They Are Going After The Meat Industry In Germany. What‘s Happening In Your Country?



Oct 1, 2019
Curevac friend TÖNNIES with another fake COVID outbreak in his facilities. All over the German news. 172 positive tests. But how many of them are sick? Of course not a single word about it wherever you look. More tests are planned for next week.

Sachsen-Anhalt: Mehr als hundert Corona-Infektionen in Tönnies-Fleischfabrik - DER SPIEGEL - Wirtschaft

Meanwhile he is silently investing big in China by building meat production facilities there. China is in desperate need of that, because they are being weakend with another FAKE PCR pandemic called African Pig Flu, that is forcing chinese facilites to be closed down and kill all their animals, and make room for meat plants with "western biosecurity standards".

Vertrag unterzeichnet: Tönnies baut Schlachthof in China.
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Mar 15, 2014
Makes me think about this theory:
I wonder if those bacterial counts are true for the "fresher" looking meats.

One thing I've noticed is that most supermarkets have meats that look swollen and partially decayed already. More upscale areas, and some cultural markets, have fresher, crisper looking meat. I'm wondering if this meat has less bacteria on it.
Dec 18, 2018
Curevac friend TÖNNIES with another fake COVID outbreak in his facilities. All over the German news. 172 positive tests. But how many of them are sick? Of course not a single word about it wherever you look. More tests are planned for next week.

Sachsen-Anhalt: Mehr als hundert Corona-Infektionen in Tönnies-Fleischfabrik - DER SPIEGEL - Wirtschaft

Meanwhile he is silently investing big in China by building meat production facilities there. China is in desperate need of that, because they are being weakend with another FAKE PCR pandemic called African Pig Flu, that is forcing chinese facilites to be closed down and kill all their animals, and make room for meat plants with "western biosecurity standards".

Vertrag unterzeichnet: Tönnies baut Schlachthof in China.



Oct 1, 2019
@Tristan Loscha

Chinas upper class seems to profit from the african pig flu too. They themselves said they want to reduce the small meat plants and have more controlled mega factories that are owned by a only a few big players. They are predicting MILLIONS of small rural producers to go down, because they wouldn't be able to keep up with the new biosecurity standards and simultaneously force more people to move from the countryside into the cities.

Basically what is happening with the COVID pandemic in the west: destroying small business and taking over.

Krise in China: Afrikanische Schweinepest dezimiert Bestände
"Der seit einigen Jahren von der Regierung verfolgten Politik, die Schweineerzeugung in größeren Betrieben zu konzentrieren, dürfte das sehr entgegen kommen. Experten setzen vor allem auf eine stärkere vertikale Integration der Schweineproduktion, die alle Glieder der Produktionskette von der Futtermittelproduktion über die Aufzucht bis zum Vertrieb unter dem Dach weniger großer Unternehmen vereinigt."

FAO/OIE: Globale Notmaßnahmen zur Eindämmung der ASP-Ausbreitung - Branchennews -, Alles über Schweine

A single positive test in a plant is enough to force them to kill all their animals:
Bietet der schnelle ASP-Test Vorteile? - Artikel -, Alles über Schweine
Dec 18, 2018
@Tristan Loscha

Chinas upper class seems to profit from the african pig flu too. They themselves said they want to reduce the small meat plants and have more controlled mega factories that are owned by a only a few big players. They are predicting MILLIONS of small rural producers to go down, because they wouldn't be able to keep up with the new biosecurity standards and simultaneously force more people to move from the countryside into the cities.

Basically what is happening with the COVID pandemic in the west: destroying small business and taking over.

Krise in China: Afrikanische Schweinepest dezimiert Bestände
"Der seit einigen Jahren von der Regierung verfolgten Politik, die Schweineerzeugung in größeren Betrieben zu konzentrieren, dürfte das sehr entgegen kommen. Experten setzen vor allem auf eine stärkere vertikale Integration der Schweineproduktion, die alle Glieder der Produktionskette von der Futtermittelproduktion über die Aufzucht bis zum Vertrieb unter dem Dach weniger großer Unternehmen vereinigt."

FAO/OIE: Globale Notmaßnahmen zur Eindämmung der ASP-Ausbreitung - Branchennews -, Alles über Schweine

A single positive test in a plant is enough to force them to kill all their animals:
Bietet der schnelle ASP-Test Vorteile? - Artikel -, Alles über Schweine

I see, thank you very much indeed; this information aligns well with the reported aggressive and even further accelerated, enforced urbanization efforts and ensuing loss of independence and autonomy of the chinese populace subjected to the rule of the chinese gov. The government of china but is still engaging in serious nation-building efforts, whilst western rule seems to target their own populace more and more in a malignant, decadent fashion. The fight for the foodsupply is here, it moved faster than I anticipated.
Dec 18, 2018
I wonder if those bacterial counts are true for the "fresher" looking meats.

One thing I've noticed is that most supermarkets have meats that look swollen and partially decayed already. More upscale areas, and some cultural markets, have fresher, crisper looking meat. I'm wondering if this meat has less bacteria on it.

I wonder, seems probable: I have 2 discounters located in germany, in my vicinity, "Penny" and "Kaufland", and both have the same owners/are part of the same corporate group (REWE Group), and access to the same suppliers. Still, the more downtrodden, more working poor oriented "Penny" has always the more congested looking meat, and (maybe) shorter date of expiry, and less generous sizing of the prepacked meat, whilst still be offered at the same price, or often more expensive even.


Jun 20, 2015
A farmer (one of those practicing no-till) who was giving a presentation on a conference mentioned lab grown meat. He said something along the lines that lab grown meat will never come big scale because the soils are not rich enough to support it. This made me curious, but I couldn't find much information.

The answer is given in the video below that was posted in the lab grown meat thread. Here are some figures mentioned there:
  • Two thirds of the agricultural land is marginal, you can't grow crops there (too rocky, too hilly, poor soils, not enough water ...). Only ruminants can make use of that land, eating the grass and converting it into meat (high quality protein) that humans can eat.
  • 50 % of the fertilizer used to grow grains comes from livestock.
  • 84% of the livestock feed (world average) is not human edible. 16% is human edible, but that goes into poultry and pigs because they are monogastric animals similar to humans. The vast majority (90%) of what we feed to ruminant livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) is waste that is not human edible. The ruminants are fed crop by-products (husks and hulls).
Another issue is that we would have much more food waste if we gave up animal agriculture.



Apr 7, 2021
@famalalam Many people have the false believe that fake meats like the "impossible burger" are actually healthy and many simply don't care for nutrition. I can imagine a big meat supply shortage would draw many people to fake replacement products instead of other good sources of protein.

They alone are heading for destruction through the play of God!

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