Lethargy, Skinproblems and swollen Nose


New Member
Mar 8, 2021
Hey Guys
After a big weightloss (done with keto) in my life, i've rebound some weight back and ate a lot of crap like chips and chocolate etc.
A few months into bad dieting i pretty quickly started to have some health issues.

At first i had problems with acid reflux everytime I lay down. Weeks after that my face skin around the nose and between my eyebrows started to become red and dry.
After showering f.e. it's so red that it seems to glow.
Since that my nose feels kinda swollen from the inside, whenever I lay down 80% of my nose pathway is closed and i can barely breath through it, which kinda ***** up my sleep.
Everytime i wake up it feels like headache in my brain and i'm still very tired, almost need like 2 hours to be completly awake.

Because of pandemic i can't see a doctor for blood tests or allergy test.

So what I've tried so far in Supps:
-Vitamin E 900 Units per day and cutting almost all PUFA
-Vitamin A (Retinol ofc) 5000 Units per day
-Vitamin D 5000 Units per day
-Vitamin K2MK7 200ug per day
-Iodine 200ug per day
-High Dose B-Vitamins and with 1000mg Niacinamide and 1000mg TMG per day
-Aspirin 100mg per day
-Charcoal 4g per day for 5days
-Salt on 10g per day
-High dose Zinc (not in use anymore)
-High dose Magnesium (not in use anymore)

Dietwise I've changed alot aswell:
Nutriets are like: 15-20% Fats // 20-25% Protein // 60% Carbs on 2500 Calories
Mainly feeding of Lean-Redmeat and 2 Eggs and some cheese every day, drinking like 1L Coke and 1L Milk.
Main Carb Source based on peeled potatoes and white basmati rice.
To my meals i always add Fruits, mainly Orangejuice, Apples, Bananas.
rarely eating a bun with cheese.
Drinking high calcium and magnesium water.

Pulse rate is 55-60 upon waking up // 80 in the middle of the day
Bodytemp is 36Celsius/96,8Fahrenheit upon waking up // 36,5-36,7C / 97,7-98,06F in the middle of the day

My symptoms are kind of okayish if eat this diet, when i get off it and eat whatever i want, symptoms completly escalate very quickly.
Eating like this for a few months now, still doesn't seem to me that i figured out the missing part

So my Question is what part am I missing right now? is there anything I can do better? Trying to get 6-8 Hours of sleep every night.


Feb 3, 2020
This is a friend of mine. Could one help with some recommendations? Everything appreciated what come to your minds.

@Hans @Razvan


Jul 5, 2019
Hey bro,I'm sorry,stop some of the useless supplements you take, because they can be very irritating from the inside and focus more on the stuff that truly can help. Try a drop of methylene blue in your nose.
How much vitamin b1 do you take? What form? How do you feel mentally?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hey Guys
After a big weightloss (done with keto) in my life, i've rebound some weight back and ate a lot of crap like chips and chocolate etc.
A few months into bad dieting i pretty quickly started to have some health issues.

At first i had problems with acid reflux everytime I lay down. Weeks after that my face skin around the nose and between my eyebrows started to become red and dry.
After showering f.e. it's so red that it seems to glow.
Since that my nose feels kinda swollen from the inside, whenever I lay down 80% of my nose pathway is closed and i can barely breath through it, which kinda ***** up my sleep.
Everytime i wake up it feels like headache in my brain and i'm still very tired, almost need like 2 hours to be completly awake.

Because of pandemic i can't see a doctor for blood tests or allergy test.

So what I've tried so far in Supps:
-Vitamin E 900 Units per day and cutting almost all PUFA
-Vitamin A (Retinol ofc) 5000 Units per day
-Vitamin D 5000 Units per day
-Vitamin K2MK7 200ug per day
-Iodine 200ug per day
-High Dose B-Vitamins and with 1000mg Niacinamide and 1000mg TMG per day
-Aspirin 100mg per day
-Charcoal 4g per day for 5days
-Salt on 10g per day
-High dose Zinc (not in use anymore)
-High dose Magnesium (not in use anymore)

Dietwise I've changed alot aswell:
Nutriets are like: 15-20% Fats // 20-25% Protein // 60% Carbs on 2500 Calories
Mainly feeding of Lean-Redmeat and 2 Eggs and some cheese every day, drinking like 1L Coke and 1L Milk.
Main Carb Source based on peeled potatoes and white basmati rice.
To my meals i always add Fruits, mainly Orangejuice, Apples, Bananas.
rarely eating a bun with cheese.
Drinking high calcium and magnesium water.

Pulse rate is 55-60 upon waking up // 80 in the middle of the day
Bodytemp is 36Celsius/96,8Fahrenheit upon waking up // 36,5-36,7C / 97,7-98,06F in the middle of the day

My symptoms are kind of okayish if eat this diet, when i get off it and eat whatever i want, symptoms completly escalate very quickly.
Eating like this for a few months now, still doesn't seem to me that i figured out the missing part

So my Question is what part am I missing right now? is there anything I can do better? Trying to get 6-8 Hours of sleep every night.
Could all be gut-related. Skin inflammation, blocked nose and lethargy is a sure sign of gut irritation. It's most likely not related to the supplements, but to the introduction of certain foods. You first binged on chips and added potatoes. Both can be highly gut-irritating for many. I personally have resolved my skin, nose and fatigue issues by cutting out the taters. You might potentially have a starch sensitivity, so I'd try removing both the potato and rice and then later you can add in waxy potato or gelatinous rice separated by 2 weeks or so and see if your symptoms come back.

Also, blood sugar rollercoasters can contribute to fatigue. Adding in high GI foods after a low-carb diet can cause that.


Jul 5, 2019
Could all be gut-related. Skin inflammation, blocked nose and lethargy is a sure sign of gut irritation. It's most likely not related to the supplements, but to the introduction of certain foods. You first binged on chips and added potatoes. Both can be highly gut-irritating for many. I personally have resolved my skin, nose and fatigue issues by cutting out the taters. You might potentially have a starch sensitivity, so I'd try removing both the potato and rice and then later you can add in waxy potato or gelatinous rice separated by 2 weeks or so and see if your symptoms come back.

Also, blood sugar rollercoasters can contribute to fatigue. Adding in high GI foods after a low-carb diet can cause that.
+1 on gut problems,caprylic acid can be very beneficial on this aspect.
So Hans do you eat any starch? What is the main source of carbs. Just curious to compare it with myself. :))


Mar 2, 2021
Maybe try reducing vitamin A and increasing vitamin D. From my experience, I get stuffy nose and bad skin from too much A, and D can help stop that.


Feb 3, 2020
Maybe try measuring your vitamin D3 status via blood test ("cerascreen" has one you can do at home for 29)
Getting it to 60-80ng/ml seems very therapeutic for many conditions.
Other than that keeping endotoxins low and the gut moving (having a poop 1-3x a day) is very important.

Also reflux could indicate low stomach acid, so you might try some Betaine HCL, more salt with meals, ginger, lemon juice, ACV.
Low stomach acid could lead to impaired and incomplete digestion, which would promote dysbosis, endotoxins, systemic inflammation etc.


Nov 24, 2017
Serious question: are you happy or is there a lot of dissatisfaction in your life?

if last, this could be causing this.
maybe you need to care about that and you are wasting time and money with trying to find the cause of it in nutrient imbalances, cause I don’t think this will fix this.
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