Lost Hope And Dissociation

Aug 18, 2015
a lot of people here wont be able to help you tbh, look at what they say, they say look at your living situation or look at stress in your life. it's bull. i know where you are coming from and what you are feeling. i know what it is like to be around people and not want to talk, and when you talk, your voice isn't deep and it's too low and you can't get your voice out. it's like something is stopping you from talking right or something. you can't relate to people properly at all. it's like something on some other level that is unexplainable. i know. you can read my previous posts talking about and complaining about it and basically getting no help from anyone because no one knew what the problem is.

i'm telling you, you are probably dealing with an endotoxin problem from constipation and estrogen isn't getting out of your body. if your prolacitn is high like you say, your estrogen is definetely high too. i'm dealing with the same thing myself and getting close to jumping out of the loop. i managed to get out of the loop maybe 2 or 3 times in the last week, but keep falling back into it. i'm very close to being back to my old self. if your estrogen is high, you are retaining water and losing sodium and magnesium and potassium.

that's proabbly where the "refeeding" bull**** disease stuff is coming from. you know, i have been doing a lot of cocnut water lately and your refeeding syndrome remdinded me of that. maybe jump on coconut water for the potassium. anyway, get enough salt, GET FIBER RIGHT NOW, seriously bamboo shoots are a life saver. you can buy them at whole foods in a can, add ACV, salt, and cocnut oil. and go buy cascara. if you can't afford cascara, i will buy it for you. i am telling you it is really good. get it from https://www.healthnatura.com/

can u tell me if you are constipated or not? honestly i think you are or you will say you are. can u breathe through your nose ok? again, most people can't relate to our situation. is your libido low too? try nofap for one week, that's it, and see how you do. i think the fapping messes with your water retention as well because it will bump up prolacitn post orgasms and cause issues.


Feb 25, 2016
a lot of people here wont be able to help you tbh, look at what they say, they say look at your living situation or look at stress in your life. it's bull. i know where you are coming from and what you are feeling. i know what it is like to be around people and not want to talk, and when you talk, your voice isn't deep and it's too low and you can't get your voice out. it's like something is stopping you from talking right or something. you can't relate to people properly at all. it's like something on some other level that is unexplainable. i know. you can read my previous posts talking about and complaining about it and basically getting no help from anyone because no one knew what the problem is.

Totally get this. Going through the same exact thing. and yes what some people are saying on this thread is bs. it has nothing to do with this living situation or stress in his life. it's strictly an issue with this brain and body.


Feb 25, 2016
a lot of people here wont be able to help you tbh, look at what they say, they say look at your living situation or look at stress in your life. it's bull. i know where you are coming from and what you are feeling. i know what it is like to be around people and not want to talk, and when you talk, your voice isn't deep and it's too low and you can't get your voice out. it's like something is stopping you from talking right or something. you can't relate to people properly at all. it's like something on some other level that is unexplainable. i know. you can read my previous posts talking about and complaining about it and basically getting no help from anyone because no one knew what the problem is.

i'm telling you, you are probably dealing with an endotoxin problem from constipation and estrogen isn't getting out of your body. if your prolacitn is high like you say, your estrogen is definetely high too. i'm dealing with the same thing myself and getting close to jumping out of the loop. i managed to get out of the loop maybe 2 or 3 times in the last week, but keep falling back into it. i'm very close to being back to my old self. if your estrogen is high, you are retaining water and losing sodium and magnesium and potassium.

that's proabbly where the "refeeding" bull**** disease stuff is coming from. you know, i have been doing a lot of cocnut water lately and your refeeding syndrome remdinded me of that. maybe jump on coconut water for the potassium. anyway, get enough salt, GET FIBER RIGHT NOW, seriously bamboo shoots are a life saver. you can buy them at whole foods in a can, add ACV, salt, and cocnut oil. and go buy cascara. if you can't afford cascara, i will buy it for you. i am telling you it is really good. get it from https://www.healthnatura.com/

can u tell me if you are constipated or not? honestly i think you are or you will say you are. can u breathe through your nose ok? again, most people can't relate to our situation. is your libido low too? try nofap for one week, that's it, and see how you do. i think the fapping messes with your water retention as well because it will bump up prolacitn post orgasms and cause issues.

You say you've gotten out of the "loop" and by "loop "you mean the cycle of anhedonia and brain fog? What's been the most beneficial thing for you regarding getting out of the "loop".
Aug 18, 2015
There was a period of 8 months where I ate nothing but chicken, beef, liver, honey, and olive oil. With the reintroduction of an apple, I had a migraine and itching all over.

holy serotonin batman. i did this too. i only ate muscle meats and other ***t because i got so constipated when i ate "peat" foods. however, serotonin will induce glycosis on your body. just some food for your thought, making you think about this a little bit. i just goign to post random things to get you thinking here. if you are going to do this, you need to make your own gelatin. and not land o lakes or whatever that brand is or knox, no no no.. you need to get a slow cooker and make it like i said above how to make it and you need to eat said gelatin with it to ease the effects of it. even then, it can still cause problems, even me it causes me problems sometimes when i eat it.
Aug 18, 2015
You say you've gotten out of the "loop" and by "loop "you mean the cycle of anhedonia and brain fog? What's been the most beneficial thing for you regarding getting out of the "loop".

yes a couple of times so far. getting there and getting better, but not all the way yet, but better then i was without a shadow of a doubt. it was mostly constipation that was causing me serious, serious problems. i think upping my salt has been the biggest game changer for me. i also started using progesterone in very low doses. however, and a big however, is that i have post finasteride syndrome. i believe my progesterone is severely messed up from it and i'm not sure what the deal is with it, so what i did with progesterone might not be for everyone.

it really depends on your symtpoms though, like what are your symptoms is a big thing. like i got puffy nipples, yellow poop, constipation, stuff like that.
Aug 18, 2015
before you jump in and start trying random stuff or any of the stuff that i said, can you tell me, what happens when you eat a strictly peat diet? like milk and cheese and oj and all that. and the right way, like with fresh squeezed oj.


Mar 2, 2015
Hey JCastro.

I've had long periods in my life, where I'm unfocused and blurred. From 19-25 y.o most of my waking time was spent in my head, relating everything back to my health issues, and analyzing.
Lots of anger and envy of anyone presenting better health than me.

Anything I read about I would take to me, and I spent a lot of time on health forums. Eventually your eyes are tense because you move them so much looking for an answer.

anyways, I think for me it started once I lost my faith, and with perfectionistic tendencies, I was not satisfied by anything around me(disapointed idealist). It so happens my mind latched to everything possible at once aka my health.
This period have been very isolating for me, My obsessivenes wasn't shared and I would explain everything from a health perspective.
I recently ound out I have contagious empathy, I walk past someone I automatically pick on their vibe(anflger, contempt, sadness, overwhelmness, headache), see this was natural for me as a kid, but I always had my faith and intent to focus on other people, and come back to baseline.
Then my halth obsessiveness started and I took it all personally instead of looking outside(who is emitting these feelings?)
I was self absorbed empath..

I think it is natural for most people to pick up on others feelings, I have accepted intuition to be something bigger than I thought possible and somehow I think people are all connected.
But it goes wrong when you focus solely on yourself trying to solve it all.
If you happen to have empathetic abilities(HSP), try notice when a particular feeling arise, someone might just have entered you area, and you instead blame yourself for it.

For me it helped to quiet my mind and focus on INTENT, which is still vague, it brought me "out of being jailed in my body"
I would recommend a website called whale.to it is very conspiracy-ey, but I think it's healthy to have a worldview more focused in on yourself by dismissing a lot of accepted information out there, that might hurt at the end.

I hope this can help somehow, I realise it still is vague description, if there's anything please ask.


Sep 28, 2016
Hey JCastro.

I've had long periods in my life, where I'm unfocused and blurred. From 19-25 y.o most of my waking time was spent in my head, relating everything back to my health issues, and analyzing.
Lots of anger and envy of anyone presenting better health than me.

Anything I read about I would take to me, and I spent a lot of time on health forums. Eventually your eyes are tense because you move them so much looking for an answer.

anyways, I think for me it started once I lost my faith, and with perfectionistic tendencies, I was not satisfied by anything around me(disapointed idealist). It so happens my mind latched to everything possible at once aka my health.
This period have been very isolating for me, My obsessivenes wasn't shared and I would explain everything from a health perspective.
I recently ound out I have contagious empathy, I walk past someone I automatically pick on their vibe(anflger, contempt, sadness, overwhelmness, headache), see this was natural for me as a kid, but I always had my faith and intent to focus on other people, and come back to baseline.
Then my halth obsessiveness started and I took it all personally instead of looking outside(who is emitting these feelings?)
I was self absorbed empath..

I think it is natural for most people to pick up on others feelings, I have accepted intuition to be something bigger than I thought possible and somehow I think people are all connected.
But it goes wrong when you focus solely on yourself trying to solve it all.
If you happen to have empathetic abilities(HSP), try notice when a particular feeling arise, someone might just have entered you area, and you instead blame yourself for it.

For me it helped to quiet my mind and focus on INTENT, which is still vague, it brought me "out of being jailed in my body"
I would recommend a website called whale.to it is very conspiracy-ey, but I think it's healthy to have a worldview more focused in on yourself by dismissing a lot of accepted information out there, that might hurt at the end.

I hope this can help somehow, I realise it still is vague description, if there's anything please ask.
I find I myself relate to this. Well spoken.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Starting November 15th.

15th: 3148 kcal
16th: 2826 kcal
17th: 4567 kcal
18th: 3787 kcal
19th: 2962 kcal
20th: 3091 kcal
21st: 2226 kcal
Today: 2452 so far, still might eat more
What you describe sounds more like symptoms of recovery than actual refeeding syndrome to me but it still couldn't hurt to remain mindful of the remote possibility of refeeding syndrome in the days ahead.
People can have lots of issues that seem like separate health problems that resolve with just eating enough consistently. Hang in there. It will probably be uncomfortable for a few months or more but it really is worth going through imo in order to break away from the starvation pattern.


Jun 8, 2016
Thank you everyone. I like the variety of advice and have never had such a warm and abundant response from a health community.

It sounds like you have lost love for yourself, and in a way this post is a call to feel it in some way. I say love is the answer. We are all connected and it pains me when someone says they just dont care anymore. Yes there is suffering on this earth but you can find the good even in the bad events there will always be something good that may come of it. I have suffered a lot with panic disorder but I choose to be grateful for all that I do have. It's what gets me through. I dont have many friends but I do have my family. I have a warm house and food to eat. So much to be grateful for even if you are suffering.
Yes you have a point. I think my psychological conditions went undiagnosed and unrecognized for many years and I ended up at this point, and crazy ups and downs. I was hit with overwhelmingly yesterday about all I did for myself, how I never had the right guidance, even a therapist failed to see that therapy wasn't enough, and several docs wrote in their notes diagnosing me but never said a word so I never got proper care. Can you tell me if anything worked for you, if diet and lifestyle were enough, if you needed medication? If too personal you can PM. And the knowledge I gained from Peat about SSRIs created so much stress about whether I should go on one or if it would make me worse. I still don't know about that one.

Under eating and over hydrating will raise stress hormones and in particular prolactin.
I note in your thread below there is an elevated prolactin reading of 20.7. That may well be a combination of prescription meds you have taken in the past, as well as undereating. Did the "Functional" MD allude to why you have elevated prolactin, because it may be worth exploring that a little more and consider lowering it
He implied it was from high stress, and said it should go down if I took the Low Dose Naltrexone he prescribed but didn't mention diet. Most functional MD's I think advocate paleo. I assume it can go down if I continue to eat right and start to have fun, red light, sun, low stress. A different doctor also said the high DHEA is from high stress.

trust me man, you will be all right. hey, what was your vitamin D level? did you get that one tested? it's important because vitamin D will help you absorb calcium and will lower your prolactin, you probably are low in it too i'd imagine, that might be the issue bro! also, are you juicing your own oranges? when you buy OJ at the store, they water it down, that extra water does you no good in a hypo state. can you move to a more solid food diet for a little bit? i think it will bring your temperature up. there is this book by matt stone called "eat for heat" or something like that, but he basically made the connection of eating solid food versus liquid and how solid food will boost your temp versus liquid. i think you can compensate with the salt to handle said liquid, but it could be part of the problem. anyway man.. ive had PFS since i was 19 dude, i wish i found ray peat then, i only found it last year. i am very, very similar to you my friend.. very similar. i have been chronically skinny my entire life.

Funny, I ordered Matt Stone's book the other day, it's coming in the mail.

I'll keep eating salt, and dairy and Mg. A hair mineral test showed low salt, low potassium. Doc said "more signs of high stress!" I'm getting more solid foods in and will start making OJ.

Checked 3 months ago, my vitamin D was 43.4 ng/mL (Range 30-100). I started taking 5000 IU per day and sit in front of a red heat light when inside.

next, are you constipated at all? i think you might be constipated. you need to do nofap, starting right now. i bet you are upping cortisol with it. go to whole foods and get bamboo shoots, they are like 3.50 a can, start eating like half a can, 3x or 4x a day. if you are constipated, you need the fiber to get things moving in the meantime before your body starts taking over. also, cascara will help move things until the body is back again.

I have had problems with constipation my whole life. Sometimes not going for 7 days! My family doc told me that's PERFECTLY NORMAL! "Everyone's different!" she said. Anyway fiber helps and since Peating I go way more often...I have cascara which only sometimes works, psyllium husk for fiber which I stopped taking but it used to help me. I will buy some bamboo and see how it works! Without fiber, I have mostly diarrhea. When I was on the raw fruit diet it cured my diarrhea.

PS Have you been tested for parasites? ( can cause many health issues ) Have you tried digestive enzymes? Sometimes they help. Sorry , I'm not an expert at all . Also dental health and infected root canals cause major health issues.Just my experience with family and friends...... Hope you find an answer.
At the hospital they tested for things like Lyme and EB but I don't know, how would I go about testing and which ones to test for?

I have digestive enzymes and used to take them. I think they help, so I'll introduce them again.

I want to try methylene blue soon to kill viruses/bacteria/parasites.
Aug 18, 2015
Thank you everyone. I like the variety of advice and have never had such a warm and abundant response from a health community.

Yes you have a point. I think my psychological conditions went undiagnosed and unrecognized for many years and I ended up at this point, and crazy ups and downs. I was hit with overwhelmingly yesterday about all I did for myself, how I never had the right guidance, even a therapist failed to see that therapy wasn't enough, and several docs wrote in their notes diagnosing me but never said a word so I never got proper care. Can you tell me if anything worked for you, if diet and lifestyle were enough, if you needed medication? If too personal you can PM. And the knowledge I gained from Peat about SSRIs created so much stress about whether I should go on one or if it would make me worse. I still don't know about that one.

He implied it was from high stress, and said it should go down if I took the Low Dose Naltrexone he prescribed but didn't mention diet. Most functional MD's I think advocate paleo. I assume it can go down if I continue to eat right and start to have fun, red light, sun, low stress. A different doctor also said the high DHEA is from high stress.

Funny, I ordered Matt Stone's book the other day, it's coming in the mail.

I'll keep eating salt, and dairy and Mg. A hair mineral test showed low salt, low potassium. Doc said "more signs of high stress!" I'm getting more solid foods in and will start making OJ.

Checked 3 months ago, my vitamin D was 43.4 ng/mL (Range 30-100). I started taking 5000 IU per day and sit in front of a red heat light when inside.

I have had problems with constipation my whole life. Sometimes not going for 7 days! My family doc told me that's PERFECTLY NORMAL! "Everyone's different!" she said. Anyway fiber helps and since Peating I go way more often...I have cascara which only sometimes works, psyllium husk for fiber which I stopped taking but it used to help me. I will buy some bamboo and see how it works! Without fiber, I have mostly diarrhea. When I was on the raw fruit diet it cured my diarrhea.

At the hospital they tested for things like Lyme and EB but I don't know, how would I go about testing and which ones to test for?

I have digestive enzymes and used to take them. I think they help, so I'll introduce them again.

I want to try methylene blue soon to kill viruses/bacteria/parasites.

hi, i know exactly what your problem is. exactly. yes you are low in potassium. you are definetely low. your problem is water retention. we have literally the exact same problem. i know what your problem is and you can solve it.

first of all, go buy coconut water and start getting coconut water and mixing it with your OJ. i am telling you, you are going to start feeling better with coconut water. i've been doing low dose progesterone everyday to make sure sodium stays where it should.

here's what ray told me about water retention:

Thyroid, sodium, magnesium, and potassium work together to regulate water. Laxatives, such as cascara sagrada, and fiber (raw carrots or cooked mushrooms, oat bran, bamboo shoots), are necessary when thyroid function is low, and will help with water retention.

this is 100% the problem. i knew we sounded very alike. the complete detachment from reality is clearly exactly what i have too. you need to get your bowels moving, and get potassium, coconut water, on top of all the other peat staples with what ray is saying above. please follow it, tell me how you do. my bowels start working again when i have coconut water, sodium, enough fiber (for now), and eating every 2 hrs. i really think potassium is a key player here. you need salt too to make sure that potassium and mag doesn't get leaked out.


Sep 13, 2012
The most important for me right now is staying away from things that inflame my brain and activate the HPA axis. our stress cycle. Also keeping my blood sugar up. I can tell when its going to fall when I get this feeling in my brain, its an anxious feeling. The only med I have tried is cyproheptadine. And that really helps me sleep at night. I keep a food diary and make lots of notes, so I can see patterns. The dissociation is just the trauma of what you are going through, it is a way of protecting you. But if you can bring those emotions to the front and realize its not you, the emotions come from sensations in your body. They are just signals. I know it is hard to see that beneath everything you are is love, we all are, it's who we are. No matter what is going on in our body or brain.


Feb 21, 2016
Ray: To assimilate protein, calcium, and magnesium well it’s essential to have good thyroid function, and with the TSH well about 3, I think that’s a problem.
That is very kind of you, thank you for Ray's quote!


Jun 14, 2016
mercury chelation

What manner of chelation? Because, frankly, if it wasn't the Cutler protocol, it didn't do ***t.

This -- this expanding list of conditions constituting a total falling apart -- really strikes me as mercury.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Seriously, mayweatherking is right. The line between insanity and wellness is just a missed cup of coffee away.


Sep 13, 2012
You mentioned not being able to urinate properly and dysautomia, have you looked into any of Dr. Driscoll's work? We were talking about it in the FB ray peat inspired group, about how some people have a very bad vagus nerve. Anticholinergics can cause you to feel like you can't urinate maybe you need to promote acetylcholine? It does have a role in digestion and switching from parasympathetic to sympathetic.


Jun 14, 2016
@Remedy yes I do the Cutler protocol. I was damaged previously by IV DMPS. I'm at about round 50. I'm gonna do it for a couple years, why not

Cutler told me I'm this bad because I'm in the dump phase.

Lawl, another about round 50-er. Round 48, here...but I'm not as sensitive as you are, it seems.

Briefly, I was initially poisoned by vaccines as a baby -- I had a terrible reaction to them, so much so that my mom refused to let them give me more, until the doctor offered to spread the doses out. Then, in my teen years, I had a few amalgams put in, which did their thing from that point on. Next came playing around with supplements, which included alpha lipoic acid, which lead to getting sick as hell, and me discovering Cutler.

Then I did eighteen rounds with an amalgam in. After getting tremendously sick, I discovered the amalgam, had it taken out, and started doing it right.

Which leads to now. I've estimated, using my browser bookmarks (poor and strangely disordered memories of the whole time) and the current severity of my symptoms, that I am about 2/3rds or 3/4ths the way back to the way I was before I started chelating improperly -- and I was a wreck then.

My symptoms have been, to greatly simplify it: endless digestive issues caused by yeast overgrowth and everything that comes with it, food sensitivities, and exaggerated allergic reactions. Endless fatigue, endless brain fog, foods I could once eat starting to make me feel off and then becoming insufferable to eat, eating at all making me feel strange to the point I would just eat one meal a day and spend the rest of the day recovering from it...

I'm missing a lot, but to include it, I'm going to have to do a thorough write up, sometime.

Regardless, I suppose I don't have any advice to offer; you seem more sensitive, and in ways I am not. Just keep at it.


Jun 8, 2016
@Janelle525 I have seen some of Dr. Driscoll's videos..I like her sense of humor. Will learn more about this.

@Remedy Glad to hear you're getting better. Was it a steady improvement, was there a dump phase? I used to spend some time on the FB group..but it got too depressing..couldn't reconcile the knowledge of Peat and their massive use of fish oil, adrenal cortex extract, cortisone..to this day I have cognitive dissonance about it.

@mayweatherking The test result's attached as a file... I don't think it's completely straightforward. It has to be interpreted with context, so my potassium could be lower, or higher, but it's a general marker.

As an aside...anything I should do about this? This started before Peating...no change with it really..heart checked out fine at ER..family doc said it's stress, but I'm calm..the 120 resting pulse, I wanna go back to the gym soon. It kind of remains unchanged, this was after a big balanced meal. I take taurine, 1 g, minerals.


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