Tianeptine sulphate is underrated


May 6, 2021
The effects are quite different from what I get with tianeptine sodium. With sulphate the effect lasts longer, yes, but it's not just that.

It puts me in this spontaneously contemplative mood. I'll leave the house and the sky will look magnificent. I'll be walking down the street and just endlessly marveling at the sky. Ordinarily I'll look at a pretty sky (or house, or landscape) and just think "yup, sure it's beautiful", but I'll feel nothing. But if I take the sulphate I'll feel that beautiful sky as I look at it. It's a feeling somewhere in the vicinity of gratitude and joy. I suppose the depression blocks one from feeling those things. With the depression momentary lifted, the feelings come flooding in. I've never taken LSD or mushrooms or anything like that (and I'm wary of taking them), but I guess it's similar to the feelings of joy people report from taking those substances. It's probably related, then, to the fact that tianeptine, like those substances, reduces serotonin. Anyway, this doesn't really happen with sodium in my experience.

Tia sulphate also makes me much more eloquent. Sodium has a bit of this effect as well, but with sulphate it's much more pronounced. My writing style is usually pretty ordinary (like right now; I haven't taken tianeptine in a week), but the sulphate unlocks something in me. It's not that the prose looks better to me when I'm "high", either; I'll reread my texts months later and wonder how I managed to write them. I'll show them to other people and they'll tell me they're great. Amphetamines do the same thing to me, eloquence-wise, but they come with a lot of nasty side-effects (tried them once, not worth it; Peat is right about them). And this eloquence thing probably happens (I think) because both tianeptine and amphetamines raise dopamine.

If I could find tia sulphate for cheap I'd take it every day (at responsible doses, yes). It anihillates my depression. Unfortunately it's getting harder and harder to import, and increasingly expensive as well.

But yeah, that's it. Just sharing my experience.

(And of course, please be careful with tianeptine. It's easy to get addicted and withdrawals can be painful.)
Last edited:
Nov 21, 2015
your writing style is good. Why would you be depressed that you need something like this? I'm not being contentious, just that it is important to work on those things IMHO, including situations, porn use, dating, etc.

Thank you for sharing your experience and if I'm off base or not what you want to respond to, just ignore me.


May 6, 2021
your writing style is good. Why would you be depressed that you need something like this? I'm not being contentious, just that it is important to work on those things IMHO, including situations, porn use, dating, etc.

Thank you for sharing your experience and if I'm off base or not what you want to respond to, just ignore me.

I'd been meaning to write a post about tia sulphate for a while. I had a great experience with it. It kinda feels like it rewires your brain in a good way. It doesn't give me any of the skeevy side-effects that tend to come with pharma drugs or street drugs. Feels like a pretty wholesome substance if you use it with moderation.

That said, I probably came across as a bit of a junkie there. I don't know man, my depression and OCD are pretty bad. I've tried addressing it strictly with diet, sunlight and vitamins but I was still so depressed I was pretty much bedridden. I suppose tia and kratom are crutches but sometimes you need a crutch. At least I'm not drinking alcohol anymore.


May 6, 2021
A user asked me where I got my tianeptine, and I told him and I also told him this:

I used to get it from --------------- but they stopped selling it.
Last time I got it I ordered from -------------. It looks like they're still selling it.
I have to advise you to be careful with this stuff.
There's always the temptation to increase the dosage and chase the high.
You'll end up burning through your tianeptine pretty fast and facing a pretty painful 4 day withdrawal.
I try to have a slight buzz going on and that's it. I'd say try not to take over 250 mg daily (and even that ammount would make some people gasp).
Sorry for the lecture but y'know. Hope it works out for you.

(Also, kratom works great for mild tianeptine withdrawals. But of course there's the risk of getting hooked up on kratom if you do that.)

So yeah, there's my warning for you guys. Should I even have made this thread? The mood lift I got from tia sulphate was fantastic, and it didn't feel like a dirty, druggy high. I thought it was noteworthy. I don't know. lol.


Mar 6, 2022
I'd been meaning to write a post about tia sulphate for a while. I had a great experience with it. It kinda feels like it rewires your brain in a good way. It doesn't give me any of the skeevy side-effects that tend to come with pharma drugs or street drugs. Feels like a pretty wholesome substance if you use it with moderation.

That said, I probably came across as a bit of a junkie there. I don't know man, my depression and OCD are pretty bad. I've tried addressing it strictly with diet, sunlight and vitamins but I was still so depressed I was pretty much bedridden. I suppose tia and kratom are crutches but sometimes you need a crutch. At least I'm not drinking alcohol anymore.
I don't think that tianeptine is a crutch, because its good serotonin antagonist and dopamine receptors upregulator. And if you used it in low doses with ldn and agmatine I think it wouldn't build tolerance.
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