Magnesium oxide after issue with Calcium


Oct 4, 2018
Hello all! I had an adverse reaction to taking Bone Meal calcium. I only took for 2-3 days. I have developed what I think is called fasciculation on my left side. A painful zap goes from back of neck to left side of head and then left ear lobe. The zap makes my left arm twitch too. I havent slept in two days and really hope to reverse this. I only have Magnesium oxide and Bisglycinate on hand. I read somewhere that Magnesium oxide, despite it causing diarrhea, actually absorbs many times over compared to the other types. Is this true? I took two 200mg Magnesium Bisglycinate pills yesterday and by night the zapping was back to torment me while I slept. Its extremely painful. I want to try the Mag Oxide but must do so during the day due to loose stools, but what if it fails? How long does it take to correct the balance with Magnesium? Bone meal was the only thing I took, so I know this is caused by it. Thanks.
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