Stuck Between Hypothyroid And Adrenal Insufficiency. And Poor Digestion


Oct 23, 2015
1000mg of magnesium daily

Could be the large dose of Mag, maybe one per day of half of one per day, see how your bowels react.

RP recommends about ~2000mg calcium per day in the carbonate form(egg shell).

Any store bought mushroom should be ok, boiled about ~2hrs to make them safe.


Mar 2, 2016
Could be the large dose of Mag, maybe one per day of half of one per day, see how your bowels react.

RP recommends about ~2000mg calcium per day in the carbonate form(egg shell).

Any store bought mushroom should be ok, boiled about ~2hrs to make them safe.
what do you think about calcium chloride?


Mar 2, 2016
RP mentioned in a podcast that it is ok, used in pickling for taste, but prefers dairy or eggshell as a staple.
lol, i have pickles that have salt & calcium chloride, that's y i asked. thank u so much for always being so helpful!!!!!


Nov 12, 2016
Could be the large dose of Mag, maybe one per day of half of one per day, see how your bowels react.

RP recommends about ~2000mg calcium per day in the carbonate form(egg shell).

Any store bought mushroom should be ok, boiled about ~2hrs to make them safe.

I decreased magnesium 500mg, instead of 1000mg per day. The pain has subsided. Thank you for that recommendation.

I started on sublingual B12 (methylcobalamin) 1000mg, and so far have not noticed a decrease in orange hue in hands and feet.

I've attempted to add very small servings of goats milk, or haagen-dazs vanilla ice cream, however, still have substantial gas and red itchy skin, runny nose, burning eyes, within an hour of consuming either.


Oct 23, 2015
I've attempted to add very small servings of goats milk, or haagen-dazs vanilla ice cream, however, still have substantial gas and red itchy skin, runny nose, burning eyes, within an hour of consuming either.

There has been lots of reports that flowers of sulphur (sublimed sulphur) or antibiotics (tetracycline) are helpful with respect to consuming milk. I think they cleanse the small intestines, so lactase production can happen normally. Do you get the same symptoms when you try lactose-free milk or try lactase tablets with milk.

Most health food stores should have sublimed sulphur in the supplement section. I think 1 teaspoon (5grams) for three days is the recommended trial.


Apr 9, 2015
There has been lots of reports that flowers of sulphur (sublimed sulphur) or antibiotics (tetracycline) are helpful with respect to consuming milk. I think they cleanse the small intestines, so lactase production can happen normally. Do you get the same symptoms when you try lactose-free milk or try lactase tablets with milk.

Most health food stores should have sublimed sulphur in the supplement section. I think 1 teaspoon (5grams) for three days is the recommended trial.
Which would be better for an overgrowth the flowers of sulfur or an antibiotic


Oct 23, 2015
Which would be better for an overgrowth the flowers of sulfur or an antibiotic

Not sure, but I think sulphur is the weaker choice, there are a few threads on here discussing it and somewhat helping with milk consumption. But I have read that sulphur is the 5th most abundant mineral in the body, so supplementing with it could be helpful. Small doses of maybe ~1g per day are recommended for daily use and monitoring symptoms/reactions. Sulphur is another tricky mineral though, too much can mess up.

For antibiotics, Danny Roddy (penicillin) and I believe I read that Mittir(tetracycline) wrote they helped greatly improve digestion doing small doses ~50mg for just 4-5 days. Danny said he was then able to drink lots of milk with no issues at all. Where as before bloating/gas etc...

RP thinks antibiotics are helpful at reducing endotoxin/serotonin and therefore estrogen/cortisol, which is why I think they could be helpful tool with respect to acne too. This along with low PUFA if young and super low PUFA if older.


Apr 9, 2015
Not sure, but I think sulphur is the weaker choice, there are a few threads on here discussing it and somewhat helping with milk consumption. But I have read that sulphur is the 5th most abundant mineral in the body, so supplementing with it could be helpful. Small doses of maybe ~1g per day are recommended for daily use and monitoring symptoms/reactions. Sulphur is another tricky mineral though, too much can mess up.

For antibiotics, Danny Roddy (penicillin) and I believe I read that Mittir(tetracycline) wrote they helped greatly improve digestion doing small doses ~50mg for just 4-5 days. Danny said he was then able to drink lots of milk with no issues at all. Where as before bloating/gas etc...

RP thinks antibiotics are helpful at reducing endotoxin/serotonin and therefore estrogen/cortisol, which is why I think they could be helpful tool with respect to acne too. This along with low PUFA if young and super low PUFA if older.
Thanks. I'm just concerned an antibiotic may mess things up further in the gut which is a possibility


Oct 23, 2015
Thanks. I'm just concerned an antibiotic may mess things up further in the gut which is a possibility

That could be why RP mentions small doses for just a few days, tricky indeed. Maybe sulphur would be better to try first, I found a bottle of 100 X 200mg pills, for $20.


Nov 12, 2016
There has been lots of reports that flowers of sulphur (sublimed sulphur) or antibiotics (tetracycline) are helpful with respect to consuming milk. I think they cleanse the small intestines, so lactase production can happen normally. Do you get the same symptoms when you try lactose-free milk or try lactase tablets with milk.

Most health food stores should have sublimed sulphur in the supplement section. I think 1 teaspoon (5grams) for three days is the recommended trial.

I tried lactose free milk a couple days ago, and I didn't have any digestive distress. Greek yogurt was a no go. I had stomach pain within 30 minutes of eating the yogurt. I'm still stopped up pretty bad, even after having cooked mushrooms, and continuing carrots.

I'm having a rather odd sensation right now. While I have noticed pain/numbness in hands and feet, in the past. I'm currently experiencing a whole body vibration, or buzzing sensation (similar to a cell phone vibrating), in every muscle of my body, along with a nasty headache.

I've experienced a pulsing sensation throughout my body, which was accompanied by a rapid heart rate/palpitations (adrenaline related). However, this is the first time I've had this happen, and it's not accompanied by rapid heart/palpitations. I've been out for the past 20 hours doing snow removal, shoveling, lifting snowblowers and 50lb bags of salt, so I would have to assume that has a lot to do with it. Especially the lack of sleep. The thing that gets me a bit nervous is that I have never had this happen before after doing the same last year. My fear is nerve damage.


Oct 23, 2015
Greek yogurt will have lactose, and some lactic acid. Lactic acid is broken down in the liver and requires glycogen to do this, I would avoid or use small amounts until more healthy.

Best way to keep stress hormones in check is frequent meals, something to eat/sip every 2hrs, sugared milk coffee in a thermos is what I bring to work. Thermos holds 1 quart milk, 1/2 cup white sugar, pinches of salt, 3 Tablespoons gelatin and 2 Tablespoons instant coffee(can be decaf). Heat up in big pot and dump in thermos, for a long day maybe you need two thermos. Have cup every 2hrs and still eat your meals and other snacks. Should help to keep hands/feet warms and I hope keep your body sensations in check. Lack of sleep and carby calories will definitely elevate adrenaline, cortisol.

RP has said with right nutrition any damage should be able to be healed (regenerate).


Nov 12, 2016
Greek yogurt will have lactose, and some lactic acid. Lactic acid is broken down in the liver and requires glycogen to do this, I would avoid or use small amounts until more healthy.

Best way to keep stress hormones in check is frequent meals, something to eat/sip every 2hrs, sugared milk coffee in a thermos is what I bring to work. Thermos holds 1 quart milk, 1/2 cup white sugar, pinches of salt, 3 Tablespoons gelatin and 2 Tablespoons instant coffee(can be decaf). Heat up in big pot and dump in thermos, for a long day maybe you need two thermos. Have cup every 2hrs and still eat your meals and other snacks. Should help to keep hands/feet warms and I hope keep your body sensations in check. Lack of sleep and carby calories will definitely elevate adrenaline, cortisol.

RP has said with right nutrition any damage should be able to be healed (regenerate).

I will give that a try.

I haven't noticed a reduction of the orange pigment in my hands and feet, since starting on B12. I have random brushing showing up on my body and I'm still experiencing a numbness/tingling/pins and needles sensation in my feet. Any thoughts? I've also noticed they have a purple hue to them with several broken blood vessels (pic attached).


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Oct 23, 2015
"Stress is an energy problem, that leads to the series of hormonal and metabolic reactions that I have often written about--lipolysis, glycolysis, increased serotonin, cortisol, estrogen, prolactin, leaky capillaries, protein catabolism, etc. The capillaries are among the first tissues to be damaged by stress."

So when under stress you can increase bruising and it starts in the capillaries and especially in the extremities hands/feet. I think eating/sipping a good amount of calories every 2hrs will help keep stress hormones down, and provide energy for sleep. Increased brain and liver glycogen storage are crucial for restorative sleep.


Oct 29, 2015
A small amount of cascara will help your bowels, be careful because this stuff is very powerful. Cooked mushrooms,well cooked potatoes, cheese, oysters, raw milk, ice cream (no gums or carrageenan),seedless fruit and raw carrots for sure. I'm not so sure about the apple juice though. It would give me an awful stomach ache. Make some fresh OJ and strain the pulp.


Nov 12, 2016
Has anyone experienced having their entire lower body vibrating, or buzzing? My legs, and feet are buzzing and feel numb. Now I'm experiencing twitching throughout my body. We are currently pushing 14 hours cleaning up snow, and will be out for another 10 at least. I'm getting really concerned. @Orion

Also, it's not due to the cold. I'm layered very well.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Has anyone experienced having their entire lower body vibrating, or buzzing? My legs, and feet are buzzing and feel numb. Now I'm experiencing twitching throughout my body. We are currently pushing 14 hours cleaning up snow, and will be out for another 10 at least. I'm getting really concerned. @Orion

Also, it's not due to the cold. I'm layered very well.

Could be stress hormones. Adrenaline and cortisol can cause such symptoms. Forum user @messtafarian reported the same symptoms consistently and she had high cortisol levels.


Nov 12, 2016
@Orion @HLP Appreciate the input. I'm going to implement some additional changes. sleep eludes me these days, even after having increased caloric intake and added more sugar, salt, mct, and calcium before bed. The most I can muster is 4 hours, before I wake up to racing heart/palps, and a hot sensation all over (assuming adrenaline/cortisol). 4 hours is better than the 30 mins to an hour per night that I was getting when I was on escitalopram.

@haidut Of course I'm thinking the worst while I'm out pushing wet heavy snow. But I'm pretty confident it's stress hormones. I feel like I've been living on stress hormones for at least 4 years now (when palpitations upon waking and inability to sleep began). I was thinking about implementing your Stressnon, and estroban. Do you thinking those will help to get things in check?


Oct 23, 2015
The most I can muster is 4 hours, before I wake up to racing heart/palps

Yes I think sleep is the first priority to fix. Getting liver and brain glycogen storage up is probably the best thing, but can be tough. Focusing on frequent feedings, every 2hrs if needed, quality protein, carbs and coconut oil. This is why sugared milk could be highly recommended, covers all the bases and would be portable, sounds like you are on the run around the clock. Feeding/drinking/sipping every 2hrs should keep the stress hormones down, low blood sugar is a big stressor. Juice or even cola would be helpful.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@Orion @HLP Appreciate the input. I'm going to implement some additional changes. sleep eludes me these days, even after having increased caloric intake and added more sugar, salt, mct, and calcium before bed. The most I can muster is 4 hours, before I wake up to racing heart/palps, and a hot sensation all over (assuming adrenaline/cortisol). 4 hours is better than the 30 mins to an hour per night that I was getting when I was on escitalopram.

@haidut Of course I'm thinking the worst while I'm out pushing wet heavy snow. But I'm pretty confident it's stress hormones. I feel like I've been living on stress hormones for at least 4 years now (when palpitations upon waking and inability to sleep began). I was thinking about implementing your Stressnon, and estroban. Do you thinking those will help to get things in check?

They could. But if you have some taurine at hand I would try that first (maybe with some magnesium) for the palpitations. It could be simply magnesium deficiency caused by prolonged stress. Taurine helps regulate the electrolytes in a way that even a moderate magnesium deficiency can be compensated for by the other alkaline minerals.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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