Google alternative?



I can no longer use Google because of the blatant censorship going on there.

Can anyone recommend a search engine which is relatively free of censorship?


Jan 29, 2021

And in (top right of the home page) Preferences > Engines, you can change what it aggregates results from. If Google and Bing are included, most results will be Google and Bing results, so whatever they censor will effectively be censored on the SearX results too. But you can change those settings; for example, DuckDuckGo, Qwant, Startpage can be used to aggregate general search results from instead.
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Nov 21, 2015
i've been using DuckDuckGo for many months.

I still use because there is nothing like it. But otherwise it's duckduckgo all the way.


Brave ...and a variety of search engines...MetaGer, the default.


Mar 29, 2016
Hard to ditch Google search when our phones are mostly Google's Android.

I would get a second phone with Huawei's HarmonyOS, and get a second identity. If the HarmonyOS works well and as it develops its ecosystem to ably compete with Google, I would ditch the Google phone. Serves Google right for doing evil and censoring.

There would of course be a nice search engine that doesn't have to be US, Chinese, or Russian. But being free from Google's handset is the best way to be free of Google.



Oct 19, 2019
Another vote for DDG. With Brave browser too.


Another vote for DDG. With Brave browser too.
There is no real great alternative as even the DuckDuckGo product which I do like, partners with yahoo, apple and all the big boys and the Brave browser uses google chromium. Some level of increased search privacy and slightly less censored searches are the main benefit with ddg. This may decrease as their partnership with the big boys increases. If DDG gets too popular and poses any kind of threat, I'm sure they will simply be bought out like microsoft did with yahoo in 2008 for 44 billion dollars. Or google buying youtube for just 1.65 billion. But, for now the DDG still has the most integrity.
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Uses only microsoft bing. It is another option in which increased privacy is the only advantage. At least DuckDuckGo compiles data from multiple search engines which makes more data available.


Mar 15, 2018
Hard to ditch Google search when our phones are mostly Google's Android.

I would get a second phone with Huawei's HarmonyOS, and get a second identity. If the HarmonyOS works well and as it develops its ecosystem to ably compete with Google, I would ditch the Google phone. Serves Google right for doing evil and censoring.

There would of course be a nice search engine that doesn't have to be US, Chinese, or Russian. But being free from Google's handset is the best way to be free of Google.

You can root android devices to get rid of some of the google botnet but I wouldn't count on all of it disappearing, you can disable most of the tracking with custom roms, with people praising Lineage OS as one of the better ones. I guess it's either american or chinese government botnet.


Mar 29, 2016
You can root android devices to get rid of some of the google botnet but I wouldn't count on all of it disappearing, you can disable most of the tracking with custom roms, with people praising Lineage OS as one of the better ones. I guess it's either american or chinese government botnet.

Being tracked is less of a concern for me though.

I'm more concern about being on a platform that censors and influences my world view. And it's not just my view I'm concerned about. I don't want to feel the way I do know when I feel among my peers I'm the one who has the odd take on vaccines, health, government, history, and science. That I have to argue and present to people who will never have the time of day nor the mindset to look deeper into things. The platforms we all use contribute to this situation.

Having competition and not being in a monopoly when platforms are concerned is important. And the competition I'm talking has to be competition that is not subject to the control of a single hegemon.

Which is why I welcome having another phone on a platform by the 2nd strongest hegemon. As you will be able to hear the viewpoints that are censored by the hegemon we are in. Currently, viewpoints that we all hear in our controlled space, for example, are: the Wuhan lab origin of COVID and not the US military origin of it, the need for COVID-19 vaccines, climate change, and many more sundry things that altogether create an alternate reality for the world on this platform. The faux anti-semitism and the faux racism continue to be rained down upon us by this propaganda machine forced on us by the Zionists and their control of the levers of power in the west influences our daily lives and its discourse, in a very manipulated way.

Search started as neutral when Google would chide Microsoft by stating itself as "Do No Evil." Now, that is all it does. You can't do an easy search to find answers on health with Google. It is like going to a US hospital and being attended to by conventional doctors whose answer to everything is mostly " we don't really know why because I can't speculate as there is little evidence but here, take this drug while we figure it out."

Even on Amazon when I search for a product, they give me anything but what I'm looking for. I search for a spedific brand and they don't care that the results they give is not the brand i'm looking for, and if they give me that brand, they give me other brands and other kinds of products. It is worse than going to the supermarket and finding what I'm looking for.

The search function has been taken over by the marketers. The simplicity of a yes or a no you can get from a person, who may be less efficient, but the efficiency edge of search automation is gone when the search function is sabotaged by design.


Being tracked is less of a concern for me though.

I'm more concern about being on a platform that censors and influences my world view. And it's not just my view I'm concerned about. I don't want to feel the way I do know when I feel among my peers I'm the one who has the odd take on vaccines, health, government, history, and science. That I have to argue and present to people who will never have the time of day nor the mindset to look deeper into things. The platforms we all use contribute to this situation.

Having competition and not being in a monopoly when platforms are concerned is important. And the competition I'm talking has to be competition that is not subject to the control of a single hegemon.

Which is why I welcome having another phone on a platform by the 2nd strongest hegemon. As you will be able to hear the viewpoints that are censored by the hegemon we are in. Currently, viewpoints that we all hear in our controlled space, for example, are: the Wuhan lab origin of COVID and not the US military origin of it, the need for COVID-19 vaccines, climate change, and many more sundry things that altogether create an alternate reality for the world on this platform. The faux anti-semitism and the faux racism continue to be rained down upon us by this propaganda machine forced on us by the Zionists and their control of the levers of power in the west influences our daily lives and its discourse, in a very manipulated way.

Search started as neutral when Google would chide Microsoft by stating itself as "Do No Evil." Now, that is all it does. You can't do an easy search to find answers on health with Google. It is like going to a US hospital and being attended to by conventional doctors whose answer to everything is mostly " we don't really know why because I can't speculate as there is little evidence but here, take this drug while we figure it out."

Even on Amazon when I search for a product, they give me anything but what I'm looking for. I search for a spedific brand and they don't care that the results they give is not the brand i'm looking for, and if they give me that brand, they give me other brands and other kinds of products. It is worse than going to the supermarket and finding what I'm looking for.

The search function has been taken over by the marketers. The simplicity of a yes or a no you can get from a person, who may be less efficient, but the efficiency edge of search automation is gone when the search function is sabotaged by design.


Mar 15, 2018
An OS is not a speech platform, it's a tool, China's Huawei OS is a BSD port. I don't support globalist cancer of either kind. Every other retard nowadays is using Windows 10 unaware of Bill Gates buttering up with the bolshevist glowies. Being a consumerist retard won't stop globohomo from raping and buying everything up. Feel free to paint yourself with free software or whatever but falling for nationalist corporate whoring bull**** is obnoxious. Globohomo will eat you alive, you will not escape by buying your way out of it like a consumerist whore just because one of them isn't openly waiving a zionist flag yet after being formed by zionists over half a century ago. You better hope they don't follow you to your 'island paradises' like they did in South America.
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Mar 29, 2016
An OS is not a speech platform,

Tell that to Gab, which can't be installed in Google's Android OS unless people are as smart as you are.


Jun 13, 2019
doesn't duckduckgo use Bings software and data, but they make it more private?

Has anyone had experience with Yandex, basically russia's equivalent of google?


Mar 15, 2018
doesn't duckduckgo use Bings software and data, but they make it more private?

Has anyone had experience with Yandex, basically russia's equivalent of google?
It works until it starts harassing you for being a bot with endless captcha retries.


doesn't duckduckgo use Bings software and data, but they make it more private?

Has anyone had experience with Yandex, basically russia's equivalent of google?
Supposedly DuckDuckGo's results are from more than 400 different sources including most of the big boys like Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, its own web crawler called the DuckDuckBot etc.... while keeping your search info private.
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