Rich people feel guilty for being rich, so they tell you it's YOUR fault for not also being rich. The great con.


Apr 15, 2015
I see I misread the word as "passionate" LOL, but I still don't think being a Sociopath is a positive attribute in any way whatsoever.
yeah, we are living in world of rules , any deviation and they call you a sociopath if you fail or Person of the year if you succeed.
I wish I could get rid of anxiety when doing something risky or uncomfortable .
Just passionate people?

  • Ignoring right and wrong.
  • Telling lies to take advantage of others.
  • Not being sensitive to or respectful of others.
  • Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or pleasure.
  • Having a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated.
  • Having problems with the law, including criminal behavior.
  • Being hostile, aggressive, violent or threatening to others.
  • Feeling no guilt about harming others.
  • Doing dangerous things with no regard for the safety of self or others.
  • Being irresponsible and failing to fulfill work or financial responsibilities.
  • Aggression toward people and animals.
  • Destruction of property.
  • Lying and dishonesty.
  • Theft.
  • Serious violation of rules.
  • etc
It is not about them , it is about you surviving and adapting and proposing smth different.
You expected a world where everyone is level-headed and harmonic and do only right things ?


Mar 15, 2023
yeah, we are living in world of rules , any deviation and they call you a sociopath if you fail or Person of the year if you succeed.
I wish I could get rid of anxiety when doing something risky or uncomfortable .

It is not about them , it is about you surviving and adapting and proposing smth different.
You expected a world where everyone is level-headed and harmonic and do only right things ?
@Apple - Are you trolling?

The rambling and mixing of topics is so random.

"Surviving and adapting" in a world run by Sociopaths?

What if people want to thrive and not just survive?

Identifying the Sociopaths and stopping them is a place to start.

Stopping them doesn't need to be a violent revolution.....just a revolution of the mind.

We need to stop complying with things that we know are not good for us that are pushed as "Law" or "Policy."

Your philosophy reminds me of that character "Dr. Smith" in the show "Lost in Space"

He was a sociopath.

The Robinson family were good to him, fed him, kept him safe, he did absolutely zero productive work, and all he did was complain about his aches and pains and make trouble for everyone in the group.

He literally tried to kill the Robinson family so many times I lost count.

His punishment? They laughed and gave him an extra piece of pie at dinner.

What should they have done? Just adapt and overcome?

Or should they have just identified the sociopath and eliminate him?

That TV show was predictive programming pushed by corrupt Hollywood to brainwash us into accepting Sociopathic behavior.


May 31, 2018
While I don't mind discussions straying from my initial observation post, I still stand my ground.

The rich are lying to you when they say you can also be rich like them if you work very hard and save every penny.

So, they are telling you to have no hobbies (costs money), don't see shows, bands, movies, don't do anything in life that costs money, basically live like a monk and be happy strolling in the park for free every day for decades until you are, apparently, guaranteed to be rich like them if you did what they said to do.

I reiterate: It takes money to be rich like they are, or you have to capture the very rare lightening in a jar. It is NOT what the rich tell you out of guilt, and out of their annoyance at your observation that they are filthy rich. "Oh I worked Soooo hard my whole life, it's your fault you are poor". That is a gross assumption on those of us who work so hard we have NO VACATIONS (my last actual vacation was 22 years ago). THEY got lucky. They caught lightening in a jar and it wasn't only "hard work". MANY of them started up some business and got bought out for millions or even billions. One of the Shark Tank rich guys got his money that way, but he'll whine that it was his endless hard work that got him rich. Lies. His endless hard work came after when he wanted more money. He is a fool who should have cashed out and lived a work-free life.


Mar 15, 2023
While I don't mind discussions straying from my initial observation post, I still stand my ground.

The rich are lying to you when they say you can also be rich like them if you work very hard and save every penny.

So, they are telling you to have no hobbies (costs money), don't see shows, bands, movies, don't do anything in life that costs money, basically live like a monk and be happy strolling in the park for free every day for decades until you are, apparently, guaranteed to be rich like them if you did what they said to do.

I reiterate: It takes money to be rich like they are, or you have to capture the very rare lightening in a jar. It is NOT what the rich tell you out of guilt, and out of their annoyance at your observation that they are filthy rich. "Oh I worked Soooo hard my whole life, it's your fault you are poor". That is a gross assumption on those of us who work so hard we have NO VACATIONS (my last actual vacation was 22 years ago). THEY got lucky. They caught lightening in a jar and it wasn't only "hard work". MANY of them started up some business and got bought out for millions or even billions. One of the Shark Tank rich guys got his money that way, but he'll whine that it was his endless hard work that got him rich. Lies. His endless hard work came after when he wanted more money. He is a fool who should have cashed out and lived a work-free life.

Thanks for posting a great topic, @HeyThere


Aug 5, 2015


Sep 16, 2021

Voltaire said about God that ‘there is no God, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murder me at night’.​

Hammurabi would have said the same about his principle of hierarchy, and Thomas Jefferson about human rights. Homo sapiens has no natural rights, just as spiders, hyenas and chimpanzees have no natural rights. But don’t tell that to our servants, lest they murder us at night.”​

Yuval Noah Harari

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death, in monkey heave
This is what the Mozart with a veritable high metabolism had to say about this attercop: “I must give you a piece of intelligence that you perhaps already know, namely that the ungodly arch-villain Voltaire has died miserably like a dog, just like a brute. That is his reward!


Dec 3, 2022
How do you define "the rich" and how do you define "the poor"?
You are always somebody's rich man.
No one, in any category, really does the same and lives the same as the others.

"Work hard. Save every penny". If every rich person did JUST this, NO WAY they'd be filthy rich as they are. Unless they got money from an inheritance or the like, they almost always got their wealth from investments, stocks, things that TAKE MONEY TO MAKE MONEY.

People can become rich from nothing. And the more money they make, the more they can invest later. You don't start investing from the start.
So you may not believe that working hard and starting off living modestly can bring a person to a gradual wealthy life, but there are plenty of cases.
And it can depend on many factors : offering a product or service that is needed in a given area and time, building a reputation of being a reliable person, being organised, not associating with the wrong people, finding a reliable and serious partner in life, etc.
Also, people are rich for different reasons.
I think just wanting to become rich isn't a good place to start.


Mar 21, 2021
There is rich who might be a doctor, lawyer etc or a fairly successful business owner.

Then you have the wealthy who use their money to obtain to power through various vehicles to increase their wealth more so they can acquire more money and power.

Most people who obtain a certain amount of wealth retire and enjoy life and pursue things they enjoy.

Then you have wealthy who are pretty much money hoarders where their is never enough money or power and will use nefarious things to obtain it and do not care if people or society as a whole is damaged. And they use corporations to do so. If you have a product that causes cancers and kills people the corporation will get a fine and may be put out of business, but the men and women behind that corporation still made all that money and do not go to jail for killing people. And being apart of a corporation gives people plausible deniability.

Many ceos of these companies are sociopaths and to succeed as ceo of a major corporation you need to be a sociopath.

The system is sociopathic. If a ceo of a company that manufactured cars in America and they didn’t want to ship those jobs over seas for cheap labor and put thousands of American out of work that helped them build that business and helped make them wealthy.

Now you have a ceo who is their competitor and is a sociopath and his only goal is to gain as much wealth and power as possible and does ship his car manufacturer over seas for cheap labor and his cars are thousands of dollars cheaper and with the price difference ends up putting the other car manufacturers who wanted to keep his jobs in America and pay them a living wage out of business.

So to succeed you have to be a sociopath. We see it with all the deaths from big pharma. The fraud on Wall Street. The millions of manufacturing jobs lost overseas the decimated the Midwest economies. The cheap chemicals in food poisoning the population.

The system is sociopathic and you have to be a sociopath to succeed and reach the top levels of wealth.

So people who may have millions or maybe ten of millions doesn’t make them a sociopath and they live in the nicer neighborhoods , big homes and sports cars , but they maybe.

But the super wealthy in the hundreds of millions and billions most likely are sociopaths.


May 31, 2018
To me "rich" means not worrying about money, having vacations, being able to buy things that make you happy. Living life.


Oct 7, 2021
BINGO. Nothing to do with "You too can be rich if you put in the work".
But you too CAN be rich if you put in the work. The problem appears to be the splinter in someone elses eye. My friend there is a Log in yours.


May 31, 2018
But you too CAN be rich if you put in the work. The problem appears to be the splinter in someone elses eye. My friend there is a Log in yours.

"Put in the work". The whole family has done nothing but work, taking no vacations since the 80s/90s.

And again, NO, just "putting in the work" doesn't apply to most jobs since there is a pay limit even if you worked 7 days a week. Only jobs that include investments where you can "win" money like the stock market is where you get rich and be able to retire and not worry about bills and living expenses, or jobs like YouTube channels where you capture rare lightening in a jar and make ridiculous money (do you know how many YT channels there are that don't make money? it really is like "winning a lottery").

And what happens when you own your own successful business but then the Obama crash happens and wipes out your savings to keep that business going because your daily customers drop? And then years later the pLandemic happens and people go into lockdown and hysteria happens for 2 years making you have to take out multiple loans to not lose your business? Then that hysteria makes a permanent damage in 1/2 the population's brains making them go back home to work which means less customers on a daily basis? Then a purposely created inflation happens making goods and supplies go 2x-3x in price forcing you to raise prices amongst a world that is in that same inflation situation.

If one more person says "put in the work" I will either ignore or block them, or maybe just delete the thread. The work has been put in ad nauseam, and I have explained time and again why "put in the work" DOESN'T work with a mere limited paycheck, ESPECIALLY for business owners.


Mar 21, 2021
@HeyThere Put in the work is corporate propaganda to get you to work harder to make them money.

The 2008 crash was 80 percent Bill Clintons fault when he repealed Glass Stegal, which allowed banks to gamble with bank depositors money and allowed risky bets on the stock market and bush only encouraged it with other laws and repeals of regulations Which lead to the crash which wasn’t Obama fault. Now Obama exacerbated the problem by bailing out wallstreet creating more moral hazard that told the big bank that profits would be privatized and the losses would be socialized. And let the banks foreclose on millions of home loans. Basically saying it’s socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everybody else. And obama started the cheap money zero percent interest rates from the fed that lead to massive inflation which was continued with trump that added trillions to the wealth to the rich and if you were a average person that bought your house in the 80’s or 90’s made your net worth a lot higher because of the raising house prices, but essentially priced out many millennials and gen z out of the housing market.

The people who lost their homes , jobs and businesses in 2020 was the fault of the cia and pursuing gain of function research and the lab leak may or may not have been intentional and I’ll give Trump credit he tried to limit the lockdowns but many liberal state governments continued them for years that lead to the decimation of many peoples lives.

Now we are going to probably to see a crash like 1929 or worse in the coming months to a year due to massive inflation of our fiat currency that was backed by oil instead of gold that was created in 1972 when Nixon reached a deal with
Saudi Arabia that they would only sell oil in American dollars which created massive demand for the American dollar giving it massive buying power and allowed banks and Wall Street to create massive wealth.

Well Saudi Arabia struck a deal with China announced last year they are now going to start selling oil in the Chinese yuan and other currencies which eventually lead to a massive lowering of the value of the dollar and China Russia are creating their own international currency which will probably be backed by commodities like oil , gold and silver. And when our system crashes we will probably get CBDC. And that transition will destroy the wealth of many creating hard times for billions of people and also creating opportunities for others if we don’t all die in a nuclear war before that.

Good times.


May 31, 2018
@HeyThere Put in the work is corporate propaganda to get you to work harder to make them money.

The 2008 crash was 80 percent Bill Clintons fault when he repealed Glass Stegal, which allowed banks to gamble with bank depositors money and allowed risky bets on the stock market and bush only encouraged it with other laws and repeals of regulations Which lead to the crash which wasn’t Obama fault. Now Obama exacerbated the problem by bailing out wallstreet creating more moral hazard that told the big bank that profits would be privatized and the losses would be socialized. And let the banks foreclose on millions of home loans. Basically saying it’s socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everybody else. And obama started the cheap money zero percent interest rates from the fed that lead to massive inflation which was continued with trump that added trillions to the wealth to the rich and if you were a average person that bought your house in the 80’s or 90’s made your net worth a lot higher because of the raising house prices, but essentially priced out many millennials and gen z out of the housing market.

The people who lost their homes , jobs and businesses in 2020 was the fault of the cia and pursuing gain of function research and the lab leak may or may not have been intentional and I’ll give Trump credit he tried to limit the lockdowns but many liberal state governments continued them for years that lead to the decimation of many peoples lives.

Now we are going to probably to see a crash like 1929 or worse in the coming months to a year due to massive inflation of our fiat currency that was backed by oil instead of gold that was created in 1972 when Nixon reached a deal with
Saudi Arabia that they would only sell oil in American dollars which created massive demand for the American dollar giving it massive buying power and allowed banks and Wall Street to create massive wealth.

Well Saudi Arabia struck a deal with China announced last year they are now going to start selling oil in the Chinese yuan and other currencies which eventually lead to a massive lowering of the value of the dollar and China Russia are creating their own international currency which will probably be backed by commodities like oil , gold and silver. And when our system crashes we will probably get CBDC. And that transition will destroy the wealth of many creating hard times for billions of people and also creating opportunities for others if we don’t all die in a nuclear war before that.

Good times.

The other side of that coin:



May 31, 2018
@HeyThere Put in the work is corporate propaganda to get you to work harder to make them money.

The 2008 crash was 80 percent Bill Clintons fault when he repealed Glass Stegal, which allowed banks to gamble with bank depositors money and allowed risky bets on the stock market and bush only encouraged it with other laws and repeals of regulations Which lead to the crash which wasn’t Obama fault. Now Obama exacerbated the problem by bailing out wallstreet creating more moral hazard that told the big bank that profits would be privatized and the losses would be socialized. And let the banks foreclose on millions of home loans. Basically saying it’s socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everybody else. And obama started the cheap money zero percent interest rates from the fed that lead to massive inflation which was continued with trump that added trillions to the wealth to the rich and if you were a average person that bought your house in the 80’s or 90’s made your net worth a lot higher because of the raising house prices, but essentially priced out many millennials and gen z out of the housing market.

The people who lost their homes , jobs and businesses in 2020 was the fault of the cia and pursuing gain of function research and the lab leak may or may not have been intentional and I’ll give Trump credit he tried to limit the lockdowns but many liberal state governments continued them for years that lead to the decimation of many peoples lives.

Now we are going to probably to see a crash like 1929 or worse in the coming months to a year due to massive inflation of our fiat currency that was backed by oil instead of gold that was created in 1972 when Nixon reached a deal with
Saudi Arabia that they would only sell oil in American dollars which created massive demand for the American dollar giving it massive buying power and allowed banks and Wall Street to create massive wealth.

Well Saudi Arabia struck a deal with China announced last year they are now going to start selling oil in the Chinese yuan and other currencies which eventually lead to a massive lowering of the value of the dollar and China Russia are creating their own international currency which will probably be backed by commodities like oil , gold and silver. And when our system crashes we will probably get CBDC. And that transition will destroy the wealth of many creating hard times for billions of people and also creating opportunities for others if we don’t all die in a nuclear war before that.

Good times.



Mar 21, 2021
I said bill Clinton repealing glass stegal lead to what was 80 period of the reason of the Great Recession, but George Bush had 8 years to fix it but did nothing and which he wouldn’t have done because of his donors on Wall Street who were getting easy money.

Obama ended the Great Recession by reinflating the bubble which didn’t fix the fundamental problems, but just kicked the can down the road and Trump continued those policies too.

Bush just continued those inherited policies from Clinton , but was responsible for the massive expansion of the the surveillance industrial complex and massive expansion of an already bloated industrial military complex which lead to massive government spending and took a balanced budget under Clinton to a 1.2 trillion dollar a year budget deficit. And then Obama and trump continued those inherited surveillance and military industrial complex expansion policies.

These wealthy sociopaths who funded these puppet politicians who enacted laws for their donors that allowed them to enrich themselves by sucking out trillions of dollars from middle and working class of American. And now when people see the extreme wealth inequality which is the largest in the history of the world and they start asking questions why? they propagandize them with you didn’t work hard enough, you were lazy etc , but the truth is they rigged the system to enrich themselves by stealing trillions of dollars from American people’s labor.
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