Half Of UK Population Could Already Have Covid-19, Say Oxford University Researchers


Jan 1, 2013
Good news, apparently.

"Half the population could already have the coronavirus, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Kent in Canterbury are now helping gather evidence to test the theory, developed by colleagues at Oxford.

If confirmed it would suggest fewer than one in every 1,000 of those infected with Covid-19 requires hospital treatment - and the vast majority have mild symptoms.

Therefore, the UK may have already acquired "herd immunity" to the disease - and "social distancing" restrictions imposed by the government on Monday may be lifted sooner than expected. But until concrete evidence emerges, the restrictions MUST still be respected, researchers insist."

'Half the population could already have coronavirus'


Mar 25, 2016
I fell ill a week past on Sunday with the classic symptoms and still not 100%. The British NHS simply cant test the numbers of people and will only test hospitalised individuals. But Im certain I have had it. Mainly because myself and the good lady both experienced a strange loss of taste and smell that we have never experienced in any illness before, as well as the dry cough, fevers, aches & pains, breathlessness and a sense that our lungs had been attacked by something.

These figures don't surprise me and while Im working from home, nearly 50% of the clients I speak to have been ill recently or are ill now. Ive been travelling on the London tube system, along with millions of others, spreading the virus unwittingly.

The good news is that if this is accurate, things can only get better. The bad news is that the agenda is entirely media driven and the media is pressuring the govt to deviate from its original plan to let the virus spread through us, preferring sensational fear based stories and demanding of the govt ever more stringent measures such as full-lockdown and other moves that are essentially Marshall Law.


Mar 18, 2020
Flu could cause loss of smell.

If it already spread widely, we should see it fast. Test 10 000 people with antibody and look at the result.


Mar 25, 2016
Flu can cause loss of smell but normally thats associated with nasal congestion, in my experience. This was different, it began before I experienced the flu like symptoms and it still hasn't properly returned 12 days since those flu like symptoms hit me.

At no point did I ever experience any nasal congestion or mucus until the second week. This is like no other disease I've experienced. Not in its severity, just in the order of the symptoms occurring and the length of time I have suffered it now (still weak) and also (as mentioned) because Ive never suffered any flu like disease or virus without the slightest hint of nasal congestion (which only occurred well after the high temp, body aches, chest and back pain had subsided and even then, its been very light congestion).


Sep 24, 2016
Italian scientists investigate possible earlier emergence of coronavirus

MILAN (Reuters) - Italian researchers are looking at whether a higher than usual number of cases of severe pneumonia and flu in Lombardy in the last quarter of 2019 may be a signal that the new coronavirus might have spread beyond China earlier than previously thought.

Adriano Decarli, an epidemiologist and medical statistics professor at the University of Milan, said there had been a "significant" increase in the number of people hospitalized for pneumonia and flu in the areas of Milan and Lodi between October and December last year.

He told Reuters he could not give exact figures but "hundreds" more people than usual had been taken to hospital in the last three months of 2019 in those areas - two of Lombardy's worst hit cities - with pneumonia and flu-like symptoms, and some of those had died.
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