Happy to announce there is now peace


May 4, 2019
I think people constantly misunderstand Joe Mercola. Just my opinion! He actually loves to be corrected . He must have lots of Virgo somewhere in his chart. He's on a never ending quest to to learn and improve. Himself & the world. Lucky for us he puts his money where his mouth is.......like giving a million dollars to the Organic Food Movement when they needed it most, etc. etc. He says things not hurt, to make better. They just come out without a bedside manner. I knew an Emergency Room Dr. that worked 3 days a week at a hospital, then had a private Holistic practice 2 days a week. Did muscle testing, used homeopathy, etc. He had zero bedise manner. Made patients cry a lot. He would do the supplement testing, allergy testing for 2 hours not say but a few words. Compile the results hand them to the patient and tell them to go over it all and implement the changes and be done. Some patients freaked out. They wanted a warm fuzzy guy. He cared, yet all that ER training made him go for results as fast as possible and then move on to the next person, so he could help as many people as possible. People misunderstood his motives.

Personally, I do believe we need to work together and 'team work makes the dream work' yet that doesn't mean I have to slather myself in Kumbaya cologne, shampoo & creme rinse plus bath oil. I still get to be an individual.

Maybe Joe Mercola is a super nice guy, I don't know him personally so it's difficult for me to say.

His two comments on the forum left a bad taste in my mouth since he kept repeating falsehoods about Progest-e containing BPA and phthalates, and when someone called him "Mr" Mercola he had a temper tantrum, demanding the person's comment to be deleted.

"If this were my forum I would delete your comment for showing intentional disrespect by using Mr. instead of Dr. I have not only earned that title through seven years of medical school and residency, but am widely recognized and appreciated as one of the leading natural health teachers in the world. You are using the same tactics the mainstream media uses to discredit me. Very disappointed in your low level of consciousness. Ray would not be pleased with your behavior."

This kind of language doesn't sound like a humble person that loves to be corrected.

However I do appreciate him making a public apology to Katherine (even if it was factually incorrect).


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hopefully everything settles down on the forum and you are able to take a breather/relax/wind down/recover.
Me too! :)
Thank you for all your work in keeping the forum going
However I do appreciate him making a public apology to Katherine (even if it was factually incorrect).
I do too! But he got run off before things could be corrected. If the community would have handled it better this would have been a great opportunity.

And for those of you saying I banned people for not addressing him as Dr. Mercola its simply not true. I banned them for disrespecting a guest we had who it seems like was trying to come here and make things right and offer an apology. The response to him was just downright awful.


Jan 6, 2019
"If this were my forum I would delete your comment for showing intentional disrespect by using Mr. instead of Dr. I have not only earned that title through seven years of medical school and residency, but am widely recognized and appreciated as one of the leading natural health teachers in the world. You are using the same tactics the mainstream media uses to discredit me. Very disappointed in your low level of consciousness. Ray would not be pleased with your behavior."
Lol'd. The highly conscious ketosis merchant trembles in front of the polite bioenergetic gentleman.


Jan 18, 2020
Lol'd. The highly conscious ketosis merchant trembles in front of the polite bioenergetic gentleman.
yea, it doesn't sound like a very conscious person who wrote that, could be under a lot of stress though, well we all have bad days.


Forum Supporter
Sep 24, 2023
I think people constantly misunderstand Joe Mercola. Just my opinion! He actually loves to be corrected . He must have lots of Virgo somewhere in his chart. He's on a never ending quest to to learn and improve. Himself & the world. Lucky for us he puts his money where his mouth is.......like giving a million dollars to the Organic Food Movement when they needed it most, etc. etc. He says things not hurt, to make better. They just come out without a bedside manner. I knew an Emergency Room Dr. that worked 3 days a week at a hospital, then had a private Holistic practice 2 days a week. Did muscle testing, used homeopathy, etc. He had zero bedise manner. Made patients cry a lot. He would do the supplement testing, allergy testing for 2 hours not say but a few words. Compile the results hand them to the patient and tell them to go over it all and implement the changes and be done. Some patients freaked out. They wanted a warm fuzzy guy. He cared, yet all that ER training made him go for results as fast as possible and then move on to the next person, so he could help as many people as possible. People misunderstood his motives.

Personally, I do believe we need to work together and 'team work makes the dream work' yet that doesn't mean I have to slather myself in Kumbaya cologne, shampoo & creme rinse plus bath oil. I still get to be an individual.
I trust Mercola and he is the reason I found this forum. I had no idea who Ray Peat was, until I listened to an interview between Mercola and Georgi. I don't do any social media otherwise. I tried FB once for info, and the fighting and arguments between people made it not worth the stress. I became fascinated with Georgi, because I haven't heard Mercola hand out as many compliments or admiration for anyone, as much as Georgi; and I have listened to ALL of his podcasts, and read all of his newsletters. I found Mercola in 2013, when I was sick and near to the point of no return. I'm very healthy now, and largely because of the info I have gained from him. I love his integrity, I love he is not afraid to be wrong and 1st to admit when he is. He walks the walk and doesn't just talk the talk. He shares his own labs, and points out when something needs to be worked on. I don't understand the many slams on this site against him. The first thing I noticed with reading more about Ray Peat is, Peat and Mercola are a lot alike with their integrity and compassion. And that makes me happy that the bashing on this site against Mercola, will not ruffle Mercola's feathers at all. I have far more tolerance now for all the negative people throwing out unnecessary insults. I think Mercola has helped me with that as well. Still don't want to join FB or twitter though. But if it would have ended up with this forum splitting up, I would have stayed here, and found Georgi somewhere else and belonged to both. I research, I experiment, and test. When it something doesn't work, I try again with one step closer to success. For sure Ray Peat's diet doesn't work completely for my genetics, but not everything Mercola puts out did either. I blame nobody if something doesn't work and I don't need to, because I take responsibility for my own health. I think everyone agrees there is no "one size fits all" approach. The more info the better, and the best info for anyone trying to research for themselves is, coming from the members that are brave enough to report their experiences.


Sep 12, 2020
Good to hear ! two of my favourite peoples I have never meet !


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I trust Mercola and he is the reason I found this forum. I had no idea who Ray Peat was, until I listened to an interview between Mercola and Georgi. I don't do any social media otherwise. I tried FB once for info, and the fighting and arguments between people made it not worth the stress. I became fascinated with Georgi, because I haven't heard Mercola hand out as many compliments or admiration for anyone, as much as Georgi; and I have listened to ALL of his podcasts, and read all of his newsletters. I found Mercola in 2013, when I was sick and near to the point of no return. I'm very healthy now, and largely because of the info I have gained from him. I love his integrity, I love he is not afraid to be wrong and 1st to admit when he is. He walks the walk and doesn't just talk the talk. He shares his own labs, and points out when something needs to be worked on. I don't understand the many slams on this site against him. The first thing I noticed with reading more about Ray Peat is, Peat and Mercola are a lot alike with their integrity and compassion. And that makes me happy that the bashing on this site against Mercola, will not ruffle Mercola's feathers at all. I have far more tolerance now for all the negative people throwing out unnecessary insults. I think Mercola has helped me with that as well. Still don't want to join FB or twitter though. But if it would have ended up with this forum splitting up, I would have stayed here, and found Georgi somewhere else and belonged to both. I research, I experiment, and test. When it something doesn't work, I try again with one step closer to success. For sure Ray Peat's diet doesn't work completely for my genetics, but not everything Mercola puts out did either. I blame nobody if something doesn't work and I don't need to, because I take responsibility for my own health. I think everyone agrees there is no "one size fits all" approach. The more info the better, and the best info for anyone trying to research for themselves is, coming from the members that are brave enough to report their experiences.
I concur with your comments. Observing humans in general they love to have Heroes on a Pedestal and are deeply attached to Savior Programs. When the heroes tumble off the pedestal they are crushed like having 'their team lose'. The only savior is the one that looks back at you in the mirror. This is why humanity struggles with even governing itself. There are people that 'remove obstacles', some help mow a pathway and some that reach down and lift up.......yet all are human and no one is perfect. Humanity on a whole needs to grow up and be responsible for themselves and all their actions. Now more than ever. Sometimes a simple deep breathe and waiting 24 hours before reacting, will then allow you to respond instead. We're swimming in a sea of 'Pure Potential, Creativity & Imagination".
So on that note, please stimulate your gray matter..........

Your Brain on Art: The Science of Creativity and Neurological Health | Ivy Ross & Susan Magsamen​

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA6VfaKENIw&list=FLOXbL1YBtXdm3DaKu2q7l5Q&index=7

***Quick backstory_ a wealthy donor offered a huge donation to Johns-Hopkins yet ear marked to be used only for ART.
JH as a Medical Community was dumbfounded as how to do that? Susan, rose to the occasion and created the IAM Lab and
then she recruited Ivy an award winner designer from Google to assist her on the book.


Apr 28, 2018
Because you are real men.
We love and appreciate your work and the example you set for all humans.


Mar 26, 2022
Great to hear! Hope to hear Haidut on Mercola again, I think it is helping more people to hear about Ray Peat’s work.
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