Has Anyone Here Successfully Resolved "SIBO" Or Major Stomach Bloating? With Peating Or Anything Els

Jan 24, 2014
For me, I was hypothyroid for years and many people who are hypo don't make enough stomach acid. I used betaine HCL for several months, this brand:

Doctor's Best Betaine HCl Pepsin and Gentian Bitters -- 120 Capsules - Vitacost

I no longer need it now so I don't take it anymore, but when I was taking it I found it to be enormously helpful. It's important to keep working on other areas of metabolism and health.

I could tell that I no longer needed it when I consistently felt a warm/slight burn in my stomach.

Start with one cap and pay attention to the effects, increase incrementally until you feel the warmth, then back off by one pill and stay at that dose for a while, sometimes it takes months.


Feb 9, 2013
I've been doing Big Peatowski's raw garlic thingy for 4 days. :dancingsmileyman I couldn't handle the burning and nausea from taking the garlic on an empty stomach (I think I bought really powerful garlic) so I'm doing it on an empty stomach with carrot salad at the same time. Eg. spoonful of crushed garlic, spoonful of carrot/vinegar/coconut oil. (Thank you for that suggestion Big Peat!) I find I can get it down a lot easier that way, and then I wait about 20 minutes before eating a meal. I think I'm getting about 6-8 cloves a day.

Besides hating garlic at this point :yuck:, so far I noticed my tongue is barely coated at all.

Also my inflamed gums have gone down a lot - more of a nice pink shade and not puffy. I think I took cyproheptadine for so long that it caused major gum issues (gingivitis) from lack of saliva flow at night. Anyway I think the Gut Critters dude is right that the garlic kills the common strep bacteria in our mouth.

I don't deal with any bloating or IBS etc. so can't comment on what the garlic does for that. I would say it makes you poop more and it is looser than normal, but no diarrhea for me. Of course, that could also be from having carrots 3x a day instead of 1x a day. I haven't seen any weird things in the toilet like flukes but who knows!

My main endotoxin issue is that I get bad allergies (runny nose/sneezing) from starchy foods, and I don't think I absorb nutrients well.... also the related weak liver/high estrogen. I've been avoiding starch during this experiment, so I don't know if the garlic is having any effect on that yet.

I think my endotoxin is also related to mild rosacea and sebaceous hyperplasia like Ray talked about in the rosacea article. I know he said antibiotics helps rosacea. When I took them in the past, my skin became perfect, no redness, no oil, no acne, nothing, and that would last many months. I could get away with not washing my hair for a week and it was fine, like a child's.

I'm guessing the garlic is not going to be strong enough to have that effect! (or I'd have to take it longer which is not socially possible!) So far I'm not sure if it is doing anything for my skin because I'm also taking a lot of progesterone, which also makes my skin pretty good (although doesn't help with redness).

I guess the real test will be in weeks 1-14 of my cycle, when I can't take progesterone. I would love to kill the endotoxin that cause redness and oiliness!
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Jan 24, 2014
I think I took cyproheptadine for so long that it caused major gum issues (gingivitis) from lack of saliva flow at night.

I didn't take Cyproheptadine for very long due to this exact reason, it dried me out terribly. Super dry eyes, dry mouth, couldn't pee properly and generally felt depressed/groggy.

I also had the same experience with taking antibiotics back in 2011, perfect skin and non-oily hair which was so freeing, as I didn't have to wash my hair every day. I wasn't eating any dairy or sugar back then tho, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the hair/skin greasiness.
Nov 21, 2015
I think a little raw onion AND a little raw garlic are amazing for SIBO. I've gotten MUCH improved digestion from them, when used in a carrot salad with a bit of yogurt and some spices to make it taste really good. There was a study of onion AND garlic (raw) that showed together they are VERY powerful and have been used for at least 1000 years as an antibiotic. I think when you cook them, they become probiotics, but raw they are VERY powerful antibiotics.


Feb 9, 2013
I didn't take Cyproheptadine for very long due to this exact reason, it dried me out terribly. Super dry eyes, dry mouth, couldn't pee properly and generally felt depressed/groggy.

I also had the same experience with taking antibiotics back in 2011, perfect skin and non-oily hair which was so freeing, as I didn't have to wash my hair every day. I wasn't eating any dairy or sugar back then tho, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the hair/skin greasiness.

Yeah I would REALLY like to get to the bottom of that!

In the past I have taken antibiotics, birth control pill and spironolactone -- and all 3 eliminated oil production completely. It was great.

Since finding Ray the closest I've come to that effect of perfect skin quality has been with progesterone, and to a lesser extent, pregnenolone.

I know Ray says thyroid and vitamin A are the best things for skin, but that hasn't been the case for me. When I took high doses of T3 it did stop all acne, but my skin quality was still not as good as it looks on Progestene. Vitamin A does nothing or maybe I've not taken high enough doses (I don't go over 50,000 IU).

I am trying to interpret what this means... high endotoxin and high estrogen that I'm not detoxing out?

And it feels like there must be some androgenic component as well.
Jan 24, 2014
Yeah I would REALLY like to get to the bottom of that!

ME TOO! Thyroid does help my skin and 30,000 IU of A is good for me too, also progesterone....but I think I fattied up my liver over the winter because I am having symptoms of NOT clearing estrogen as quickly as I'd like. I've recently had The Great Brewer's Yeast Catastrophe and my poor liver is struggling from the fallout.:hurting:

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Ok so my doctor is out until next week for Passover (Jewish doctor problems) so I still haven't had a post-stool test appointment. I'm getting more and more interested in this raw garlic thing. TBP, what do you think about the above post of combining garlic and onion? Also, for anyone who tried it, how bad is the smell/taste/general discomfort of the therapy? In a week or 2 I will be at home alone a lot writing my dissertation, so I can kind of be sequestered away from people, but I am curious about what I'm getting into with this. I'm going to bring it up as an option I'm considering with my doctor.


Mar 15, 2014
My fix was as follows:

Occasional carrot

Coconut oil if eating starch

Poop every day (coffee helps)

No fermentable fiber

Avoid all estrogenic, excitatory substances. This includes meat, glutamate (soy sauce, miso, etc), and legumes.

Basically fruit and milk, with occasional shellfish.

Most importantly, don't get stressed and try to do things ahead of time. Stop doing unnecessary stuff like watching TV and browsing the Internet too much.

Jan 24, 2014
TBP, what do you think about the above post of combining garlic and onion? Also, for anyone who tried it, how bad is the smell/taste/general discomfort of the therapy?

I happen to LOVE garlic and onions, raw, cooked, every which way....so the taste is not offensive to me. Yes, I stunk/stink to high heaven, but I work from home all by myself so it's a non-issue.

The garlic needs to be raw in order to be most effective....makes for a fine combo with the shredded carrot/ACV/salt/MCT oil salad. You could throw some chopped red onion in the salad if you like.


Feb 9, 2013
Ok so my doctor is out until next week for Passover (Jewish doctor problems) so I still haven't had a post-stool test appointment. I'm getting more and more interested in this raw garlic thing. TBP, what do you think about the above post of combining garlic and onion? Also, for anyone who tried it, how bad is the smell/taste/general discomfort of the therapy? In a week or 2 I will be at home alone a lot writing my dissertation, so I can kind of be sequestered away from people, but I am curious about what I'm getting into with this. I'm going to bring it up as an option I'm considering with my doctor.

I quit the garlic as of today, so that's been one week. I actually think I had strep throat at the same time as this experiment - it seemed to have prevented the worst of it, but didn't completely kill that bacteria because I still have a lingering sore throat. I stopped eating garlic today so I'll be able to see a doctor tomorrow and get real antibiotics.

I couldn't manage to eat the raw garlic alone on an empty stomach without feeling like I was going to throw up. I had to do it with the carrot salad and even then the garlic I have is so strong it made me sweat and cry! After each "dose" I was uncomfortable for about 10 minutes but that's pretty much it - I didn't really have any bathroom issues.

Even though I definitely have endotoxin because of all my allergies, I don't know if the garlic helped anything. I still can't tolerate nightshades (tomato and zucchini), even very well cooked... today I've had a runny nose all day from this starch-free lasagne I made last night. Not sure yet about potatoes.

Very frustrated, as I had hoped this would improve my food tolerance!

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
Also, for anyone who tried it, how bad is the smell/taste/general discomfort of the therapy?
I haven't done that specific protocol, but have eaten significant amounts of garlic when battling strep in the past. My stomach was a little uncomfortable, but the worst was the incredible amount of sulfur that was either in my breath or saliva. I'd wake up in the morning with a powerful garlic taste in my mouth that nothing could get rid of for more than a few minutes. I doubt many microbes could survive in that kind of environment.


Feb 9, 2013
I haven't done that specific protocol, but have eaten significant amounts of garlic when battling strep in the past. My stomach was a little uncomfortable, but the worst was the incredible amount of sulfur that was either in my breath or saliva. I'd wake up in the morning with a powerful garlic taste in my mouth that nothing could get rid of for more than a few minutes. I doubt many microbes could survive in that kind of environment.

Did you manage to get rid of strep just using garlic? Or were you also taking antibiotics?

I think it does kill some strep bacteria in the mouth which the Gut Critters guy talked about. I had a big improvement with some inflamed gums that were bothering me.

Unfortunately, it hasn't killed whatever strep strain is lurking in the back of my throat and causing a dry cough. So I'm not sure whether to continue or just get an Rx.

I agree, the lingering garlic taste is the worst.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
It took about a week, but I did heal. Basically I was mixing crushed raw garlic and cayenne pepper into honey, and I'd let it sit on the back of my throat before swallowing. I had it all mixed in a bowl and I'd take a spoonful whenever I'd think of it. The cayenne also has some antimicrobial properties and increases blood flow. I used crappy honey, but raw or manuka would probably make it even more effective. If you just google honey + cayenne + garlic you should get some results. I was also taking shots of apple cider vinegar, quickly chased with some water (it's probably smarter to dilute the vinegar in water, but I was trying not to wretch, and the less fluid to swallow the better). None of it was fun, but in the past I've had to go through long courses of antibiotics. I also tried swishing with xylitol, which is supposed to prevent strep from adhering to the mouth, and opening up probiotic capsules and dumping them into my mouth at bedtime to try to crowd out the strep, but I think it was the nasty stuff that helped the most.

I'm not sure what to tell you. If garlic didn't help after a week then that's pretty disappointing. If it's just a sore throat and dry cough I might consider adding to the garlic, but if you're really starting to feel awful then probably best just to get an Rx. Long term strep can have some really bad consequences.


Feb 9, 2013
It took about a week, but I did heal. Basically I was mixing crushed raw garlic and cayenne pepper into honey, and I'd let it sit on the back of my throat before swallowing. I had it all mixed in a bowl and I'd take a spoonful whenever I'd think of it. The cayenne also has some antimicrobial properties and increases blood flow. I used crappy honey, but raw or manuka would probably make it even more effective. If you just google honey + cayenne + garlic you should get some results. I was also taking shots of apple cider vinegar, quickly chased with some water (it's probably smarter to dilute the vinegar in water, but I was trying not to wretch, and the less fluid to swallow the better). None of it was fun, but in the past I've had to go through long courses of antibiotics. I also tried swishing with xylitol, which is supposed to prevent strep from adhering to the mouth, and opening up probiotic capsules and dumping them into my mouth at bedtime to try to crowd out the strep, but I think it was the nasty stuff that helped the most.

I'm not sure what to tell you. If garlic didn't help after a week then that's pretty disappointing. If it's just a sore throat and dry cough I might consider adding to the garlic, but if you're really starting to feel awful then probably best just to get an Rx. Long term strep can have some really bad consequences.

Cool, thanks for sharing this. I definitely think the garlic helped with my strep throat (just not the endotoxin/allergy issue, which was the reason I was doing this... I thought I just had a "cold" and it would be a convenient time to do the experiment since I'm home anyway).

Now I suspect it's strep because someone I know got diagnosed with the same symptoms I had last week. But I wasn't super sick, I guess thanks to the garlic. I just have a lingering sore throat in the mornings, and a dry cough.

But if I can kill strep with garlic, then maybe I should give this a few more days. I am a little worried about antibiotics further ******* up my already out of whack endotoxins... but I know strep is risky as well...

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
But if I can kill strep with garlic, then maybe I should give this a few more days. I am a little worried about antibiotics further ****ing up my already out of whack endotoxins... but I know strep is risky as well...
Totally understandable, I'm not a big fan of antibiotics either, they've always caused me gastric distress. I probably wouldn't be alive if not for antibiotics, but overuse is a huge issue today. I had strep a lot as a kid, not as often as an adult, but the symptoms I had varied significantly. A mildly sore throat was strep once, another time I could barely even drink because my throat was so inflamed and I was running a high grade fever. Just keep an eye on your symptoms, I think the real danger is when it becomes systemic, and antibiotics are necessary at that point.


Feb 9, 2013
Totally understandable, I'm not a big fan of antibiotics either, they've always caused me gastric distress. I probably wouldn't be alive if not for antibiotics, but overuse is a huge issue today. I had strep a lot as a kid, not as often as an adult, but the symptoms I had varied significantly. A mildly sore throat was strep once, another time I could barely even drink because my throat was so inflamed and I was running a high grade fever. Just keep an eye on your symptoms, I think the real danger is when it becomes systemic, and antibiotics are necessary at that point.

Hmm, maybe I'll go just so I can get the antibiotics but not take them unless I'm desperate. It's always good to have antibiotics on hand and doctors are so stingy about them usually! I would never be able to convince them to give me an Rx if I said I wanted them to test my theories about endotoxin for example... o_O

Now that I had a day to detox out the garlic, I can interact with the public tomorrow and then go back to this protocol when I get home. :depressed:


Feb 9, 2013
Anyway sorry to derail the thread re: strep throat!

I guess my question is - why wouldn't a week of garlic improve my tolerance to nightshade vegetables? Or is that not related to endotoxin?

I ordered some new potatoes so will try those next.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Ok, TBP, I'm about at the end of my doctor rope and getting ready to take matters into my own hands. Finally got in with doc, my microscopy parasite tests were negative as I said before, so he recommended I go to a gastro for an upper endoscopy. Now, I am not very interested in this, but I did make an appointment on the hopes that maybe I can convince this new guy to prescribe a breath test instead. But even after all of this, the problem remains, the only thing they can do to help if they do "diagnose" SIBO is to prescribe antibiotics, which I have tried before. Therefore I think the best chance I have is to try something like turpentine or garlic, which has some evidence of tackling SIBO and the potential biofilm buildup. I see that as a likely culprit of why my first bout with antibiotics didn't do much for me. A few questions for TBP:
1) do you think turpentine is mostly for parasites, or do you think it is effective for SIBO too? Would you start with that or try the garlic treatment first?
2) was a week plenty for the garlic treatment to take care of your SIBO? did the preceding turpentine effect that, or did it just cause worms to be expelled?
3) how bad is the garlic treatment? specifically with smell, does your whole body exude stinky garlic scent for the time you are doing it? Lastly, when you end the treatment, how quickly does the smell go away?
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