My Plant Can't Grow Close To The Wi-Fi Hub


Feb 7, 2017
A Reddit post I guess some would find interesting.
My plant can't grow close to the Wi-Fi hub. : mildlyinteresting



Nov 20, 2017
Interesting but it probably has more to do with the light source. Could be the router but wouldn't the roots be affected too? We can't see them so I guess we won't know.


Feb 7, 2017
Interesting but it probably has more to do with the light source. Could be the router but wouldn't the roots be affected too? We can't see them so I guess we won't know.

Yeah, and the heat from the router maybe. I have little to no knowledge on this theme, but I have seen some post and deliberately sit away from my router at home.


Jun 12, 2016
Judging by the comments, Reddit users have it even worse than the plant.


Nov 20, 2017


On second thought, if you look at the angle of the shadows being cast by the different objects, it looks like the light is coming in from the angle towards the router, not away. So, it looks like sunlight is coming in from that direction.

Not sure, but a little speculative--although could be important observation.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Anyone who doesn't think EMF is a problem nowadays has their head in the sand (Not saying anyone here in this thread necessarily!)

5g is exponentially worse. One UN member called 5G a crime against humanity, and rightfully so.

5G is going to start with actual bodies dropping instead of the slightly slower-killer which is 4G and below. Sadly, that's what it'll take for people to finally wake up to the threat.

A test in Australia was done and hundreds of birds dropped dead out of nearby trees.


Nov 20, 2017

Yeah, I'm not a believer that this is all just harmless child's play. People getting cancer in their body right under where they carry their cell phone in their bra or breast pocket or pant pocket? Yeah, not a coincidence /s

Why You Need to Stop Carrying Your Mobile Phone in Your Pocket or Bra

As for 5G I think our only hope is that we figure out a way for this to be less harmful somehow or maybe mitigate the damage. It's easy to see how our interest in capitalizing on this is costing us in other areas--quality of life, health, longevity, brain strength in old age, etc. We survived thinks like Agent Orange, DDT, Teflon/Dupont chemicals, black lung in miners in W Virginia so let's hope there's a way that will compromise sparing lives while still allowing us to develop and expand valuable tech.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
This could arguably be the worst thing we have done above and beyond DDT, lead in gas, asbestos, DDT.

If Elon Musk has his way he wants to send something like 4,000 5G satellites into space that will literally irradiate the entire globe. We are no longer talking local problems. This might be fear mongering, but worst case we may be looking at large scale population reduction.

The problem is there will be no escape.

And there is only so much mitigation you can do when it is constant, everywhere you go, at a level far beyond an acceptable level for humans. We are talking levels 100x current levels which are ALREADY causing cancers as you have just pointed out.

The "Internet of Things" as 5G is being referred to, is going to connect EVERYTHING - houses, appliances, cars, phones, street lights, probably even people will have 5G devices which directly connect them to this global "5G network". Not to bring religion into things, but I now believe this was predicted in the book of Revelation as the "mark of the beast" which will be needed to even function in modern society. This "mark" I now believe is probably a 5G device or implant that every person will have, instead of credit cards etc. which will double as ID's and method of payment and other things. You won't be able to opt out unless you wanna live off the grid away from all people. If 4G devices already cause cancer being in your pocket, how much worse will be 5G devices on your person, which will emit 100x+ the radiation?

I hope I'm proven wrong, but we all know that technology tends to advance at the expense of peoples' health.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
We even already have smart watches that some people like my brother wear almost 24/7. I have told him this thing is slowly killing him (BTW he has all sorts of health issues, and he is a technology addict. I don't think this is coincidence.)


Nov 20, 2017

>I hope I'm proven wrong, but we all know that technology tends to advance at the expense of peoples' health.

While this is true, there is always one thing that will always temper American's insatiable hunger for achieving our individual and collective inspiration to advace our society and that is children. It's not a perfect motivator (US debt, abortion etc.), but by and large if we can clearly see how it affects children we will usually respond sensibly and say "If this is going to destroy future generations, it just seems unreasonable to pursue this in it's current fashion. More research needs to be done", etc. etc.

That's one of few things I can see motivating Americans to consider other avenues that are less harmful because practically speaking social security would be a disaster but also morally Americans are a very spiritual people as most are Christians in some form and so they value and are grateful for the gift of life and want to preserve and protect it to afford them the same blessings which we received.

We'll see what happens, but I'm hopeful when considering the value of human life of the indefensible in the equation when it comes to America and new technology.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Unfortunately as pointed out in Nick's book on EMF's, most major health concerns like DDT, lead in gas, and so forth - were/are ignored for 60-100 yrs and painted as "perfectly healthy" for the longest time. The last time the FCC looked at EMF's seriously was in the 90's, and if this same pattern holds true the FCC may not cave to public pressure until 2050 or beyond. By then the ramifications will be clear and far reaching and no more plausible deniability will be acceptable. Just look at that reddit thread. It shows how far reaching people have been brainwashed.

Perhaps I am just pessimistic. I consider myself realistic if anything though. Lol.


Nov 20, 2017

Reddit is a purple-haired circle jerk. It's pretty heavily manipulated.


With recent infusion of $150M from Tencent, Chinese tech company, censorship is probably going to get tighter in order to please investors, although it is likely to have the opposite effect on users, thus turning away their cash cow and wasting everyone's time and their money.

Reddit gets a $150 million investment from Tencent and users are posting memes to mock the deal

Anyway, I would take Reddit's opinion with a big grain of salt to be honest. Just my two cents.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Lol fair enough.

I think the bigger problem is simple ignorance. My mom and dad are pretty health minded but even they had not really paid EMF much heed until I told them about what I had learned. And even then, even they didn't believe me at first. If it's that hard to get the average health minded people on board, how much more so will it be to get non-health minded on board? For most people it is monkey see, monkey do. People these days only believe what they can immediately touch, see, or otherwise witness.

I confess that I myself didn't realize the full effect until I proved them for myself (EMF clearly gives me tangible symptoms that I have proven to myself repeatedly through n=1 experimentation)


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri

UN staff member fighting back against EMF

So, there could be some hope.

Secretary-General gave a somewhat neutral at best answer though, but at least he didn't outright reject the notion.
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Nov 20, 2017

No, I agree. You are right. You know whose job that is? The media's. So, until that mess is cleaned up--which I have hope that it will be with someone like Trump calling out their bs that that will be solved relatively quickly--we can't expect people like your parents to have enough time and energy to research every single issue facing humanity and us individually.

Solution? How do you destroy manipulation or duopolies? Competition. OPEC is a clear cartel--they pretty much state it, but there is no way to break it up since it is agreed upon by each state and there is no jurisdiction for other states to deny them that right to form a cartel. The US media is no different except that unlike OPEC it is tacit and not explicitly stated in a charter with a board of directors, etc. All the media giants have something to gain from the manipulation--whether it's medical advertising revenue or political manipulation. At this point they've just become a mouthpiece of whomever has the big enough pockets and they will gladly spin things for whomever is willing to secure their situation.

But the way you break that up? Free market competition. Lower barriers that have been lobbied for by said media companies to allow smaller companies with less popular but equally important opinions to be broadcasted (just like AM radio or the Internet, here on this forum) and ABC et al will have to compete for viewers. Once viewers have greater access to a wider variety of opinions, you will experience reports on stuff like this that we are now able to find on the Internet. The information is out there, we just have to dig for it rather than the media presenting it to us, like they should. They're just so in the pockets of big medical donors and ad revenue that that relationship (one with medical companies) is more lucrative therefore more important.

If barriers to entry, restrictions, etc--anything that limits access to the market unreasonably--was taken away CNN would die over the course of a year.

History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens' Outperforms CNN in Primetime | Breitbart

Source for Breitbart story (so people don't crucify me for citing Breitbart): Weekly Ratings Ranker: The ‘Big Three’ All Finish in the Prime-Time Top 10

It's no different than guys like Haidut selling their own supplements. He probably makes a decent living off that and it shows how little guys can thrive in niche markets when customers are given options.

The power of the free market is an incredible thing which most people underestimate due to propaganda. I believe the media problem could be undone and millions could be educated rightly in the matter of half a decade on a wide variety of issues very easily, if given the opportunity. Most people are not stupid, they just have more important things to worry about and the way our society works we put our faith in experts because we have limited time and energy and not everyone can be bothered with researching if XYZ is true or not because they're just trying to raise a family and keep their daughter off a stripper pole and pay their mortgage, etc. It's just the way an economy works that is based on specialization; I trust my plumber because I'm a factory worker, etc. I trust the people on the TV because I really don't have the time to research everything and if everyone is saying the same thing and it sounds reasonable, then it must be right, right? The only problem is that there is very little competition in media today (something like 5 big companies control 80% of media--not good), while just about anyone can become a plumber in a matter of a few years or even overnight through an apprenticeship or family member in the business. Which is the way it should be for a healthy market where the consumer wins and gets the best deal for their dollar. In the case of media, we are getting raped, metaphorically speaking. Bad return and paying up the wazoo for all the bad information being prescribed ("Take these statins" "Salt is bad for you" "Doctors say aspirin is now dangerous" etc.)

Give it some time and the right people in power and this could be fixed almost overnight I would say. Chile under Pinochet was a good example of that. Chile is still ranked #1 in S America in terms of economic prosperity and is higher ranked then some Euro countries. All because Pinochet unleased the power of the free market with the help of people like Friedman and they went from 50% unemployment to 7% in matter of years. Hong Kong is a very good example of the power of free markets, too. Rocky little POS island (no offense) and it is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Why? Freest economies among the entire world.

Moral of the story? Media is in cahoots and it is destroying our way of life. Solution? Introduce competition, problems will go down as companies will have to actually compete for viewers and instead of broadcasting lies, they will be forced to broadcast the truth if little guys are willing to take less advertiser money but broadcast more unbiased information creating incentive for advertisers to change investments to capture wider audiences. Win-win.
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Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Yea the media these days makes me angry. Love or hate trump, he is absolutely 100% correct in calling most media companies #fakenews. He may be blunt and harsh sometimes but it's the truth. The truth hurts sometimes =P I hope they do get some bigger competition soon.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
5G is supposed to be pretty dangerous, and I suppose there will be some schools with 5G and everyone with a 5G device. If such schools come into being, it should be easy to get statistics on child mortality and cancer rates. That is emotional enough to wake up people, and solid enough as evidence they will have hard time suppressing it.


Oct 5, 2014
This could arguably be the worst thing we have done above and beyond DDT, lead in gas, asbestos, DDT.

If Elon Musk has his way he wants to send something like 4,000 5G satellites into space that will literally irradiate the entire globe. We are no longer talking local problems. This might be fear mongering, but worst case we may be looking at large scale population reduction.

The problem is there will be no escape.

And there is only so much mitigation you can do when it is constant, everywhere you go, at a level far beyond an acceptable level for humans. We are talking levels 100x current levels which are ALREADY causing cancers as you have just pointed out.

The "Internet of Things" as 5G is being referred to, is going to connect EVERYTHING - houses, appliances, cars, phones, street lights, probably even people will have 5G devices which directly connect them to this global "5G network". Not to bring religion into things, but I now believe this was predicted in the book of Revelation as the "mark of the beast" which will be needed to even function in modern society. This "mark" I now believe is probably a 5G device or implant that every person will have, instead of credit cards etc. which will double as ID's and method of payment and other things. You won't be able to opt out unless you wanna live off the grid away from all people. If 4G devices already cause cancer being in your pocket, how much worse will be 5G devices on your person, which will emit 100x+ the radiation?

I hope I'm proven wrong, but we all know that technology tends to advance at the expense of peoples' health.
My bet is that one of the things that will happen is this:

- A lot of people will start feeling bad for no reason (of course doctors will never blame 5G). Strange symptoms. Myalgias, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.
- They will struggle to find the cause but won't find it. All blood tests will come ok.
- They will go to the doc and take the prescribed meds in the hope that they can feel human again. Mostly psychmeds btw, anxiolytics and antidepressants.
- They'll go on with their lives never even thinking it is 5G. They will just addup to the already alarming statistics on psychmeds consumption.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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