Flowers Of Sulfur?


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
narouz said:
I never noticed it coming through my sweat glands and ruining clothing
when I took it internally.
But I dabbed a small amount on my jock itch a few years back...bad Idea.
Any underwear or pants or bottom of shirt or pillows or sheets or pants
that came into contact with it
I just had to throw away.
I washed them a million times in everything under the sun
and nothing would touch it.
Mixed with coconut oil it makes a great topical anti-fungal. I have used it a few times when jock-itch threatens to return and it works amazingly. I just apply it in the shower when I first get in and then wash it off (regrettably with normal soap) before I get out. So its on for about 5 minutes. Seems to work in one or two applications. No mess or ruined clothing


Mar 29, 2014
Dean said:
I guess I need to be more clear. Can't draw you a picture, but I am passing worms and have passed some flukes. Maybe they are friendly worms and I am hurting their feelings by calling them parasites. Perhaps they wouldn't make me feel so bad if I was more politically correct in how I described them. Lesson learned.
Thanks Dean, and sorry for asking you to be so graphic. :)
I guess if you've still got loads of obvious live ones, then the pau d'arco and garlic wasn't quite effective enough at killing them off. Or maybe this is a separate later population?

I tried humaworm last year. I don't know if it was a good idea, I don't recommend either for or against it for other people, and I have not heard of it being either endorsed by Peat or consistent with his principles.

One of my kids showed live evidence, so I treated all of us. I have not seen evidence of parasites in any of us since, but I haven't looked terribly hard either. I felt good while taking it. I gather some people feel terrible.

The approach is to take a fairly low dose of a wide range of herbs in a single mix twice a day for a month, on the grounds that this should get at every stage of a wide range of parasites. Some of the herbs were probably estrogenic; some of them were probably supportive (eg it includes cascara and i think pau d'arco). It includes herbs to kill different kinds of parasites as wel as herbs to support the digestive system in their elimination.

I'm considering whether to try the 3 day flowers of sulphur approach next time.

I am wary of DE for myself, because I believe the abrasion and dessication effects on the digestive system may be too harsh. It could be the lesser of evils compared with a definite parasite infection, but I'd rather go with less physically aggressive agents if they will do the job.


Jan 28, 2013
That's alright. Sorry about the tone of my last response.

I pass more dead ones than live, but also a lot of eggs--especially with the DE. I'm leery of the herbals as there is a lot of evidence that they simply scatter them. I did take a colon cleanse tablet for a while that had a lot of herbs in it while I was taking the DE, because I was concerned it would constipate me.

I guess I'm going to wait a week or so and then throw everything at them at the same time, instead of rotating. The DE, pau, raw garlic, probably a few doses of FofS in there. If after a few weeks we (they and I) are both still alive then I guess I'll give in and get some albendazole. I'm just sick of it.

As far as the DE goes, I tend to think if you have parasites or have had GI issues for long (I've had them since childhood), your gut lining has already been permeated. Is silica any worse than parasites, bacteria, biofilms, fungus, etc.?


Mar 29, 2014
The DE may well be better than the parasites etc. I don't know what's best.

I think it may be hard to kill off all stages including eggs in one short burst, so that's the rational for the longer types of treatments.

IIRC, RBTI used DE in small amounts everyday for 3 mths to completely eradicate parasites. There was a story of a girl given a 3mth supply of K-min (DE+ mineral coloid) who did not recover after the 3 mths, and it turned out she'd given half of them to her cat, who she said was also infected. :)


Apr 17, 2013
That's alright. Sorry about the tone of my last response.

I pass more dead ones than live, but also a lot of eggs--especially with the DE. I'm leery of the herbals as there is a lot of evidence that they simply scatter them. I did take a colon cleanse tablet for a while that had a lot of herbs in it while I was taking the DE, because I was concerned it would constipate me.

I guess I'm going to wait a week or so and then throw everything at them at the same time, instead of rotating. The DE, pau, raw garlic, probably a few doses of FofS in there. If after a few weeks we (they and I) are both still alive then I guess I'll give in and get some albendazole. I'm just sick of it.

As far as the DE goes, I tend to think if you have parasites or have had GI issues for long (I've had them since childhood), your gut lining has already been permeated. Is silica any worse than parasites, bacteria, biofilms, fungus, etc.?

Did you have success in getting rid of them?


Mar 29, 2014
Is this supplement good for endotoxin?
I think Peat has recommended FoS against parasites and fungi. I don't know what effects it has against bacteria.
Or were you asking about DE? Anti-parasitic, don't know if it has any effect on bacteria.


Feb 22, 2014
Yep! Brimstone is flowers of sulphur.

I took 1/3 of a tsp for three days in a row, but some take a full dose at one time. To take it, I just put it in some water.
Hi Jennifer- may I ask what your results were from FOS, and what you were using it for? If I wanted to use it for itchy skin rashes, would you suggest mixing with something and applying topically, or an oral dose, to work from the inside-out?


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Kray, I didn’t experience anything from taking FOS, not even gut gurgling like some members here had described experiencing. I was using it for a skin rash and brain fog. I learned years later that my symptoms were caused by SIBO due to hypothyroidism. If you have a fungal infection FOS may work but if your rash is bacterial related like mine was, I’m not sure it will be an effective treatment.


Feb 22, 2014
Hi @Kray, I didn’t experience anything from taking FOS, not even gut gurgling like some members here had described experiencing. I was taking it for a skin rash and brain fog. I learned years later that my symptoms were caused by SIBO due to hypothyroidism. If you have a fungal infection then FOS may work but if your rash is bacterial related like mine was, I’m not sure it will be an effective treatment.
Thanks for the quick response. How long did you have your rash? Was it itchy? How did you deal with SIBO, and eventually the rash?


Jul 8, 2014
You’re welcome, @Kray. :) I had the rash for about a decade. It was itchy, but mainly burned and bled. It looked similar to this, but with tiny pinprick spots of blood:


I took two rounds of Rifaximin and began supplementing thyroid (NDT—WP Thyroid), but didn’t see an improvement until I removed fiber from my diet—my diet at the time was scallops, crab, gelatin, filtered fresh-pressed fruit juices (mainly honeydew melon), Thai coconut water and coconut fat. The residual redness disappeared when I did my first raw milk fast, and it continues to be my go-to therapeutic diet when I have any skin or digestive issues, migraines, brain fog, depression, body pain etc.


Feb 22, 2014
You’re welcome, @Kray. :) I had the rash for about a decade. It was itchy, but mainly burned and bled. It looked similar to this, but with tiny pinprick spots of blood:

View attachment 47561

I took two rounds of Rifaximin and began supplementing thyroid (NDT—WP Thyroid), but didn’t see an improvement until I removed fiber from my diet—my diet at the time was scallops, crab, gelatin, filtered fresh-pressed fruit juices (mainly honeydew melon), Thai coconut water and coconut fat. The residual redness disappeared when I did my first raw milk fast, and it continues to be my go-to therapeutic diet when I have any skin or digestive issues, migraines, brain fog, depression, body pain etc.
Wow, that's a long time. Are you saying no fiber was key, and those are the foods you ate on a low-fiber diet? A raw milk diet fast- whole raw milk and nothing else? How long was that? How did you know yours was bacterial and SIBO- related v fungal?


Jul 8, 2014
Wow, that's a long time. Are you saying no fiber was key, and those are the foods you ate on a low-fiber diet? A raw milk diet fast- whole raw milk and nothing else? How long was that? How did you know yours was bacterial and SIBO- related v fungal?

Yep, it is. I had taken a hydrogen breath test and the doctor reviewing my results said I didn’t have SIBO, but years later a new doctor reviewing my medical file saw that I actually tested positive for it so I went all those years without being treated. I was retested and still had it. No fiber was key for me, but also no starch and no fruit/juice and yes, those were the foods I consumed on a low-fiber diet. I used semi-skimmed milk and nothing else for…I think it was two weeks that time. I’ve done longer milk fasts, but I typically see improvements within a day or two.


Feb 22, 2014
Yep, it is. I had taken a hydrogen breath test and the doctor reviewing my results said I didn’t have SIBO, but years later a new doctor reviewing my medical file saw that I actually tested positive for it so I went all those years without being treated. I was retested and still had it. No fiber was key for me, but also no starch and no fruit/juice and yes, those were the foods I consumed on a low-fiber diet. I used semi-skimmed milk and nothing else for…I think it was two weeks that time. I’ve done longer milk fasts, but I typically see improvements within a day or two.
I'm so glad you finally found out what the problem was. Are you able to include fiber in your diet now? Other than fruits or juices, what other starches are problematic?


Jul 8, 2014
Thank you, @Kray. I appreciate that. :) I tolerate fiber now, but feel best on a diet low in bulk. I found that all starch except for the small amount in “overripe” bananas was problematic.


Feb 22, 2014
Thank you, @Kray. I appreciate that. :) I tolerate fiber now, but feel best on a diet low in bulk. I found that all starch except for the small amount in ”overripe” bananas was problematic.
Do you adhere to low-starch and fiber because of SIBO issues? I'm just curious because I have persistent skin problems and wonder if there is something I am doing generally that could be SIBO-related. I recently read on another thread about high-dose B1 helping with proper elimination which in turn could be helpful if SIBO is suspect. I am trying to sleuth possible culprits in my diet. Sorry to keep asking, but would you mind giving a basic summary of foods you regularly consume for nutritional balance that would be low-bulk, and other than starches in fruit (sounds like you eat no fruit or juices?), do you exclude all grains, potatoes, rice, etc as well?


Jul 8, 2014
Do you adhere to low-starch and fiber because of SIBO issues? I'm just curious because I have persistent skin problems and wonder if there is something I am doing generally that could be SIBO-related. I recently read on another thread about high-dose B1 helping with proper elimination which in turn could be helpful if SIBO is suspect. I am trying to sleuth possible culprits in my diet. Sorry to keep asking, but would you mind giving a basic summary of foods you regularly consume for nutritional balance that would be low-bulk, and other than starches in fruit (sounds like you eat no fruit or juices?), do you exclude all grains, potatoes, rice, etc as well?

Oh, no need to apologize. No, unlike most normal people lol, I never cared much for starches and with the amount of calories I need to maintain my weight, high fiber foods cause an uncomfortable fullness and painful cramping. B1 wasn’t helpful in overcoming SIBO in my case, but I know it has worked well for others like mostlylurking. This is my current diet and an example day of eating:

CARBS (40%):

• Bananas—lady finger, mysore, nam wah
• Berries (dried)—black raspberries, blueberries, golden raspberries, marionberries, mulberries, red raspberries, strawberries
• Dates—sukkari
• Figs (dried)
• Grapes—gum drop, pink muscat
• Melon—honeydew, snowball
• Peaches (dried & fresh)—white
• Pears (dried)—bosc
• Raw milk
• Raw honey—acacia, gallberry, orange blossom, tupelo, wild blueberry, wildflower, wild raspberry

FATS (35%):

• Cocoa butter
• Dairy fat
• Egg yolks


• Pastured raw certified A2 dairy—Dutch Belted, Guernsey and Jersey
• Pastured eggs


• Chamomile
• Cinnamon—Ceylon
• Hibiscus
• Kosher salt
• Orange peels
• Osmanthus
• Vanilla beans—Madagascan, Tahitian


BREAKFAST: Cinnamon vanilla milkshake, cheesy omelette, and sweetened orange tisane

SNACK: Banana honeydew peach blender ice cream and sweetened blueberry tisane

LUNCH: 1 L of milk, homemade raw cheese curds, and sweetened peach osmanthus tisane

SNACK: Tupelo honey blender ice cream or homemade white chocolate covered dates

DINNER: 1 L of milk, homemade raw cheese curds, and sweetened black raspberry tisane


Feb 22, 2014
Your diet sounds very exotic and delicious! Some of the fruit types and honeys I have never heard of. Have you always drunk 2L of milk per day? Are you non-meat eating, or just prefer dairy over meat for protein? When you say maintain weight, do you mean to keep weight on or off? Do you skim your raw milk, or do you buy it skimmed? I buy A2 whole milk; most of the fat accumulates at the top and is fairly easily poured out.


Jul 8, 2014
Your diet sounds very exotic and delicious! Some of the fruit types and honeys I have never heard of. Have you always drunk 2L of milk per day? Are you non-meat eating, or just prefer dairy over meat for protein? When you say maintain weight, do you mean to keep weight on or off? Do you skim your raw milk, or do you buy it skimmed? I buy A2 whole milk; most of the fat accumulates at the top and is fairly easily poured out.
In case you’re interested, I have links to where I source most of my fruit and honey on my profile page. :) I’ve been drinking at least 2 L of milk daily since 2019, I think. The only meat I’ve ever really cared for is shellfish (scallops and crab) and I enjoy dairy and eggs so much, and get enough protein from them, that I haven’t craved other protein sources. By maintain weight, I mean to keep weight on. I do skim off some of the cream in my raw milk and then use it for ice cream or this overnight French toast I make for my dad weekly.
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