this is me



Aug 7, 2015
DaveFoster said:
knives said: My guts don't tolerate fructose and sugar.
This was the same for me at first, but it's gotten better. Over time, your immune system will balance your gut bacteria, so long as you support it effectively. If you can tolerate it coconut oil acts a metabolic booster as well as anti-bacterial compound.

As for focus, caffeine is a great tool, as well as l-theanine, which pairs nicely. Personally, I use ashwagandha when I'm feeling a bit under the weather, as it's a fantastic adaptogen. I'd recommend doing some investigation into the various adaptogens, and picking the varieties and strains that tend toward lowering estrogen, serotonin, and cortisol, all while raising "Peat-friendly" hormones, such as DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, and dopamine. Ashwagandha fits in this regard, as well as Siberian ginseng (as opposed to Korean ginseng, which raises estrogen.)

I'm currently looking into rhodiola rosea, but definitely try the caffeine and l-theanine combo for cognitive function and executive mental capacity. As a rule, only take supplements that have a great deal of scientific backing as to their safety. I wish you the best, and I highly recommend tracking your diet to make sure you have all of the requirements for the RDA met using CRON-O-meter, except for iron, depending on your individual composition.

Lastly, I will mention the value of sleep. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation tends to impair metabolism, although it does raise hunger, and those who find themselves on the spectrum of hypothyroidism tend to have high levels of anxiety and poor sleep quality, so it's a vicious cycle. For optimal sleep, try magnesium glycinate, (although it tastes horrible), l-theanine, and especially phenibut, which acts as a GABA-B agonist. Use phenibut sparingly (max 3x per week, or not at all if you do not have major problems with insomnia), as the withdrawls are quite horrible; however, it will give you restful and rejuvenated sleep. As a last resort, an acetylcholine antagonist like diphenhydramine, but these are best left alone, due to long-term impairment on cognition with continuous use.

I wish you the best, I hope I didn't just reiterate knowledge you already know, and a carrot a day is your friend.

Hi Dave, I guess I'll wait, can't do much about this issue with sugar, yeah I take coconut oil every day, with the carrot and with meals just for the taste, I cannot find theanine in my city unfortunately and I'm taking 3-4 of cups of coffee every day, I think coca leave tea is an adaptogen, chocolate too.

Thanks for the cron o meter!, and about sleep, I've found that the quality of sleep decide the type of day I'm going to have, I'm using zinc glycinate, gelatin and 1mg of cyproheptadine. I cannot find phenibut here.

No you gave new info, thanks!

tara said: IIRC there are some stories here about a couple of people who really regretted phenibut - severe and long-lasting withdrawal issues.

Thanks for the advice!
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Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
tara said:
IIRC there are some stories here about a couple of people who really regretted phenibut - severe and long-lasting withdrawal issues.

I would not touch Phenibut again. The withdrawal can be horrendous (15 days of night sweats, insomnia, paranoia, no appetite). Phenibut is really effective in reducing anxiety and lasts 24+. Its OK if you use it occasionally but if you are prone to anxiety and then take something that removes that anxiety then chances are you'll take it again. GABA receptors take ages to upregulate.

This is a result of a weekend on Phenibut. I passed out and hit my head. :crazy:


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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Greg says said:
I would not touch Phenibut again. The withdrawal can be horrendous (15 days of night sweats, insomnia, paranoia, no appetite). Phenibut is really effective in reducing anxiety and lasts 24+. Its OK if you use it occasionally but if you are prone to anxiety and then take something that removes that anxiety then chances are you'll take it again. GABA receptors take ages to upregulate.

This is a result of a weekend on Phenibut. I passed out and hit my head. :crazy:
That's awful. All the horror stories of phenibut that I've read comes from its abuse, as when people treat it like benzos or alcohol. If you want to avoid the negative effects of phenibut, then use it only to improve sleep quality and not to trigger sleep induction.

I cap my dose of phenibut at 1/8 tsp right before bed, which I assume is between 500 mg and 1 g. I never go any higher than this dose, and I only use it when I use caffeine the day before to balance the negative effect of caffeine on REM sleep. I feel absolutely no waking effects from this dose, but I do notice a well-rested feeling the following morning.

The fact that phenibut is limited in its activity, targeting only GABA-B receptors, makes it the ideal choice for a sleep aid IMO, if it is used responsibly and conservatively.


Mar 29, 2014
DaveFoster said: The fact that phenibut is limited in its activity, targeting only GABA-B receptors, makes it the ideal choice for a sleep aid IMO, if it is used responsibly and conservatively.

The OP is new here, and I think it would be good to encourage him to try a number of safer ideas consistent with Peat's work before suggesting he try other hazardous chemicals. He is presumably here to learn what he can about whether he can use any of Peat's ideas to improve things. Peat has recommended many things to improve sleep; I don't recall phenibut being one of them (if you find evidence to the contrary, I'll stand corrected).

I'm glad the phenibut hasn't (yet) caused you undue distress. Given that the OP is in compromised heallth, there is no guarantee he would find it as benign as you have.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
tara said:
DaveFoster said: The fact that phenibut is limited in its activity, targeting only GABA-B receptors, makes it the ideal choice for a sleep aid IMO, if it is used responsibly and conservatively.

The OP is new here, and I think it would be good to encourage him to try a number of safer ideas consistent with Peat's work before suggesting he try other hazardous chemicals. He is presumably here to learn what he can about whether he can use any of Peat's ideas to improve things. Peat has recommended many things to improve sleep; I don't recall phenibut being one of them (if you find evidence to the contrary, I'll stand corrected).

I'm glad the phenibut hasn't (yet) caused you undue distress. Given that the OP is in compromised heallth, there is no guarantee he would find it as benign as you have.
You make some good points tara. I am merely relaying my own experiences and what has personally worked for me. If you haven't found it already, a good place for OP to start is here. In particular, a great deal of salt (around 2 g), always helps me to sleep, along with a hefty dose (50 - 100 g) of sugar ideally as juice if you can tolerate it.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
knives, not sure if mentioned or not. Check out doxylamine succinate. It's a first generation antihistamine thats sold as a sleep aid. Ray Peat has written about it. They are very strong and will put you to sleep so make sure you are ready for that. :lol: Half pill was probably enough for me.


Aug 24, 2013
knives said: Hi!! :D

I'm Logan, 19 years old. I have had ADHD all my life. Insomnia at 13, at 15 I was a chronic insomniac, I remember that I ended up eating mostly popcorn fried on vegetable oil, sometimes I liked it burned (I regret it). At that same age I was expelled from school (the 6 school I was), then I got into a special HS program, only sundays.

At 16 my doctor put me on klonopin and ritalin, it was.. heaven :ss at first.

So after 4 months the ritalin only gave me severe perspiration and palpitations, so I stopped taking it, at that time i was also taking esomeprazole, 80mg day and then some antibiotics, supposedly to kill H Pylori, this gave me TERRIBLE IBS, then one year later the klono didn't put me to sleep so... I decided to taper it.

It's been pure hell, rock bottom, I look like a hobo, a junkie, seborrheic dermatitis in the face, in the scalp, oily + extremely dry skin, tremors, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia (RP diet helped with this) but I still go to uni.

I started with the RP diet one month ago, also started taking cypro and this has been HIGHLY helpful to my guts, carrot a day with vinegar and coconut oil.

I want to fix my gut, I take 2mg of cypro a day, 0.5 aspirin, carrot a day, coconut oil, butter with every carb (white rice and potatoes), sea salt, gelatin, pastured eggs, lots of coffee, massive bars of cacao (without additives and sugar) and beef. Sometimes before going to bed I take one tablespoon of sugar with some salt and this calms the palpitations.

I have plenty of anxiety, also tremors and paranoia so... I'm taking propranolol 10mg.

I'm one month free of klonopin.

RP's been helpful but I can't be around people because of my guts, I've been thinking maybe making some masa harina tortillas and get them with me just to be more than 5 hours outside my house, the gas, and bloating are mostly gone, the thing is I still go to the bath like 3 times per day, mostly after eating so, I'll like to fix this.

Sorry for writing so much but... I needed it, thank you :mrgreen:

Hi Logan!

That sounds awful. I'm glad you're making progress. I had years of severe insomnia where i'd be up till 8 am every morning, night after night. It's maddening. Insomnia is basically caused by a deficit in cellular energy and to fix it you have to restore your mitochondrial respiration.

There is a high amount of Iron in chocolate and beef. While the iron in chocolate can be bound and not absorbed by the cocoa itself, beef is not and it's a good idea to either reduce consumption or take coffee with it to bind the iron. Excess iron lowers the metabolism and causes diseases... it's a long topic to get into but if you're curious search here for more info. Muscle meats are also high in amino acids that cause agitation and cellular excitation. Protein sources like casein or milk can be better for the amino acid balance. That is why gelatin is so good for you as well.

I actually take 650 mg of aspirin once in the am and once in the pm. It's great for getting the metaboslim up but it can also help repair DNA and damaged cells, so it's very valuable. Try to take a brand that does't have toxic additives like titanium or silica.
Rice is estrogenic and causes bloating and digestive problems, espeically over time. Potatoes are great though. You also should have a lot of fruit. I buy bags of frozen organic fruit at target and it's so great. Increased protein is especially helpful, I use Now foods brand casein because it's a very high quality protein and makes managing protein intake easier. Lysine can also help calm you down but there are some tricks to taking it, so look up my other posts on lysine if you decide to use it.
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Aug 7, 2015
natedawggh said:
Hi Logan!

That sounds awful. I'm glad you're making progress. I had years of severe insomnia where i'd be up till 8 am every morning, night after night. It's maddening. Insomnia is basically caused by a deficit in cellular energy and to fix it you have to restore your mitochondrial respiration.

There is a high amount of Iron in chocolate and beef. While the iron in chocolate can be bound and not absorbed by the cocoa itself, beef is not and it's a good idea to either reduce consumption or take coffee with it to bind the iron. Excess iron lowers the metabolism and causes diseases... it's a long topic to get into but if you're curious search here for more info. Muscle meats are also high in amino acids that cause agitation and cellular excitation. Protein sources like casein or milk can be better for the amino acid balance. That is why gelatin is so good for you as well.

I actually take 650 mg of aspirin once in the am and once in the pm. It's great for getting the metaboslim up but it can also help repair DNA and damaged cells, so it's very valuable. Try to take a brand that does't have toxic additives like titanium or silica.
Rice is estrogenic and causes bloating and digestive problems, espeically over time. Potatoes are great though. You also should have a lot of fruit. I buy bags of frozen organic fruit at target and it's so great. Increased protein is especially helpful, I use Now foods brand casein because it's a very high quality protein and makes managing protein intake easier. Lysine can also help calm you down but there are some tricks to taking it, so look up my other posts on lysine if you decide to use it.

Ywah I'm gonna try to ditch the rice and to add lots of milk. Insomnia is absolutely horrible.


Aug 7, 2015
mujuro said:
post 94577 I was going to recommend this to Evo as well, the young woman experiencing gut issues among other things, and although it isn't a complete answer it may help you: you should try a garlic cleanse ala Big Peatowski. Two or three cloves of crushed raw garlic three times per day for a week. It worked miracles for me. Once your bacterial colonies are killed off, they can recolonize in their native ratios that are unique to you. I innoculated with a product that contains the 5 common strains present in the infant GI tract, but I know a lot of people here would advise just to let them return on their own, which I would also advocate just to err on the side of caution. I also added in black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil and a tiny bit of colloidal silver from Mesosilver (I know a fella' who cured his chronic decade-long recurring sinusitis by using colloidal silver and a neti pot). I don't know the general consensus of this forum or Ray's opinion on silver as a bactericidal. My digestion hasn't been this good for >2 years.

Now that I can be at home all week I'm gonna try this, I have problems with the white tongue and bad breath all the time.
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Mar 29, 2014
knives said:
post 101393
mujuro said:
post 94577 I was going to recommend this to Evo as well, the young woman experiencing gut issues among other things, and although it isn't a complete answer it may help you: you should try a garlic cleanse ala Big Peatowski. Two or three cloves of crushed raw garlic three times per day for a week. It worked miracles for me. Once your bacterial colonies are killed off, they can recolonize in their native ratios that are unique to you. I innoculated with a product that contains the 5 common strains present in the infant GI tract, but I know a lot of people here would advise just to let them return on their own, which I would also advocate just to err on the side of caution. I also added in black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil and a tiny bit of colloidal silver from Mesosilver (I know a fella' who cured his chronic decade-long recurring sinusitis by using colloidal silver and a neti pot). I don't know the general consensus of this forum or Ray's opinion on silver as a bactericidal. My digestion hasn't been this good for >2 years.

Now that I can be at home all week I'm gonna try this, I have problems with the white tongue and bad breath all the time.
If you are going to try the garlic thing, I'd recommend first starting with just one small clove to see how you react to it. Peat has said it can be as hard on the digestive tract as on the bacteria. That said, I think it may a reasonable thing to try if you don't get severely worse gut issues from it. I've just stared eating a little raw garlic every day or two in my carrot salad to see if I can get the endotoxin load down a bit. I think it is having some positive effects. The down-sides that I am aware of for me are that when I've done this before, and then stopped for a few days, the regrowth of microbiota can sometimes have a worse balance than before - thrush etc.
I don't know anything much about the black walnut, wormwood, oregano, but I'd not recommend colloidal silver as a regular thing - toxic.
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