Lucky Luke's "Adventures"


Sep 21, 2014
Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I have been thinking about creating a log here for a while. First, writing things down helps me organize my thoughts and come up with ideas myself. Second, there is a lot of knowledge on this forum and people are always very helpful. I really appreciate the atmosphere and the willingsness to help other people. So, why not?

English isn't my native language and my grammar isn't perfect. So feel free to ask if something I wrote doesn't make sense.

A little background:
age: almost 35
height: 185cm (that should translate to 6'1)
weight: ~78kg

When I was born, I was so ugly that the hospital had to close for a week for renovation work. Okay, that was a lie. Just wanted to get your attention. Like most people I didn't find Ray Peat's work and this forum because my health was perfect. Childhood was pretty normal. I was a rather introverted kid (and I still am, minus the kid part) but grew up without internet and only three tv stations until I was around ten. A few years later I developed some nasty acne that pretty much crushed my confidence during my youth. I also had the great idea to replace the Lucky Luke comics with watching naked people doing adult things on the internet. What started as pure curiosity became a coping mechanism for feelings like loneliness, sadness, rejection, low confidence or just because I didn't want to study for school.

When I was 18 or 19 I found an acne forum and began reading about nutrition. Until then I basically ate a Standard American Diet, even though I'm not even from the U.S., but there isn't that much variation in most western countries I guess. McDonald's crap, cornflakes, potato chips, sweets, bread etc. I was never overweight and could eat whatever I wanted. I read a lot about low carb when I was 18/19 but never really tried a low carb diet (at least not for an extended period), mainly because I still lived with my parents at that time and ate whatever was available there. But I did some less-than-super-intelligent stuff like supplementing rancid fish oil and drinking soy milk. Fortunately that didn't last for longer than a year or so. When I was 21 I moved and lived alone for the first time. A little later I stumbled upon Ray Peat's work (through that acne forum) and incorporated some of his ideas (lowering pufa or using gelatin for example) without really digging deeper into his ideas. So I was aware of him but was also influenced by the Paleo community and other people. In my mid twenties I experimented with stuff like fasting, cold showers and crossfit. In 2014/2015 my health crashed. It's hard to say what really caused it, but I'd say it was a combination of things that my body couldn't handle anymore: the stress from the above mentioned "health" experiments, the stress from addiction (or whatever you want to call it) related problems, a tetanus vaccine I got in 2014 and after which my health deteriorated, over-supplementation, anxiety of the future (I had just finished my studies and wasn't sure what to do next and if I would find a job).

The symptoms were low energy levels, disrupted sleep, shoulder and knee pain, depression, headaches, dark circles around eyes, no ibido and some other stuff. At some point - for a period of a few weeks to months - I thought about suicide almost every day. It took me about a year to feel pretty normal again. But I never recovered back to the state I was in in 2011 or 2012. To some extent that's normal I think because I'm not in my early twenties anymore. But some problems remain to a lesser extent. My sleep never recovered to a state of "good sleep for an extended time", my energy level fluctuate and sometimes I still feel like an old man. Some premature aging happened. Pulse and temps aren't great. From 2014 until 2021 I worked for a life insurance company and that didn't really help. First, I think there was a lot of electromagnetic radiation in the building where I worked. I never really felt comfortable there. Secondly, I often had conflicts with my superiors. I generally have a problem with meaningless authority and question it when people try to tell me what to do. Those people call it "stubborn", I prefer the word "thinking". Last year I quit my job and started my own business (which hasn't gone very well so far).

Current nutrition looks something like this (I gave up most dairy a few months ago):
Breakfast: 1-2 eggs, gelatin, 100g greek yoghurt, glass grape juice, slightly cooked apple with some honey, some dark chocolate
Lunch: ~200g beef or white fish, 3 medium sized potatos, 350g apple sauce, decaf coffee with honey, goat milk and gelatin
Some dates and/or chocolate and/or macadamia nuts as a snack if I want/need one
Dinner: Some starch (potatos or white rice), shrimps, glass tangerine juice, some butter with the potatos/rice
Snack (~ 45 min before bed): glass tangerine juice, honey, 100g greek yoghurt, a few macadamia nuts

I may put a few days of eating into chronometer soon. Haven't done that in years. I would be interested to see what comes out of it.

- daily: calcium carbonate, magnesium oil, 2-4g glycine powder (in addition to the gelatin)
- occasionally: Vitamin D and K2, 100mg of both B1 and B3 two or three times a week, 25mg zinc once or twice a week, one baby aspirin two or three times a week.

I try not to use too much supplements and have a more intuitive approach. I had a period where I mindlessly poured supplements into myself and I'm pretty sure that contributed to my health problems. Thought about integrating same kale broth for more minerals.

I usually exercise three times a week (plus things like yoga/stretching a couple of times a week). I don't really have a fixed plan or fixed training days, even though when my energy levels are good, it doesn't vary that much. But I like a more intuitive approach instead of "pushing through" just because some plan says so. I'm pretty sure this "pushing through" approach also contributed to my health problems in the past. In an optimal week it looks something like this:

TE1 (strength based):
- Weighted pullups/chinups and weighted dips (low reps, higher intensity/weight)
- Pistols (one-legged squats)
- (Weighted) ring pushups and ring rows (8-10 reps)
- 1-2 prehab exercises

TE2 (strength endurance based):
Something like 4 out of the following exercises (KB Swings, Goblet Squats, KB Snatches, KB Clean&Jerk, Pushups, Body Rows, jumping squats, one-legged deadlifts with kettlebell, bulgarian split squats) and I do that for 25-30 minutes while I use nose breathing as an indicator (pause if I feel like I can't breath through the nose semi-comfortably anymore)

TE3 (sprints): 3-6 sprints ~25-40m all-out, pause until I can comfortably breath through the nose.

Current problems / things I'd like to improve:
- temps/pulse: After waking up it's usually something like 36.2 °C and 65-70 pulse. Temps rise to 36.6 -36.8 after lunch.
- stress levels: Could be better. Still disrupted.
- sleep: Sometimes sleep is good, sometimes it's pretty bad. Doxylamine is the only things that "helps" when it's bad ("helps" in quotation marks because it rather knocks me out instead of putting me to sleep).
- teeth/dental health: My teeth are quite sensitive to acidity, cold and heat. I have considered using a straw when I drink juice.
- would like to gain a little (3-4 kg) weight, mostly muscle mass. But that's a long term project. I don't worry about it much. But I think some extra weight would do me good.
- loneliness: I'm more of a lone wolf type and don't mind being alone. But like many other people I've lost many or almost all friends (didn't have that many to begin with) during the last year or two. Don't know how to "solve" that problem. Would like to move to another country, probably the U.S. But that's not easy.
- work on my posture: it isn't that bad, but I sit a lot and my posture could be better.

Thanks for reading!


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
Hi Luke, I was thinking about lack of human interaction recently, too. My husband and I have never had a lot of friends. All the covid mania hasn’t helped at all. Having friends just for hanging out is pointless so if you can find a common interest like chess or an outdoor activity might work. I shouldn’t be surprised but it is always nice when people seem “normal” when they are interested in the same things I am.

I have tried to get at least 1200-2000 mg of calcium lately and I have noticed stress reduction and better sleep. It might help you to focus on that. It is one of the first things Ray Peat advises when he suggests drinking 1/2 gallon of milk. I don’t drink milk myself, though.


Sep 21, 2014
Hey @Dolomite, thanks for your input!

Yes, I definitely don't want to have "friends" just to have friends. And it's easier for m,e to be alone than for most other people. A common interest definitely helps. I met many of my former friends or acquaintances through common interests. I was in a pool billiard club for example, but currently I am not even allowed to enter the rooms and therefore I have left the club. Also watched a lot of football/soccer live at the stadium, but the same situation here and I have also lost interest during the last two years (also positive for my wallet).

When I was 16 I changed schools once and later I started to study and both times I didn't know anyone. But I made friends very quickly in both situations and actually never had problems making friends when I came to a place where I didn't know anybody. But I also was a bit naive at that time. This is probably the price you have to pay when you break out of the herd. More self-respect but less friends/acquaintances.

I should definitely look into the calcium since I gave up most dairy. I supplement calcium (eggshell calcium) but I'm not really sure how much that gives me. I will increase the dose a bit (plus maybe use some kale broth) and see what happens. Since I mostly gave up dairy I also eat more meat and fish, so I consume more phosphorus. This further increases my calcium needs. Good thought, thanks!


Feb 26, 2018
What kind of tangerine juice do you get?


Sep 21, 2014
What kind of tangerine juice do you get?
It's actually clementine juice, I had that wrong in my post. Even though there isn't much of a difference I think. I use this one from Rewe:

Sometimes I also drink the tangerine juice (Mandarinen Direktsaft) from Aldi. I like both of them better than most orange juices.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I am using some eggshell powder, too. Try mixing it in some of the tangerine juice. The calcium citrate is supposed to absorb more readily.


Sep 13, 2012
Will be following! I am around your age too but I didn't get the internet until I was 15, and of course then started my lifelong obsession with social media! And like you being exposed to things that should be kept private in the bedroom.

You sound a bit like me, very insulin sensitive, though thankfully you aren't getting the anxiety from it like I do as you keep well fed. Have you considered doing higher fat (like 60% fat) before bed? It has really helped my sleep.


Feb 26, 2018
It's actually clementine juice, I had that wrong in my post. Even though there isn't much of a difference I think. I use this one from Rewe:
View attachment 32589

Sometimes I also drink the tangerine juice (Mandarinen Direktsaft) from Aldi. I like both of them better than most orange juices.
Nice man. I'll try that out. All the german OJs are ***t compared to fresh pressed. So maybe that'll be better.


Sep 21, 2014
I am using some eggshell powder, too. Try mixing it in some of the tangerine juice. The calcium citrate is supposed to absorb more readily.
I mix it with the juice or with coffee. I have heard from people who have experienced that their digestion is disturbed when they take it with food. But that does not seem to be the case with me. Sometimes I am also too lazy to make powder and just chew the eggshells and then swallow them with some juice.

Will be following! I am around your age too but I didn't get the internet until I was 15, and of course then started my lifelong obsession with social media! And like you being exposed to things that should be kept private in the bedroom.

You sound a bit like me, very insulin sensitive, though thankfully you aren't getting the anxiety from it like I do as you keep well fed. Have you considered doing higher fat (like 60% fat) before bed? It has really helped my sleep.
Yes, when I moved out from my parents, I had no internet and no TV in my flat for the first two to three months (this was also just before smartphones really came along). Used the internet connection at the university for half an hour a day or so to check e-mails. That was one of the best times of my life to be honest.

I try to eat protein more with breakfast and lunch and more fat in the evening. More fat before bed helps a little bit with sleeping though the night. I hardly wake up and feel hungry anymore. But I heard good things about cacao butter before bed, so maybe I should try that (either with pure cacao butter or white chocolate).

Thanks for your input!

Yes, ripe fruit in general is a problem in Germany. Do you feel like it's getting worse? That's my perception at least. Ten years ago I found some good mango or melons fairly often. But in the last years I hardly buy that stuff anymore. Even if the mangoes are advertised as ripe (essreif) you could break somebodys skull with most of them.


Feb 26, 2018
I mix it with the juice or with coffee. I have heard from people who have experienced that their digestion is disturbed when they take it with food. But that does not seem to be the case with me. Sometimes I am also too lazy to make powder and just chew the eggshells and then swallow them with some juice.

Yes, when I moved out from my parents, I had no internet and no TV in my flat for the first two to three months (this was also just before smartphones really came along). Used the internet connection at the university for half an hour a day or so to check e-mails. That was one of the best times of my life to be honest.

I try to eat protein more with breakfast and lunch and more fat in the evening. More fat before bed helps a little bit with sleeping though the night. I hardly wake up and feel hungry anymore. But I heard good things about cacao butter before bed, so maybe I should try that (either with pure cacao butter or white chocolate).

Thanks for your input!

Yes, ripe fruit in general is a problem in Germany. Do you feel like it's getting worse? That's my perception at least. Ten years ago I found some good mango or melons fairly often. But in the last years I hardly buy that stuff anymore. Even if the mangoes are advertised as ripe (essreif) you could break somebodys skull with most of them.
I havent been in the ripe fruit game that long ,so I can't say.
But it's very difficult to find sweet oranges . Even if you buy the same batch of the same brand at the same supermarket, you never know. And it gets kind of annoying because sour oranges mess me up for up to 2 days. But if you find the good,sweet, ripe ones it's a gift from heaven and I strongly crave them.


Sep 21, 2014
I havent been in the ripe fruit game that long ,so I can't say.
But it's very difficult to find sweet oranges . Even if you buy the same batch of the same brand at the same supermarket, you never know. And it gets kind of annoying because sour oranges mess me up for up to 2 days. But if you find the good,sweet, ripe ones it's a gift from heaven and I strongly crave them.
It sucks. Last time I visited my parents my mother had oranges from Sicily from an Italian acquaintance. But the orange juice almost tasted like lemon juice, they were so sour. The clementine juice from Rewe is good, though.

Unripe fruit mess with my digestion in general. It's a bit better when I cook them, but it's still pretty bad. Not worth it anymore.


Jun 2, 2017
When I was born, I was so ugly that the hospital had to close for a week for renovation work.
You may be too young, but that line sounds straight out of a Rodney Dangerfield comedy routine.


Sep 21, 2014
You may be too young, but that line sounds straight out of a Rodney Dangerfield comedy routine.
I know Rodney Dangerfield only by name, since I am not from the US. But I definitely stole that line from some book I read as a kid, but can't remember the name of. :D


Sep 21, 2014
Today/yesterday I weighed my food and put it into Cronometer. I'll have another snack tonight as usual (it's 6:15 pm where I am), but I already weighed the food yesterday and will eat the same things again today.




I also supplemented with eggshell calcium (My scale is not sensitive enough to really weigh the powder, but I should find a way to quantify my calcium intake in the future.), magnesium oil (topically) and 10,000 IU Vitamin D (topically). It was a non-training day. On training days I eat more protein and more carbs.

I thought I would get to about 3000 calories, which is not the case. Since I want to put on a little weight, I'll make sure to eat more food. Protein is probably a bit too low since I don't eat cheese anymore.


Feb 26, 2018
It sucks. Last time I visited my parents my mother had oranges from Sicily from an Italian acquaintance. But the orange juice almost tasted like lemon juice, they were so sour. The clementine juice from Rewe is good, though.

Unripe fruit mess with my digestion in general. It's a bit better when I cook them, but it's still pretty bad. Not worth it anymore.
I went ahead and bought 2 liters on Saturday. Today bought 3 more. It seems to be working for me. The taste is not as great as fresh OJ ,but what is really ? I crave it similar to the way I crave OJ and i think the nutritional value is similar as well. I haven't seen any major intestinal irritation so far, which is good.
Do you know if RP has talked about clementine juice before?
Thanks for recommending ?


Sep 21, 2014
I went ahead and bought 2 liters on Saturday. Today bought 3 more. It seems to be working for me. The taste is not as great as fresh OJ ,but what is really ? I crave it similar to the way I crave OJ and i think the nutritional value is similar as well. I haven't seen any major intestinal irritation so far, which is good.
Do you know if RP has talked about clementine juice before?
Thanks for recommending ?
I don't think I ever heard him talk specifically about clementines or tangerines. But there shouldn't be much of a difference. Nutrients are pretty similar.

Clementines have more beta-carotene than oranges. That's the only reason I can see why Peat might be critical of consuming larger amounts.


Sep 21, 2014
A week ago I accidentally (no pun intended) dropped the toothpaste. I used a toothpaste without fluoride and when the tube was empty, I was too lazy to buy a new one or I forgot. Instead I use xylitol powder. I put a spoonful of it in my mouth and let it dissolve. Afterwards I brush my teeth with the dissolved xylitol still in my mouth. In the last few days my teeth were less sensitive to pain. I used xylitol as a moutwash before, usually in the evening after brushing my teeth, so I guess the toothpaste wasn't good for my teeth and it's addition by subtraction. I will continue with that and see if my dental health improves.

Other than that I had quite little energy in the last few days and felt depressed every now and then. Sleep wasn't good either. I have decided to use the internet for only one hour a day for the next week (maybe a little longer, we'll see). I feel like less information could be beneficial for a while. Instead I want to read more (without a screen) and think/reflect more. I attribute the depressive mood at least to a certain extent to too much internet and information overload.

I also introduced some kale broth for some more minerals to my diet and substituted the dark chocolate with some white chocolate (especially as a snack before bed), but it's too early to draw any conclusions from that.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017


Sep 21, 2014
In the thread Gum Tooth Infection @Braveheart has this link:
Effective dental self-treatment: rinsing mouth and brushing teeth with xylitol sugar has shown outstanding healing effects on teeth and gums

about using xylitol. You might have read it already but it if not it might be interesting to you.

Perhaps while reading in the evening you could soak your feet in epsom salts to get some extra magnesium and help with sleep. We have been doing that for many years and it helps us.
Thanks for the link! No, I had not known about that article until now.

I'm somewhat wary about using magnesium in the evening. In 2017 I tried a lot of the typical sleep-promoting substances like magnesium, glycine, taurine etc, but they made my sleep worse. Not sure if my body just reacts differently to these substances or if it was a weird psychological effect (like a reverse placebo). Since then I use magnesium or glycine closer to noon. It's also possible that this was a reaction I had at that time and would be fine now. Things change.

I would like to try epsom salt baths, but I don't have a bathtub. For magnesium (and also calcium) I might try a mineral water. I only drink juice or tea at the moment but there are some good mineral waters. There's this Slovenian water called Donat with 1000mg magnesium per 1L, but I have never seen that outside of Slovenia.

I like baking soda for brushing teeth.
I sometimes use that as a mouth wash after eating or drinking some acidic juice/food. Have never tried to brush my teeth with it. Isn't baking soda too abrasive?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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