in the whole city that actually use high quality ingredients and that I do well with) so I would have doubts that a more 'invasive' detox sorts of thing would be a huge help or practical long-term option. Would just like to strengthen ye olde GI system so I'm not so sensitive to grains, dairy, chicken, various candida triggers, etc.

Iron at the Centre of Candida albicans Interactions
Have you had blood tests done? Maybe you're high iron
No, will look at that if my diet plan and supplements do not start to yield positive results. In the meantime I do want to do a hair lab analysis, which should provide some info on various minerals and metals. That seems like a good first step as far as lab work then if anything doesn't look right I could look into additional tests. Blood testing seems like a bit of a rabbit hole, there's so many of them and so many variables, interpretations, etc. And the things they measure can change significantly on a daily and hourly basis. Though I do understand and appreciate the value of proper measurement and testing, and it could be that I have some heavy metals or other toxins in my system. I don't have any mercury fillings and have not had any for at least 15+ years, but with all the numerous sources of toxins in the environment it's not improbable that some sort of toxin(s) might have ended up in my system and could be in part responsible for some of my symptoms and sensitivities, or reduced ability to keep candida (or other flora/yeast/bacteria/viruses/etc which could be at the root of my issues) in check.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good company or practitioner to do a hair test & analysis, or of specific other tests that may be helpful in the context of my specific symptoms?

I’m not sure if your issue is candida specifically but bacterial overgrowth of some kind, which I realized now that I think most people suffer from when they have food intolerances, bloated belly, acne, dandruff’s etc...
My solution? Become super orthorexic, diet of fatty beef, lentils, mushrooms, broccoli, tomato sauce, apple juice with sodium bicarbonate to drink. Seems to meet all my calorie needs, nutritional needs, and avoids all types of inflammation and bacterial overgrowth that literally every other food causes (even fruits).
The sodium bicarbonate is key. Whenever you’re having symptoms of overgrowth, such as bloated stomach, drink a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar. This creates sodium acetate and in my opinion is very helpful with the whole stomach area.
Sodium bicarbonate in my apple juice also seems to facilitate absorption of energy into my body and alleviates the effects of over hydration and excitation which usually occurs from a high fruit juice intake.
Oh yea, get off the starches, they’re awful for the SIBO. My 2c
Also, something else to consider, too: Bowel movements. How frequent? Consistency? ...
I read up a bit on sodium acetate but see zero references on google or RPF on it relating to candida so it would not seem the most practical option for me at the moment but if others have seen a clear anti-candida correlation with it or can cite some studies please comment. Re. sodium bicarb I know it reduces stomach acids which I have seen a lot of recommendations against, may be great for someone with indigestion but I have really no issues with upset stomach/irregularity/inconsistency/etc.

Caprylic acid will nuke that ***t out of orbit
+1 :) Can anyone recommend a specific Caprylic acid product? There seem to be a few different options. Buffered/non-buffered? Magnesium Caprylate vs. Calcium Caprylate vs. coconut oil derived Caprylic Acid? Any difference? Does "Pure Encapsulations" brand look good?

And does anyone have a recommendation on Caprylic Acid alone vs. one the anti-Candida blends that contain a lot of it? for example there seem to numerous products that have pretty much the exact same formula, eg. amazon's top seller "Dr. Tobias Candida Support" has:
Oregano Leaf Extract 500 mg,
Caprylic Acid (magnesium caprylate) 400 mg,
Lactobacillus acidophilus (4 Billion CFU/G) 100 mg,
Protease (500M HUT/G) 25,000 HUT,
Cellulase (100M CU/G) 3200 CU,
Aloe Vera Leaf Gel (200:1 extract) 50 mg,
Arabinogalactan 50 mg,
Anise Seed (4:1 extract) 50 mg,
Black Walnut Hulls Powder 50 mg,
Wormwood Leaf Powder 50 mg,
Reishi Mushroom (4:1 extract) (fruiting body) 25 mg,
and Gelatin (bovine), rice flour, vegetable magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

And they all seem to have rice flour, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide, which seem unnecessary, anyone see any issue with magnesium stearate or silicon dioxide?

...candida as it advocated by gurus does not exist. It exist exactly as real doctors says in severely immunocompromised patients only. Again IMO Candida is a cult.
Well the symptoms I described in my original post definitely do exist, whether you want to call it candida or something else seems somewhat secondary. If you have any suggestions on how to address the root causes of the symptoms I'm having let me know.

Last question... does anyone think a pre/probiotic would be helpful and if so which specific one(s)? Dr. Art Ayers work would imply a broad spectrum non-dairy based probiotic should be good, though he seems to doubt they will actually establish a long term colony by the time they are processed, shipped, stored, and finally pass thru stomach acids, etc. I was at Whole Foods today and looked at what they had but everything seemed to have mainly various lactobacillus and kind of like a guessing game to choose between them. Seems like going with fermented foods might better. Picked up some organic sauerkraut the other day, been having some kefir soda, and have maybe 1/4 cup of coconut yogurt per day (with homemade coconut milk jello) so maybe that's a start. Also I've seen Dr. Douillard's work recommending stuff like slippery elm bark but he has so many products and the last thing I want to do is end up with a cabinet full of 50 different bottles of stuff most of which you never notice any real difference with.
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Apr 17, 2018
Great tip. Still reviewing these posts and will try to summarize some of the key points here in this thread soon. Definitely insightful, fundamental explanations of specific substances/foods/molecules/etc. that promote and reduce candida.

Had not paid much attention to this before but looks like something definitely worth trying. If anyone has experience with or references on its effects on candida please let me know. In the meantime I'll pick some up and try it out.

Methylene Blue seems somewhat mysterious e.g. if I look on amazon I just see products for aquariums or for test dyes, taking it internally seems to not be super common. If one wanted to try MB and/or KI, what specific products/sources and doses would be recommended as a starting point?

Staying very busy reading and researching all the above, yesterday probably read about 100+ articles, websites, supplements, vitamins, etc. Pineapple seems to be doing well, but laid off the oregano oil for the moment (definitely strong stuff). Trying to proceed as carefully as possible and not overdo anything.

Also stumbled across Dr. Art Ayers work, who seems to be a genius on the topic of diverse gut flora and its importance. The following, Cooling Inflammation: Search results for health in diagrams is packed with great info and insights into flora balance. Ayers in a comment states "all we need do is fix our gut flora (always possible with homemade ferments) and eat good food. The rest fixes itself..."
Makes intuitive sense, and is a bit of a contradiction to RP's view that the flora are not so important/helpful. Hard to say which view is more 'correct' but a balanced approach would seem to be the best, of targeting Candida as specifically as possible, eating right, and also taking Ayers' advice and trying to repopulate a diverse spectrum (200+ species he says are needed) of gut flora (which evolved over millennia into a complex and resilient system but which more recently has been greatly reduced in most people by environmental factors, industrialization of the food supply, modern eating habits, etc.) If anyone is familiar with Ayers' work or has feedback on the likelihood of good & diverse pre and pro biotics to help restore balance and keep candida in check please let me know. Probiotics seem like a guessing game, with lots of not so great products that don't have what you really need, do not actually turn into long term stable flors in your system after being processed, stored, shipped, digested, etc.

Insanely valuable info David!

I also think that gut flora has to be mighty important, for two reason:

- we develop it naturally as we grow as a kid
- my health started going south right after my use of several rounds of antibiotics.

That’s why I have started introducing fecal matter transplants.

I am still debating whether after introducing new bacteria, « things will sort themselves », as my liver has been impaired during my candida/parasite ailment of the past 3 years.

That’s why I’m wondering if I should introduce coffee enemas and liver flushes so that my liver doesn’t become the organ that makes me relapse eventhough good bacteria is introduced.


Apr 17, 2018
IMO All the candida industry is created by unavailability of OTC nystatine in US. Just order nystatine on alldaychemist or other online drugstore and see yourself that candida as it advocated by gurus does not exist. It exist exactly as real doctors says in severely immunocompromised patients only. Again IMO Candida is a cult.

I have to agree that I haven’t seen one bit of candida in my stool after 6 months of high nystatin doses both orally and through enema.

After 3 days of fecal transplants I’m seeing yellow flukes every stool I pass


Apr 6, 2018
Take a look at the SCD diet, its designed for removing difficult to digest carbs such as those found in starches. This will help you reduce inflammation and give you a chance to correct your disbiosis in the meantime through strengthening your body and/or balancing your gut.
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Aug 21, 2018
Well the symptoms I described in my original post definitely do exist, whether you want to call it candida or something else seems somewhat secondary. If you have any suggestions on how to address the root causes of the symptoms I'm having let me know.

Last question... does anyone think a pre/probiotic would be helpful and if so which specific one(s)? Dr. Art Ayers work would imply a broad spectrum non-dairy based probiotic should be good, though he seems to doubt they will actually establish a long term colony by the time they are processed, shipped, stored, and finally pass thru stomach acids, etc. I was at Whole Foods today and looked at what they had but everything seemed to have mainly various lactobacillus and kind of like a guessing game to choose between them. Seems like going with fermented foods might better.

Make Tepache, its a fermented pineapple beverage with with high bacterial/yeast diversity without overpresense of lactobacillus.

Eat some fresh lychee and chew its bark. It is a natural source of Saccharomyces Boulardii. Otherwise buy some Saccharomyces Boulardii supps.

Natto as natural source of Bacillus Subtilis. Dehydrated natto is much more palatable by the way.
Apr 24, 2017
Drinking homemade raw milk kefir from kefir grains, ditching starches and adding locally made honey made a huge difference for me.I believe honey is great, because it's a factory of different compounds which inhibit the growth of yeast and other unwanted inhabitants. Also including things like coconut oil, iodine, ginger and garlic on a daily basis made a difference too. And don't forget using small amounts of activated charcoal regularly (you can use it every day if needed).


Sep 25, 2019
What has worked best for me is focusing on high carb easily digested foods that don't feed intestinal bacteria. So my diet is mainly skim milk, OJ, sugar, white rice and potatoes. Very low fat. Even cutting out coconut oil has been helpful FOR ME. Endotoxin seems like a major problem for me, so I avoid any food that is hard to digest, or that has fiber. Sugar is absolutely essential for me. I add water to sugar, heat into a syrup, then add to skim milk - incredibly delicious. Eating these foods, I end up with less than 1g of PUFA per day. From reading what other people on this site eat, few keep their daily PUFA intake below 1g.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
IMO All the candida industry is created by unavailability of OTC nystatine in US. Just order nystatine on alldaychemist or other online drugstore and see yourself that candida as it advocated by gurus does not exist. It exist exactly as real doctors says in severely immunocompromised patients only. Again IMO Candida is a cult.
Starting to agree with you. Maybe I think the same for all "bad bugs" at this point.
What would be your opinion on ways to resolve this?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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