Let's Talk Libido: What's Your Experience?


Jan 14, 2018
In the last five years, I have struggled with finding any reliable way to increase libido.

I had a period of estrogen dominance combined with low free T (a metric Ray does not believe in but anyway). This came with all the horrible stuff like ED, anxiety, hot flushes, no energy etc.

I managed to balance these issues out but followed up with a period of low carb that probably created new problems or made an already dysfunctional metabolism worse.

Even though I today have perfect rock solid morning wood daily, put on lots of mass since starting peat, more energy and mental stability - the one thing I have not managed to affect is my libido, which has never returned to normal levels.

My average resting heart rate is 60-70.
Waking temp probably 97.7 but usually goes up to 98.25 during the day.
30 years old, 183cm, 77kg

I've been rocking a progesterone level of 0.14-0.21 ng/mL for the last two years and I've been worrying if that is too low. Some prog supplementation before has increased libido initially but in the end, left me with numb **** syndrome. Ray did not point out my prog levels when he saw my labs either, he just recommended NDT.

I'm on 30mg NDT, Pansterone 2-4 drops per day, K2, D, E and aspirin 81-310mg daily

Initially, I got a large libido increase from Pansterone to the scrotum, but this has plateaued, unfortunately. If it would have persisted I would have considered myself cured.

I can have sex a couple of times per week no problem, no ED, but my interest is just not there and it's driving me crazy.

Also, another thing I've noticed is that since having these problems I do not get spontaneous erections anymore or erections without any form of physical stimulation.

I need to make out or some form of physical touching with women in order to get a boner, and this did not used to be the case. Just visual stimulation does not seem to cut it anymore.

A year back I tried Cialis a couple of times just for fun and it gave me lots of spontaneous erections. I do not know what to make of this though.

You guys have any experiences to share what worked for you?
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
"Certainly fatigue, chronic fatigue, and headaches—migraine headaches. A huge percentage of patients with migraine headaches have low body temperatures and I have seen so many people when they get their temperatures corrected, their migraines sometimes disappear completely. Irritability, fluid retention, anxiety, panic attacks, PMS, hair loss, depression, decreased memory and concentration, low sex drive, unhealthy nails, low ambition and motivation, constipation, easy weight gain for sure, irritable bowel syndrome, dry skin, dry hair, insomnia, and even some things that people wouldn’t normally expect like asthma.
Even asthma and hives and allergies can sometimes respond to normalizing a low body temperature. Carpal tunnel syndrome and conditions caused by fluid retention—so there’s a tremendous number of things. Some of my favorites to treat are definitely migraines, PMS, and panic attacks. Panic attacks and anxiety symptoms are very debilitating and they are very responsive to normalizing one’s temperature. That is what makes this so fun to address. There are not many good solutions out there."

Dr. Denis Wilson, Denis Wilson, md: Low Body Temperature as an Indicator for Poor Expression of Thyroid Hormone
In Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, Dr. Broda Barnes hdetails his clinical approach to treating a wide breadth of negative symptoms, including mental illness and various mood disorders: https://www.amazon.com/Hypothyroidism-Unsuspected-Illness-Broda-Barnes/dp/069001029X


Jan 14, 2018
"Certainly fatigue, chronic fatigue, and headaches—migraine headaches. A huge percentage of patients with migraine headaches have low body temperatures and I have seen so many people when they get their temperatures corrected, their migraines sometimes disappear completely. Irritability, fluid retention, anxiety, panic attacks, PMS, hair loss, depression, decreased memory and concentration, low sex drive, unhealthy nails, low ambition and motivation, constipation, easy weight gain for sure, irritable bowel syndrome, dry skin, dry hair, insomnia, and even some things that people wouldn’t normally expect like asthma.
Even asthma and hives and allergies can sometimes respond to normalizing a low body temperature. Carpal tunnel syndrome and conditions caused by fluid retention—so there’s a tremendous number of things. Some of my favorites to treat are definitely migraines, PMS, and panic attacks. Panic attacks and anxiety symptoms are very debilitating and they are very responsive to normalizing one’s temperature. That is what makes this so fun to address. There are not many good solutions out there."

Dr. Denis Wilson, Denis Wilson, md: Low Body Temperature as an Indicator for Poor Expression of Thyroid Hormone
In Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, Dr. Broda Barnes hdetails his clinical approach to treating a wide breadth of negative symptoms, including mental illness and various mood disorders: https://www.amazon.com/Hypothyroidism-Unsuspected-Illness-Broda-Barnes/dp/069001029X

Thanks Dave!

I bought Barnes book on Ray's recommendation, I've read about 60% so far.

You think this is all thyroid related?

There is not much mention about exact numbers in that article by Denis Wilson. Are my numbers that bad?

I've been thinking about increasing my NDT from 30mg to 60mg (1 grain). Ray recommended I start on 30mg, but I've been on this for over 2 months now. Certainly, I had improvements in energy levels but still leaving stuff like libido to wish for.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Thanks Dave!

I bought Barnes book on Ray's recommendation, I've read about 60% so far.

You think this is all thyroid related?

There is not much mention about exact numbers in that article by Denis Wilson. Are my numbers that bad?

I've been thinking about increasing my NDT from 30mg to 60mg (1 grain). Ray recommended I start on 30mg, but I've been on this for over 2 months now. Certainly, I had improvements in energy levels but still leaving stuff like libido to wish for.
Dr. Barnes waited at least 1 month to raise the dosage of NDT, and he often go up by 1 grain (or 1/2 grain for mild symptoms.)

He didn't see full remission for all of his patients, but he would first get a waking temperature between 97.8 and 98.2 (taken by a thermometer under the arm while still in bed in the morning, letting the thermometer rest for at least 10 minutes.) He then would use other methods (small amounts of prednisone for example.)
Nov 21, 2015
Also, another thing I've noticed is that since having these problems I do not get spontaneous erections anymore or erections without any form of physical stimulation.

I need to make out or some form of physical touching with women in order to get a boner, and this did not used to be the case. Just visual stimulation does not seem to cut it anymore.

This can be from desensitization. Testing and poor masturbation practices and porn. Even rough sex can cause this.


Jan 14, 2018
Also, another thing I've noticed is that since having these problems I do not get spontaneous erections anymore or erections without any form of physical stimulation.

I need to make out or some form of physical touching with women in order to get a boner, and this did not used to be the case. Just visual stimulation does not seem to cut it anymore.

This can be from desensitization. Testing and poor masturbation practices and porn. Even rough sex can cause this.

I used to think that it was something like that, but what is the recovery period on something like that? I've been off porn 90% of the time for the last 2 years. If it wasn't for my ex-girlfriend insisted on watching it together haha.

I did like NoFap 60 days multiple times, would have expect better results if that was the case.


Feb 28, 2018
anything that increase your energy production will increase your Libido. In my case its creatin, coffe, ginseng and sugar which have strongest impact on libido because they all increase testosterone and its conversion to DHT .


Sep 23, 2017
I would walk more...slow long walks...i go for two hour walks now. Lower stress hormone that builds up, get fresh air and sunlight, begin to burn fat and reduce estrogen, increases circulation and posture. Even the slightest spinal misalignment can cause issues with erections and desire. The body can block pain and compensate but all that energy is going to dealing with the stress and not making sex hormone.


Jan 14, 2018
anything that increase your energy production will increase your Libido. In my case its creatin, coffe, ginseng and sugar which have strongest impact on libido because they all increase testosterone and its conversion to DHT .

Well, I am doing all of that except the creatine, does not help. My ginseng is among the most expensive ones directly from Korea.

Will get my DHT tested in the next few days along with everything else.


Jan 14, 2018
I would walk more...slow long walks...i go for two hour walks now. Lower stress hormone that builds up, get fresh air and sunlight, begin to burn fat and reduce estrogen, increases circulation and posture. Even the slightest spinal misalignment can cause issues with erections and desire. The body can block pain and compensate but all that energy is going to dealing with the stress and not making sex hormone.

Yeah, the only thing I have not been doing is moving around a lot so I think I will add 1-hour treadmill walking and kegels and see what happens in a few weeks. I am already getting at least 1-2 hour direct sunlight per day (Thailand), any more would burn me.


Jan 15, 2017
Agreed on the walking. Huge contributor.

Make sure to be cognizant of breathing, keep it nasal and delay it ever so slightly so you just barely feel uncomfortable but not so much you gasp


Sep 28, 2016
Do you feel like your dopaminergic systems are working correctly in other areas of your life? Are your emotions and desires strong or relatively dull?


Jan 14, 2018
Do you feel like your dopaminergic systems are working correctly in other areas of your life? Are your emotions and desires strong or relatively dull?

That's the thing I never been able to figure it out, I have low COMT activity, met/met in 2/3 COMT genes, it's pretty rare. All my life I've been an overachiever with laser focus, I can go forever on mental tasks, like to the point of forgetting to take breaks/eat etc. 12 hours consistent computer work, no problem at all. I think this COMT stuff is also why I score in the top on Mensa IQ tests (I could be a member if I wanted), but I am completely useless at learning languages and math.

If I take Adderall I get sick, nausea, anxiety and major stress reaction, no positive feelings at all.

Always struggled with strong emotional responses, daily anxiety when I was younger. Perform best when not under pressure.

Personality tests shows me as a dominant personality, total testosterone always between 610-989 ng/dL on labs. The only problems with sleep I ever have is not being able to shut off my brain, I have not fallen asleep in front of the tv/movie since 1997 lol. I have good sleep patterns now though.

It all points to high dopamine, but in theory, it should also mean higher sex drive, which it does not at this point even when my estradiol is in range, makes no sense.


Sep 28, 2016
That's the thing I never been able to figure it out, I have low COMT activity, met/met in 2/3 COMT genes, it's pretty rare. All my life I've been an overachiever with laser focus, I can go forever on mental tasks, like to the point of forgetting to take breaks/eat etc. 12 hours consistent computer work, no problem at all. I think this COMT stuff is also why I score in the top on Mensa IQ tests (I could be a member if I wanted), but I am completely useless at learning languages and math.

If I take Adderall I get sick, nausea, anxiety and major stress reaction, no positive feelings at all.

Always struggled with strong emotional responses, daily anxiety when I was younger. Perform best when not under pressure.

Personality tests shows me as a dominant personality, total testosterone always between 610-989 ng/dL on labs. The only problems with sleep I ever have is not being able to shut off my brain, I have not fallen asleep in front of the tv/movie since 1997 lol. I have good sleep patterns now though.

It all points to high dopamine, but in theory, it should also mean higher sex drive, which it does not at this point even when my estradiol is in range, makes no sense.
Do you have symptoms of high serotonin? I've begun to associate hyper focus with it. I would say symptoms of high serotonin would be: strong aversion behavior or reaction to punishment, dulled sensory perception especially smell, anxiety, reduced sex drive, repetitive actions, reduced novelty seeking, general behavioral inhibition, migraines and general reduced pain tolerance.


Jan 14, 2018
Do you have symptoms of high serotonin? I've begun to associate hyper focus with it. I would say symptoms of high serotonin would be: strong aversion behavior or reaction to punishment, dulled sensory perception especially smell, anxiety, reduced sex drive, repetitive actions, reduced novelty seeking, general behavioral inhibition, migraines and general reduced pain tolerance.

Interesting, I never considered it.

I am OCD, keep checking if I locked the front door, have to take notes of everything etc. It's a pain in the ****.

I also experience occasional anti-social behaviour, aversion to people etc, but I usually force myself and it's ok. Of course aversion to rejection etc as well. When my health was even worse few years back I could isolate myself for periods. It usually been like this for periods, I get overstimulated from people.

I always had bad smelling sense, my dad have too, both of us cannot pick up subtle scents.

Reduced sex drive, yes. The machinery works, there is just a lack of interest.

Reduced novelty seeking, not sure what it means but I have little interest in porn or drinking. I am very exploratory as a person, kinda OCD about that too, if I learn about something then I will study the subject as deep as it is possible and not get bored until I mastered it. I am the same with shopping, will check every item on the shelf before I pick the one to buy, read the whole menu from start to finish until I choose etc. Always pick the stuff I never tried, hate repetition in work.

No migraines, have very few headaches in general.

I tried 0.5mg of Cypro 2 weeks back, it made me so lazy the next day that I discontinued it instantly, I got nothing done that day.


Sep 1, 2017
Bro, pretty similar case here. But I'm weighting less than you (almost same height).
As far as I know, there are few things that seems to help me: applying 11-Keto DHT in foreskin, two to 4 drops seems pretty good, got random boners, boners on bus by getting near to some female rats and way better overall libido, I'm not doing it for a few weeks because I got some weird pain-burning in prostate-urethra after edging while sitting (seems to be reducing thanks to red maca), I'm not sure right now but I suspect some UTI (which didn't show urine analysis WTF) but I would tell you to try some DHT applied on foreskin and see what happens.
Cacao also seems to help, but I'm suspecting it can drive you also kinda anxious...seems to reduce prolactin because orgasms doesn't feel so intense neither feeling drained.

So I would combine DHT + Cacao (3 times daily with food, not too much at night)
I'm gonna experiment soon with dostinex or caber to push prolactin as low as possible and I'll try to find some Mesterolone (1 Methil-DHT), which doesn't seem too easy here...

BTW, there are interesting references to White Buttom Mushrooms as Aromatase Inhibitor, I'm trying to eat that along with celery and some chive to increase K2, but I'll buy a K2 supp ASAP


Jan 14, 2018
Bro, pretty similar case here. But I'm weighting less than you (almost same height).
As far as I know, there are few things that seems to help me: applying 11-Keto DHT in foreskin, two to 4 drops seems pretty good, got random boners, boners on bus by getting near to some female rats and way better overall libido, I'm not doing it for a few weeks because I got some weird pain-burning in prostate-urethra after edging while sitting (seems to be reducing thanks to red maca), I'm not sure right now but I suspect some UTI (which didn't show urine analysis WTF) but I would tell you to try some DHT applied on foreskin and see what happens.
Cacao also seems to help, but I'm suspecting it can drive you also kinda anxious...seems to reduce prolactin because orgasms doesn't feel so intense neither feeling drained.

So I would combine DHT + Cacao (3 times daily with food, not too much at night)
I'm gonna experiment soon with dostinex or caber to push prolactin as low as possible and I'll try to find some Mesterolone (1 Methil-DHT), which doesn't seem too easy here...

BTW, there are interesting references to White Buttom Mushrooms as Aromatase Inhibitor, I'm trying to eat that along with celery and some chive to increase K2, but I'll buy a K2 supp ASAP

Thanks for sharing that vulture.

I've been thinking a lot about DHT, I will get my labs done tomorrow or Thursday and after that I will order some Mesterolone or Proviron if the DHT comes back low. It's kinda the last resort deal as I do not like the idea of ordering random powders from China (Standard Raws) and dose myself with it hoping I got the good stuff, it's kinda like recreational drug use haha.

I'm a huge fan of cacao, I probably consume upwards 0,5kg a week at least but taken breaks from it for periods as well. Sugared milk with cacao powder is epic and a large chunk of my calorie intake comes from that. As far as I have researched it's probably one of the best specific foods you can implement for preventing cardiovascular disease. Theobromine is a fascinating chemical not so different from caffeine but more of a heart stimulant. I also like that epicatechin inhibits follistatin so beneficial for building muscle and preventing sarcopenia in old age. Not to mention all the awesome stuff about stearic acid posted here on the forum. For me, it's the number one, more beneficial than aspirin or vitamin E I think since those are not really needed if your diet is good consistently.

Actually, there is a research review that I read before that showed that Theobromine promotes sleep while caffeine made sleep quality worse. If you google it you can probably find it. I eat chocolate before bed and never have a problem, but I usually make sure it's not more than 20-30g.

I also eat mushrooms multiple times a week, so far I have not noticed any libido increase from that. But I think I must also have some unusual issue since my morning wood is great every day, but my libido is not, it's a weird combination.


Oct 15, 2016
What happens off the supplements? Did you introduce them one by one to identify their effects more accurately?


Sep 28, 2016
Interesting, I never considered it.

I am OCD, keep checking if I locked the front door, have to take notes of everything etc. It's a pain in the ****.

I also experience occasional anti-social behaviour, aversion to people etc, but I usually force myself and it's ok. Of course aversion to rejection etc as well. When my health was even worse few years back I could isolate myself for periods. It usually been like this for periods, I get overstimulated from people.

I always had bad smelling sense, my dad have too, both of us cannot pick up subtle scents.

Reduced sex drive, yes. The machinery works, there is just a lack of interest.

Reduced novelty seeking, not sure what it means but I have little interest in porn or drinking. I am very exploratory as a person, kinda OCD about that too, if I learn about something then I will study the subject as deep as it is possible and not get bored until I mastered it. I am the same with shopping, will check every item on the shelf before I pick the one to buy, read the whole menu from start to finish until I choose etc. Always pick the stuff I never tried, hate repetition in work.

No migraines, have very few headaches in general.

I tried 0.5mg of Cypro 2 weeks back, it made me so lazy the next day that I discontinued it instantly, I got nothing done that day.
To me it sounds like you can benefit from increasing oxytocin. Vitamin C is an easy way to do this: High-dose ascorbic acid increases intercourse frequency and improves mood: a randomized controlled clinical trial. - PubMed - NCBI . "Ascorbic acid (AA) modulates catecholaminergic activity, decreases stress reactivity, approach anxiety and prolactin release, improves vascular function, and increases oxytocin release"
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