Is Vitamin D Supplementation Even Neccessary

Mar 10, 2021
If some of that seems interesting, check out some of Jim Stephenson Jr.'s work over at Secosteroid Hormone D Face Book group, or check out some of Trevor Marshall's work on line. I used to take oral D, but now only do the sun and foods with D {not CLO, ahhh!}. I think their perspective and science makes a lot of sense, and probably why Ray did not use D orally as well. Like I said in the other post, oral D short term may be okay for suppressing an auto-immune response, etc., but I think in the long run it is problematic. This has been my current thinking, and so far, I have not been convinced to supplement D orally, at least for me anyway.
Ray Peat says he doesn’t recommend any supplements long term, but rather for particular issues and to take them until the issue is resolved, so it is not surprising that vitamin D would be any different. The rosemary unblocking vitamin D receptors is a new one I hadn’t heard. I have grown my own rosemary too for years, and think highly of it, because it healed my heart situation, which was really an adrenal situation, but nevertheless it kept me from taking the heart pills I was prescribed, the rest of my life. I wonder now if it was a vitamin D problem that I had. I am going to look more into this rosemary benefit. It puts a whole new twist on people taking vitamin D. If you can’t use it then what is it doing to the body, especially in high amounts? It makes more sense using it topically. Taking it short term for autoimmune conditions makes sense in this context.
Mar 10, 2021
@Dave Clark what do we think about the vitamin D we ingest naturally from egg yolks and mushrooms. I imagine if the receptors are blocked, eating these foods would be in vain too?

“During this time, a chemical in your 'shrooms called ergosterol will react with UV rays to generate and soak in even more vitamin D. Try to leave your fungi out in the sun for an hour to maximize nutritional value, but as the study demonstrated, even a quarter hour of exposure can make a huge difference.Oct 1, 2023”


Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
@Dave Clark what do we think about the vitamin D we ingest naturally from egg yolks and mushrooms. I imagine if the receptors are blocked, eating these foods would be in vain too?

“During this time, a chemical in your 'shrooms called ergosterol will react with UV rays to generate and soak in even more vitamin D. Try to leave your fungi out in the sun for an hour to maximize nutritional value, but as the study demonstrated, even a quarter hour of exposure can make a huge difference.Oct 1, 2023”

I would think the very small amounts of D in food would not accumulate in the body, with the exception of an extreme diet of gobbling tons of cod liver or polar bear or seal liver, etc. I think a natural, 'normal' diet of the amounts generally consumed by most people, doesn't equate to much D at the end of the day via diet. I eat pastured eggs, grass fed food, mushrooms, etc. but the amounts of food I eat in relation to the amount of D per gram of food, is not really much at all. The reason I try to get sunlight. That's a neat idea about putting the mushrooms in the sun. Damn, not another hack I have to employ, lol !

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
@Dave Clark what do we think about the vitamin D we ingest naturally from egg yolks and mushrooms. I imagine if the receptors are blocked, eating these foods would be in vain too?

“During this time, a chemical in your 'shrooms called ergosterol will react with UV rays to generate and soak in even more vitamin D. Try to leave your fungi out in the sun for an hour to maximize nutritional value, but as the study demonstrated, even a quarter hour of exposure can make a huge difference.Oct 1, 2023”

I didn't see anything in the article, but do you think this would work on 'dried' mushrooms, regarding putting them in the sun to produce D? Even if dried, I would assume the mushrooms still have ergosterol, and if so, would it still react with the UV. What do you know about that?
Mar 10, 2021
I didn't see anything in the article, but do you think this would work on 'dried' mushrooms, regarding putting them in the sun to produce D? Even if dried, I would assume the mushrooms still have ergosterol, and if so, would it still react with the UV. What do you know about that?
This is more specific…

“In fact, studies have shown that using sliced mushrooms can be better, as they have more surface area for UV absorption. The increase in vitamin D levels from letting your dried mushrooms laze in the sun will last for up to a year (although values may fall over time).”

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
This is more specific…

“In fact, studies have shown that using sliced mushrooms can be better, as they have more surface area for UV absorption. The increase in vitamin D levels from letting your dried mushrooms laze in the sun will last for up to a year (although values may fall over time).”
Thanks for that. Ha, ha, who would ever have thought that mushrooms could use a Sperti-d lamp, lol !! Well, I have a stock of mushroom powders and dried diced mushrooms that are going to go sun bathing !!
Mar 10, 2021
Thanks for that. Ha, ha, who would ever have thought that mushrooms could use a Sperti-d lamp, lol !! Well, I have a stock of mushroom powders and dried diced mushrooms that are going to go sun bathing !!
I am going to start buying them again too for this purpose. I love this forum for all of these reminders!

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I am going to start buying them again too for this purpose. I love this forum for all of these reminders!
Yes, and I appreciate that link, because I always wondered if I could do that with the mushrooms. One of the great things on this forum is that people will share all kinds of good things along with vital information.


Jun 2, 2017
Well, I live in the NorthEast US, and keeping rosemary alive through the winter takes some effort, but, I grow my own, harvest it in the fall, low heat dry it, store it in vacuum locked mason jars. I put some in a coffee/spice grinder and powder it{about a month's supply at a time}, and then either sprinkle it on food, or take by mouth about 1/8 or 1/4 tsp once or twice/day. You can buy, inexpensively, capsulated rosemary herb, but when you grow your own, you will have tons of it at no expense. It was mentioned that all of the anti-microbial herbs will clear the VDRs of virus, etc., like thyme, oregano, basil, clove, etc., but rosemary is the best at it.
I love the complex piney, minty, aroma and taste of rosemary, it has been my favorite herb long before I knew this.
On the Sperti-D lamp, the studies they had to do in order to have it FDA approved for their marketing, etc. showed that only 5 minute sessions raised the 25 OH D levels in the test subjects, which in most people is not enough time to cause any burn, and used at the proper distance from the lamp {about 16 inches or so}. I am not sure what you mean by radiation {EMFs?}, but I don't think it is a big issue, if any. The lamp does not have to be used every day, a few times/week is enough for the majority of people. I like Jim's analogy of these 25 OH D tests, which is the storage form of D, he says it is like checking the fuel line of your car to see how much gas is in your gas tank. Hormone d is stored in adipose tissue, so how can a blood test accurately tell you how much D you have in your body. I stopped taking that test, because, when I was taking oral D, and had blood levels of 65 {which is supposed to be good} I was not in good health, so I am not convinced that test tells you much of anything regarding your actual stores of D, or potential to use it, and counterintuitively make you think you are doing your body the best thing by keeping levels high by slamming your system with D that you may not need, and your body may not want. I just think, for this particular seco-steroid, let your body make what 'it' wants or needs, not what you tell it to, ultimately causing a possible imbalance of other nutrients, etc.

I've been thinking a lot lately of growing my own herbs, and much more. Maybe this can be the start of it. At the very least, I'll test some Rosemary tea as soon as I can. Taking it as a powder does seem convenient, but I'm pretty certain my body will disagree with it. I know rosemary is a good herb with potatoes, but due to my gut I never eat those anymore; but maybe I'll try it on beef liver.

By radiation, I just assumed the Sperti-D lamp had similar characteristics as the sun's rays, with a potential to cause UV radiation damage. I don't know the subject well at all, but was just echoing what we've all heard about potential damage from too much sun. Thank you for the study reference.

Your comments about the inaccuracy of the 25 OH D tests I've heard before. My 25 OH D levels are always low, which is where my quest for supplementing more D comes from. I will have to consider the Sperti-D lamp, but it is a costly "supplement" for me currently. But, it's on my list. Thanks you.
Mar 10, 2021


Mar 26, 2014
What purpose does it serve being created in the wool of a sheep (Lanolin)?

I'm starting to wonder if it's a chemical defense against something. It could also then be taken in when sheep groom, but I have no idea if they do in the same way dogs and cats do.
Mar 10, 2021
“In these nursing home veterans, vitamin D supplement users were the most frail but with high 25 (OH) D. This can potentially be a cause of U-shaped associations between vitamin D levels and negative health outcomes.”

“One of the recent controversies in vitamin D research is a “U-shaped association”, [79] in which both high and low levels of vitamin D are associated with elevated disease risks [7]. Regarding all-cause mortality, most observational population-based studies have shown that low vitamin D predicted premature death, which is supported by recent meta-analyses [1013]. However, there were a considerable number of studies that showed U-shaped or reverse J-shaped associations between vitamin D and mortality [1420].”



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
We catch up with Robin Stebbins (Medicine Girl) to talk about the detrimental effects of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol). Robin was driven to find the truth about Vitamin D after her son sustained a bad break during a minor fall at a skate park. She mentions that as soon as it happened, she knew that it was due to the Vitamin D supplements he was taking…


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I wonder if this is the cause (or maybe part of it) of my stiffening painful legs/unsteady walk in sunshine/high UV Index
Are you saying the sun brings on these symptoms? If so, from my direct experience it is "vitamin A" toxicity. When I was deep into the Ray Peat diet and at my most "vitamin A" toxic I could barely go out in the sun due to extreme "vitamin A" toxicity. It made me incredibly ill and literally thought I was gonna pass out or die. That was a horrible summer, even my ankles would swell up with water and again this was all from toxic "vitamin A" literally destroying my kidneys and everything else it touched. Many people report swollen ankles from "vitamin A" toxicity. Some figured this out on their own. The allopathic medical cartel would hook a person up to dialysis when all they had to do was tell the person to stop eating "vitamin A" and other toxins.

If you are taking a vitamin D supplement then that will also mess up everything since it is a toxin to the body. Vitamin D literally calcifies a person and turns them into a statue.
What would be an effective cheap solution to get in/make Vit.D when one can't afford expensive therapy lamps (nor built one myself), suntanning/tanning beds or dietary interventions?
We are entering a new paradigm where the chase for "Vitamin D" is over. From observations it is looking like "Vitamin D" might actually be a protection mechanism for skin damage from the sun and basically it is sent to take care of the toxins made by said damage. This is all still getting figured out now but it seems this is the best explanation.


Nov 21, 2012
Are you saying the sun brings on these symptoms? If so, from my direct experience it is "vitamin A" toxicity. When I was deep into the Ray Peat diet and at my most "vitamin A" toxic I could barely go out in the sun due to extreme "vitamin A" toxicity. It made me incredibly ill and literally thought I was gonna pass out or die. That was a horrible summer, even my ankles would swell up with water and again this was all from toxic "vitamin A" literally destroying my kidneys and everything else it touched. Many people report swollen ankles from "vitamin A" toxicity. Some figured this out on their own. The allopathic medical cartel would hook a person up to dialysis when all they had to do was tell the person to stop eating "vitamin A" and other toxins.
The higher the UV index, the quicker and more severe these issues get.
The thing is I never ate a lot of high vit.A foods (liver,eggs,milk,OJ etc.) frequently or in high amounts, nor did I ever supplement or food fortification like in The US.
I do eat some goat cheese and use goat ghee, but I can't imagine they're adding ridiculous amounts of Vit.A.

Hmm, it could be a possible theory, but I noticed downsides when I'd cut out d3 drops for a while. It's what ultimately lead me to taking a bit again, but I'd like to not have to take the drops and have my body produce it. I'd been possibly thinking of a reptile lamp.
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