T3 Not Raising Temperatures


Dec 11, 2013
I have low temps. Previously I have tried NDT and T4. However I find I feel best on T3. However T3 still does not raise my temperature to 37deg/98.6. I am usually at 36.7deg C.

In the last couple of months I have tried raising my T3 dose to try and get my temperatures up. I have raised T3 to over 150mcg per day, however my temperature is still low.

My diet is very good. I get a lot of sugar, milk, Oj etc and always have. My cholesterol goes under-range on such a high dose of thyroid. However if I lower thyroid it goes back up.

What could be stopping T3 raising my temperature? AFAIK t3 does not convert to Rt3, only T4 does. What is happening to all the T3 I am taking??


Mar 29, 2014
I don't know what is happening for you, but a couple of speculations.

150mcg T3 seems like a lot. If normal endogenous production is 3-4mcg, tehn more than 100mcg seems higher than normal. Are you spreading this out into lots of little doses thoough the day? Are you waking up to take some in the night, or if not, are you experiencing a night-time drop?

36.7 is not a bad temperature. Is that waking or after breakfast, or afternoon, or all times? If it's waking, it's probably not far off optimal.
I guess you've considered whether you are measuring accurately. I got a reminder about this recently - I got a higher temp reading after 10 mins than after 5 mins.

Unless you have completely suppressed your own T4 production (I imagine it could be somewhat suppressed by that much T3), your endogenous T4 could be converting to rT3 and helping block thyroid. What's your resting pulse like?

Can you estimate calories? Getting generous amounts of all the essential mironutrients? Absorbing your food well as far as you know? Getting sleep and red light and good CO2 levels?


Dec 11, 2013
I don't know what is happening for you, but a couple of speculations.

150mcg T3 seems like a lot. If normal endogenous production is 3-4mcg, tehn more than 100mcg seems higher than normal. Are you spreading this out into lots of little doses thoough the day? Are you waking up to take some in the night, or if not, are you experiencing a night-time drop?

36.7 is not a bad temperature. Is that waking or after breakfast, or afternoon, or all times? If it's waking, it's probably not far off optimal.
I guess you've considered whether you are measuring accurately. I got a reminder about this recently - I got a higher temp reading after 10 mins than after 5 mins.

Unless you have completely suppressed your own T4 production (I imagine it could be somewhat suppressed by that much T3), your endogenous T4 could be converting to rT3 and helping block thyroid. What's your resting pulse like?

Can you estimate calories? Getting generous amounts of all the essential mironutrients? Absorbing your food well as far as you know? Getting sleep and red light and good CO2 levels?

I am taking the 150mcg spread out over the day and sleep like a baby. My own thyroid is completely suppressed on this dose. A person makes the equivalent of approx half this dose per day, so i should be slightly hyper.

A health temp is 37 deg C, a temp of 36.7 indicates low metabolism which i have.

My calories are 3500+ and my pulse is approx 70bpm.

I am trying T3 only to see if RT3 has been slowing my metabolism. Over the years have tried NDT and T4 but never got great results. However my Rt3 should be fairly low by now.

The only thing I can think of is something is deactivating or binding up the T3 and preventing it working.
It could possibly be something like high estrogen or cortisol causing high TBG (thyroid Binding Globulin).


Oct 3, 2012
I had the same problem on T3-only, and I got up to 125mcg. Have you had your thyroid or liver tested at all? Being on that high a dose of T3 can throw your liver out of whack. How about cortisol testing?

Also, afaik reverse T3 doesn't actually block receptors from getting T3, even though that theory is perpetuated on the internet on several thyroid groups: http://www.tiredthyroid.com/rt3-9.html

It is really quite hard to know exactly what is going on without any bloodwork. I wouldn't rely on temperature because thermometer accuracy is so variable. Your pulse does seem a bit low, though.
Apr 21, 2013
I haven't been able to get T3-only or any combination of T3+T4 to work without adversely affecting the androgen/estrogen ratio. What finally worked for me was lots of coffee along with a high protein diet and some B-complex.


Dec 11, 2013
I had the same problem on T3-only, and I got up to 125mcg. Have you had your thyroid or liver tested at all? Being on that high a dose of T3 can throw your liver out of whack. How about cortisol testing?

Also, afaik reverse T3 doesn't actually block receptors from getting T3, even though that theory is perpetuated on the internet on several thyroid groups: http://www.tiredthyroid.com/rt3-9.html

It is really quite hard to know exactly what is going on without any bloodwork. I wouldn't rely on temperature because thermometer accuracy is so variable. Your pulse does seem a bit low, though.

That is an interesting link. Have had plenty of blood-work, but none since upping T3 dose. Know how to check temps correctly due to 10+ years trying to fix low temps.

I haven't been able to get T3-only or any combination of T3+T4 to work without adversely affecting the androgen/estrogen ratio. What finally worked for me was lots of coffee along with a high protein diet and some B-complex.

Ya, i am taking 1g caffeine/coffee & 1 gram aspirin and it has had a positive effect. This is one of the reasons I started high dose T3.

When i started the caffeine/aspirin i initially had a great reaction. However after a short while it just made me hypothyroid - very relaxed, puffy eyes and wanting to sleep. At this stage i was taking approx 75mg of T3. I found upping the T3 dose got rid of the lethargy.
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Nov 21, 2015
I'm on Tyromax and some t3 during the day. Temps and hr haven't risen either. I'm moving up into 3 grains over the next few weeks.

Why not switch to a mixed t4 and t3 or desiccated product again. It is more physiological. Maybe you didn't give it long enough?


How much animal protein are you consuming? ( milk, eggs, gelatin, meat , etc. )
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Mar 29, 2014
I am trying T3 only to see if RT3 has been slowing my metabolism. Over the years have tried NDT and T4 but never got great results. However my Rt3 should be fairly low by now.

How long have you been doing the high T3 only?


Oct 10, 2012
I have low temps. Previously I have tried NDT and T4. However I find I feel best on T3. However T3 still does not raise my temperature to 37deg/98.6. I am usually at 36.7deg C.

In the last couple of months I have tried raising my T3 dose to try and get my temperatures up. I have raised T3 to over 150mcg per day, however my temperature is still low.

My diet is very good. I get a lot of sugar, milk, Oj etc and always have. My cholesterol goes under-range on such a high dose of thyroid. However if I lower thyroid it goes back up.

What could be stopping T3 raising my temperature? AFAIK t3 does not convert to Rt3, only T4 does. What is happening to all the T3 I am taking??

What brand of t3 are you on ?


Dec 11, 2013
How much animal protein are you consuming? ( milk, eggs, gelatin, meat , etc. )

Protein - 2 liters of milk per day, 1 egg, approx 20g gelatin, some meat every day.

How long have you been doing the high T3 only?

Been doing it for nearly 2 months.

What brand of t3 are you on ?

I am using Tiromel brand. I did have some cynomel lying around that i used initially and it did seem stronger.

I have started reducing the T3. I am actually gaining weight on it.


Mar 29, 2014
Do you know anything about your estrogen levels? Speculating: if estrogen is excessive, and if one of the effects of excess estrogen is to lower temperature set point, perhaps a suitable amount of progesterone would allow the temp set point to rise again?

The reason I asked about time of temps readings is that Broda Barnes suggested a target of 97.8-98.2 for waking temps when supplementing thyroid. They would be expected to be higher in the afternoon. 98.2 F = 36.77 C.

Maybe the body has other ways to defend itself from what it perceives to be excessive thyroid hormones?

Not recommending for or against, but I wonder if you looked at Richfield's temperature reset methods?


Protein - 2 liters of milk per day, 1 egg, approx 20g gelatin, some meat every day.

Been doing it for nearly 2 months.

I am using Tiromel brand. I did have some cynomel lying around that i used initially and it did seem stronger.

I have started reducing the T3. I am actually gaining weight on it.

How much meat? I would never be able to stay warm on a 1/2 gallon of milk, an egg and gelatin. I dont know your gender, age, size and activity level, but the amount of protein your eating is about what Ray recommend for my 5'2, 100lb, sedentary wife.
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Oct 10, 2012
docall18 said:
I am using Tiromel brand. I did have some cynomel lying around that i used initially and it did seem stronger.

I have started reducing the T3. I am actually gaining weight on it.

Tiromel isn't as strong as cynomel. You may need to increase the dosage of tiromel to get the same effects as cynomel. But overall I think it's the brand itself unfortunately.


Dec 11, 2013
Do you know anything about your estrogen levels? Speculating: if estrogen is excessive, and if one of the effects of excess estrogen is to lower temperature set point, perhaps a suitable amount of progesterone would allow the temp set point to rise again?

The reason I asked about time of temps readings is that Broda Barnes suggested a target of 97.8-98.2 for waking temps when supplementing thyroid. They would be expected to be higher in the afternoon. 98.2 F = 36.77 C.

Maybe the body has other ways to defend itself from what it perceives to be excessive thyroid hormones?

Not recommending for or against, but I wonder if you looked at Richfield's temperature reset methods?

Don't test my waking temps too often. But my daytime temps are low. Yes, pretty sure my estrogen is high. This may be a big cause of it. I had stopped aspirin, but am back on it and do feel its positive estrogen lowering effects.

I take tiny doses of progesterone. With larger doses I start to see why they used it for chemical castration lol.

How much meat? I would never be able to stay warm on a 1/2 gallon of milk, an egg and gelatin. I dont know your gender, age, size and activity level, but the amount of protein your eating is about what Ray recommend for my 5'2, 100lb, sedentary wife.

Im getting too much protein. Am 93kg (up 4kg in 4 months) , and am eating up to 300 grams of protein per day. Been trying to cut down.


Do you have any symptoms?
Why do you want to increase your temperature?
It's just a number.

How do you measure it?
Oral temperature during the day is often below the real core temperature.


Dec 11, 2013
Do you have any symptoms?
Why do you want to increase your temperature?
It's just a number.

How do you measure it?
Oral temperature during the day is often below the real core temperature.

Symptoms are improving alot the last few years. Been running on stress hormones most of life - esp. crippling adrenaline.

Anything that raises metabolism (preg, thyroid, B6, Dhea etc) works short term only.
Initial good effect, pretty soon reverse and high stress hormone symptoms start. (ie. my pregnenolone level is below range, supplementing it has great effect for a few days. Then the effects reverse. Lab results show estrogen going way over-range)

Two possible reasons I can think of for this:
Increased metabolism = release of estrogen/PUFA/toxins etc as body speeds up detox.
Body trying to down regulate metabolism to previous low rate by releasing estrogen,cortisol etc.


Don't test my waking temps too often. But my daytime temps are low. Yes, pretty sure my estrogen is high. This may be a big cause of it. I had stopped aspirin, but am back on it and do feel its positive estrogen lowering effects.

I take tiny doses of progesterone. With larger doses I start to see why they used it for chemical castration lol.

Im getting too much protein. Am 93kg (up 4kg in 4 months) , and am eating up to 300 grams of protein per day. Been trying to cut down.
So you must be eating several pounds of meat everyday... How does " some meat everyday " equal several pounds of meat.... Why on earth would you ever do that?


Dec 11, 2013

Going to reduce down the T3 dose. I just keep gaining weight on it. There is something blocking my metabolism. Have been trying to fix this hypothyroidism for the last 15+ years and nothing seems to work.

My feeling is estrogen increases to counteract any increase in my metabolism. I can get my temps up to 37Deg C for a few days but then my estrogen increases to reduce my temperatures back down. ie. taking pregnenolone with thyroid hormone previously increased my temps to 37deg. However this then reduced back down. Labs showed over-range estrogen.
My current max temperature is at 36.6 deg C.

Will try low dose T3 with plenty of anti-estrogens (aspirin, E etc) and see how that goes.

Apr 21, 2013
I've had a very similar experience as you docall18; and I've also been at it for years: trying to figure how to best quell oestrogen/improve thyroid function. Thyroid (in all the usual variants), pregnenolone (both oral and topical) and oral DHEA almost always led to oestrogenic effects/thyrotoxicity and seldom a sustained elevation of body temperature. However, of late I've become noticeably 'dry' by combining high-dose caffeine (lots of coffee with copious amounts of sugar, Red Bull) and topical DHEA dissolved in warmed coconut oil. Haidut's claims regarding the relative androgenecity of topical DHEA certainly seem consistent with my own finding.
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