Trying GHB this weekend in hopes of curing my erectile dysfunction


Sep 22, 2020
This is my personal experience, take from it what you will.

I've been peeping porn or nudy pics nearly everyday for ~16 years ( with a few month exception I'll mention below ). Before I was married I masturbated practically everyday, sometimes more than once per day. ED has happened to me under the following circumstances. When I was experimenting with a vegan diet, chronically fasting, ( 16:8 or sometimes 20:4 most days ) and not eating enough over a long period in an attempt to stay super lean or lose a few lbs. Forcing a bodyfat percentage that might be too low for optimal stress resistance and endocrine fuction can be a factor. I've noticed eating things that irritate my gut, cause bacteria overgrowth or are allergenic can lower my erection quality ( EQ ) a bit as well. When I'm eating well and avoiding bacteria overgrowth/gut irritants/allergens my EQ is like steel and it stays that way for several minutes even after ejaculation. I experimented with zero masterbating/sexy lady porn peepin for serveral months a few years ago, to test the benefits many were claiming to receive from this, and I personally found it to be a very frustrating period with little to no gain in anything ( workout sessions might of improved a bit but nothing serious ). Choosing to not satisfy my sex drive via sex or masterbating was mentally harmful. I wont ever do it again. Porn might be harmful to certain people, I've not noticed any issues myself though. Also if you deprive yourself of orgasims for very long periods, then go get with a woman, you will likely not be able to last very long making the experience not as good for her.

I hope you can figure your situation out without potentially dangerous substances.

Best wishes
The Milk man

Cheers milk man. That aligns with what Haidut has previously said as well. He also said that depriving yourself is likely going to cause stress and feelings of deprivation. I also notice that I feel awful when trying to do 'no fap'. It doesn't lead to any benefits at all (quite honestly). I agree that too much porn can be harmful (if you obsess and take it to excess), but relieving yourself is a basic metabolic function (much like going to the toilet). You're perhaps messing up your prostate by not releasing the fluid on a fairly regular basis.

Why should men be ashamed of masturbation anyway? Women do it as well (more than most us think). And there's a reason for that. It's not because it 'needs to be done', its because constantly living in a state of frustration and dissatisfaction actually causes other issues.
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May 10, 2018
GBL hits instantly and is quicker to hit you than GHB itself. Not sure what precursors you are referring to.

GBL is basically the crack cocaine version of GHB.
I actually have a bottle of GBL but could never find a reliable article in removing the lactone from GBL to make GHB. The GBL always gave me a llittle headache so I just stored it away. If anyone can help me I’d be extremely appreciative!


Jun 22, 2017
Well I wouldn’t mind requiring a substance if it actually allowed me to have proper sex. It’s a world of difference compared to not having sex, mentally. Of course it’s not suitable for a relationship but I’d be more than satisfied with having an occasional one night stand. My main concern is potential neurotoxicity. There are not a whole lot of studies on it, actually only 1.
The substance only be a temporal fix; because you will be putting the responsability in the substance and not in the situation (and at the final of the day in yourself)

Is like a “learned condotioning” your brain is going to learn the next “if have not this substance, i couldnt have good sex” and is going to condicionate yourself.

Only try to help you buddy!


Jun 19, 2016
well f*ck, got the results from the lab and it's not ghb, but 1,4 butanediol. I don't wanna mess with that. Now i gotta cancel my date


Sep 25, 2018
Interesting thread, followed! I am in a very similar situation.

This might not be the full solution to your (our shared) problem but penis pumping has helped me gain both more sensitivity and more full erections. I‘ve also started Kegel exercises (I‘m using an app which kinda gamifies the whole thing which helps stay consistent). They are supposed to help achieve harder erections.

I‘m also using low dose cialis daily so my penis stays supplied with good blood flow as much as possible.

Alpha blockers in combination with PED-5 blockers also seem promising, although they aren’t a permanent fix of course. Although I also don’t see how GHB could be.
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James IV

If that’s you in your profile pic, how are you achieving your leanness? High protein, caloric restriction, low carb, low starch, IF, any combo of the above.

Not getting boners in your 20s is not a porn problem, and it’s not going to get fixed long term with any acute chemical intervention.


Jun 19, 2016
If that’s you in your profile pic, how are you achieving your leanness? High protein, caloric restriction, low carb, low starch, IF, any combo of the above.

Not getting boners in your 20s is not a porn problem, and it’s not going to get fixed long term with any acute chemical intervention.
Yeah thats me. I eat as much as I want but as low fat as possible, and I walk a bit everyday. Skim milk, juice, potatoes, fruit, veggies. Although I indulge in cheese and chocolate as well quite frequently

Yeah i dont know what my problem is but i also know that a doctor wont fix it. And I doubt any natural supplements are gonna help with any significance. Chemical intervention may not be a long term fix, but other than a penile implant it’s my only hope.


Oct 1, 2019
Peat only likes it because of how it looks scientifically. He doesn't know much at all about its risks and dangers

I never heard him recommend it to anyone. He can find something interesting, but that doesn’t mean anything.

Of course he knows about the risks. When someone asked him about taking GHB in microdoses, he said they should rather eat passion fruit because it contains GHB.


Oct 1, 2019
Yeah thats me. I eat as much as I want but as low fat as possible, and I walk a bit everyday. Skim milk, juice, potatoes, fruit, veggies. Although I indulge in cheese and chocolate as well quite frequently

Yeah i dont know what my problem is but i also know that a doctor wont fix it. And I doubt any natural supplements are gonna help with any significance. Chemical intervention may not be a long term fix, but other than a penile implant it’s my only hope.

Checking and correcting thyroid function should be the first thing (Peat‘s method with temperature and pulse). In the meantime progesterone can be very powerful for libido and stronger erections.

James IV

Yeah thats me. I eat as much as I want but as low fat as possible, and I walk a bit everyday. Skim milk, juice, potatoes, fruit, veggies. Although I indulge in cheese and chocolate as well quite frequently

Yeah i dont know what my problem is but i also know that a doctor wont fix it. And I doubt any natural supplements are gonna help with any significance. Chemical intervention may not be a long term fix, but other than a penile implant it’s my only hope.
Do you know how many calories you eat? Do you sleep deeply and dream good dreams? Are you generally a positive person?

(Non peato stuff ahead) I see fairly few energy dense foods, and little fiber diversity. Different fiber types effect microbiome composition, which in turn effects hormone production, which effects erection quality. I’d do more starch from whole grains and add more animal fats. Eat every few hours for a month, and see what happens.

Sexual function is the first system to go when youre in an undernourished state. hunger isn’t always a good indicator of how much you need to eat in the modern world, especially if your system is set up to compensate for undernourishment.

Hope you can figure things out. Cheers mate.


Jun 19, 2016
I never heard him recommend it to anyone. He can find something interesting, but that doesn’t mean anything.

Of course he knows about the risks. When someone asked him about taking GHB in microdoses, he said they should rather eat passion fruit because it contains GHB.
Yeah he hasnt recommended it as a drug. He has only talked about it as positively in the human body, because it is naturally occuring. I don’t think it actually exists in fruit though


Jun 19, 2016
Do you know how many calories you eat? Do you sleep deeply and dream good dreams? Are you generally a positive person?

(Non peato stuff ahead) I see fairly few energy dense foods, and little fiber diversity. Different fiber types effect microbiome composition, which in turn effects hormone production, which effects erection quality. I’d do more starch from whole grains and add more animal fats. Eat every few hours for a month, and see what happens.

Sexual function is the first system to go when youre in an undernourished state. hunger isn’t always a good indicator of how much you need to eat in the modern world, especially if your system is set up to compensate for undernourishment.

Hope you can figure things out. Cheers mate.
Appreciate the help. I think I may eat too little sometimes because I don’t feel like preparing something peaty and then I just don’t eat because I don’t want to eat unhealthy stuff. and then sometimes I compensate with an entire chocolate bar because i get too hungry.

Other than that I’ve been a pretty anxious person for all my life. When I have a date this anxiety becomes prominent and start to feel deep dread and misery and the feeling I have “soldier through”. I think this is due to bad experiences and it just reinforces each other. I can’t feel aroused during a date because I’m preoccupied with negative emotions. Alcohol and such helps with this but it also makes my penis numb which causes ED again.

I hope GHB can help me to perhaps break this cycle. It’s a bit risky perhaps because I might become mentally dependent on it, but it may also give me positive experiences causing me to become less anxious. I think it’s worth trying


Sep 8, 2016
Try doxazosin an alpha blocker and Cialis. Both have maximum effect at a 3 hours so you have to take 3 hours before sex. If you that doesn't work try PT-141. Timing can be a little tricky but it works well. Last is Trimix, prescription only, but you have to inject into your di*k. It will give you an erection for 1-2 hrs but you have to titrate to find the correct dosage for you.

James IV

Appreciate the help. I think I may eat too little sometimes because I don’t feel like preparing something peaty and then I just don’t eat because I don’t want to eat unhealthy stuff. and then sometimes I compensate with an entire chocolate bar because i get too hungry.

Other than that I’ve been a pretty anxious person for all my life. When I have a date this anxiety becomes prominent and start to feel deep dread and misery and the feeling I have “soldier through”. I think this is due to bad experiences and it just reinforces each other. I can’t feel aroused during a date because I’m preoccupied with negative emotions. Alcohol and such helps with this but it also makes my penis numb which causes ED again.

I hope GHB can help me to perhaps break this cycle. It’s a bit risky perhaps because I might become mentally dependent on it, but it may also give me positive experiences causing me to become less anxious. I think it’s worth trying
Everything you just shared are symptoms of a low energy state. Anxiety comes from the system chronically not having enough energy to deal with the stress from its environment.

Last info I’ll share; I developed anxiety, depression, and a lot of additional chronic health problems for years after entering a situation that increased my chronic stress load. I tried a lot of interventions before I figured out I just needed more nutrition coming in to deal the the stress induced depletion that occurs. My hunger is still not a good indicator of my nutritional needs, and I now eat about twice as much food as I used to. Im twice your age, and have zero sexual issues. I only experience negative issues when I get behind on food intake. I also don’t obsess over “healthy” foods, because no matter what anyone says, healthy foods are subjective. I still prepare the majority of my own food, but I don’t follow any “diet.” And you can’t worry about having abs, if you want to heal. You will carry as much bodyfat as you need to carry.
The longer you stay in a well nourished state, the less vulnerable you become to fluctuations in energy input/output, but it takes a long time for the system to rebuild and “switch” into a state that is not compensatory. Deep sleep, good dreams, a desire to be around and appreciate other humans, and a positive mental outlook, are really good indicators that you are in, or moving towards, a healthy state.

You will figure it out when you figure it out. But I hope this conversation helps. Cheers
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Jun 19, 2016
Everything you just shared are symptoms of a low energy state. Anxiety comes from the system chronically not having enough energy to deal with the stress from its environment.

Last info I’ll share; I developed anxiety, depression, and a lot of additional chronic health problems for years after entering a situation that increased my chronic stress load. I tried a lot of interventions before I figured out I just needed more nutrition coming in to deal the the stress induced depletion that occurs. My hunger is still not a good indicator of my nutritional needs, and I now eat about twice as much food as I used to. Im twice your age, and have zero sexual issues. I only experience negative issues when I get behind on food intake. I also don’t obsess over “healthy” foods, because no matter what anyone says, healthy foods are subjective. I still prepare the majority of my own food, but I don’t follow any “diet.” And you can’t worry about having abs, if you want to heal. You will carry as much bodyfat as you need to carry.
The longer you stay in a well nourished state, the less vulnerable you become to fluctuations in energy input/output, but it takes a long time for the system to rebuild and “switch” into a state that is not compensatory. Deep sleep, good dreams, a desire to be around and appreciate other humans, and a positive mental outlook, are really good indicators that you are in, or moving towards, a healthy state.

You will figure it out when you figure it out. But I hope this conversation helps. Cheers
Thank you I appreciate it a lot. I’ll try to reduce stress in all ways possible. I hope I figure it out


Mar 22, 2022
Other than that I’ve been a pretty anxious person for all my life. When I have a date this anxiety becomes prominent and start to feel deep dread and misery and the feeling I have “soldier through”. I think this is due to bad experiences and it just reinforces each other. I can’t feel aroused during a date because I’m preoccupied with negative emotions. Alcohol and such helps with this but it also makes my penis numb which causes ED again.
Check out

There is a good probability this is self induced.

Do you have repressed rage? Trauma?

When the body cannot cope mentally symptoms are created to distract the thinking so you have something separate to concern yourself with.

There are people on that forum with all sorts of chronic issues that disappeared suddenly when they realized this.

I have a similar issue. I was raised by a narcissist mom who made me basically unable to relax. I do not handle stress well and have had a lot of symptoms that doctors cannot explain.

Your inability to get boners may be your mind causing other problems to stop you from worrying about the other stuff in your life.

This concept was created by Dr John Sarno, who is known amongst celebrities for curing back pain every other doctor didn't.

This is called TMS. (Tension myositis syndrome or the MindBody syndrome) do not confuse it with transcranial magnetic stimulation.


Mar 22, 2022
Everything you just shared are symptoms of a low energy state. Anxiety comes from the system chronically not having enough energy to deal with the stress from its environment.

Last info I’ll share; I developed anxiety, depression, and a lot of additional chronic health problems for years after entering a situation that increased my chronic stress load. I tried a lot of interventions before I figured out I just needed more nutrition coming in to deal the the stress induced depletion that occurs. My hunger is still not a good indicator of my nutritional needs, and I now eat about twice as much food as I used to. Im twice your age, and have zero sexual issues. I only experience negative issues when I get behind on food intake. I also don’t obsess over “healthy” foods, because no matter what anyone says, healthy foods are subjective. I still prepare the majority of my own food, but I don’t follow any “diet.” And you can’t worry about having abs, if you want to heal. You will carry as much bodyfat as you need to carry.
The longer you stay in a well nourished state, the less vulnerable you become to fluctuations in energy input/output, but it takes a long time for the system to rebuild and “switch” into a state that is not compensatory. Deep sleep, good dreams, a desire to be around and appreciate other humans, and a positive mental outlook, are really good indicators that you are in, or moving towards, a healthy state.

You will figure it out when you figure it out. But I hope this conversation helps. Cheers

I was extremely stressed and not eating enough for like a long period of time. I developed issues I'm continually dealing with 2 years later.


Sep 25, 2018
Interesting thread, followed! I am in a very similar situation.

This might not be the full solution to your (our shared) problem but penis pumping has helped me gain both more sensitivity and more full erections. I‘ve also started Kegel exercises (I‘m using an app which kinda gamifies the whole thing which helps stay consistent). They are supposed to help achieve harder erections and there is research to back this up.

I‘m also using low dose cialis daily so my penis stays supplied with good blood flow as much as possible.

Alpha blockers in combination with PED-5 blockers also seem promising, although they aren’t a permanent fix of course. Although I also don’t see how GHB could be.

Combined oral therapy with sildenafil and doxazosin for the treament of non-organic erectile dysfunction refractory to sildenafil monotherapy:



Sep 25, 2018
Yeah thats me. I eat as much as I want but as low fat as possible, and I walk a bit everyday. Skim milk, juice, potatoes, fruit, veggies. Although I indulge in cheese and chocolate as well quite frequently

Yeah i dont know what my problem is but i also know that a doctor wont fix it. And I doubt any natural supplements are gonna help with any significance. Chemical intervention may not be a long term fix, but other than a penile implant it’s my only hope.
Other than penile implants, there's also injectable prostaglandin E1 (Caverject). Probably as anti-peat as it gets, but it's very effective


Jun 19, 2016
Other than penile implants, there's also injectable prostaglandin E1 (Caverject). Probably as anti-peat as it gets, but it's very effective
Yes but I think it causes fibrosis and everybody requires an implant after injecting for 1 to 5 years because you get a bunch of fibrosis. Also imagine getting it on in the bedroom and being like “hold up i gotta go to the bathroom” and go inject yourself for 5 minutes haha. I’d rather go for an implant right away
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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