Has Anyone Experienced This? Could It Be Related To Cortisol?


Nov 12, 2016
Any input is greatly appreciated, as I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.

Around 5am everyday - Upon waking, upper chambers of heart pulse at a very fast pace, while actual pulse is elevated from resting to around 80-90bpm. Heart feels irregular and skips beats, with dull throbbing sensations, and occasionally stabbing sensations around heart. Within 5 minutes of this, I feel like I've developed a 104°F fever (hot flash, yet skin is cool to touch), and skin appears bright red and flushed. This is accompanied by throbbing pain in joints, sweating, dizziness, fuzzy vision, nausea, stabbing pains in stomach and intestines, pressure in sinuses and a migraine. Usually results in a bloody nose.

If I attempt to go back to bed any time after that, I will experience the exact chain of events (as above) immediately upon entering a sleep state, and be jolted awake. This happens regardless of whether I have milk with gelatin, sugar and a pinch of salt, or a full glass of fresh squeezed OJ, or a tablespoon of honey.

The amount of time I am able to sleep has improved (since last year when I began peating), though I do have an occasional sleepless night. When I drink coffee it doesn't cause a negative reaction like it used to, in fact, an excessive amount (large with 4 shots of expresso) doesn't even make a dent in the fatigue I feel during the day.

During the day if I attempt a brisk walk, or light run, my leg muscles start burning and then cramp and give out. If I don't sit I will fall. I feel a significant level of fatigue throughout the day, and all muscles constantly feel like I just finished a strenuous workout. Lifting things at work leads to quick muscle fatigue. My legs are covered in stretch marks, with more appearing daily, and now they are appearing on my arms. I frequently slur my speech and forget thoughts mid sentence.

I should note that I've spent a good portion of my life on topical and oral corticosteroids for inflammatory issues. I also took high amounts of Dr. Ron's Organ Delight, which contains adrenal cortex, last year, and I noticed I would experience a buzzing sensation throughout my entire body.

My daily intake usually consists of the following:

- 2 pcs sprouted grain bread soaked in 3 vital farms alfresco eggs, cooked in 1Tbsp KerryGold butter to make French toast. Topped with Nancy's organic cream cheese (no additives or gums), and Trader Joe's amber maple syrup.

Raw carrot (shredded) with MCT and vinegar
Fresh baby calf liver (once a week)

Usually consists of the fairlife milk mentioned below

Trader Joe's swiss or cheddar cheese (no additives). Highly allergic to Trader Joe's parmesan reggiano with animal rennet. It causes my throat to swell.

Varies, from beef shanks, to chicken with capers, cod, pub burgers with mushrooms and grilled onions, etc.

Throughout the day:
- 64oz of fresh squeezed OJ (pulp removed)
- 52oz of fairlife lactose free 2% milk

Oxidal (1 drop)
KAL Magnesium Glycinate (400-600mg/day)
Cyproheptadine (1mg/day)
Energin (40 drops/day)
TocoVit (20 drop/day)
Aspirin (325mg/day)
Minocin (25mg/day) - Was taking a half tablet each morning, but discontinued due to severe itching all over and rash.
Activated charcoal (1tsp/1 day a week)
I've also been on and off of cynomel and cynoplus. Taking approx 4mcg nibbles of cynomel every hour seems to exacerbate some symptoms, such as the migraine and palpitations, so I've discontinued it.

Intermittent aminos (some days I take these with milk, others I do not):
Leucine (2.5g)
Isoleucine (1.25g)
Valine (1.25g)
Beta-alanine (1.6g)
Glycine (2g)
Lysine (500mg)
DL-Phenylalanine (500mg)
Taurine (500mg)
Tyrosine (500mg)
Theanine (100-300mg) - Does not seem to affect cortisol like symptoms.

Had some bloodwork done recently, and I wasn't able to get all of the tests I wanted, as I'm currently uninsured. The things that stood out were:

TSH: 2.03
Cholesterol: 257
HDL: 47
LDL: 193.40
NEUTROPHIL 47% (50-65 range)

I am saving up for a 24hr cortisol urine test next.

@haidut @Orion @ecstatichamster
@Such_Saturation @4peatssake
Last edited:


Aug 6, 2015
I want to start, but I haven't been able to piece together an affordable setup.

you need the lamp to convert the tyrosine into dopamine, or it goes to adrenaline

Maybe a cheap one could work, like an infraphil lamp


Feb 20, 2013
I think one of those amino acids is causing a reaction.
My experiences with isolated amino acids were mostly negative.
Even if initially it made me feel better, it had some side effect that made me stop.
Tyrosine and phenylalanine in particular made me feel anxious and weird at times.
Theanine made me feel extremely sick once.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You're taking vitamin E and aspirin daily and you were recently using mino so you might benefit from some additional vitamin K either through diet or supplement to stop the bloody nose.
And there's this-
Cyproheptadine can also cause bleeding issues, so I would not use it together with aspirin. Anything that inhibits serotonin will reduce platelet aggregation.


Nov 12, 2016
you need the lamp to convert the tyrosine into dopamine, or it goes to adrenaline

Maybe a cheap one could work, like an infraphil lamp

It was an issue prior to supplementing with aminos, but it's possible that it has worsened since starting to supplement.

I'll have to look into that light. A red light setup has been on my list for a while now. Thank you for the suggestion.


Nov 12, 2016
I think one of those amino acids is causing a reaction.
My experiences with isolated amino acids were mostly negative.
Even if initially it made me feel better, it had some side effect that made me stop.
Tyrosine and phenylalanine in particular made me feel anxious and weird at times.
Theanine made me feel extremely sick once.

I should have noted that its been going on for a while now, but it has gradually gotten worse. You may be on to something, considering it seems to have gotten worse since I started the aminos. I was hoping those would benefit my gut issues.

Thank you for the input!


Nov 12, 2016
You're taking vitamin E and aspirin daily and you were recently using mino so you might benefit from some additional vitamin K either through diet or supplement to stop the bloody nose.
And there's this-

Thank you, Blossom! I was not aware of that interaction (cypro and aspirin), having seen them both on Ray's safe supplement list.

I will try adding additional vitamin K.


Dec 10, 2016
you need the lamp to convert the tyrosine into dopamine, or it goes to adrenaline
What do you mean by this? Tyrosine converts to dopamine, dopamine converts to noradrenaline and noradrenaline converts to adrenaline.


Aug 9, 2013
I would say WAY too much liquids. Solid food is way more warming. That’s 3 quarts/litres of fluid a day. I hardly drink any fluids now and eat more fruit.

Also too many supplements.


Jan 25, 2016
I will try liquid potassium. I too had similar symptoms. I use thyroid meds and hardly any supplement

The Seller

New Member
Jan 17, 2018
Sorry,I´m new to this forum
Sounds like sympathetic activation and hyperventilation.When you enter the sleep state, you lose cortical
control (if any), on your breathing.Then you blow excessive CO2 out through the night, and go beyond hypocapnic threshold.
As you reach the threshold, central sleep apnea ensues, you stop breathing ,O2 go down, CO2 up, then you wake up
suffocated. tachypneic, thachycardic and anxious. Stress response.
Phenylalanine causes MAO-A inhibition, you´re taking cathecolamine precursors.COMT and MAO get rid of those products.Also, in this context, thyroid can cause excess beta adrenergic activity, adding up to your symptoms.
I´d stop all tratment and see how I feel. I´d take only magnesium in small doses, perhaps some liposomal GABA,B2, B6.
I´d also run 23 and me looking for COMT and MAO Snp's., among many others.
I don´t know why you took all these supps in the first place, so, I can´t help further.
Talk to your health practitioner, Anxiety, parasomnias, pheocromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, mcas, thyroid and adrenal issues should be ruled out, among others is all else fails.

Luck, Seller.


Oct 18, 2013
It seems to me that you are not eating enough, calories wise. Eat more and a little bit more diverse. Try adding more fruit or any well tolerated starch and see how you feel


Nov 12, 2016
I would say WAY too much liquids. Solid food is way more warming. That’s 3 quarts/litres of fluid a day. I hardly drink any fluids now and eat more fruit.

Also too many supplements.

I've been thinking I might have to cut back on the liquids, especially the milk. I'm at a loss about what to eat, since milk tends to be my go to solution, at work. What kind of foods have you replaced them with, besides fruit?

I think the amount of calcium I'm consuming, may be an issue. It seems that if my body is in a state where my cells are taking up calcium and water, and magnesium is not being utilized, that could explain why I have random muscle spasms throughout the day. I'm only able to supplement around 400mg of magnesium glycinate before I end up in the bathroom several times the next day. I was low on a magnesium test in the past, and now adding 2,000mg+ of calcium, while only consuming around 500-600mg of magnesium, between food and supplements. I was also thinking that all the liquids could be causing a sodium imbalance. On my latest test, calcium and sodium were both normal. I did not have magnesium tested.


Nov 12, 2016
I will try liquid potassium. I too had similar symptoms. I use thyroid meds and hardly any supplement

Do you think cutting down the orange juice and supplementing potassium, instead?


Nov 12, 2016
Sorry,I´m new to this forum
Sounds like sympathetic activation and hyperventilation.When you enter the sleep state, you lose cortical
control (if any), on your breathing.Then you blow excessive CO2 out through the night, and go beyond hypocapnic threshold.
As you reach the threshold, central sleep apnea ensues, you stop breathing ,O2 go down, CO2 up, then you wake up
suffocated. tachypneic, thachycardic and anxious. Stress response.
Phenylalanine causes MAO-A inhibition, you´re taking cathecolamine precursors.COMT and MAO get rid of those products.Also, in this context, thyroid can cause excess beta adrenergic activity, adding up to your symptoms.
I´d stop all tratment and see how I feel. I´d take only magnesium in small doses, perhaps some liposomal GABA,B2, B6.
I´d also run 23 and me looking for COMT and MAO Snp's., among many others.
I don´t know why you took all these supps in the first place, so, I can´t help further.
Talk to your health practitioner, Anxiety, parasomnias, pheocromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, mcas, thyroid and adrenal issues should be ruled out, among others is all else fails.

Luck, Seller.

That's something to think about. Here I've been trying to breathe into a paper bag, and utilize buteyko breathing, to no avail. Thank you for the input! I appreciate every bit of feedback!

I gradually added supplements as I read through the forums and listened to Peat's work. A couple years back the palpitations were accompanied by severe anxiety and what began to feel like depression, and I could not sleep, at all. My doctor told me that my body was producing too much adrenaline (without testing) and put me on a benzodiazepine and then tried several SSRI's alongside (cycled through 3 before settling in escitalopram, as the others had nasty sides for me). The benzodiazepines helped me sleep at least 7 hours a night, and rid me of palpitations for a while, but I gradually had to up the dose for it to continue to work. I started to have sides as the dose increased. I was losing feeling in my hands and feet, had vertigo like symptoms, memory problems, mood swings, etc. When I read of the long term side effects I decided that I wanted off. The withdrawal from the benzo's and SSRI was hell.

I came across Peat accidentally, when I was looking at an article that mentioned Danny Roddy's work with hair loss.

The anxiety is no longer with me, since I began Peating, and stopping avoiding sugar, while trying to heal my gut (GAPS). I was also taking extreme amounts VSL3 probiotic about a year before I began Peating.


Nov 12, 2016
It seems to me that you are not eating enough, calories wise. Eat more and a little bit more diverse. Try adding more fruit or any well tolerated starch and see how you feel

Starches really bother me and most foods cause an allergic reaction, including rice, haagen-dazs ice cream, bread, potatoes (boiled until soft and consumed with butter), anything with tomatoes, most types of cheese, sour cream (with any additives). If I consume the milk, daily, I'm around 2,500 calories.


Nov 12, 2016
Are you going in and out of atrial fibrillation?

I am. If I were to lay down and try to fall asleep this very moment, I would wake up immediately with palpitations. Then I begin to feel pain around the upper chambers of my heart, as though they are fatiguing from beating at excessive rates. With that comes a spreading burning sensation through my skin. It's feels like cortisol or adrenaline is reaching the heart, triggering palpitations and then being pumped through the blood to the tissues and causing hot flashes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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