Pregnenalone Reaction?

Nov 16, 2012
j. said:
Maybe you have good pregnenolone production already?

Maybeeee... I've never had it tested so I don't know, but like I said it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I'll finish the bottle anyway.


Jan 1, 2013
janiz73 said:
My naturopath did not want to start "messing around with my hormones" until we address heavy metal issues. I just had amalgams removed. She mentioned we need to clean that up first so that the heavy metals can be removed from the cell.

90% of naturopaths are completely clueless about how to properly remove amalgams and then how to detox the mercury; they often cause more damage than good.
People who had their amalgams removed can experience bad symptoms up to 6 months after the removal, even if it was done within the rules.

My guess is that's what's hapenning to you; pregnenolone has nothing to do with it.


Feb 22, 2014
classicallady said:
j. said:
classicallady said:
If the cholesterol precedes the hormones (pregnenolone/progesterone) and isn't converting, what precipitates conversion of cholesterol INTO pregnenolone and progesterone?

T3 and vitamin A are the ones Peat often mentions.

Some thyroid glandular makers remove T3 or T4 from their products before selling it. I use ERFA 30 mg, which has 18 mcg of T4 and 4 mcg of T3. That's the lowest dose I found in the market.

What's your brand?

j- I don't know if you caught my response (above) while I was still editing, sorry if there is an overlap here.

Vitamin A is one of those things I can't quite put a finger on-- do I need to supplement, how much, what kind, overdosing it, etc. I do have a bit of liver weekly, and consume lots of dairy, butter. Is there any surefire way to tell if that still isn't enough? What would be some classic signs of low levels?

I don't take a prescription thyroid. I take a raw dessicated made by American Biologics. You can check out reviews about it at various websites that sell it. I wasn't willing to see a doctor or get my own Rx, so I settled for this. It has brought up my temps/pulse quite nicely over these past winter months. I take 1 tab/day in 2 divided doses. So far, so good, but it's only been about 3 weeks. I'll consider winding down when summer is finally here and I'm out more. ... m-20.shtml

Hi j- just scanning some thyroid info and found our conversation. I just received an order of Thiroyd, my first prescription. As you know, I have eczema. I don't know if this will help, and I'm not sure what the T3/T4 ratio is compared to your Erfa, but many here praised the Thiroyd, so I thought I'd order some....

The label says 1 tablet = 1 grain. So, would 1/2 gr be a good starting point? Have you taken thyroid long-term, and are you expecting to achieve levels such that you may be able to wean yourself off it? I can't really get a good pulse on how to go about this from reading feedback. But I think Peat says it's natural and easy enough to wean off. Do you think 1/2 gr is a good starting point, and is that ok for just 1 dose in the morning?


Feb 22, 2014
j. said:
classicallady said:
If the cholesterol precedes the hormones (pregnenolone/progesterone) and isn't converting, what precipitates conversion of cholesterol INTO pregnenolone and progesterone?

T3 and vitamin A are the ones Peat often mentions.

Some thyroid glandular makers remove T3 or T4 from their products before selling it. I use ERFA 30 mg, which has 18 mcg of T4 and 4 mcg of T3. That's the lowest dose I found in the market.

What's your brand?

j- Found this about Thiroyd brand on the other Peat site (60mg = 1 tablet = 1 grain):

"An email to a patient by Greater Pharma states that “thiroyd” at one grain contains T3 at 8.31 microgram; T4 at 35 microgram."

Looks like this would be about the same as 60 mg of the Erfa? Can you give me some tips on taking NDT-- when, with food, divided, etc?



I don't have a lot of experience. The most I took was 6 days in a row and then I stopped because I got too hungry. That was ERFA 30 mg daily. I now just take it once or twice a week to get a little boost, this is not typically done.


Feb 22, 2014
Oh yes, I remember you mentioned you discon't it. Do you know offhand how to take it-- with food, empty stomach, ok at night, best divided? Is it safe to start with 1/2 tab (30mg)?



Feb 4, 2014
classicallady said:
Oh yes, I remember you mentioned you discon't it. Do you know offhand how to take it-- with food, empty stomach, ok at night, best divided? Is it safe to start with 1/2 tab (30mg)?

You could even start with 1/4. It depends on your current level of health how well you would respond. When I started with 1/2 I got very sensitive to adrenaline. You will eventually need up your dose, say to a half. That might be in 1 week to a months time.


Feb 22, 2014
Peateat said:
classicallady said:
Oh yes, I remember you mentioned you discon't it. Do you know offhand how to take it-- with food, empty stomach, ok at night, best divided? Is it safe to start with 1/2 tab (30mg)?

You could even start with 1/4. It depends on your current level of health how well you would respond. When I started with 1/2 I got very sensitive to adrenaline. You will eventually need up your dose, say to a half. That might be in 1 week to a months time.

Peateat- Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it!


New Member
Mar 23, 2014
I thought I would follow up with I now realize must have been the problem. Two days after I posted this I began having other symptoms...mental fuzziness, dizzy, confusion. It was not pregnenalone! I discovered that black mold under my kitchen sink was making me ill. I have since tried the pregnenalone and I had no reaction. Truth be told the small dose I took did nothing for me.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
janiz73 thank you for the update. Glad you got that mold situation figured out.
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