Mold Toxicity?


Jun 13, 2016
First off, I didn't know what section I should post this under, so feel free to move it admins.
I was just wondering if anyone on here had any long term mold exposure, and if it affected you in any noticeable way. I was exposed to black mold above my bed for about 6 months a few years ago, and I ingested a fair bit of semi-moldy food growing up, or food with the mold removed (I don't know if that still effects the rest of the food). Since I am still having health issues, I was thinking maybe this could be a part of why? I'm not sure if mold could potentially effect thyroid, or blood, or anything like that, so I thought I would see if anyone else has any insight or similar experience.

I had a friend who was exposed to black mold for several years, and a doctor told him that it would take about 10 years off his life. So I know its dangerous, just not sure why.


Mar 29, 2014
I'm curious too - I suspect I've had a bit of exposure.


Sep 13, 2012
I have a musty house, been living here for 4 yrs. We finally got an air cleaner and it has been better. Problem is fearing that you will be sick from it. I once slept in a moldy basement for years, I would hate to tell myself oh great my life will suck because of that. Do everything you can to be healthy but don't worry about the past. Fear is more damaging than the past mold exposure.


Jun 13, 2016
I have a musty house, been living here for 4 yrs. We finally got an air cleaner and it has been better. Problem is fearing that you will be sick from it. I once slept in a moldy basement for years, I would hate to tell myself oh great my life will suck because of that. Do everything you can to be healthy but don't worry about the past. Fear is more damaging than the past mold exposure.
You're right, I'm probably over analyzing every little thing. Thank you. :)


Jul 8, 2016
To add to @Janelle525 post, it is probably best to just ignore doctors on this one. Get rid of the mold and then work to improve your overall health and things will probably be fine. Doctors seem to enjoy telling people "you will be dead in X number of years, if Y" the numbers always seem to a multiple of 5 as well I've noticed.


Mar 10, 2014
Are you out of the mold now? It does mess with the brain and the immune system. Some of us develop CIRS from it, a chronic inflammatory state characterized by neural issues and often fatigue, and to get better you not only have to get away from the mold, but might have to do other things to balance hormones (the ADH goes down, for example) and clear out recirculating mycotoxins with binders like activated charcoal. The reason why black mold is so dangerous is that it makes a toxin called tricothecene, which in high enough doses is a neurotoxin that can kill. But the good thing about humans is that we have an amazing capacity to repair tissues by replacing damaged cells with new ones.


Jun 13, 2016
Are you out of the mold now? It does mess with the brain and the immune system. Some of us develop CIRS from it, a chronic inflammatory state characterized by neural issues and often fatigue, and to get better you not only have to get away from the mold, but might have to do other things to balance hormones (the ADH goes down, for example) and clear out recirculating mycotoxins with binders like activated charcoal. The reason why black mold is so dangerous is that it makes a toxin called tricothecene, which in high enough doses is a neurotoxin that can kill. But the good thing about humans is that we have an amazing capacity to repair tissues by replacing damaged cells with new ones.
Yep, been away from it for 4 years now. I had extreme mental problems at the time, I think due to my crappy diet, age (about 15/16), and perhaps the mold exposure as well. I still have significant issues with inflammation and hormones but I think all the Ray Peat principles that are helping with that, should probably be helping any residual mold effects too I think?
I've been taking activated charcoal occasionally, but I don't want it to absorb the vitamins and such I take..


Feb 29, 2016
The Largest Living Single Organism on Earth is a fungus that occupies some 2,384 acres. Located in eastern Oregon, it occupies 4 square miles and the root system is 10 square miles. (shown above), It is called Armillaria ostoyae and it is edible.
Individual mold old spores are less than 4 microns in size– They are so small that as many as 250,000 spores can fit on a pin head and a person can inhale as many as 750,000 of these spores per minute.
Disruption of even small mold colonies can result in millions of spores being released into the immediate air.

Source: Operating Engineers National Hazmat Program on Mold Awareness
Preventative measures for the growth of fungi that produce potent mycotoxins is an important consideration when facing indoor water damage or flooding. Consider the following about these toxic fungi:
They are seldom abundant in outdoor ambient air.
Most toxic exposures occur from the indoor growth of toxin producing fungi related to excessive moisture and ‘man made’ building materials.
There is a growing body of evidence that indoor mold issues such as water damage to building materials have a much greater propensity to harbor toxic mold and mycotoxins. Drywall, particle board, upholstery and carpet absorb and maintain moisture while serving as a significant food source for mold. Mold can begin to reproduce in as little as 24-48 hours unless properly removed and/or dried with proper equipment.
Mycotoxins on living molds are wet and sticky and usually do not become airborne. Dead mold is actually more dangerous, because when the mold dies and breaks down, the dried up chemical mycotoxins are easily released into the air and can attach to dust and float freely in the air. The toxins remains a Volatile Organic Compounds (“VOCs”).
Mold can be 10-1000 times more toxic when inhaled versus ingested or absorbed through the skin. In tests on animals, toxic black mold mycotoxins have been found to be 40 times more toxic when inhaled compared to when ingested.
Fungi such as candida are part of our natural gut flora. Diets of excess simple carbohydrates or regular use of antibiotics can create a hospitable environment for candida to flourish and overtake the gut and digestive tract. This often results yeast infections elsewhere on the body as well. Fungal sinus infections, and yeast in the mouth (Thrush), Vagina, and nails are common.
A candida infection that spreads to the bloodstream can be fatal. Invasive candidiasis is a common bloodstream infection seen in hospitals. This is also referred to as fluconazole-resistant fungi affecting approximately 50,000 patients each year. Mortality is approximately 30% (CDC estimate).


Oct 20, 2021
United States
The best thing I've done for my health is to get the hell out of the moldy house I was living in. No more skin rashes, scabs, brain fog, histamine issues, poor sleep, etc. Months of food restriction due to histamine issues made things much worse. Even a tiny piece of aged cheese would flare everything up.


Mar 26, 2014
Borax/boron is said to be good for mould and fungus. I've been doing a lot of reading on the forum about them very recently, but for different reasons. (Joint pain). Have a search and see what you think.


Mar 27, 2023
Something that helps is to get Vinegar (with the mother) and place it in open glass jars in and around any possible mold areas, anywhere you can smell the must. Once the vinegar smell takes over the area you will get immediate relief. Change the Vinegar if it grows a skin on top. Braggs by the Gallon is what I have successfully used in my garage where there was water damage and no more mold smell and not found mold after initial cleanings .
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