Meat Grinder Is Getting Ready


Mar 15, 2014
All these bunkers are for surviving the actual nuclear blasts and maybe a few years after that. They cannot be a permanent living facility as people living underground quickly develop all kinds of pathologies. Sunlight and access to the outside seem to be irreplaceable as factor for health/life.
1. If everyone dies in a few years this is a non-issue. They'll just go outside and hunt wild game
2. Maybe they really are reptilians or some kind of non-human entity, and are adapted to life underground. The Hypogeium in Malta is associated with reports of underground children snatchers


Sep 10, 2019
And to add to that, these freaks aren’t just sexual deviants. They want young blood and negative energy. Ritual sacrifice. Nothing new under the sun.


Dec 15, 2022
Thanks for this!

That was a interesting take on 9/11 I’ve not come across.

Kind of depressing to see more evidence that “controlled opposition” is not only real, but also much deeper than we think.
Absolutely agree. Glad you watched and were open to it.


Aug 13, 2020




Mar 21, 2021
I wondered that too but revisited and researched much of Putin’s/Russias policies and actions since he took office since the start of the war.

I won’t say there is no doubt left at all but Putin’s policies and actions even before 2014 are strong evidence that he is not playing along some sort of global elite scheme. He clearly opposes western elites.

Im not so sure about China and by way of being played / fooled by China Putin might be „in it“ - but it seems very far fetched

I mean, Russia also went along with the whole narrative about the “ultra-dangerous virus” and then produced their own vaccines.” – Ernst Wolff
Earlier this month, Professor Max Otte’German and economist, journalist, and screenwriter Ernst Wolff discussed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s relations with the World Economic Forum (WEF). Wolff reminded the audience that Putin was one of the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” and one of its most active conspirators. Until recently, the Russian leader attended their conferences while remaining close with Klaus Schwab.
And I have to say, I can see and I could see also that Putin was present at all WEF events and “My dear Klaus” was in all his speeches.

Young Global Leader – Covid Agenda​

RAIR Foundation USA previously reportedon Wolff’s shocking revelations about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” and their hidden agenda of worldwide anti-Covid measures. Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic to crash national economies and introduce a global digital currency.
Putin, like other Young Global Leader graduates, not only promoted covid “vaccines,” but his country was the first to release one, the controversial Sputnik V. The leader also received an experimental nasal covid vaccine days after receiving a booster shot. Wolff reminds viewers he has always been part of the Globalists Covid agenda:
So I don’t see such a big discrepancy there. I could see there, I mean Russia also went along with the whole narrative about the “ultra-dangerous virus” and then produced their own vaccines.

‘Boils down to the destruction of everything dear to us’​

Putin was one of the most active leaders in the Globalist organization. He consistently attended the WEF meetings in Davos, gave speeches, and took a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. While some believe Putin is in cahoots with the WEF, others believe he was playing along with the globalists for his own ends.
Keeping an open mind about what is happening in the international political arena in these dark times is vital. There’s a good chance that things are not what they seem.

Ukraine has been using US aid to purchase diesel from Russia, the country Kiev and Washington are at war with, even as the West continues to lecture and pressurize India to stop purchasing discounted Russian energy.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government, accused of rampant corruption in foreign aids, has been purchasing Russian diesel to fuel its tanks fighting against Moscow.

According to a report by celebrated US journalist Seymour Hersh, Ukraine – like many other countries around the world – has also received a discount on Russian energy.

“Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” an American intelligence official privy to the developments told him.


Mar 21, 2021

Russia Is Complicit In The Great Reset​

Sber’s “Little Palms” biometric payment system for school meals.

Twelve months ago (plus a few days) we participated in a roundtable discussionmoderated by Whitney Webb and Kit Knightly, “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”

A short summary of our position (“Yes, Russia is complicit in the Great Reset”; April 3, 2022) quickly became the second most-read article on this blog.

In July we revisited this hot-button issue (Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution), using Klaus Schwab’s Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2018) to guide us through Moscow’s technocratic hijinks.

Anyway. We thought it would be appropriate and educational to use the one-year anniversary of the Zoom Debate to update our prognosis.

What follows is an addendum to the July article using the same Great Reset categories: digital currencies, safe (and smart) cities, genetic “vaccines”, and sustainable development.

Digital currencies​

A package of bills on the digital ruble is currently making its way through the State Duma. Originally slated to be passed by April 1, the legislation is now expected to be adopted by early May.

Thirteen Russian banks are participating in a pilot project of the digital token. If the test run is successful, within 3-5 years the Bank of Russia’s CBDC could be used for social payments, including pensions, Izvestia reported at the end of March.

The traceable, programmable currency has been marketed to the public as a tool to bypass sanctions and reduce corruption.

Safe (and smart) cities​

Russia’s Safe City program uses“organizational, informational, analytical, predictive, and other methodological, technical, and technological solutions to ensure the safety and sustainable development of cities.”

The nationwide network of CCTV cameras—supported by facial recognition technology—has been growing in size and sophistication.

Genetic “vaccines”​

At the end of September, the Gamaleya Center—the alleged birthplace of AstraZeneca clone Sputnik V—announced it would begin work on its own mRNA vaccine.

“The technology of mRNA vaccines has a very important advantage: it can be administered at least every month,” Denis Logunov, Gamaleya’s deputy director, explained.

He added that the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots were examples to follow, as they both “give strong immunity after three to four vaccinations.”


To make matters worse, Putin is still hanging out with Herman Gref, the Schwab-worshipping banker who is responsible for no less than 50% of all the gross things we just listed above.

Herman GREF Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Sberbank, Russia

Why would Russia sell diesel to Ukraine to fuel the army they are fighting against?

That Herman Gref is head of the largest bank in Russia and Russia is starting a digital currency.

I kind of thought it would be far fetched but seeing this makes me think maybe wef America , China , Russia and Europe are up to something.

Maybe the Covid lock downs werent enough to implement their plan and as soon as the Covid lockdowns were winding down the war started.


Sep 24, 2016
I mean, Russia also went along with the whole narrative about the “ultra-dangerous virus” and then produced their own vaccines.” – Ernst Wolff
Earlier this month, Professor Max Otte’German and economist, journalist, and screenwriter Ernst Wolff discussed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s relations with the World Economic Forum (WEF). Wolff reminded the audience that Putin was one of the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” and one of its most active conspirators. Until recently, the Russian leader attended their conferences while remaining close with Klaus Schwab.
That doesn’t proof anything, neither the Covid handling of Russia nor Putin’s being active in WEF.

Nobody knows with certainty what lies behind Covid. The likeliest scenario is still That a gain-of-function specimen of the bat-coronavirus found in 2015 escaped from Wuhan by accident.

China might have assumed it is a very dangerous pathogen (and for some it was) and probably informed Putin as one of the very few indispensable Allies as of what happened. He clearly was paranoid about it personally but didn’t force many measures upon Russian population.

The Russian vector-vaccines are definitely less wicked than the mRNA stuff. While viral vectors are still dubious the Russian vector is preferable to the one Johnson was based on.

Russia and Putin are members of all kind of international bodies and organizations. It could be that he saw it an opportunity to be inside of events, and he tried many years to not be an outsider and enemy of the west, but at some point because he saw the fruitlessness Russia simultaneously prepared for conflict with the west while still trying to prevent it. As sane leaders and states would.

You basically bring two big conspiracy narratives as arguments. I don’t say that it’s completely impossible but there are no proofs for both narrative branches.

Putin’s policies since 2001 though are a consistent evolution and adaption to events in hindsight. But it’s way harder intellectually and by work of research to know and follow or research and catch up world politics of 20 years.

and it’s also harder and demanding to keep possibilities and various scenarios in mind and reasses them with new info emerging. People that think they have figured out what’s going on can’t be right


Mar 21, 2021
I have no idea , I’m just saying Putin had a lot of ties to wef and seem way a head of the west in implementing those policies


Mar 21, 2021

July 7, 2021

Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis.
On Wednesday, the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE announced that a new global cyberattack simulation would take place this coming July to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise’s participants. On the newly updated event website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that, given the digitalization trends largely spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect,” adding that “a secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”
The exercise comes several months after the WEF, the “international organization for public-private cooperation” that counts the world’s richest elite among its members, formally announced its movement for a Great Reset, which would involve the coordinated transition to a Fourth Industrial Revolution global economy in which human workers become increasingly irrelevant. This revolution, including its biggest proponent, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, has previously presented a major problem for WEF members and member organizations in terms of what will happen to the masses of people left unemployed by the increasing automation and digitalization in the workplace.


Sep 24, 2016
I have no idea , I’m just saying Putin had a lot of ties to wef and seem way a head of the west in implementing those policies

We don’t know. Some of the stuff you provided here is really scary and makes you wonder and reconsider.

If they are all in leauge and even set up a fake-war that started even before 2014 … then there is little hope for humanity.

The tragic is even if Putin and / or China are really antagonists of the west elites that too isn’t so bright a perspective. Both Russia and China to varying extent are authoritarian, unjust states.


Jan 1, 2014
The Putin WEF connection is hard to research, i cannot find any data on his participation in the 1990's WEF meetings . I do see he is on the outs now with the WEF and spoken 5 times, well, Dimitri and himself spoke 5 times in total at WEF events according to Politico:

The Forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab, prides himself on making his annual meeting in Davos open to all comers, including via a personal relationship with Putin dating back to the early 1990s.

Putin and his predecessor as president, Dmitry Medvedev, have addressed WEF five times from 2007 to 2021. Putin was even invited to speak in January 2015, in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Crimea, but he turned down the invitation.
It would be nice to know if Putin is in on the Globalist agenda but its above our pay grade i think and we will just have to find out, perhaps in August at the BRICS announcement. The G7 has been surpassed in PPP which is a better reflection of economic power then GDP. Soon BRICS will be much more powerful with it's new members, peace deals being made left and right and trade routes representing 88% of the worlds citizens.

I think there is a chance Xi,Putin and the rest of the gang want to set a different theme then the Globalists which have established with their endless wars and lies and human suffering all for the elites well being not the common person.They certainly say that from there own mouths but we shall have to wait and see what the BRICS and SCO groups bring to fruition, so far its a heck of a lot of non USD trade and cooperation and unity.

Not sure if they could do a worse job then the present Western leaders have.

On the point Haidut and others have brought up regarding 2 possibilities regarding the chance of nuclear war i believe there is a third possibility:

The elites are Satanists and are not just suicidal, they are genocidal. Depopulation may be the present play but if backed into a corner they may take down the whole planet.

If they cannot have it all no one can.

There is the infamy aspect of Satanists as well, they love notoriety, although i am not sure who will remember them if the planet is glassed.

DO they have off planet living situations?
Where have the trillions of "global warming" tax dollars gone?

The bunkers will be a bust after a number of years i would imagine but there are city sized underground quarters underground now and perhaps they will have a limited nuclear war to speed up the depopulation agenda, wait it out for 5-10 years underground and then start their 4th reich AI/robot dream world without meddlesome peasants around.

Nuclear war has always been this improbable or impossible reality but the elite have shown their cards to us with the vaxx and the WEF agendas.
They are psychopaths. Blocking the sun will kill billions and they openly promote death and suffering meanwhile they fully well know global warming is an obvious lie.

I now think China's social credit score trope is mostly BS. Its a credit score same as everyone has. China is willing to trade personal freedoms for personal wealth. After millions starved to death rather recently its not hard to see why. They also did not use mRNA vax tech and they lost very few people to covid. In a culture that loves the elderly it almost makes sense their approach...almost.

For another view on China these chaps are worth checking out. The "Empire of Lies" as Putin calls the West, may just be full BS about most things it proclaims. Their YouTubes are worth digging into as well.

I first thought the West was run by pedo satanists many decades ago from historical accounts but had a hard time wrapping my head around the concept. It seems much more clear now this is whats happening IMO. Sowing chaos could be as much of a plan as hoarding wealth and power is. This might be a religious war for all we know. They may not be logical.


Sep 24, 2016

It won’t make much difference if Remnant Ukraine becomes member sometime after the war finished. De facto it will be the border of the nstosphere and Russia in sky case.

There are still member states that won’t sanction a revanchist, belligerent Nazi-Ukraine within the ranks at least formally.

But yes, if one day it is a member the likelihood of NATO vs Russia war isn’t getting smaller.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Regarding Putin, WEF/Davos is fundamentally a grooming ground to train actors to become politicians, as a means of bringing the world's many disparate political factions under one control structure. They have been refining this strategy for a half century now. So I would be inclined not to believe any world leader that was associated with them in their youth but now claims to be at odds with them, any more than I would trust someone claiming to be a former intelligence agent now sharing information with the public.

Going back to China closing the gap on USA in GDP terms, regardless of whose numbers you use to calculate GDP, it does appear inevitable that China will soon eclipse the USA. However, the staggering piece of economic information that is missing from the GDP comparison is this: In order to maintain the currency peg, China had to print over $40T worth of yuan in order to accomplish what the USA does with $3T in circulation. Looks a lot more like de-yuanization than de-dollarization to me.


Aug 17, 2018
All these bunkers are for surviving the actual nuclear blasts and maybe a few years after that. They cannot be a permanent living facility as people living underground quickly develop all kinds of pathologies. Sunlight and access to the outside seem to be irreplaceable as factor for health/life. Look into what happens with people living in prisons for years, there is a reason laws in most countries require prisoners be let outside regularly. The ones in true solitary confinement, or ones that never go out, die out rather quickly. So, turning the Earth into a radioactive wasteland cannot be an acceptable outcome for a sane (though completely psychopathic) elite. Either the plan is something else...or they are truly insane and on a suicide mission.
Recently I came across the book Forgotten Civilization by Robert Schoch. You would be surprised to learn that people lived underground for some millennia due to major solar storms that were destroying the land.

I never thought the end of Pleistocene era ~11,700 bc was anything major but apparently the switch to holocene era was quite catastrophic. Perhaps, we are heading to something similar....that's why the elite might be heading underground...they are blaming humanity for global warming but it could be another solar outburst.
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