How to lower Progesterone? and how long till supplemented Pregnenolone leaves my system?


Jan 29, 2021
So supplementing Pregnenolone causes a lot of issues for me.
Mainly it causes low e2 symptoms which cant be fixed by raising testosterone dose, DHEA or anything else.

My last pregnenolone 100mg capsule was taken 4 days ago. I know the dose is too high but i also had problems with 10mg everyday.
When will I find relief, how long does it take for the pregnenolone and its conversion to progesterone to leave my body?

And is there anything I can do to lower progesterone manually, with any supplements or other meds?
Mar 10, 2021
So supplementing Pregnenolone causes a lot of issues for me.
Mainly it causes low e2 symptoms which cant be fixed by raising testosterone dose, DHEA or anything else.

My last pregnenolone 100mg capsule was taken 4 days ago. I know the dose is too high but i also had problems with 10mg everyday.
When will I find relief, how long does it take for the pregnenolone and its conversion to progesterone to leave my body?

And is there anything I can do to lower progesterone manually, with any supplements or other meds?
What kind of problems did it give you fasoracetam? Many people are big on supplementing it, but I haven't done so.
Jun 16, 2021
i had the same issues with high progesterone - i went overboard on it when i was new to Ray Peat stuff - it created a lot of issues for me. i ended up doing a lot of liver cleansing and taking Bi Est cream and stopped it all together. never again with mega progesterone for me .... ever ever ever.
Mar 10, 2021
We are only just trying Progest-E this past couple of months. What kind of problems did you run into stargazer?
Jun 16, 2021
weight gain , closed up cervix, grew a fibroid, constipation, messed up liver. by the time I got levels tested my progesterone was massively high. i knew my estrogen was low ish but hopped on the Peat Progesterone wagon because I thought that I had extra fat bc my "bmi " was high- but it turns out that I am super muscular so upon further testing, it turned out that I just weigh more bc of that. It f*ked me up sooo much. I know Peat thinks estrogen is the root of all evil but I do not agree. I was on Progest E for about a year or more.
Mar 10, 2021
weight gain , closed up cervix, grew a fibroid, constipation, messed up liver. by the time I got levels tested my progesterone was massively high. i knew my estrogen was low ish but hopped on the Peat Progesterone wagon because I thought that I had extra fat bc my "bmi " was high- but it turns out that I am super muscular so upon further testing, it turned out that I just weigh more bc of that. it f*ked me up sooo much. i know Peat thinks estrogen is the root of all evil but I do not agree. I was on Progest E for about a year or more.
Oh geeze! That sounds like our scenerio, very muscular, but I thought it might cover some evening tequilas. I really don't have estrogens come from anywhere else. Do you think we should cut back or cut it out totally? I really don't know much about it to know how to gauge it. I was doing fine Peating the last 4+ years without it. We are mostly liking the deep sleep from it, otherwise I haven't noticed any other benefits yet.
Jun 16, 2021
I would do a saliva hormone test to see where are hormone-wise. My experience is that bio-identical progesterone can build up quickly and trust me, having too much of it your system wreaks a special kind of hell scenario. Also , I do Bi - Est with Progesterone now and get the deepest sleep . I do not take it every day. It really depends on how old you are when where you are in the hormone thing. I started going crazy with progesterone when i had peri meno heavy bleeding and I swear I took so much that it stopped my period altogether. ( maybe ) I was pretty young when my periods stopped, but I was also 17 when I got my period so my hormone thing has always been weird. I would say test and then proceed , but dont think that progesterone is all fun and games. you need estrogen too . :)
Mar 10, 2021
I would do a saliva hormone test to see where are hormone-wise. My experience is that bio-identical progesterone can build up quickly and trust me, having too much of it your system wreaks a special kind of hell scenario. Also , I do Bi - Est with Progesterone now and get the deepest sleep . I do not take it every day. It really depends on how old you are when where you are in the hormone thing. I started going crazy with progesterone when i had peri meno heavy bleeding and I swear I took so much that it stopped my period altogether. ( maybe ) I was pretty young when my periods stopped, but I was also 17 when I got my period so my hormone thing has always been weird. I would say test and then proceed , but dont think that progesterone is all fun and games. you need estrogen too . :)
Thanks for all that info! I think I will proceed on the side of caution and cut it way back.


Jun 11, 2021
I would do a saliva hormone test to see where are hormone-wise. My experience is that bio-identical progesterone can build up quickly and trust me, having too much of it your system wreaks a special kind of hell scenario. Also , I do Bi - Est with Progesterone now and get the deepest sleep . I do not take it every day. It really depends on how old you are when where you are in the hormone thing. I started going crazy with progesterone when i had peri meno heavy bleeding and I swear I took so much that it stopped my period altogether. ( maybe ) I was pretty young when my periods stopped, but I was also 17 when I got my period so my hormone thing has always been weird. I would say test and then proceed , but dont think that progesterone is all fun and games. you need estrogen too . :)
I hopped on the progesterone wagon too, without knowing the consequences. Why is that never talked about? Only all the benefits? Now my cycle is seriously messed up. I think got the first time in my life I'm not ovulating. So went through a whole pregnancy scare. Just trying to figure this out now. If it is stored in our fat tissues, do I just need to wait it out and hope things go back to normal? I don't want to do labs. Oh you have any insights please share. Thank you!


Oct 4, 2018
Any updates? Are you guys still taking progesterone with good results? How about starting with high doses and then backing down to low doses and staying there.


Nov 6, 2020
I have been taking progest-e cyclical monthly for years. It reliable knocked out the monthly water retention and sore breast. Nothing but stellar results. I was also taking health Natura pregnenolone powder each morning, never noticed any benefits- but they might have been unnoticed because of the way that works, according to Ray. I may start pregnenolone again but in a topical. My labs don't show any increase in anything. I am in the weird space of not yet post menopause because a cycle will show up randomly. At this point I am a firm believer in Ray Peats view of progesterone for women.
Mar 10, 2021
Any updates? Are you guys still taking progesterone with good results? How about starting with high doses and then backing down to low doses and staying there.
I put some on my lips occasionally, when I go out to a restaurant, and when I have been feeling anxiety it soothes me, but nothing else noticeable for me. I don’t have issues I guess to notice a difference from.
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