Red Light Man Full Body Device



Jan 25, 2014
how do you make your niacinamide spray?

Get some niacinamide powder, and dissolve in a water/alcohol combo, or simply water. It dissolves very easily and completely, you can make a pretty saturated solution. I think I've dissolved up to 15 grams in 2oz of water, and it's completely dissolved after a few minutes of stirring.

It can sometimes leave a white residue on my skin, but personally, I don't care much about that. Maybe cause I mix in so much niacinamide.


Jul 13, 2014
Ok small update in the form of an anecdotal story. Recently I took a supplement that I believe lowered my cortisol levels too much which resulted in whole body aches and pains. This was particularly bad because it was after a workout when I believe the body probably needs a bit of cortisol to deal with the inflammation. A couple of hours after taking the supplement I felt awful, body aches and pains like I had the flu. Came home and immediately used the total body device as close as I could for about two minutes on each section of my body to get as deep penetration as possible. This significantly reduced the aches in my body. I am not entirely sure what the mechanism that would do this is but it helped a lot. This morning I still ache quite a bit and am considering using the device again but I am unsure if that will be redundant and just result in over exposure. It should be noted that I did take two ibuprofen as well however they take a bit of time to kick in where as the effect from the light was instant.
is ibroprufen peaty? not aspirin?


New Member
Aug 5, 2017
Just wondering if anyone has tried out both the Redlightman Combo Bodylight 2.0 and the Joovv Light Max full body (with 660nm+850nm). I am looking to purchase a full body device for skin healing (scarring, antiaging) as well as deep tissue (thyroid, etc. healing). Has anyone tried both to compare and/or could explain the difference in the two models and which might be better for my purposes?


Jan 25, 2014
Whats your goal of using niacinamide spray? Whitening? Softening of skin? Tbh theres plenty of cosmetics that will do a much better job if your looking to improve skin. : Cosrx Galactomyces 95 Whitening Power Essence 100ml : Beauty For example has niacinamide also but a host of other good ingredients for skin health. It has hyaluronic acid also which sill make skin soft/plump.

Well, a homemade niacinamide spray is much cheaper, for one. I think a lot of us might be wary of some of the other ingredients in something like that (especially yeast, I've never even heard of that for skin care before). I also use niacinamide prior to going out in the sun, as it has some sunscreen properties. Also, I'm interested in the transdermal absorption of vitamins, so that's another reason I use mainly niacinamide. And lastly, I'm mostly interested in better skin as a sort of marker for better health, not just for appearances sake.

The other thing is that I remember using all sorts of prescription creams (that cost who knows how much) to "treat" keratosis pilaris when I was a kid, and saw no difference. Both niacinamide and red light seemed to have made better improvements than those creams.


Jul 3, 2017
Probably about the same, maybe a bit closer than a foot. The dose is for 20 cm away, which if about 8 inches, and I'd say that's about what I do.

Have you noticed any benefits yourself? Had it for very long?
Have you tried using the device at a closer distance (eg 5cm) for a shorter time (3 min) to get up to a higher light intensity? According to Joe from RLM, lower intensities like the one you're using are typically used for skin applications. Higher intensities have higher chance of penetrating the deeper tissues and may grant more health benefits.


Jul 13, 2014
So, I recently purchased the Full Body Combo Light from Red Light Man. I've had the device just under two weeks, but already feel like this thing is a major game changer when it comes to doing any sort of Red Light Therapy. I just wanted to detail some of the things I've noticed since getting this device, in case anyone else is thinking about it. It is a bit pricey, but in my opinion, totally worth the price.

LIGHT YOU CAN FEEL- I noticed that, within a minute of using it, I can feel where the 670nm light hits, as my skin gets warmer. And it's not heat from the device. Oddly, I don't notice this from the 830 nm panels, but that might be due to the fact that that wavelength penetrates deeper.

RAISES BODY TEMP QUICKLY- I used this a few times just after waking and taking my temperature. Upon waking, it was 97.8-98.0. After using for 5-10 minutes, it measured 98.6-98.8. Shining it directly on the thyroid helps this, but I noticed this effect once when using it only on the lower body.

HELPS GI ISSUES?- I had some minor constipation for a few weeks, but the device seems to have resolved those issues, and things have "normalized." I don't know if it's been studied much, but I think IR light might be great for a variety of GI issues. One of the 830nm panels is right at stomach level.

BETTER SLEEP- I've slept very well since getting this device, despite dealing with some fairly stressful situations both at work and in my personal life. I did cut out more nighttime blue light exposure, right around the same time.

- Similar to the above, I have found my mood to be remarkably good considering what is currently going on. (note- I'm also doing low dose lithium right now, and that could certainly be a factor)

EXCELLENT SKIN- I've noticed that my skin is looking the best I can remember it ever being. Again, I am using a Niacinamide spray pretty religiously right now, and that has made more dramatic improvements in my skin than anything else I've tried, but I suspect a synergistic effect with red light.

Those are the things I've noticed so far, but I'm thrilled with those results. I also suspect this is part of an excellent NAD+ raising protocol (Red Light, Oral and Topical Niacinamide, Methylene Blue, and Lithium). I think a lot of benefits take weeks or months to really be noticed, but the early returns are fantastic.
still using it? happy?


New Member
May 27, 2018
I have Redlightman Combo Bodylight 2.0. I'm very happy with the investment.

How I use it:

I've been using the full body light at least 5 days a week for about 7 months.

I prop it up against a wall, standing in front of it at most ~ 6" away. ~ 6" is how far my body is from it if I stand facing the light with my big toes touching the bottom of the light. For 4 minutes, I treat one side of my body, for a total of 16 minutes of light therapy with the full body light (front, sides, back).

I'm just under 5'1, and because I don't have the light hung up, that leaves a bit of my body untreated. I treat my face, the sides of my head and the top of my head separately with 3 lights I bought from Red Light Man before I bought the full body light. I didn't want to invest in the full body light until I felt confident that red light products like this had benefits for me.

I make sure to use the full body light, and my other lights, after dental x-rays because Peat has written about how red light can help undo damage from radiation.

Results I notice (or don't) so far:

My main focus, when I bought the smaller lights, was restoring lost hair. I haven't restored any of my hair, that I can see, which frustrates me, but I stopped the loss, or at least greatly slowed it down. Also, my hair seems to stand up better, as Peat has written about.

Improvements, visibly, I'd say are subtle so far. My facial skin looks a bit better (firmer and more even in colour), and maybe there's a little bit of reduction in fine lines on my face, but that's harder for me to judge accurately. My body composition somehow looks better (despite being less physically active than I used to be) -- muscle tone is mostly what I mean. Hair loss has stopped or at least greatly slowed down, as I mentioned.

If I have sore muscles, the lights definitely reduce pain more quickly than usual. Red light after dental extractions is also reduced pain and swelling compared to what I normally have experienced. I'm using red light to try to maintain the bone in my jaw so I don't lose as much as most people do after dental extractions (I hope I succeed).

But, something very noticeable is that my dreams have radically changed since using the full body light. I noticed changes with just the 3 smaller lights I bought first, but the full body light really made a difference. Now, I'm always a lot younger than I am in my dreams. I'm usually a teenager, or in my early 20s (in 'real' life I'm 47). In one dream, I was a preteen, which I've never experienced before in dreams -- not since I was actually that age. It's consistent -- I both look and feel younger in my dreams, and I walk through landscapes, etc. that are based on places I've been in the past, yet I encounter new things. I don't wake up feeling like I'm just going through memories, it seems that something else is at work.

My dreams also tend to feature blue skies and good weather in general, which I've noticed happens when I'm healthier. There aren't as many words said in my dreams as there used to be, too, which I know from Peat is a good sign because it shows that serotonin is going down.


The full body light looks very cool, too, so that appeals to me, lol.

One of my cats likes to be nearby when I use the full body light. She doesn't mind the fan noise, which surprises me. She looks at the light in a way that is different from her usual expressions, making me wonder if it's because she sees the infrared that humans can't see.
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