Interesting Ideas On Hair Loss; Similar To Danny Roddy

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
What like forehead or something? Let me know how it goes

Yeah, and my eyebrows, which have been shedding dead skin recently. Have you ever had a facial? Some times the tech massages and squeezes your face pretty hard, I think it's the same principle.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Hey guys, I'm still doing the scalp massage/squeezing thing at least every other day for about 30-40 minutes. It's been about 2 weeks, and one thing I've noticed is that the dead skin that would build up and flake off around my temples shed a lot during the massages and hasn't been forming as quickly.
I'm not sure I'm doing it right, but I'm going to keep up with it, it's easy enough to do. I will definitely post whether or not I see any hair regrowth in the temple areas where I've lost hair.


Jul 4, 2016
Can anyone recommend a massage tool for the scalp?

I am using a small glass bottle of beer (355 cm3) I make it roll over the bald areas with enough precion, the first days produce pain in specific places that went away after a couple of days, now no and I greatly improve the Look of the skin, just go a couple of weeks. I hope that helps.


Apr 4, 2016
@Adrian why do you think rolling a bottle of beer on the scalp is helpful? Where did you get the idea?


Jul 8, 2016
Hey guys, I'm still doing the scalp massage/squeezing thing at least every other day for about 30-40 minutes. It's been about 2 weeks, and one thing I've noticed is that the dead skin that would build up and flake off around my temples shed a lot during the massages and hasn't been forming as quickly.
I'm not sure I'm doing it right, but I'm going to keep up with it, it's easy enough to do. I will definitely post whether or not I see any hair regrowth in the temple areas where I've lost hair.

Please keep updating this as I am very interested in how you get on. I am going to start massaging myself as nothing else has worked as of yet.


Jul 4, 2016
Have you noticed any benefits or improvements by doing this?

Yes, in fact I improve the appearance of the skin and I no longer have acne, although this was mild, not a major problem. The first few days were painful when it crushed the acne but it disappeared.


Apr 5, 2016
I bought the new book and have been doing the massages twice daily as per the instructions in the ebook. I am also doing lllt therapy and following a ray peat/danny roddy like diet. I have thinning on my crown and my temples.

I am also taking supplements that help to raise metabolism, raise youth hormones and lower stress hormones.

I've been doing the massages for about two months now and have noticed great improvements in the quality of my hair and scalp. The first few weeks or so after every massage I would notice that my hair was more oily afterwards, this has significantly lessened now. After the massages I do have a significant amount of dandruff that I brush out but this also seems to be decreasing. Before doing these massages I had attempted to stop using shampoo in the past but my scalp felt like it was getting clogged with sebum, with these massages that doesn't happen anymore.

I'm reserving judgement but so far I feel pretty good about how its going. I didn't realize how hard and tight my scalp was until I started doing these massages and already it feels a lot better.


Feb 21, 2016
I tried to do the massages but just couldn't keep up with it.... I need to find an easier and quicker way of doing it.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
I tried to do the massages but just couldn't keep up with it.... I need to find an easier and quicker way of doing it.
I have been taking off a few days because I'm so busy, but found that setting aside a podcast or two worth of time to sit in the tub before a shower and massage my scalp was fairly easy and quite pleasant. I'm thinking of adding in a CO2 rebreather (poor mans end on end 2-liter plastic bottle) so that I can listen to podcasts/audiobooks, massage my scalp and face skin, and boost CO2 all at the same time. Maybe I'll end up with one of those overly complicated old-timey gear contraptions to make it even more efficient.


Dec 1, 2015
I have been taking off a few days because I'm so busy, but found that setting aside a podcast or two worth of time to sit in the tub before a shower and massage my scalp was fairly easy and quite pleasant. I'm thinking of adding in a CO2 rebreather (poor mans end on end 2-liter plastic bottle) so that I can listen to podcasts/audiobooks, massage my scalp and face skin, and boost CO2 all at the same time. Maybe I'll end up with one of those overly complicated old-timey gear contraptions to make it even more efficient.

Snap. I sit in the bath, using my Frolov breathing device, massaging my scalp, whilst listening to RP clips on YouTube.

I then get out the bath and sit under Redlightman's IR lamp, drying out, sipping coffee.

Now that's relaxation.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Snap. I sit in the bath, using my Frolov breathing device, massaging my scalp, whilst listening to RP clips on YouTube.

I then get out the bath and sit under Redlightman's IR lamp, drying out, sipping coffee.

Now that's relaxation.
Lazarus's Pit of relaxation


Apr 5, 2016
A few new terminal hairs seem to be sprouting on my hairline. Encouraging first signs.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Hi all, I am doing scalp massage to. I am doing it 3 months and I see some improvements but I have problem, I have so much oily hair after massage but when I wash my hair with my shampoo with zinc, my hair are so dry and my skin on my head is hard as rock, I dont feel my brush when I am massaging my head after shower. Do you think that my shampoo is bad? Thank you for your answers.


Sep 9, 2016
Hi all, I am doing scalp massage to. I am doing it 3 months and I see some improvements but I have problem, I have so much oily hair after massage but when I wash my hair with my shampoo with zinc, my hair are so dry and my skin on my head is hard as rock, I dont feel my brush when I am massaging my head after shower. Do you think that my shampoo is bad? Thank you for your answers.
I think it's normal to have sebum after massage(rob said that some users even got a cradle cap), you can directly ask the question to him at his blog


Apr 5, 2016
Update: Been doing the massages and following other advice that Rob outlines in the book for about 3 months now and I have both good and bad results.

The Good: My scalp feels better than ever, itchiness in the scalp massively reduced, oily scalp gone despite not using any shampoo for the past 3 months, to the point where my hair actually feels dry.

Scalp feels much looser and more elastic. This was something that really surprised me when I first started doing the massages, I could not believe how tight my scalp was. Now it is a lot more elastic and feels much healthier. Rob writes that there is are stages where you will see jumps in how elastic the scalp is and that has certainly been the case for me and it happened at about the three month mark.

Finally and most importantly I have had some regrowth in my temples and my hairline is advancing. Brand new hairs that where not there before, terminal hairs, not vellus hairs, thick and dense.

The Bad: Unfortunately the hair growth has not been uniform throughout and I have lost a decent amount of hair on my vertex. Now my impression is that the hair I have lost here is hair that I was going to lose anyway and that the massages simply forced them out to make way for new regrowth. Also, given that many people report that before they saw any new hair growth their hair shed first this could be a welcome sign. Anyone have any thoughts or research that points to this please let me know.

However, I do think that I might have been a bit aggressive with the massages at first and that I may have forced out some of these old hairs faster than was necessary.

Will give more updates as progress continues.
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