Progest E Dose Suggestions?


Jun 12, 2013
I started out last month trying to take the high recommended doses of Progest-E, but couldn't tolerate the drunk feeling. I stopped it for a week, then tried again. That time, I had no problems whatsoever, doing 3 drops 5 times per day. The only time I noticed the drunk feeling again was when I took the Progest-E dose after having a little alcohol (not enough alcohol to give me the drunk feeling, and anyway I recognize the Progest-E drunk as something separate).

I started the high dose again earlier this week since it's the right time in my cycle to do it. No problems so far, even yesterday when I accidently squirted too much - probably 15 drops instead of the usual 3. I waited for some weird stuff to start happening to me, but nothing at all. I think it just makes me a little calmer now.

I only hope I don't have to keep taking a high dose each month. If my symptoms stay at a lower level like they are today, I may see about doing the "maintenance dose" for the rest of the cycle and see how it goes.


Jun 12, 2013
Swandattur said:
What symptoms do you have that the Progest E helps with? Anxiety symptoms?

anxiety, breast soreness, acne/skin condition, ibs...

I think the aspirin is helping lower estrogen too, and I've been taking l-theanine which seems to be keeping me calmer overall too.


Mar 17, 2013
I just wondered, because RP says in some of his articles to take added doses of Progest E until symptoms disappear. I get bad effects from Progest E. So, I thought maybe the negative symptoms I have are different than the ones Progest E is for. I have had trouble with depressed mood and low motivation and energy. I get stressed feeling sometimes, too. The times I've taken Progest E I either felt very drugged or else panicky and then my inflammation levels seemed to go up. I probably already said some of this on here somewhere. Anyway, right now it just doesn't seem to work for me. However, I feel that I am gradually getting better. Sometimes I have set backs, but usually I figure out what caused them. So, I guess I just do better taking the slow and steady route, pretty much.


Dec 31, 2012
I just started taking Progest-E for the last 7 or so days, 3 drops, 5 times a day. And wow. Just wow. I got my period today. I had no idea I was going to get my period. Not a single sign. Usually, mood wise, I'm very touchy and angry before I get my period. Nothing. Not an inkling of a bad mood. And once I get my period, I usually cramp up like I've been kicked in the stomach. Nothing. Just more of a feeling that something is going on, but I wouldn't even consider it pain. And no fatigue. This is amazing because I have had these terrible periods for at least 20 years. This is just super cool.... :rockout


May 24, 2013
ttramone said:
I just started taking Progest-E for the last 7 or so days, 3 drops, 5 times a day. And wow. Just wow. I got my period today. I had no idea I was going to get my period. Not a single sign. Usually, mood wise, I'm very touchy and angry before I get my period. Nothing. Not an inkling of a bad mood. And once I get my period, I usually cramp up like I've been kicked in the stomach. Nothing. Just more of a feeling that something is going on, but I wouldn't even consider it pain. And no fatigue. This is amazing because I have had these terrible periods for at least 20 years. This is just super cool.... :rockout

ttramone, that is fantastic news! Is this the first ever time you've taken it? ... and did you start it just after ovulation or later? & zero bad effects at all?

I'm getting really tempted to try progest-e.


Mar 17, 2013
ttramone, That is really great! When I was young I don't know if I had mood problems associated with periods, although maybe I just didn't make the connection. However, I sure did have bad cramps up until my mid twenties or so. Bad for you to have them for so long, and great to get over them!


Dec 31, 2012
Thanks guys, I'm really stoked with this result.

BB - I bought this bottle of Progest-E about 4 months ago. Was totally uninformed so just randomly started with a few drops here and there. Well of course what happened is that I felt really moody and tired and didn't like it all so gave up immediately. But I hadn't read the posts by Peatarian and a few others that I need to really dose up when I first start. So I did that particularly on the first day - I probably took about 30 drops and then for the rest I've been doing 3 drops, 5 times a day. More if needed. And yes I started maybe the day after ovulation.

Only bad affect was that my period was 3 days early. Mine are always early so this made it very early. Also, I have very light flow usually, and its been probably a bit lighter than normal. But it's early days so will see how that pans out.

I'll add too, that I'm on NDT, so I've read someone (again maybe Peatarian?) that people on thyroid sometimes have more success than others who don't? Could be wrong about that.


May 24, 2013
That sounds really good. Thanks a lot for the detailed info, ttramone.

I need to do some more reading and get properly educated on progesterone. I feel wary of doing anything that affects my cycle.


Aug 18, 2013
Hi everyone. I am new here and reading so many threads with great interest. When I purchased my Progest E it didn't come with any instructions, so I emailed Dr. Peat—here is the exchange:
Me: Do you think Progest E is better taken via rubbing on my gums or swallowing?

RP: Some will enter your blood stream very quickly from the mouth membranes, but taking it with food the effect will be more gradual and prolonged.

Me: Since I went through surgical menopause 22 years ago, should I rotate off the Progest E every month for several days or stay on it continuously?

RP: I think it's most effective when you take it cyclically; imitating the menstrual cycle, with two week on and two off, would be good, unless you are using it to control some symptom.

A little more background: I had a total hysterectomy 22 years ago, and was on supplemental estrogen for 17 years. :shock: Was not on any progesterone. I totally believe that my estrogen levels are high even though my labs show it low. According to RP, the estrogen is stored in our tissues and does not get measured accurately in the blood in menopausal women, due to the lack of progesterone. This quote comes from Peat's article, "Tissue Bound Estrogen in Aging":
"But in women who aren’t pregnant, and when their progesterone is low, the tissues may contain 20 to 30 times more estrogen than the plasma (in equal volumes)."
So here's my question: although I normally wouldn't start back taking the Progest E until Sept. 1, do you think I should start tomorrow at the initial high dose of 3 drops x 5 and follow those instructions mentioned here?
THANKS in advance for your help!!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
livesimply, :welcome

Thank you so much for posting your chat with Peat.

As far as your question. Like Ray Peat said, are you trying to control a symptom? If so, I think you have your answer. I know it has been said around here that you need to go at it pretty hard in the beginning to be able to make that turn.


Mar 17, 2013
That is very interesting about the tissue bound estrogen. Thanks for sharing his response. I can't advise on how to take it. I am past menopause and did try it a few times, but didn't like the effect on me. So, I'm too nervous to try it unless I knew why it didn't work before and how to take it to where it would work the right way. It sounds like other people had something like my experience, but later were successful with it.


Aug 18, 2013
I was wondering about this myself. Note - one drop of progest-e contains three milligrams of progesterone. 10 drops contains 30 milligrams, then, and 20 drops contains 60 milligrams. I am already ordering another bottle since at this rate I'm going to be going through this stuff pretty quickly. Here is the handout my progest-e came with, for future reference: ... ctions.pdf

**Keep Refrigerated**
The minimum maintenance dose of Progest-E oil is 3 drops daily, usually from mid-cycle to menses. Women who have little to no
symptoms at all can take this dosage. The more severe your symptoms, the more doses you need. It is recommended that nearly
everyone should begin with the high dose directions for 10 days to avoid complications (as low thyroid, high estrogen situations require
a high initial dose to avoid progesterone reverting to estrogen). For example, to relieve severe symptoms (hot flashes, menstrual pain,
cramping, PMS, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast disease, high estrogen, etc.) take one dose (3 drops) five times daily for 10 days, then
decrease to about 3 doses daily for 1-2 two weeks (can be longer as needed). Eventually, 1-2 doses for another few weeks or months
as needed. Can continue using every day, or if you’re having a regular menses you can switch to a maintenance dose: one dose per
day from mid-cycle to start of menses (usually about 14 days).
Progesterone is stored in the fat cells so not everyone will need
continuous doses. You must decide from your symptoms and individual need. This product is taken orally. It is best to rub it around
your gums and let it absorb, as opposed to just swallow
it. A drop will look like the size of a drop that comes out of a dropper. It is
easiest to measure the drop at room temperature. When PGE is cold, it will come out in a large drop, so estimate it, the amount does
not have to be perfect. Do not take progesterone while nursing.
Natural bioidentical progesterone is an anti-tumor hormone and will stimulate your body to make it. There are no known toxic side-
effects from natural progesterone. An overdose produces anesthesia. If you choose to discontinue PGE, it is recommended that you
wean yourself off it and not stop abruptly. Stopping too fast or if still needed can cause side-effects. Some get hot flashes in three
months and some the next day. Balancing the body chemistry is the key. Progesterone protects against the toxic effects of estrogen.
By estrogen, we mean any kind, be it what your body makes, or what you take - natural or synthetic estrogens, such as Estriol or
Premarin, respectively, or environmental estrogens, xeno-estrogens, herbal sources, such as black cohosh ("Remifemin"), sage and
other herbal sources of estrogen.
If you have a goiter, progesterone's stimulation of thyroid secretion may lead to transient hyperthyroidism. If so, it’s better to shrink the
thyroid with thyroid glandular first, then progesterone will not cause this effect.
In women with cystic ovaries, progesterone in small doses can be converted to estrogen because the cyst is stuck in the follicular
phase. This causes spotting or sore breasts. If this happens with a small dose of progesterone, it's a sign of cystic ovaries. Increasing
the dosage of progesterone to 1/4 tsp. once and sometimes twice in one day is enough to reverse this situation. Thyroid
supplementation is usually necessary as well.
One drop of Progest-E oil contains about three milligrams of progesterone. Normally, the body produces 10 to 20 milligrams per day.
A quantity of 3 or 4 drops usually brings the blood levels up to the normal range, but this dose can be repeated several times during the
day if it is needed to control symptoms. Furthermore, one drop will include between 4-22mg of Vitamin E.
For general purposes, it is most economical and effective to take progesterone dissolved in vitamin E orally, for example taking a few
drops on the lips and tongue, or rubbing it into the gums (it is good for the general health of the gums). These membranes are very
thin, and the progesterone quickly enters the blood. When it is swallowed, the vitamin E allows it to be absorbed through the walls of
the stomach and intestine, and it can be assimilated along with food, in the chylomicrons, permitting it to circulate in the blood to all of
the organs before being processed by the liver.
For the topical treatment of sun damaged skin, or acne, wrinkles, etc., the oil can be applied directly to the affected area. For topical
treatment of arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, or varicose veins, to speed absorption it is best to apply a few drops of olive oil to the area,
and then rub the Progest-E into and around the affected area. Some of the progesterone will be absorbed systemically, but the highest
concentration is sustained in the local area, helping to correct the problem.
Why not use Natural Progesterone Cream?
Most progesterone creams contain less than 0.1% of progesterone, barely enough to be effective, except for mild female problems. Lab
analysis of a cream called "Progest" shows that it contains less than 0.1% progesterone. Even true 3% progesterone creams are not
ugh for most women, which is why we recommend Dr. Peat's 10% progesterone dissolved in natural vitamin E. Most progesterone
products are suspended in synthetic vitamin E or even worse, toxic oils, such as soybean or corn oils. Some have parabens and other
toxic ingredients. Only dissolved progesterone is useable by the human body.
Warning: Progesterone and Wild Yam (Dioscorea) are not the same. Do not confuse progesterone with unaltered wild yam (dioscorea).
The human body cannot convert wild yam to progesterone. The body makes progesterone only from cholesterol. The conversion of
wild yam to natural progesterone must be done in a chemical factory. So all "progesterone" products labeled "wild yam" (underived)
are bogus. Unaltered wild yam, in sufficient amounts, is toxic.


Sep 8, 2013
Does anyone know if PROGEST-E improves the function of the thryoid or are you better of taking thyroid Cnyoplus as RP does.

I also wanted to know if any has the number of the company that manufactures this product. I have a Dr friend in Turkey, who wants to order this directly and use it on his patients.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide


Feb 7, 2013
saul42 said:
Does anyone know if PROGEST-E improves the function of the thryoid or are you better of taking thyroid Cnyoplus as RP does.

I also wanted to know if any has the number of the company that manufactures this product. I have a Dr friend in Turkey, who wants to order this directly and use it on his patients.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide
The manufacturer is Kenogen, located in Eugene, OR. They don't have a website.

3663 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR 97405-5124
Phone: (541) 345-9855
[email protected]

I buy from Electrical Body as they offer the best price online that I could find. $23.95

Progest-E from Electrical Body


Nov 1, 2012
saul42 said:
Does anyone know if PROGEST-E improves the function of the thryoid or are you better of taking thyroid Cnyoplus as RP does.

I also wanted to know if any has the number of the company that manufactures this product. I have a Dr friend in Turkey, who wants to order this directly and use it on his patients.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide

"If a person has an enlarged thyroid gland, progesterone promotes secretion and unloading of the stored “colloid,” and can bring on a temporary hyperthyroid state. This is a corrective process, and in itself isn't harmful. A thyroid supplement should be used to shrink the goiter before progesterone is given. Normal amounts of progesterone facilitate thyroid secretion, while a deficiency, with unopposed estrogen, causes the thyroid to enlarge." ... ries.shtml

IIRC , I believe pregnenolone is recommended for males under 60 rather than progesterone.


Mar 17, 2013
The PA who gave me a check up noticed that I had an enlarged thyroid and had me get blood tests and arranged for me to have an ultrasound of my thyroid. I think they do ultrasounds to check out nodules and cysts. So, I hope I find out something helpful. Maybe this is why Progest E did not work the way it should on me. It's funny, my mom and my sister said they had been noticing for three years that I had something there on my neck, but never said anything except my sister maybe said something right after I went to the doctor who said nothing about it.
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