How to prepare for a CT scan.


Apr 13, 2020
Good day.
I have a question about how to prepare the body for a CT scan of the intestines.
I would like to protect my body against the effects of radiation.
How to protect the kidneys from contrast administration.
I'm also worried about my kidneys because they are most exposed to contrast.

Thanks for any advice, sorry for the spelling because I'm using a translator.
Mar 10, 2021
Good day.
I have a question about how to prepare the body for a CT scan of the intestines.
I would like to protect my body against the effects of radiation.
How to protect the kidneys from contrast administration.
I'm also worried about my kidneys because they are most exposed to contrast.

Thanks for any advice, sorry for the spelling because I'm using a translator.
Read through this thread, linked below. I will find the other one for you. Both have warnings and tips.

Mar 10, 2021


I had this done with contrast dye - one of the worst mistakes of my life. Read the threads Rinse posted, you will be well informed to make a decision.

It's not just the kidney that's at risk

Edit - To add to @ThinPicking's post if this is an investigation following the covid injections then it's even more imperative that you avoid further tissue damage. Even an MRI might be dangerous if you already have a lot of heavy metal in your system.
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Sep 9, 2019
Mr Maniek, is this something to do with diverticulosis you mentioned in another thread?

If yes there should be no clinical reason an MRI or ultrasound couldn't suffice, and plenty of reasons you could provide your doctor to avoid CT.


Sep 9, 2019
Whatever the weather, don't take any more of these thingies eh 👉:syringe:

Around 4 months between your injection and intestinal issue posts 🤔


Aug 21, 2020
I would also recommend refusing the CT scan and asking for an MRI instead.

I wouldn't give any specific reason though: in my experience, many doctors take a patient's hesitance as a personal affront.

Instead, ask calmly, speak briefly and matter-of-factly, and be ready to walk away and go elsewhere if necessary.


Feb 9, 2013
I wish I could refuse but I have to get one before my dentist will do dental implants. I had 2 baby teeth pulled due to ankylosis (sinking into gums) and because I needed to fix my bite with Invisalign and they were preventing movement.
Dentist insists the CT scan is not risky - to his credit he’s the first one I’ve ever had who doesn’t demean you for not wanting xrays. But, he can’t do implants without it.


Sep 9, 2019
I wish I could refuse but I have to get one before my dentist will do dental implants. I had 2 baby teeth pulled due to ankylosis (sinking into gums) and because I needed to fix my bite with Invisalign and they were preventing movement.
Dentist insists the CT scan is not risky - to his credit he’s the first one I’ve ever had who doesn’t demean you for not wanting xrays. But, he can’t do implants without it.
The machine and beams should be a lot smaller.

Still not ideal. Hope you got a second and third opinion already.


Apr 13, 2020
I went to the doctor and he recommended a CT scan because the medications I was taking had no effect. I used the antibiotic xifaxan but I still have pain in the lower part of my stomach. I do not know what to do. I read a lot about tomography and contrast, I found such information to take before and after the test: aspirin, progesterone, vitamin E and after the examination a lamp with a red light. I don't know what to do anymore, they don't want to do an MRI because no changes will be visible.


Feb 26, 2016
When you are in pain or sick it’s hard to sort things out, advocate for yourself, & make good decisions.

Doubly so when there is pain.

Gallbladder pain was one of the results of keto dieting for me. I quit that, started reading Ray Peat, & taking his advice. But I still had gallbladder pain.

I was not convinced I had a diseased gallbladder or stones. The only way to get the info about it was to get HIDA scan with a nuclear tracer. I put it off for nearly a year & medicated the pain with an anticholinergic that had side effects.

Finally did it & got the info I needed. Overactive gallbladder, not diseased. My autonomic nervous system was overstimulated. I haven’t found evidence that docs make that distinction. So I did more Peat-like things for it & I solved it.

Sometimes the information you need outweighs the risk you are taking so that you can figure out what to do. None of us think exposure to ionizing radiation is good & some object to medical treatments of all kinds, alternatives are always better.

Also, if you can’t avoid it or you decide that for you it’s the best way to get the information you need then just go into it as well-nourished over the previous weeks as you can. Mitigate the stress if you can. I asked the doc for a mild sedative.

It was stressful but I moved on & was resilient recovering from the scan. I then knew what to do next.

That was almost a decade ago & I haven’t seen a doc since. I had no other choices to get the info I needed. If I had to I’d do it again if I had no other good options.

I’d respect you for thinking it through & deciding for yourself.


Feb 22, 2022
I had this done with contrast dye - one of the worst mistakes of my life. Read the threads Rinse posted, you will be well informed to make a decision.

It's not just the kidney that's at risk

Edit - To add to @ThinPicking's post if this is an investigation following the covid injections then it's even more imperative that you avoid further tissue damage. Even an MRI might be dangerous if you already have a lot of heavy metal in your system.
oh wow, that's very bad. I had a very large amount of MRIs done with contrast in the last 6 months. :???:


May 13, 2015
oh wow, that's very bad. I had a very large amount of MRIs done with contrast in the last 6 months. :???:
I have a question about how to prepare the body for a CT scan of the intestines.
I would like to protect my body against the effects of radiation.
How to protect the kidneys from contrast administration.
I'm also worried about my kidneys because they are most exposed to contrast.
It is very important to educate yourself about the dangers of a CT scan vs. the dangers of the options. I've heard Ray Peat warn about CT scans; something like they are equal to the radiation of multiple xrays. You can use this search engine and search for CT SCAN or CAT SCAN to learn more.

I had to make decisions about these tests in 2020 because the doctor wanted to evaluate my kidneys. I chose to have an ultra sound test and an MRI with No contrast (they can do that if you stand your ground). I've already got heavy metal poisoning, I wasn't willing to pile on more via a dose of gadolinium just so they could get their extra super duper sharp imaging. They could see what they needed to see with the not quite as super sharp pictures just fine.

After the imaging, my insides felt like I'd been scrambled with an egg beater. I lay under my chicken brooder lamp for about 30 minutes and felt better afterward.


Aug 17, 2018
I had this done with contrast dye - one of the worst mistakes of my life. Read the threads Rinse posted, you will be well informed to make a decision.

It's not just the kidney that's at risk

Edit - To add to @ThinPicking's post if this is an investigation following the covid injections then it's even more imperative that you avoid further tissue damage. Even an MRI might be dangerous if you already have a lot of heavy metal in your system.
So one can assume that MRI without contrast should be safe, correct?


So one can assume that MRI without contrast should be safe, correct?
I used to think they are safe. I felt very unwell after the last one I had. 5G is likely to have an effect but that's just my suspicion. I'm even cautious about ultrasound now that we have 5g. Again I don't have evidence that they are more dangerous just a suspicion.
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