Pregnenolone Metabolite Lowers Cortisol By 60%



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

Katty said:
So what's going on with women who seem to experience an increase in androgens... or what we've been taught to believe is androgens... when taking pregnenolone? I tried it several times and it caused cystic acne all along my lip line every time- which I've never experienced before or since. And women report increase in facial hair, etc. My first thought was that those symptoms are from increased cortisol, but maybe something else is going on??

Pregnenolone also caused a headache issue for me, which I also never had before, but that could be more related to not enough fuel... though it wasn't an "achey, I'm hungry" kind of headache. It was just pain in a specific spot in my head for several days.

The acne may have been caused by progesterone, since pregnenolone converts mostly into progesterone. Here are some studies saying high progesterone may be a cause of acne outbreaks.

Pregnenolone also converts into DHEA, and that is well-known to cause acne breakouts since in women DHEA converts almost exclusively into androgens. So, unfortunately it looks like either pathway of conversion may result in acne. I get very minor acne from large doses of pregnenolone (500mg daily) and then it disappears in a day after stopping pregnenolone.

FInally, headaches are well known side effects of allopregnanolone so this is not surprising. Maybe taking smaller doses would be better. I think for most people trying to simply balance hormones, 30mg pregnenolone daily is plenty. So, try a lower dose for a week and let us know how it goes. The higher daily doses are used mostly for chronic diseases. If you have seen the studies posted so far, the conditions are schizophrenia, suicidal depression, dementia (AD), etc. I think those may warrant higher doses and the side effects would be considered minor compared to what the disease would cause if left untreated.
Maybe that's the reason Ray recommends 300mg once a week - for non-seriously ill people that suffices.


Jan 3, 2013
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

haidut said:
Katty said:
So what's going on with women who seem to experience an increase in androgens... or what we've been taught to believe is androgens... when taking pregnenolone? I tried it several times and it caused cystic acne all along my lip line every time- which I've never experienced before or since. And women report increase in facial hair, etc. My first thought was that those symptoms are from increased cortisol, but maybe something else is going on??

Pregnenolone also caused a headache issue for me, which I also never had before, but that could be more related to not enough fuel... though it wasn't an "achey, I'm hungry" kind of headache. It was just pain in a specific spot in my head for several days.

The acne may have been caused by progesterone, since pregnenolone converts mostly into progesterone. Here are some studies saying high progesterone may be a cause of acne outbreaks.

Pregnenolone also converts into DHEA, and that is well-known to cause acne breakouts since in women DHEA converts almost exclusively into androgens. So, unfortunately it looks like either pathway of conversion may result in acne. I get very minor acne from large doses of pregnenolone (500mg daily) and then it disappears in a day after stopping pregnenolone.

FInally, headaches are well known side effects of allopregnanolone so this is not surprising. Maybe taking smaller doses would be better. I think for most people trying to simply balance hormones, 30mg pregnenolone daily is plenty. So, try a lower dose for a week and let us know how it goes. The higher daily doses are used mostly for chronic diseases. If you have seen the studies posted so far, the conditions are schizophrenia, suicidal depression, dementia (AD), etc. I think those may warrant higher doses and the side effects would be considered minor compared to what the disease would cause if left untreated.
Maybe that's the reason Ray recommends 300mg once a week - for non-seriously ill people that suffices.
Thanks for your response on this. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try it again just yet, but if I do I will let you know how it goes. Frustrating that we can't pick the proper pathway for it :roll:


Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

Katty said:
haidut said:
Katty said:
So what's going on with women who seem to experience an increase in androgens... or what we've been taught to believe is androgens... when taking pregnenolone? I tried it several times and it caused cystic acne all along my lip line every time- which I've never experienced before or since. And women report increase in facial hair, etc. My first thought was that those symptoms are from increased cortisol, but maybe something else is going on??

Pregnenolone also caused a headache issue for me, which I also never had before, but that could be more related to not enough fuel... though it wasn't an "achey, I'm hungry" kind of headache. It was just pain in a specific spot in my head for several days.

The acne may have been caused by progesterone, since pregnenolone converts mostly into progesterone. Here are some studies saying high progesterone may be a cause of acne outbreaks.

Pregnenolone also converts into DHEA, and that is well-known to cause acne breakouts since in women DHEA converts almost exclusively into androgens. So, unfortunately it looks like either pathway of conversion may result in acne. I get very minor acne from large doses of pregnenolone (500mg daily) and then it disappears in a day after stopping pregnenolone.

FInally, headaches are well known side effects of allopregnanolone so this is not surprising. Maybe taking smaller doses would be better. I think for most people trying to simply balance hormones, 30mg pregnenolone daily is plenty. So, try a lower dose for a week and let us know how it goes. The higher daily doses are used mostly for chronic diseases. If you have seen the studies posted so far, the conditions are schizophrenia, suicidal depression, dementia (AD), etc. I think those may warrant higher doses and the side effects would be considered minor compared to what the disease would cause if left untreated.
Maybe that's the reason Ray recommends 300mg once a week - for non-seriously ill people that suffices.
Thanks for your response on this. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try it again just yet, but if I do I will let you know how it goes. Frustrating that we can't pick the proper pathway for it :roll:

Try taking it while on Cyproheptadine.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

Katty said:
haidut said:
Katty said:
So what's going on with women who seem to experience an increase in androgens... or what we've been taught to believe is androgens... when taking pregnenolone? I tried it several times and it caused cystic acne all along my lip line every time- which I've never experienced before or since. And women report increase in facial hair, etc. My first thought was that those symptoms are from increased cortisol, but maybe something else is going on??

Pregnenolone also caused a headache issue for me, which I also never had before, but that could be more related to not enough fuel... though it wasn't an "achey, I'm hungry" kind of headache. It was just pain in a specific spot in my head for several days.

The acne may have been caused by progesterone, since pregnenolone converts mostly into progesterone. Here are some studies saying high progesterone may be a cause of acne outbreaks.

Pregnenolone also converts into DHEA, and that is well-known to cause acne breakouts since in women DHEA converts almost exclusively into androgens. So, unfortunately it looks like either pathway of conversion may result in acne. I get very minor acne from large doses of pregnenolone (500mg daily) and then it disappears in a day after stopping pregnenolone.

FInally, headaches are well known side effects of allopregnanolone so this is not surprising. Maybe taking smaller doses would be better. I think for most people trying to simply balance hormones, 30mg pregnenolone daily is plenty. So, try a lower dose for a week and let us know how it goes. The higher daily doses are used mostly for chronic diseases. If you have seen the studies posted so far, the conditions are schizophrenia, suicidal depression, dementia (AD), etc. I think those may warrant higher doses and the side effects would be considered minor compared to what the disease would cause if left untreated.
Maybe that's the reason Ray recommends 300mg once a week - for non-seriously ill people that suffices.
Thanks for your response on this. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try it again just yet, but if I do I will let you know how it goes. Frustrating that we can't pick the proper pathway for it :roll:

I think it's an issue of dosage too. I know people who get acne from 100mg pregnenolone but reducing it 50mg or less daily stops the acne.


Nov 28, 2014
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

So would it be preferable to take pregnenolone at bedtime if you struggle with elevated night-time cortisol?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

sweetpeat said:
So would it be preferable to take pregnenolone at bedtime if you struggle with elevated night-time cortisol?

Oh, yes! If it does not give you insomnia for whatever reason (<5% of people experience that) pregnenolone before bed would be perfect to lower cortisol and keep the body in an anabolic state and recover brain, tissues, etc.


Aug 18, 2013
I tried 100 mg pregnenolone this morning with progesterone ( not much, topical); along with a multiple and 150mg allithiamine ( trying this for neuro issues).

Can't say I feel like a million dollars but my pulse did dip into the 70s at one point today around 11 AM.

I'm going to try another 100mg tonight before bed. Anything to stop the onslaught.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
messtafarian said:
I tried 100 mg pregnenolone this morning with progesterone ( not much, topical); along with a multiple and 150mg allithiamine ( trying this for neuro issues).

Can't say I feel like a million dollars but my pulse did dip into the 70s at one point today around 11 AM.

I'm going to try another 100mg tonight before bed. Anything to stop the onslaught.

Higher doses may be necessary, but work your way up gradually. I expect the cortisol symptoms, if they are indeed cortisol, to subside visibly once you exceed 300mg.


Aug 18, 2013
OK. I have no problem with taking more. I was taking 100 mgs a day this winter but I actually stopped everything for a while to see what would happen.

Nothing good ,as a matter of fact...


Feb 9, 2013
Haidut thank you for making a post to clarify this. As stated on the other thread, pregnenolone didn't do anything for me in low doses (100mg).

On 400mg now (oral), and I think it's preventing PMS acne which seemed to have some androgenic element. At least I think so because I responded well in the past to spironolactone.

Truly amazing! I have been searching for solutions since I can't readily get enough T3, so this is a great discovery. I had also experimented with saw palmetto in the past with no effect on my skin whatsoever.

The pregnenolone seems to have reduced oil production, and I'm not getting any acne which would be the norm premenstrually. Also I used to get a couple minor sebaceous hyperplasia (small skin coloured bumps) on my forehead and they are gone.

Just thought I'd add my experiences to this thread.
Nov 11, 2014
Here we have a few people reporting exactly the same side effects from taking a supplement that are listed on the first page of google for "pregnenolone side effects." The solution presented was to take it in addition to anti-histamines. What do you all think of this approach?


Nov 9, 2012
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

haidut said:
The acne may have been caused by progesterone, since pregnenolone converts mostly into progesterone. Here are some studies saying high progesterone may be a cause of acne outbreaks.

The first study says oestrogen thickens the skin. I get from Ray's articles that healthier skin is thicker. Hum...

Research into the effects of oestrogen on the skin has provided evidence to suggest that oestrogen is associated with increases in skin thickness and dermal water content, improved barrier function, and enhanced wound healing. Research into the effects of progesterone suggests that the presence of various dermatoses correlates with peak levels of progesterone.


Feb 9, 2013
Does estrogen really cause acne? Or is it some trigger of cortisol/androgens - not the estrogens themselves?

Someone asked him why people on estrogen report better skin:

"Estrogen causes the oil glands to atrophy, so the skin doesn't support bacterial growth so well. " - RP

And yet, when estrogen is highest in my cycle, I break out. In the 1st two weeks when progesterone is high, my skin is perfect.

I wish I could understand this...


New Member
Oct 7, 2015
Very interesting discussion. I dont know what the heck is wrong with me. I wake up with perfect basal temperatures and throughout the day, but my blood pressure is low 100's. I am certain I have low cortisol, but yet I have good energy during the day and I look good. I generally feel like crashing though around 8pm. But I tried pregnenolone because I have read it would increase cortisol, was so excited, but after 2 days I feel like I have crashed. I have terrible brain fog, hyperventilation, overstimulation, insomnia and deep fatigue like hangover. If pregnenolone increases progesterone (potassium), I certainly don't need that, I need aldosterone (sodium retention) .So I believe it is true that pregnenolone decreases cortisol. But at least for me I dont think it has anything to do with the thyroid because mine is functioning well or do basal temperatures mean nothing? Dunno. I had been taking 50mg the 1st day, and today it was 25 mg. I think I'm going to call it quits on this one. It's not for me at this time. Disappointed.


Jul 22, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
post 79581 :cool: just wait until kineticz hears about this...

Yeah, I was going to note that he and gbolduev seemed to have a similar view on this particular subject.
And felt very strongly about it. :D
It was interesting to me.

I think haidut offers some good possible explanations.
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Jul 22, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
post 79733 Well wouldn't there be a rebound after stopping? Ray Peat said he thinks 300mg a week is enough, then people perceived, thought, and slammed a gram a day.


(sorry for these belated postings, but I'd missed this thread somehow.)
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Oct 31, 2014
I've been at the 50mg/day Pregnenolone level and have the facial hair problem. I haven't stopped taking it because I read all this great stuff about it but I am tired of plucking chin hair...I'm going off it. I don't know why I would need it anyway since I take lots of Progest-E.


Jun 12, 2013
ilovethesea said:
post 90127
On 400mg now (oral), and I think it's preventing PMS acne which seemed to have some androgenic element. At least I think so because I responded well in the past to spironolactone.

Truly amazing! I have been searching for solutions since I can't readily get enough T3, so this is a great discovery. I had also experimented with saw palmetto in the past with no effect on my skin whatsoever.

The pregnenolone seems to have reduced oil production, and I'm not getting any acne which would be the norm premenstrually. Also I used to get a couple minor sebaceous hyperplasia (small skin coloured bumps) on my forehead and they are gone.

Just thought I'd add my experiences to this thread.

I also used to take spironolactone and thought the effect from it was due to regulating aldosterone. But maybe that is just looking at it from another side of the same coin. I never had any success with saw palmetto either. I haven't experimented with preg. lately but it's good to know you are finding success with it for pms acne. That's been one of my problems. I'll look forward to updates from you on it. Are you taking 400 mg. daily, certain time of day, or just during last half of cycle?
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Jun 12, 2013
treelady said:
post 103544 I've been at the 50mg/day Pregnenolone level and have the facial hair problem. I haven't stopped taking it because I read all this great stuff about it but I am tired of plucking chin hair...I'm going off it. I don't know why I would need it anyway since I take lots of Progest-E.

Facial hair only since using pregn. or did you have a problem with it before? Just curious.

What has your dosing history of pregn. been like?

Again just wondering since I may experiment with it again sometime soon.
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Jan 2, 2015
haidut if you're still following this thread. Do you know if there is any difference between oral or topical pregnenolone like there is for DHEA? I have seen you mention using both forms. I've only been using topical but oral would be very convenient.
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