The Possibility Of The "catching Up" Of The Christian Church In 3 Or 4 Days


Jun 13, 2019
I hear what you’re saying, but this is just free-grace evangelicals getting buck wild with the Bible, man. There’s no conspiracy. It’s just the end result of a thoroughly corrupted religious sect that places all emphasis on faith, and nothing on works.

I think that's why ray gravitates toward process theology, because he doesn't believe in a know "plan", but rather a continual process with the the world and the individual evolving at the same time, with the ending being open ended


Sep 10, 2019
Muslim, Catholic, Protesant, pagan, Jew etc. doesnt matter, they all believe in a higher being/deity. It makes life simpler and is a proper coping mechanism
Seems like your religiosity is more of a processing of your past/incidences

That sort of reductionism is extremely lazy. That’s like saying all political ideologies are essentially the same because they all claim to get us to as close to a utopian society as they can.

If you’re acknowledging that your religion is merely something you gravitate towards as a coping mechanism, I’m not sure why you even bother affiliating yourself with it.


Jul 22, 2020
That sort of reductionism is extremely lazy. That’s like saying all political ideologies are essentially the same because they all claim to get us to as close to a utopian society as they can.

If you’re acknowledging that your religion is merely something you gravitate towards as a coping mechanism, I’m not sure why you even bother affiliating yourself with it.
Well said, but I do not listen to/believe in the establishment between me and my deity, so it is not really an ideologie to me, although it is to others.
Maybe I should stop calling myself Catholic then though
Apr 22, 2019
Browsing the comments, a few thoughts came to mind.

Though the word "church" tends to have a modern connotation towards the numerous subsections of Christianity, I mistakenly titled this thread with the intention of the word to mean "body."
1 Corinthians 12:12
“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.”
Romans 12:5
“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.”
[also refer toward the end to Ephesians 5:25-32]

For the record, I used - and have continued to use - a quote from Carl Jung that goes, "Organized religion prevents people from the true experience of God."

In an attempt to sequester the winds of hypocrisy, I resolve myself to a faith-based argument that the King James Bible is the closest thing to the word of God for English speaking people. I firmly believe that this standard should not be compromised.

From this, my faith rests utterly and totally on the word of God as written in the KJV Bible. The word is living and it exists for us to test it and use it to fight against the darkness of this world.

The armaments, discernment, and unconscionable peace of life that is offered through the words held in this book are made accessible by sacrificing one's sinful life of pride, personal glory, and self-righteousness to Christ as He sacrificed His for us that we may not receive everlasting punishment from a God Who originally made us in an everlasting image of perfection. His authority is offered to us that we may always overtake the darkness by abiding in the name above all other names. The phrase "supremely useful" doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what these writings can offer a fellow, but he must be broken before the Lord that he may receive the Holy Spirit.

Alas, the tongue is as the governor of the ship and so long as it remarks pride it shall continue to incur destruction.

Regardless of that, I mean to get on and say that this is a personal relationship with a living God to the exclusion of all outside imagination that exalts itself against the word as it is written.

Though many scoff at this concept, they would just as readily agree that the body is a temple. A divine thing which receives spiritual attunement in a harmonized world of which they find themselves to be their own instrument living accordingly.

And to this point, the Bible speaks of the affair no differently:

1 Corinthians 3:16
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

To consolidate, it's a personal relationship that each member has with Christ. If some guy tries to bop you on the head to speak gibberish, tells you that if you're broke or sick that God doesn't love you, or tries to convince you that you have to routinely drink the blood and eat the flesh of Christ in order to go to heaven... Maybe you'd be best to run that one by God first and He will guide you to the light and solve your nightmares if you present Him a contrite heart over the matter.

Psalm 34:18
18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

And to this effect of remaining 'open-minded,' I am sure that this group of people maintains this principle to the highest caliber. Surely this is the birthplace of skepticism, yet I submit that if those same skeptics were to flip that heightened sense of caution in favor of naivety that there is a spiritual entity that takes after the image of a person who loves you beyond all reason (and so punishes you accordingly, though not to be mistaken for evil), that they would immediately find restoration to problems that they didn't even know they had through undeniable presentation of His word occurring in their life.

Allow me to briefly empathize with those who admonish religion as I too have, and still often do:

Pentecostals and the charismatic movement have a thing going on where they believe apostles are alive today yet nobody is growing a leg back. They tend to press that "speaking in tongues" is a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit, yet these behaviors are more closely associated with kundalini and, arguably, devil (demon) impartations.

Many prosperity gospel preachers guilt people into being motivated to work for money and health in order to prove that God favors them.

Calvinists rail against the charismatic movement by addressing dispensationalism which dispels the notion of apostles and further that God advocates we are sober-minded... not running around or going through convulsions because these behaviors edify no one.

But then Calvinists turn around and say that nobody has free will because God is everything that ever was and ever will be. Suffice it to say that there are more verses that implicate an apparent ability to exercise free will (as we are gifted by God) than there are which imply God controls us. The bigger issue with Calvinists, I believe, is the issue of lordship salvation. Salvation is repeatedly stated to involve repenting of sins, which is true, but Calvinists drive people to live in fear who have given their life to the Lord yet they still struggle with their flesh. Salvation is a one-time event, but these guys often imply that if you're still struggling with sin that whether or not you're saved comes into question. The result is living in fear which is a vicious cycle. How is someone going to conquer sin if they're always worried about it? One of the points of the Bible is to invest so wholly into the word that living a sinless life is an effortless byproduct of the fulfillment of God. My personal experience may only cast so far.

So then you get to independent fundamental KJV-only Baptists who have sound arguments regarding once-saved always saved and consequently checkmate the Calvinists. They also hold the word of God and search for truth within a translation as an absolute standard rather than scouring the texts over many different translations. If the truth is written to begin with, why would you look for it in anything that holds a lower pedigree of your given language?

The independent fundamental Baptist KJV-only group is as close of an identifier I have found, but even then they could be criticized for putting a great emphasis on church attendance despite church buildings not being scriptural. God's creation isn't a building... In this sense, the outdoors are the most appropriate meeting place.

Aside from that there are the Catholics who I guess believe they have to commit cannibalism regularly so that they spend less time in an elevator after they die or something. I don't even know what text they read that they live how they do.

Another glaring problem is the shallow sinner's prayer or, similarly, water baptisms. People who do these things without earnesty proceed to accrue scar tissue because they don't understand themselves to be deserving of hell nor that they are wicked nor naked and so they then do not - I personally don't believe - understand the gravity of Christ's sacrifice for them that they might have life and more abundantly. Their cherry-picking of the word casts itself outward to land on others which often contributes to a jaded perspective by the uncompassionate witnesses. A root of double-mindedness. Kids who are forced into Bible schools by hypocrites are prime examples of this. To this point, many people are lukewarm. In Revelation, Christ specifically addresses this to the people of the church of Laodecia which is our current time period:

Revelation 3:16
“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”

Combining all of these things and you've got a lot of hell going around between people who are seeking to babble and roll on the ground or otherwise depressed because they've been led to believe that God isn't working in their life OR that they aren't good enough for God all while often not even receiving a basic explanation of the gospel. It's no wonder things have become the way they are. I've spoken to many people who shell up and reflexively say, 'I had a bad experience with religion,' and it's like dude, everyone does when they invest their faith in man instead of God. God expects you to be humble and thankful for every moment and happening of your life and if you can give Him that, He will restore everything (life) to you. Don't trust in people to deliver that which only the Holy Spirit can.

Proverbs 4:20-22
20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

To add to this, most congregations don't rely on the KJV.
*I have a note of 8 verses that don't compare to any other translation in the slightest, even the NKJV completely pollutes some of the most crucial verses that they have no resemblance of what they do in the KJV text.

Hypocrites. Hypocrites ruin it for everybody. I think hypocrites are people who miraculously get tired of thinking whenever they run into a place of darkness that they're not ready to humble themselves over, and so they choose pride over humility.
Hypo = low, under
crite = critical [thinking]
Under-critical, lack of critical assessment

Religion is like the color of walking stick that someone is toting around for the day. Buddhism is yellow, Hinduism is grey, Presbyterian is orange, Lutheran is pink, whatever. I reserve a belief is firstly in the Bible and then secondly in the men who speak [about] it, not the other way around... And to that effect, it is the only 'form of spirituality' that takes the notion of the walking stick away by liberating a person in God and not by dulling their mind into nothingness that they may 'fake it till they make it' or otherwise 'manifest' their own reality by repeating one phrase over and over, lending themselves towards absentmindedness or otherwise proclaiming vain wishes of their limited imagination to come true that they may please their flesh for fleeting fulfillment. Oppositely, the mind is filled of God. The living God is there with you, whom you may depend on and He is infinite and His word and His promise of life is tangible, able to be spoken and confirmed. It tells you what's going to happen before it happens and has a solution to every problem you can think of. It's a secret weapon and a strategy guide full of cheat codes for this life. I gotta tell ya, if you haven't experienced it yet, you're missing out.

Some may argue that the imagination is also infinite and that we may so imagine our own words to be our own promise of life...
And that's cool, but if we bother to delve into darkness far enough, there comes a point where we're forced to either shine the light on it, worship it, or ignore it, because the solutions of the flesh will (eventually) come to a sudden & chaotic halt. Whereby we find ourselves in God... And friends, I write to tell you, above all else, that the world's all-time most-popular book will prove the answers you search for if you'd so much as ask.
Matthew 7:7-8
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

And yeah, you can bet your aspirins and your orange juices that this belief is nonsense and you would be spot on correct.
It's completely non-sensical. Outside of the realm of the senses. It can't be tasted, smelled, or witnessed, only evidenced in history to the public by continued fulfillment of prophecy and to the individual believer in their own ongoing life.

Romans 3:4
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”

To labor this post further, I can't remember the last time I heard the word "schizophrenic" bandied about as much as I have in the last couple of days. I get where people are coming from. It's worth a giggle. It reminded me of a verse on meditation, though:

Joshua 1:8
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

Alternative English translations from Hebrew for the word "meditation" in this verse are:
to murmur (in pleasure or anger)
by implication to ponder: {imagine} {meditate} {mourn} {mutter} {roar} X {sore} {speak} {study} {talk} utter.

So like, yeah. Intermittent chatter happens often.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Appreciate your commitment, brother, maybe you would find this interesting?

Absolutely. It's been in the corner of my eye but I never made a point to listen to it. Upon your suggestion, I did.

The best I can speak to what I heard is:

Pre-millennialism... Makes the most sense. Seems linear, follows the redemptive pattern of Christ and His body, and is the least ambiguous. God creates everything in 6 days and rests on the 7th.
6 is the number of man:
Revelation 13:18
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
1 day = 1 thousand years and vice versa
2 Peter 3:8
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

In accordance with the Bible & young earth theory, the earth has been around for roughly 6,000 years.

*These two resources address the same thing... That the original estimation for the age of the first "mitochondrial Eve" was 100,000-200,000 years old. but after more recent discoveries that the mutation rate of the measured components (mtDNA nucleotides and amino acids I gather) is 18x faster than previously assumed, that estimation of the first woman shrank to just 6,000 years ago.

The Demise of Mitochondrial Eve -- TrueOrigin Archive
"Until approximately 1997, we did not have good empirical measures of mutation rates in humans. However, that situation greatly improved when geneticists were able to analyze DNA from individuals with well-established family trees going back several generations. One study found that mutation rates in mitochondrial DNA were eighteen times higher than previous estimates (see Parsons, et al., 1997).

Science writer Ann Gibbons authored an article for the January 2, 1998 issue of Science titled “Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock,” the subheading of which read as follows: “Mitochondrial DNA appears to mutate much faster than expected, prompting new DNA forensics procedures and raising troubling questions about the dating of evolutionary events.” In that article, she discussed the new data which showed that the mutation rates used to obtain mitochondrial Eve’s age no longer could be considered valid, and concluded:

Regardless of the cause, evolutionists are most concerned about the effect of a faster mutation rate. For example, researchers have calculated that “mitochondrial Eve”—the woman whose mtDNA was ancestral to that in all living people—lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa. Using the new clock, she would be a mere 6,000 years old (1998: 279:29, emphasis added).
Gibbons quickly went on to note, of course, that “no one thinks that’s the case,” (279:29). She concluded her article by discussing the fact that many test results are (to use her exact word) “inconclusive.” She then noted: “And, for now, so are some of the evolutionary results gained by using the mtDNA clock” (279:29)."

The author of this website notes an interesting caveat that should be mentioned:
The Mitochondrial Clock: Is the clock speed faster than we thought? MHRC
"It will be interesting to see how this whole topic will be treated in the future. Initially I became interested in this topic because of the projected 6000 years that the mitochondrial Eve was recalculated to have lived in the past. However, I soon realized that it was a combination of the faster clock rate and the comparison of humans and chimpanzees that gave the projected 6000 years. So the result is meaningless to a creationary scientist. I would not choose to compare different species with the idea that a common ancestor had ever existed.

Also, since the initial reporting of 6000 years, many of the points that were thought to be well known previously, are now changed. Evolutionary thought is in the process of trying to fit the data into their theories and models."

Ron Wyatt and the discovery of Noah's Ark (20 minutes)

Also... the big bang theory doesn't pass Newton's first law of motion:
First law
In an inertial frame of reference, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force.

IIRC the theory is that all of the energy of the universe was concentrated in a speck that is usually referred to be the size of the head of a pin... sitting in nothing. Nothing. There is a perpetual constant of nothing which exists in an eternal singularity that went on forever before that point. Based on Newton's first law, this inertia is to remain constant UNLESS it is acted on by an outside force. Even if the big bang theory were true (which is also being used as an excuse to cultivate antimatter in Switzerland right now), whatever that outside force was - that something as it were - the only appropriate label for that imposing force, entity, being, what-have-you, would be God. In accordance with the Bible, this is the Word. "Sound came before light" as Atom Bergstrom has said.
John 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Puts all this mask-wearing in a different perspective for me. I digress.

I didn't intend on the apologetics tangent, but far be it it that I gest that the earth is only 6,000 years old without providing a bit of material to think on.

Back on premillenialism, though.

Christ came the first time to offer His kingdom and though He was denied by His people then, He will be accepted by them after they are disciplined enough to seek His forgiveness, to put it candidly. Some time after this, it seems that the kingdom will be brought to earth:

Revelation 11:15-19

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

Also, in the following verse it is stated that He will rule with a rod of iron. Is there iron in heaven, too? I'm not sure of any evidence to support such a claim. Are there lightnings, voices, thunderings, earthquakes, and great hail in heaven? Sounds like the earth to me.

Revelation 2:27
“And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”

The assumption is that He will rest in His kingdom. I read the text to mean that His kingdom will come from heaven, to earth.

As a template when reading the Bible, I assume that everything is literal as it is written... Unless it is otherwise uses comparative prefaces like, "as a ___," "like unto ____," etc. This leaves room for great criticism, I understand. I only mean to say that I first take the word of God to mean what it says before all other consideration. There's something with 7 heads? So be it, there are 7 heads, gonna keep reading. Who am I to put limitations on God? The rivers will be made so bitter that people die drinking the water? Everclear dumping in the watering hole, got it, moving on. I maintain a faith that the Holy Spirit will assist my discernment at a later time as yet to be revealed.

Post-millennialism... seems to imply that man will redeem himself without the assistance of Christ... But my understanding is that it is quite clear that man only becomes increasingly wicked with no reproof. The darkness continues until the earth is reigned by Satan for a short time. To think that man will overthrow the prince of the power of the air without a physical intervention from God is unimaginable. Is military weaponry going to retrograde by the command of current man?

And as far as I can reason, this completely disregards the body of Christ being both His body and His bride. Would He incite wrath on His own body and bride with the coming time of Jacob's trouble?

1 Thessalonians 5:9
“For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”

Ephesians 5:25-32
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

Further, if man is going to be tempted to take the mark of the beast in the future... And if a person does, they can no longer be saved... And there would certainly be Christians who would take the mark... would He take salvation away from those people who gave their life to Him before the period of wrath started? Sorry for the run-on, I think the point is there though.

This video supplements what I'm trying to convey:
Bryan Denlinger on "12 Post-Trib Rapture Problems"

Amillennialism... From what I gathered of this, the belief is that heaven is already here as an "intermediary state" which people go to reign with Christ and that there isn't a 'setting up' of the kingdom because it's already in existence as heaven and it shall stay in heaven continually... Yet there are these passages which point to expressions and happenings of the earth with regard to the reign of the kingdom.

Maybe there is something to Revelation 19 and 20 whenever Storms points out that all armies, kings, and the remnant are slain. From one perspective, I see that only those armies who oppose God are wiped out, but it doesn't mention that anyone except for the opposition (on earth, presumably) are wiped out.

BUT, Revelation 11:12 could point to a mid-tribulation 'rapture' of the saints, whereby there would be no men of God remaining on the earth by the time of Revelation 19 & 20.
Revelation 11:12
“And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”
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Apr 22, 2019
but this is just free-grace evangelicals getting buck wild with the Bible, man. There’s no conspiracy. It’s just the end result of a thoroughly corrupted religious sect that places all emphasis on faith, and nothing on works.

Alas, it is still written to be followed:

James 2:26
"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."


Sep 25, 2019
It is frustrating dealing with people obsessed with religion. I prefer to live in the world of evidence and observation, and when people say things or write things that conflict with my current reality and all of the things I have ever observed, I don't believe them.


Sep 12, 2015
It is frustrating dealing with people obsessed with religion. I prefer to live in the world of evidence and observation, and when people say things or write things that conflict with my current reality and all of the things I have ever observed, I don't believe them.
Sounds like you have your own religion.


Dec 8, 2016
Sounds like you have your own religion.
Exactly. The irony is that it takes a lot of faith to not believe.
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Dec 8, 2016

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Past research has found that religiosity correlates with lower IQ
Science is too complex for those with lower intelligence, who therefore resort to the simpler explanations and life-guiding rules of religions.

It actually correlates with the lower and higher ends of the IQ spectrum. Average IQs are most likely to be irreligious


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I don’t look to present-day Israel as a sign of anything. The Kingdom was already established in Christ’s time.

Matthew 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Hosea 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.


Mar 29, 2014
I think the OP said he was just posting his long tracts for entertainment. I assume it's trouble-making to derail and discredit the forum.
I doubt he's the only one here playing that role, seeing some of the other bizarre things that get posted.


May 11, 2020
This is more propaganda coming from the israeli/Russia camp to get trump votes and stoke civil war tensions in America, the good old doomsday narrative, the perfect trigger, China/Israel/Russia leading the charge to break up America.

Your government be it trump or Biden the stroke are selling you out, stop waiting for Q or Jesus to sort it out, get out and protest.

Apr 22, 2019
An update for this:

The TL;DR version is simple:
1. The Abraham Accords (UAE Peace Agreement) was signed on September 15th.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

3. Yom Kippur (last day of the 10 days of Repentance) is on September 28th, which is 13 days after the signing of the peace treaty. It is considered the holiest day of the year in Judaism. The shofar (trumpet) is blown as an end climax after a 24 hour fast in which atonement and repentance is sought for sins that the Jewish people may become right with God. [See Webster 1828 definitions of 'atonement' and 'repentance' below]
Why do we blow the shofar on Yom Kippur?

4. "The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness... Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal."
Meaning of the Number 13 in the Bible

***As an interesting aside, a buddy of mine pointed out that rioters & looters in metropolitan areas (of the U.S.) are spray painting "Fuck12" as a mark of the times and means of conveying their anti-government position.

Regarding the number 12 in the Bible:
"The meaning of 12, which is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God's power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation."

There were also 12 disciples, 12,000 men from each tribe to be called of the 144,000 elect, Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons, etc.
Meaning of the Number 12 in the Bible


In Jeremiah 6, As chaos comes close to Jerusalem, God tells the people that they could avoid the coming destruction by listening to the watchmen and the sound of the trumpet.

Jeremiah 6:16-17
16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.


Below are more details on some of these points:

Here is the significance of the number 13 in the Bible:

-The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness. Nimrod, the mighty hunter who was 'before the Lord' (meaning he tried to take the place of God - Genesis 10:9), was the 13th in Ham's line (Ham was one of Noah's three sons who survived the flood). Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal.

-The phrase 'valley of Hinnom' (or variation thereof) occurs in 13 places in Scripture. The valley was the scene of the evil-inspired rites of the pagan god Moloch (or Molech). The practices related to this false deity received some credibility when they were knowingly allowed by King Solomon (1Kings 11:7) in order to please his non-Israelite wives.
One way Molech was appeased and worshipped was through the sacrifice of children who, placed on the red hot arms of the idol, were burned alive. The valley's tie to fire made for an apt backdrop of the ultimate punishment unrepentant and rebellious sinners will receive in the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20, 20:9 - 10, 14 - 15).

-The dragon, a symbol for Satan, is found 13 times in Revelation.


So Rosh Hashanah marked the beginning of the annual Ten Days of Repentance. Many people were looking to the feast of trumpets because of the implication of the name in regards to prophecy, but come to find out (recently for me at least) that the shofar (trumpet) is also used on the final day of the Ten Days of Repentance, Yom Kippur. This day is also known as the Day of Atonement.

From an article titled, "Why do we blow the shofar on Yom Kippur?"

"As Yom Kippur ends, we are spiritually cleansed and ready to once again accept God’s laws, and the shofar’s poignant cry reminds us of our original commitment of na’aseh venishma (we will do and we will listen).

Following Rosh Hashanah and the 10 Days of Repentance which culminate in Yom Kippur, God’s divine presence has been close to us.

Additionally, in Biblical times the shofar’s call was a battle cry. Symbolically, it rallies us as God’s soldiers to action: it’s our wake-up call to leave the day’s solemnity behind and fight to live the best life possible. Similarly, the shofar was also used to herald victory after a battle across the land. We are confident that after a full day of fasting, prayer, and repentance, God will have forgiven our sins and inscribed us into the Book of Life. The triumphant shofar blast rings out to celebrate the acceptance of our prayers.

Yom Kippur’s prayer services climax with several sentiments... A single, long note emanates from the shofar and seamlessly cuts through the moment’s frenzy. It brings pure, cleansing relief and a spiritually stunning climax to the day."
Why do we blow the shofar on Yom Kippur?

Yom Kippur "is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a day-long fast and intensive prayer..."
Yom Kippur - Wikipedia

The definition of 'repentance' according to Webster's 1828 dictionary is as listed:


1. Sorrow for any thing done or said; the pain or grief which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct.

2. In theology, the pain, regret or affliction which a person feels on account of his past conduct, because it exposes him to punishment. This sorrow proceeding merely from the fear of punishment, is called legal repentance as being excited by the terrors of legal penalties, and it may exist without an amendment of life.

3. Real penitence; sorrow or deep contrition for sin, as an offense and dishonor to God, a violation of his holy law, and the basest ingratitude towards a Being of infinite benevolence. This is called evangelical repentance and is accompanied and followed by amendment of life.

Repentance is a change of mind, or a conversion from sin to God.

Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation. 2 Corinthians 7:9. Matthew 3:8.

Repentance is the relinquishment of any practice, from conviction that it has offended God.
The definition of 'atonement' according to Webster's 1828 dictionary is as listed:


1. Agreement; concord; reconciliation, after enmity or controversy. Romans 5:11.

2. Expiation; satisfaction or reparation made by giving an equivalent for an injury, or by doing or suffering that which is received in satisfaction for an offense or injury; with for.

3. In theology, the expiation of sin made by the obedience and personal sufferings of Christ.
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Nov 22, 2020
Man was not given "free will." It just seems like you do,but he is in control of everything in heaven and earth.
You do not choose him,he chooses you.
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