Obesity Increasing; Is NOT Due To The Cliche Urban, Gluttonous, Sedentary Lifestyle

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Is it possible that the increase in obesity in rural areas is due to advances in technology making people more sedentary.

Think on a farm how much technology has lessened the need for physical labour. You need less workers doing less physical tasks. Many of the physical labour jobs in rural areas have disappeared to the point where many of these rurual towns are no different to a city just less densely populated.

I'm sure there are other factors at play but I would wager the change in the type of work people do in the rural areas is a big factor also.
I am living in the village of 350 people, we had childrens day. I can tell you, you will find less skinny than obese and I am writting skinny because they are skinny so you have like 70% obese and 30% skinny without muscles. Its disgusting. Due to the fact that we have good nature and I know most of the kids, I can tell you that they are doing alot of activites, for example, I am playing football with them on Thursdays but its really bad, they cant outrun or outplay me even if they are 3 or 4 and I am little bit overweight. Curious thing is that I am also playing with kids from village near to where I am living and I dont have a chance there. I dont understand it.


Mar 29, 2016
I mean.... Look around - they're not.

I see wild animals literally every day (birds and squirrels and cows and sometimes foxes and deer) and absolutely none of them are obese.

The only animals I see that become that way are some pidgeons (that eat lord knows what including cigarette ends) and the occasional pet dog.

Observe for yourself before allowing panic or defeat to set in.

You're right about that. I just think the author of the article is just trying to normalize obesity. Perhaps it's the start of more articles telling us if wild life is obese, then it's perfectly normal for humans to be obese. After all, there are articles telling us that being homosexual is normal in the animal kingdom as well.

I'm not bashing homosexuals here, but the media for reporting distortions. Rather than saying the reported obesity in wildlife do happen occasionally, they bring out the exceptional case of obese wild life to prove something which isn't - that it's normal. Look at that orangutan - is that a wild orangutan, or is that an orangutan fed by keepers who don't really understand nutrition for the orangutan? Or maybe the orangutan is being fed by visitors with "healthy" granola bars?

So much of the homosexuality being normal crap fails to mention the effect of food and substances that bring about changes in the hormones of the person. Instead of keeping these foods and substances away from human development, the culture is bringing these things more into the mainstream, and so goes the increase in people turning into homosexuals and becoming a larger percentage of the population. And saying that it's normal for homosexuals to exist in the animal population is just another way of making homosexuality just another very normal thing.

Anyway, it starts with saying it's not a problem. If it's deemed to not be a problem, then you can deny society the chance to find a solution. And we'll soon have articles saying that it's normal for animals to wage perpetual war. And once we accept that notion, the closer we are to being drafted.


Apr 13, 2019
I am living in the village of 350 people, we had childrens day. I can tell you, you will find less skinny than obese and I am writting skinny because they are skinny so you have like 70% obese and 30% skinny without muscles. Its disgusting. Due to the fact that we have good nature and I know most of the kids, I can tell you that they are doing alot of activites, for example, I am playing football with them on Thursdays but its really bad, they cant outrun or outplay me even if they are 3 or 4 and I am little bit overweight. Curious thing is that I am also playing with kids from village near to where I am living and I dont have a chance there. I dont understand it.

What country is that?


Mar 29, 2016
Its not last 10 or 20 years because we are captured by Germany :D.
Explains why: Village 1 obese vs. Village 2 Normal. Large scale experiments ongoing?

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Explains why: Village 1 obese vs. Village 2 Normal. Large scale experiments ongoing?
I dont know, the only thing I can think of is that there is more children in the villege 2 so they are more playing football while kids from Village 1 are just wandering around. But kids from village 2 are older also and I know that more kids from village 1 are given birth the caesarean section.


Mar 29, 2016
I dont know, the only thing I can think of is that there is more children in the villege 2 so they are more playing football while kids from Village 1 are just wandering around. But kids from village 2 are older also and I know that more kids from village 1 are given birth the caesarean section.
Is it in any way related to Village 1 being more "modern," and thus mothers being cut up to deliver babies is a sign that they adopted modern lifestyles and methods, as opposed to Village 2, which is more traditional and outdated? Perhaps Village 1 has a sponsor, like a large corporation that is making it into a factory town or something like that?


Apr 13, 2019
Is it in any way related to Village 1 being more "modern," and thus mothers being cut up to deliver babies is a sign that they adopted modern lifestyles and methods, as opposed to Village 2, which is more traditional and outdated? Perhaps Village 1 has a sponsor, like a large corporation that is making it into a factory town or something like that?

I would imagine that neither village has its own maternity ward and the kids are thus probably born at the same hospital in a nearby third city.

The observation could very well just be a Springfield vs Shelbyville syndrome, though with a reversed, self-depreciating twist.
Nov 21, 2015
Haircut wrote even wild animals are becoming obese, and this is more a rural issue or at least is also rural where they allegedly move more and don’t eat any more than their urban counterparts, implying a food poison and he says endocrine disruptor.

How about the rise of GMO? Which are poisons that supposedly only affect weeds or other baddies. GMO would be more prevalent in rural areas and also would end up in the food chain of wild animals...


Aug 3, 2018
Haircut wrote even wild animals are becoming obese

One reason I accepted this at face value is that I've heard another researcher who has looked extensively into obsesity -- Paul Jaminet -- make the same point. IIRC he has said that wild animals are becoming obese, even in remote areas. I doubt anyone is suggesting this is to the same extent as modern humans. If you looked at humans in, say, the mid-60's, you would find lots of normal looking individuals but just a slightly higher proportion of fat ones. Maybe it would be hard to detect this stage in animals through casual observation.

However, I went Googling for some evidence that wild animals in remote areas are becoming obese... and couldn't find anything.

Anecdotally, we had an unusually good season for acorns where I live, last year. And ALL the squirrels got fat, I mean comically fat. And there were also dead squirrels just littering every road (probably more due to the population boom than reduced dodging speed lol).
Feb 26, 2018
Population growth = light pollution growth, light pollution extends beyond cities, this would affect rural animals... For humans, spending more hours with eyes just inches away from a laptop screen or cell phone must have a large impact on the circadian rythm / melatonin. Poor melatonin / poor circadian rythm = you get fat. This is the most simple and plausible explanation I can think of. As for light pollution, even in rural areas, I think street lamp technology has changed a good amount over the past 60 years, brighter and more invasive than before even in small towns. Clearly television and screens all have become bigger and brighter too.

Then we have noise pollution, even small towns usually have more noise than before due to truck routes and air traffic, trucks going to big towns still pollute the small towns. Even if a small town population is unchanged, the noise pollution from being near a busy route will increase along with broader surrounding population increase.
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Apr 30, 2015
While fun to guess at what it could be (and mine would be EMF), if you want to just go by what is shown to cause obesity, it is the endocrine disrupting chemicals.

BPA, Dioxin, Atrazine, Phthalates, Perchlorate, Fire retardants like polybrominated diethyl ethers, or PBDEs, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, PFCs, Organophosphate pesticides, and Glycol Ethers.

Shown to increase obesity, mess with fertility, etc. Put into everything.

How to Avoid Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

@Captain_Coconut nice to see you back


Aug 3, 2018
Thanks, this link has a piece of info I've been looking for. I read that baking soda "won" in a competition of various pesticide removal contenders -- and that none of the other contenders did much good. But I had not been able to find the proper ratio.

Research suggests pesticide residues on apples are most effectively removed using a 1% baking soda and water solution. The researchers recommend using 1 teaspoon of baking soda for every 2 cups of water and gently scrubbing your produce to remove surface pesticides.

However this leaves out an essential piece of info which is how long they soaked the produce. I believe it was 11 minutes.
Feb 26, 2018
While fun to guess at what it could be (and mine would be EMF), if you want to just go by what is shown to cause obesity, it is the endocrine disrupting chemicals.

BPA, Dioxin, Atrazine, Phthalates, Perchlorate, Fire retardants like polybrominated diethyl ethers, or PBDEs, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, PFCs, Organophosphate pesticides, and Glycol Ethers.

Shown to increase obesity, mess with fertility, etc. Put into everything.

How to Avoid Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

@Captain_Coconut nice to see you back

Thanks. Still read here but post much less often. I guess we need to see the evidence supporting wild animal obesity to make much judgement as to what the primary cause is. I agree food supply contamination or lack of some trace nutrient or beneficial bacteria could be at play too.

The probability of endocrine disrupting contaminant issue seems less likely to me than light pollution simply because if it were some chemical we would be seeing across the board obesity, populations exposed to the same EDC stuff do not all get fat. The endocrine system is so fragile we would expect to see everyone responding extremely. Keeping healthy light exposure habits on the other hand is something most people clearly neglect. My personal observation has always been those who spend less time in front of screens are healthier.

Here is a good one, perhaps solar radiation waves have shifted drastically because of atmospheric pollution etc, perhaps the quality of radiation is now lacking for animals which are outside all the time, having some cellular effect...

Perhaps the acidity of rain could be shifting enough to throw off the balance of micro-biomes allover.

Top soil errosion?

Perhaps fat people radiate an infectious fat wave that science has yet to discover. Metaphysical obesity.
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Ron J

Oct 5, 2016
@Broken man
Until puberty is finished, even months apart in age can make a huge difference in strength/athletic performance.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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