Has Anyone Used Peats Ttopical Progesterone For Wrinkles?


Apr 16, 2013
If so, did you see results?


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Hi Violet,

I don't have an answer for you, but I've wondered the same thing. I used it on my face 2 x yesterday, but am taking a break from it (both orally and topically to let it completely clear my system - that's in another post). I may start back using it on my face and one tiny spot on my leg that has little red veins showing to see if it helps anything. If I do this, I'll document the results and post them.

Hope someone else chimes in if they've used Progest E topically and what results they had.


Apr 16, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

That would be great! Let me know if you see a change.


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Jenn said:
I use it for my lips, nothing cures chapped lips like progestE. I have to admit, it never occurred tome to use it for wrinkles.

It's awesome for lips. After I rub it into my gums, I rub whatever is left on my fingertip onto my lips.


Apr 16, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Jenn said:
I use it for my lips, nothing cures chapped lips like progestE. I have to admit, it never occurred tome to use it for wrinkles.

That's a great idea! I suffer from really dry lips.

Also, been using Peat's progesterone oil on my hands for nearly a week, and I'm pretty sure it's helping with the sun damage! :D


Jan 17, 2014
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Yes I am about to start Dr Peats progesterone oil for menopause symptoms and want to know about using it on my face as well. I will keep watching to see if there is any feedback from others who may be using it topically.


Oct 21, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

I have used in on my skin, for wrinkles, "liver" spots etc. Lita Lee spoke about a skin cream she makes herself with coconut oil, vitamin d and progest e. She claims to be wrinkle free using that combination.

I find it does have a toning effect for wrinkles, but not necessarily permanent. I only use it sporadically though.

Same thing with stretch marks. It would make them look almost gone for a few days, but over time they seem to regain most of their previous appearance.


Jul 24, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Yes, in discussing Dr. Peat's work with well over a dozen friends, I have seen the Kenogen Progest-E oil reduce wrinkles.

Full disclosure: in this limited sample, it worked very well for maybe half, and somewhat well for the others. I consistently saw wrinkle reduction. To be fair, I could not predict for whom it would work especially well in the wrinkle department. Generally, when clear problems of estrogen excess were present, it may have worked a bit better. (It does almost always help relieve the estrogenic problems, even when friends were focused on the wrinkles).

I have usually encouraged using coconut oil as a vehicle to get the somewhat thick Kenogen oil to spread easily. (And coconut oil itself seems to help.) Some of these wrinkle relief cases were before the extensive vitamin D work of Veith, Hollick and others. I do not have enough experience with including vitamin D oil (described by Lita Lee) to comment.

I have also seen it work in reducing scars or stretch marks. Almost all of the sample individuals have been women, except for some severe cases of scarring in men.

Also, I have ALWAYS suggested that the application be in an amount that is reasonable for other conditions the person might have (seen as menstrual problems, GYN cysts, fatigue & insomnia, etc.) It seems best to use as described by Dr. Peat, and in menstrual cycling women in the later part of the cycle as he describes.

I have actively discouraged friends from using many dozens or hundreds of mg's "purely" for wrinkles. Though I discourage it, I have met women in their 20's using (non-Kenogen, non-Peaty) transdermal progesterone in huge quantities to "prevent" wrinkles. It is hard to say if the quirks in these situations were due to poor judgement, non-helpful dosing, poor vehicle for progesterone on the skin, or other factors.

For better and worse, the wrinkle reduction feature of progesterone has made some friends enthusiastic about the Kenogen oil when it was far more dramatic in relieving disabling metabolic issues. Appearance counts for a lot these days, and maybe for a long time before.


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

I have no real change in skin from using a drop on my face 2xday. It seems that for the most part (for me, anyway) real skin change starts from within. Not much I put on it will make a real difference if the internal stuff isn't fixed (or propped up, as was the case when I was on the Pill and had glowing skin). However, due to the cold weather, my skin has been dry on my face quite a bit since about mid/late Nov. Nothing seems to fix it, even heavy creams. It's worse around my eyes, and I can feel tautness around them, even under the brows. I'm hoping it's just something seasonal because a friend of mine reported the same thing.

Progest E makes a fabulous lip treatment/gloss though.

And it seems to help me with a minor burn. I got a burn on underside of my wrist from touching hot pizza pan when I took it out of oven. I put Progest E on the stripe of burned skin, and the pain reduced right away. I reapplied it a few times and today it doesn't hurt even when I touch it and there's not much of a mark where the burn is.


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Yes, I've tried it. Not much to report, but honestly I haven't done it religiously. I commiserate with your dry skin issues, I'm having the same problems. I agree completely that it comes from the inside-out. Had considered MSM/hyaluronic acid to be taken internally for that purpose, but now I'm not so sure. MSM powder is pure but the capsules of the HA have other stuff and excipients. I don't think I even want to get started on that. It will be one more ? as to what is adding to my skin rash/dryness.
However, I did just start a thyroid supplement (American Biologics Thyroid), a natural non-Rx source. After doing a lot of reading here I am picking up on the synergistic effects of thyroid/progesterone. I wonder if that's why after all this time just doing Progest-E, to the tune of a couple of years, without any thyroid (with some hypo symptoms), I hadn't noticed appreciable improvements overall, anti-aging-wise. So, I am going to try to be patient with this, keep up both the thyroid and Progest-E, and will report back in a couple of weeks or so to let you know if the skin issue may have been part of the puzzle solved by the combo of thyroid/progest. What have I got to lose at this point? I've tried every cream on the market, even had to let go of what I considered to be one of the best skin care product lines because my skin just started screaming at it to stay away! Thanks for input, hope your problems are improving. :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

I've only been using the Progest-e topically for about 2 months and I have been following a Peat inspired approach (very dedicated) for 6 months. The healing is what is ultimately most important to me but honestly, who doesn't like to look their best?! Here is what I have been told by others both male and female(unsolicited/co-workers)
1. You really look younger! What are you doing?
2. You can't have a daughter out of college you look in your 30's
3. Your skin is so radiant, what do you use?
4.(boring one) oh, I thought you were my age(34)
5. You look the same as when I met you 12 years ago!
I cleanse with a mild thorne baby wash on days I use mineral make-up, I moisturize with the Progest-e and olive or coconut oil and periodically I use witch hazel for surface dirt but nothing too involved. The biggest change I've noticed is increased smoothness, texture and firmness. I no longer see new brown spots or wrinkles so ofcourse I'm pleased. I'm just happy to look as good as I feel. This has really worked for me inside and out. I'm not perfect and I never wanted to be but I am enjoying the vibrant glow I see in the mirror. It seems the more I heal on the inside the better I look on the outside.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

I like to do this periodically for exfoliating. Take 1 tbsp. Bob's red mill baking soda and mix in a small amount of distilled water to form a thin paste. With clean fingers apply to face, neck and upper chest in a light small circular motion. Continue for approximately 10 minutes or shortened time if desired. Rinse well and moisturize. I used to do this 2 x per week but haven't felt I needed it much lately. It is nice to smooth out rough spots/ dry spots after the winter weather. I try to do it when I'm not going out in the elements for the rest of the day. I'm not sure if it's Peat ok but it probably is and it's not toxic!


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Blossom said:
I've only been using the Progest-e topically for about 2 months and I have been following a Peat inspired approach (very dedicated) for 6 months. The healing is what is ultimately most important to me but honestly, who doesn't like to look their best?! Here is what I have been told by others both male and female(unsolicited/co-workers)
1. You really look younger! What are you doing?
2. You can't have a daughter out of college you look in your 30's
3. Your skin is so radiant, what do you use?
4.(boring one) oh, I thought you were my age(34)
5. You look the same as when I met you 12 years ago!
I cleanse with a mild thorne baby wash on days I use mineral make-up, I moisturize with the Progest-e and olive or coconut oil and periodically I use witch hazel for surface dirt but nothing too involved. The biggest change I've noticed is increased smoothness, texture and firmness. I no longer see new brown spots or wrinkles so ofcourse I'm pleased. I'm just happy to look as good as I feel. This has really worked for me inside and out. I'm not perfect and I never wanted to be but I am enjoying the vibrant glow I see in the mirror. It seems the more I heal on the inside the better I look on the outside.

Great tips Blossom. Can you explain how you dose the Progest between the moisturizing and regular topical application? You're one of the few who applies to the skin and doesn't take it orally. Have you found a regular dose that works? For menopause, is Peat's 10-20mg per day reasonable?

What kind of cleansing do you do on your off days? Just water? Actually, the oils you mention would work well enough as cleansing, but I assume you apply those on clean skin and do everyday? :)

I've done the baking soda and it works quite well, but I have to back off when I've got skin problems. btw- is this the Thorne you mentioned? If not, could you provide me the link? http://www.amazon.com/Shampoo-Organic-C ... +baby+wash


Jan 22, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Blossom how are you applying the progest e? I have tried numerous times to apply to my face -every time I have found that its too thick and it clogs my pores. I agree its great for lips, and I can even rub on my neck which seems to have thinner skin than face (starting to wrinkle) but never works well on my face.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

classicallady said:
Blossom said:
I've only been using the Progest-e topically for about 2 months and I have been following a Peat inspired approach (very dedicated) for 6 months. The healing is what is ultimately most important to me but honestly, who doesn't like to look their best?! Here is what I have been told by others both male and female(unsolicited/co-workers)
1. You really look younger! What are you doing?
2. You can't have a daughter out of college you look in your 30's
3. Your skin is so radiant, what do you use?
4.(boring one) oh, I thought you were my age(34)
5. You look the same as when I met you 12 years ago!
I cleanse with a mild thorne baby wash on days I use mineral make-up, I moisturize with the Progest-e and olive or coconut oil and periodically I use witch hazel for surface dirt but nothing too involved. The biggest change I've noticed is increased smoothness, texture and firmness. I no longer see new brown spots or wrinkles so ofcourse I'm pleased. I'm just happy to look as good as I feel. This has really worked for me inside and out. I'm not perfect and I never wanted to be but I am enjoying the vibrant glow I see in the mirror. It seems the more I heal on the inside the better I look on the outside.

Great tips Blossom. Can you explain how you dose the Progest between the moisturizing and regular topical application? You're one of the few who applies to the skin and doesn't take it orally. Have you found a regular dose that works? For menopause, is Peat's 10-20mg per day reasonable?

What kind of cleansing do you do on your off days? Just water? Actually, the oils you mention would work well enough as cleansing, but I assume you apply those on clean skin and do everyday? :)

I've done the baking soda and it works quite well, but I have to back off when I've got skin problems. btw- is this the Thorne you mentioned? If not, could you provide me the link? http://www.amazon.com/Shampoo-Organic-C ... +baby+wash
Yes, that is what I use! I still use it on the oral membranes too though. I use about 3-4 drops topically in addition to what I use on the lips,gums and palate. I did read on Peat's website that postmenopausal women who are thin don't need a lot. It's a great read if you have never had a chance to look at it: Progesterone Summaries I believe is the title.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

honeybee said:
Blossom how are you applying the progest e? I have tried numerous times to apply to my face -every time I have found that its too thick and it clogs my pores. I agree its great for lips, and I can even rub on my neck which seems to have thinner skin than face (starting to wrinkle) but never works well on my face.
I put the olive oil or coconut oil on first and give it a minute or two to rest then apply the Progest-e topically and it blends well. It's hard to believe but some days I just take a little witch hazel and don't use soap at all. I wish I had this skin 20 years ago!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

I'm thinking about using rose water as a toner/light surface cleanser again. Real rose hydrosol should be fine and it smells pretty. I used to make my own skin care products and had a small business doing it for awhile until my health further declined. I would use most of the same ingredients today omitting the emu oil and estrogenic essential oils like lavender and rosemary. I've always liked avoiding nasty chemicals as much as possible on my skin. I used to make a lovely lip balm that I think would be peat approved: coconut oil
Cocoa butter
Bees wax
I'm feeling inspired to make some soon!


Jan 22, 2013
Re: Has anyone used Peats ttopical progesterone for wrinkles

Thanks for responding Blossom. I have found that coconut oil doesn't really "Moisturize" my skin -it always feel dry after I apply. It and also clogs my pores. I may try this with another oil mct that i purchased specifically for making my own lotions. I too make my own lotions. I use aloe Vera, coco butter, Shea butter ( for the winter it's super dry here) mct oil and I use a bit of vit e and tea tree. This may be a good carrier base for the proge.
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