Ironclad Aspirin Use, a "how to", contributions welcome.


Jan 9, 2019
I have a suspicion that I developed an ulcer because of aspirin use. I have resolution from symptoms after almost 3 years of trial and error. Im convinced what healed me was a lot of green cabbage in a variety of preparations and yoghurt (but thats not the topic of this thread). And yes I tried a BUNCH of other things.

I occasionally took precautions but i usually either took plain "starch only" aspirin or dissolved it in warm water.

What i didnt realize is that though aspirin is acidic, I highly doubt that that was what was responsible for its caustic nature on my stomach ( if it was aspirin and not stress or something since it was during the COVID BS). Rather, I think it was the prostaglandin inhibition which the stomach relies on for proper lining integrity.

I miss the benefits and feel of aspirin and would like to take it again. I have considered using only willow bark but its not standardized and less convenient.

This is an attempt to have an aspirin protocol which diminishes the risk of ulcers.

If and when I take aspirin again I will do as follows:

325mg aspirin dissolved in warm water with:
Ginger powder, baking soda, hydrolized collagen, ascorbic acid (or a squeez of lemon), 1mg Vitmain K1 and after a meal. I may coat the stomach with DGL first (a "safely" refined licorice supplement) I may also dehydrate and powder green cabbage to include in the mix if i find im being bothered.

Things that still seem to irritate my stomach are commercial orange juice and black pepper.

During the height of my ulcer almost everything bothered me but the triggers were; going a long time between meals, soda, black pepper, pineapple or acidic fruits (especially orange), very salty foods and commercial cheese with enzymes.

Here is a Masterjohn video on the topic, he seems to be a fan of alkalizing the the body as opposed to the aspirin and doesn't think its a good idea for the stomach to come in contact with aspirin.



Feb 3, 2020
I put a few aspirin tabs in water (4 x 500mg in 200ml), heat it in the microwave for 1-2 min, then run it through a coffee paper filter. Result is a crystal clear solution. I drink the wanted amount with a glass straw out of the glass. For example when I want 500mg aspirin, I drink off 50ml (measured with my scale)

Have not had any digestive issue with it so far.

K1 is good, but you don’t need to take 1mg with each 325mg tablet (if you want to take more than that)


Jan 9, 2019
I put a few aspirin tabs in water (4 x 500mg in 200ml), heat it in the microwave for 1-2 min, then run it through a coffee paper filter. Result is a crystal clear solution. I drink the wanted amount with a glass straw out of the glass. For example when I want 500mg aspirin, I drink off 50ml (measured with my scale)

Have not had any digestive issue with it so far.

K1 is good, but you don’t need to take 1mg with each 325mg tablet (if you want to take more than that)
you take that all in one day? my understanding is that it degrades fairly quickly under high temps over time. Also i believe, but am not sure, that Ray recommended 1mg for every 325mg or so aspirin. I took aspirin with no problems for over a year so im not sure exactly why my body gave way at a certain point.


Jan 9, 2019
you take that all in one day? my understanding is that it degrades fairly quickly under high temps over time. Also i believe, but am not sure, that Ray recommended 1mg for every 325mg or so aspirin. I took aspirin with no problems for over a year so im not sure exactly why my body gave way at a certain point.
my thought is that maybe it depleted glycine as I also deal with MTHFR.


Feb 3, 2020
you take that all in one day? my understanding is that it degrades fairly quickly under high temps over time. Also i believe, but am not sure, that Ray recommended 1mg for every 325mg or so aspirin. I took aspirin with no problems for over a year so im not sure exactly why my body gave way at a certain point.
No I typically use 500-1000mg on a given day.


Jun 13, 2019
I think a lot of people are dissolving the corn starch in gericare aspirin and drinking that too. if you heat water, place a aspirin tablet in there, when it dissolves there should be a good amount of white stuff left at the bottom. then pour out the water on top. if you add baking soda, i think it a lot of the starch dissolves too since most of the white stuff disappears. i think that should be avoided. corn starch is easily persorbed i think. you could just stick with only using a baby aspirin every few days, with water, and after a meal. and using 325 only when you feel really bad occasionally


May 4, 2019
Hi @RealNeat , if you don't mind me asking, what kind of symptoms were you dealing with due to the ulcer? And by green cabbage, do you mean drinking cabbage juice?

Same as you I have a suspicion that I have been dealing with ulcers/GERD, possibly for years, but I haven't been able to connect the dots until just recently.

My symptoms have been sort of vague; loss of appetite, weight loss, chest pain (stabbing pain, feels like a heart attack), nausea, just not feeling good. I never felt like I had acid reflux until recently where I started taking doxycycline - which is super caustic to the gut lining- and all symptoms flared up together with an unpleasant feeling at the back of my throat. It probably didn't help that I tried to fix the problem with aspirin *double whammy with the doxy. I started googling and apparently esophageal ulcers are a common side effect from taking doxy and many of my symptoms line up with a stomach/esophageal ulcer.

I started taking 40 mg famotidine per day to heal my gut and it's been remarkably effective at reducing symptoms, plus my appetite is coming back for the first time in years. Kind of sounds like an ulcer problem, no?

I would greatly appreciate if you could write in more detail about how you healed your ulcer(s)! Thanks


May 4, 2019

I have long suspected an H. pylori overgrowth since anti-H. pylori treatments like mastic gum, Pylopass and lactoferrin makes me feel better and improve symptoms, e.g better appetite. However when I stop taking these things my appetite tends to disappear again.

Maybe I just need to be more diligent about avoiding triggers, reducing coffee, no aspirin, etc., and focusing on healing my gut with things like famotidine and glycine.


Jan 9, 2019

I have long suspected an H. pylori overgrowth since anti-H. pylori treatments like mastic gum, Pylopass and lactoferrin makes me feel better and improve symptoms, e.g better appetite. However when I stop taking these things my appetite tends to disappear again.

Maybe I just need to be more diligent about avoiding triggers, reducing coffee, no aspirin, etc., and focusing on healing my gut with things like famotidine and glycine.
Ours symptoms do not sound alike but there can b a lot of variation of ulcers. I'm self diagnosed so I don't know *for sure* that it's an ulcer but it's agitated but things like black pepper, carbonation, over eating, hypertonic things, cheese, some milk etc.. and cooled by yoghurt, small meals and frequent eating.

I drank some cabbage juice but mainly ate green cabbage cooked with meat in the Instapot with garlic Greek yogurt. I also ate sauerkraut and basically all different types of cabbage. Mainly the Instapot one though. Just cabbage, no water, cooked in the Instapot for like 15 minutes. Tasty and sweet.
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