I Am Looking For Help In Fixing Weak Digestion

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I never have reflux though, food just feels like it sits for ages in my stomach. Especially protein/fat meals. I try to eat more smaller meals spread over the day.
The reason I mentioned the estrogen/stomach acid connection. My take on it would be that high estrogen will weaken digestion via low stomach acid. Just another angle to look at.


Now Foods Oregano Oil with meals. It will kill the Candida that is causing your issues fast.


Jul 21, 2018
Now Foods Oregano Oil with meals. It will kill the Candida that is causing your issues fast.
What makes you think I have candida? I don’t have a fever, I think my body would if it wanted to fight a significant infection?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
What makes you think I have candida? I don’t have a fever, I think my body would if it wanted to fight a significant infection?
Candida infection is not like a viral or bacterial infection, fever is not the predominant symptom. Do a search on candida symptoms and you will see most are digestive related, and then they become systemic affecting brain, muscle, endocrine, etc., etc., etc. It is a good idea for everyone to cycle oil of oregano even if you don't think you have candida, since it can keep any undesirable microbes at bay.


What makes you think I have candida? I don’t have a fever, I think my body would if it wanted to fight a significant infection?
you have candida if you even wrote this and I think you did. ' I am looking for your help in fixing my weak digestion.
Whenever I start eating foods I am usually left with a white tongue and feel a bit heavy/fatigued after meals.
I know the white tongue can disappear because if I stop eating for a day it goes away. In addition if I only drink juice it also goes away."

you digestion is probs a fungal issue and oregano - and especially the one from Now Foods clears it in the gut fast. Use as directed with meals and I would pulse dose it and see how you feel. I have tried a lot of products for candida and this one works. My tongue is always clear with this. Also you might want to steer away from probiotics if you are on them.


You took it? What has it done for you?
I avoided oregano oil for a LONG time. I noticed however when I ate Italian food with oregano that I felt better and since Dr. Peat talks about having a sterile gut - and I was diagnosed with Candida overgrowth in a stool test, I decided to try the Now Foods product that also contains ginger and fennel. It is the only thing that got my white tongue to totally clear, helped digestion issue and stopped ringing in my ears. I don't take it every meal or everyday, it is a little hard core. I watch my tongue and take the candida spit test a lot just to see.... It has been a long standing issue for me as I have have in my life been overdosed on antibiotics, namely Cipro ( the devil ) and so much Pennicillun as a kid, I became allergic to it. Then there was the time I almost died taking Clindamycin. ( or however you spell it )

I have travelled a LOT and have taken over the years a ton of vaccines to travel etc as well and used to have amalgams in my mouth and when they were removed I am sure I had addition metal exposure SO...... my gut has been through it. I was also diagnosed with Blasto Hominis after a trip to India ( eeeekkkk ) and THEN put on Flagyl for that- omg poor me. Any whoooosie- Oregano Oil had really really cleared up fungal issues for me. Just say. ing.


Mar 5, 2018

Currently up to 7 (!) betaine hcl caps with a non protein meal, no side effects yet, only improvements.

- white tongue reduced by 80%!!
- food lays more comfortable on the stomach
- feel calmer
- no runny nose after eating anymore
- nails changing and growing faster

I wonder what causes such an extremely low stomach acid production, I imagine I will need 12-14 pills with a protein meal for sure :(
What brand of Betaine Hcl are you using?


Jul 21, 2018
I avoided oregano oil for a LONG time. I noticed however when I ate Italian food with oregano that I felt better and since Dr. Peat talks about having a sterile gut - and I was diagnosed with Candida overgrowth in a stool test, I decided to try the Now Foods product that also contains ginger and fennel. It is the only thing that got my white tongue to totally clear, helped digestion issue and stopped ringing in my ears. I don't take it every meal or everyday, it is a little hard core. I watch my tongue and take the candida spit test a lot just to see.... It has been a long standing issue for me as I have have in my life been overdosed on antibiotics, namely Cipro ( the devil ) and so much Pennicillun as a kid, I became allergic to it. Then there was the time I almost died taking Clindamycin. ( or however you spell it )

I have travelled a LOT and have taken over the years a ton of vaccines to travel etc as well and used to have amalgams in my mouth and when they were removed I am sure I had addition metal exposure SO...... my gut has been through it. I was also diagnosed with Blasto Hominis after a trip to India ( eeeekkkk ) and THEN put on Flagyl for that- omg poor me. Any whoooosie- Oregano Oil had really really cleared up fungal issues for me. Just say. ing.
I also had a stool test done which came back negative for fungal and candida. My tongue is 80% clear now by taking high dose betaine hcl and taking only free amino acids as protein. I think my low stomach acid causes random bacteria to use the undigested foods. My nails are also changing since avoiding protein and taking betaine hcl.


Feb 23, 2020
[QUOTE = "JustAGuy, post: 379918, member: 8941"] También me hicieron una prueba de heces que resultó negativa para hongos y candida. Mi lengua ahora está 80% clara al tomar altas dosis de betaína hcl y tomar solo aminoácidos libres como proteína. Creo que mi bajo nivel de ácido estomacal hace que las bacterias al azar utilicen los alimentos no digeridos. Mis uñas también están cambiando ya que evito las proteínas y tomo betaína hcl. [/ QUOTE]
I also had a stool test done which came back negative for fungal and candida. My tongue is 80% clear now by taking high dose betaine hcl and taking only free amino acids as protein. I think my low stomach acid causes random bacteria to use the undigested foods. My nails are also changing since avoiding protein and taking betaine hcl.
I would like to know your current situation and your experience with this whole issue.
Something very similar to what you described happens to me.


Nov 24, 2017

I am looking for your help in fixing my weak digestion.
Whenever I start eating foods I am usually left with a white tongue and feel a bit heavy/fatigued after meals.
I know the white tongue can disappear because if I stop eating for a day it goes away. In addition if I only drink juice it also goes away.

Eating any sort of protein or fat makes it hit me big time and I feel like it is poisoning my body. I get some brain fog and neck pain after meals and don’t feel as powerful.

I am trying to compose of an easy to digest yet nutritious diet.
Drinking a lot of liquids, like relying on orange juice as a main calorie source makes me go to the toilet constantly and drops my temp by 1 degrees celsius. Energy is good but I feel cold. I feel like I should focus more on denser food with a lower liquid content.

My digestion is very weak in the morning (has always been, I would secretly throw away my breakfast as a 5 year old because I had poor appetite) so I will focus on getting most of my calories later in the day. Also I will try to avoid very large meals and split it up more.

I am thinking about the following foods:
- white rice
- a bit of very ripe fruits I can find, bananas don’t sit well with me either
- heavily processed breakfast cereals with a good amount of sugar (will try to avoid added iron as much as possible)
- start off with an essential amino acid blend, while slowly transitioning into lean meat/skim milk as digestion improves

I will also eat a few raw carrots daily. After I had a poor digesting meal I start to crave raw carrots, so I am sure they benefit me.

In addition to this I will look into using cascada sagrada and activated charcoal as I have seen a lot of positive feedback on these items on the forum.

Also while exercising I will try to avoid too strenuous exercises that tax my nervous system excessively (think squats/other barbell exercises) since I feel doing this contributes to my poor digestion.

Any critiques or ideas are greatly appreciated!

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