My History: Digestion, Hairloss, Acne And Fasting


New Member
Nov 23, 2020
Hi eveyone, I hope someone can help me with my problem, I really need It.

I've had acne since I was 16, severe acne. I had to use roaccutan to remove it but I still have something. Now it is within normality but I do not think it is normal to continue having at my age. I have like one or two places where they always show up on my face. At 21 I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis (scalp) now I am 24. I hate it, it itches a lot and its annoying, it is making my hair start to fall and it is very dry. Nobody in my family is bald and they all have a perfect birth line or if they are elderly they have normal templates. My skin is very dry, nothing like how it was years ago, the skin on my face has red colors sometimes and dots and other shades, but the rest of the body is perfect, all my skin is like that of a baby except in the face. Since I was 16 I have been eating junk food and vegetable oils (olive for cooking) and others in chips and snacks. All this accompanied by inactivity (always on the pc and no sports from 13-14) I weigh 15-20 kg more than I should.

I have tried many things and none have solved the root problem for me. Some have helped, but they always come back. I know that dermatitis and acne are not chronic, no matter how much the doctors say, they just don't know how to cure it. If dermatitis were chronic, it would not improve by making changes in my life, it is logical, as well as acne.

The main question is that once I saw a documentary about fasting and read a book, tired of trying everything I decided to try it (I have always eaten food even when I was not hungry) I was decided, after seeing 'science of fasting' in youtube and reading about the use of fasting in almost all civilizations to heal problems I did 3-4 days of fasting only drinking water and I only stopped because my mother told me that she was afraid that something would happen to me. The point is that that damn fasting had completely eliminated the acne and part of the seborrheic dermatitis, what I did not achieve in years I achieved in 3 days. On the 4th day I started to feel sick, I was sweating sour and it felt like you get a cold. I have noticed that when I eat some foods the acne increases (pizza) so I have come to the conclusion that I have a problem with digestion, endotoxins or the intestine. In fact, maybe someone here calls me idiot and gives me some scientific data to contradict me, but I have come to the conclusion that the body wants to warn you of something, and does so in the most visible place possible, the face. Is it not surprising that the rest of the body is intact in people with acne or dermatitis, except in very severe cases and to a lesser extent than the face? nature is wise.

I have tried carrot salad and coconut oil, it's only been 3 days and it seems to be slowly improving. But I'm not sure I can eliminate everything as in fasting and also I don't know if endotoxins are cumulative or not. The point is that fasting transforms me into another person. It is true that it can generate stress, as it is also true that there are times when it does not generate stress to me, (the times I do 100% convinced in mind there no stress) in fact, I do not feel better in my life, than when I give that rest to the body doing fasting. What the hell do I do? am I going to have to fast like a monk my whole life? I am tired of not losing weight, I have a temperature of 35.4-8 C and 36.0 C after eating, when I am 36.1 C I literally start to remove my clothes until I am shirtless at home even in Nov-December (4 C where do I live)

I think I am full of PUFA so I am scared but i am f****** tired of this and i am thinking all time about those 40 days of water fast done in the documentary to heal the chronic problems in pacients. What should I do guys? My mom is 54 and has better skins/health than me!
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Mar 7, 2020
I got a tub dmso aloe vera gel and mixed in niacinamide and apply topically to acne, Its the best quickest treatment for I have found. I'd say probably good for dermatitis too. I think Dr. Peat says restrictin tryptophan intake has the same health and longevity benefits as fasting


May 30, 2018
Dry fasting could be efficient at eliminating excess vitamin A.

I've seen testimonies of people effectively improving their digestion with it.

I'm not sure this is entirely due to what is generally believed here, i.e. endotoxin reduction because you stop eating and because you reduce inflammatory amino acids. But I may be wrong.


Jul 8, 2020
Dry fasting could be efficient at eliminating excess vitamin A.

I've seen testimonies of people effectively improving their digestion with it.

I'm not sure this is entirely due to what is generally believed here, i.e. endotoxin reduction because you stop eating and because you reduce inflammatory amino acids. But I may be wrong.

There is so much more to fasting than vitamin a, not every health benefit involves vitamin a, you know. How can people eat a zero vitamin a diet for months and only notice gradual benefits, but a short fast makes a big difference, but then you think vitamin a is the reason for the benefits? I swear you guys are like a cult. :tearsofjoy:


Feb 12, 2020
Do you get a lot of bloating? You can dissolve 1/4th teaspoon of baking soda in 4 ounces of water first thing in the morning tomorrow. Set a timer and see how many minutes it takes to burp. You’ll burp a small amount of air shortly after, that won’t be what you’ll be waiting for

I’m not completely sure it is an accurate measure of stomach acid since the taste/smell of food and mastication should be things that stimulate gastric acid production. However I performed this on every reasonably healthy person I know and they all burps within 4 minutes while it takes me half an hour.
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Feb 12, 2020
There is so much more to fasting than vitamin a. How can people eat a zero vitamin a diet for months and only notice gradual benefits, but a short fast makes a big difference, but then you think vitamin a is the reason for the benefits? I swear you guys are like a cult. :tearsofjoy:
The guy has been on accutane


May 30, 2018
There is so much more to fasting than vitamin a, not every health benefit involves vitamin a, you know. How can people eat a zero vitamin a diet for months and only notice gradual benefits, but a short fast makes a big difference, but then you think vitamin a is the reason for the benefits? I swear you guys are like a cult. :tearsofjoy:

Never said that it was the only benefit or even the most important one.

I'm not eating a low vitamin A diet so I'm not sure why (if this is the case) you include me in "the cult" ;)


Jul 8, 2020
Never said that it was the only benefit or even the most important one.

I'm not eating a low vitamin A diet so I'm not sure why (if this is the case) you include me in "the cult" ;)

Can I interest you in a discussion about our lord and saviour Grant Genereux?


May 30, 2018
Can I interest you in a discussion about our lord and saviour Grant Genereux?
I'm not sure what you are trying to express here.

My opinion: there seem to exist issue with vitamin A metabolism for some people, but the solution is not necessarily to eat a low vitamin A diet.


Jul 8, 2020
I'm not sure what you are trying to express here.

My opinion: there seem to exist issue with vitamin A metabolism for some people, but the solution is not necessarily to eat a low vitamin A diet.

I was trying to be humorous. I pretty much agree with your opinion.


New Member
Nov 23, 2020
There is so much more to fasting than vitamin a, not every health benefit involves vitamin a, you know. How can people eat a zero vitamin a diet for months and only notice gradual benefits, but a short fast makes a big difference, but then you think vitamin a is the reason for the benefits? I swear you guys are like a cult. :tearsofjoy:

I was on accutane and it healed and i cured my acne, now i have acne but nothing comparable to before, I have like normal person levels, but still there and I don't like it. Accutane is like a synthetic vitamin A form. By the way, I' am right now doing fasting (1 day) and i have 36.4 C, a record for me, can't believe it and I have measured my temperature every day and have changed meals. I usually have 35.4Cº - 35.8 Cº . First time since I discovered Ray peat (1 month ago) that I have this temperatures, people say that fasting reduces temperature, but it seems to raises it to me. Let's remember that I have not eaten absolutely anything in 1 day, it cannot be that a food is raising the temperature, I am not exercising either, I am just here like a normal day. Could it be a coincidence or should I wait more?


Dec 11, 2018
It's great fasting worked for you! Everyone has a unique situation so finding your path to health is ultimately up to you. Perceive, Think, Act.

I'm in poor health and I've tried fasting and it's just not something I can do comfortably. I felt like death at day 4 when I tried fasting again sometime ago.

There is so much more to fasting than vitamin a, not every health benefit involves vitamin a, you know. How can people eat a zero vitamin a diet for months and only notice gradual benefits, but a short fast makes a big difference, but then you think vitamin a is the reason for the benefits? I swear you guys are like a cult. :tearsofjoy:
This isn't unique to the low vitamin A community, a lot of people tend to think that whatever is currently working for them is also the magic pill to everyone else. Then when someone has a random issue, the cure is of course their magic pill X. :D
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