Trying to Understand the Differing Stances on Covid/Vaccines


Dec 8, 2016


Oct 15, 2012
Im no politico- far from it.

But the narrative he pushes- even in his personal life - is pro government; pro vaxx; BLM; white men are bad; Biden/Harris are worthy; anti gun but pro abortion.
You get the picture.

Any of the ‘popular’ social justice views on Reddit- he is probably out there making six figures to persuade you with his posts.

He’s a miserable sad person btw....
Hates himself.

what is wrong with pr-abortion? a woman should have a right to have or not have a baby.


Oct 21, 2021
Washington State
Reed JFK JR The real Anthony Fauci, it goes into great detail about Fauci , bill gates and the corruption of our government and pharmaceutical industry and how we got here.

Basically everything thing you expected but basically exposes where all the bodies are buried figuratively and literally. Bill gates and Fauci obsession with vaccines, the deaths behind many of there other vaccines experiments. Their campaigns against drugs that were no longer patented to prop up their pharmaceutical cronies drugs that ended killing people from the aids epidemic to Covid.
That book is definitely on my list. And Fauci continues to be the go to guy the mainstream runs out there despite all the controversy; really demonstrates how orchestrated it all is.


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
Im no politico- far from it.

But the narrative he pushes- even in his personal life - is pro government; pro vaxx; BLM; white men are bad; Biden/Harris are worthy; anti gun but pro abortion.
You get the picture.

Any of the ‘popular’ social justice views on Reddit- he is probably out there making six figures to persuade you with his posts.

He’s a miserable sad person btw....
Hates himself.
Those types are nearly always mentally ill and ingest psychiatric drugs to combat their misery...


Dec 8, 2016
Those types are nearly always mentally ill and ingest psychiatric drugs to combat their misery...
He is a glutton and a drunk. So a big yes to your presumption.


Apr 24, 2019
what is wrong with pr-abortion? a woman should have a right to have or not have a baby.
perhaps, but there's more pressure now to become educated and successful before or instead of having children than to celebrate the beauty of having one. And many people who are pro-choice are economically neoliberal, which is where the narrative pushing comment comes from. Maternity leave is a massive cost to employers and the economy, and women raising children instead of working is wasted productivity according to their economic framework.

i'm 23 and every woman i know my age who fell pregnant aborted it, and many are highly traumatised by the process is and now regret it. They made their choice because they were pressured by that same feminist narrative to make something of themselves and told they weren't ready to take care of a baby even in a country with a welfare system, free education and free healthcare as well as means-tested childcare and generous maternity leave.

At least where I live, there's enormous judgment heaped onto young mothers and the implication they've wasted their potential and ruined their life. There is nothing more beautiful than the ability for a human to create life, and to delay that and potentially lose that opportunity for the sake of some false hope of satisfaction from a job seems incredibly sad, given how many people seem highly unsatisfied with their career and stressed and fatigued because of it. Women in their teens and 20s abort babies, only to attempt to get pregnant in their mid to late 30s or early 40s often with great difficulty or failure. Not to mention it seems healthier to have a child younger, given younger people tend to be healthier and their bodies transmit less toxins to the body of the infant.

So yes it might seem ethical to support the right of women to abort a child they didn't want or are unable to provide for, but i would hardly say that this is an informed choice given how public attitudes and contemporary values pollute their decision-making. The same narrative is now unironically giving air time to people who are swearing off having children to prevent climate change.

If a woman is going to have an abortion she should have the right to have it done in a way that minimises the risk to her health. So abortion clinics should be allowed to operate and maintain a high standard of patient care. Doesn't mean we should be pro-abortion or pro-choice per se and encourage a culture where sex and relationships are transactional and meaningless (disconnected from consequences) and pregnancy and parenting is less important than greed and wealth.

when having a child becomes a matter of weighing up the pros and cons, we have indeed lost our way. The same goes for euthanasia. In theory, the idea seems benevolent but in practice people in the Netherlands can get euthanised because of a botched sex change or because they are anorexic, and the protocols to follow like multiple, comprehensive psychiatric evaluations are rarely followed.

Sometimes it works better for a society to keep something illegal, and turn a blind eye to it when it happens.


Oct 6, 2020
.... abortion clinics should be allowed to operate and maintain a high standard of patient care. Doesn't mean we should be pro-abortion or pro-choice per se and encourage a culture where sex and relationships are transactional and meaningless (disconnected from consequences) and pregnancy and parenting is less important than greed and wealth.

when having a child becomes a matter of weighing up the pros and cons, we have indeed lost our way.

Did we loose it? Or did they never have it for the past 3ish generations?

Would people have as much issue having a child when the toxic system woudn't be in place? Or is it perhaps modern programming as you described it? I agree and can emphasize with alot of what you describe but i see that, which you explained thoughtfully here, as a result of a dysfunctional environment rather than the act itself being problematic or the "pressure" behind the choice.

People who abort think its the right decision, usually both for themself but also the unborn baby and the current situation they are in. This, to me seems to be due to a fundamental issue with how our modern life works. One where the majority of people live in a constant state of learned helplessnes and dependency. They can only function within the parameters set and allowed by their mainstream society and manmade environment.

If people were actually selfsufficient and confident in taking care of basic needs then there woudn't be as much worry to birth a child. It would be happening and coming naturally/organicly. I've read of a tribe once, where the birth of a child was one of the most important and sacred of things. Giving the mother the best nourishment and care before, during and after pregnancy. It was essentialy a holy event of bringing new life into the world and have the best offspring possible. Not sure how much of that is realy true or how well that worked, but considering how "advanced" we apparantly are in 2021, the way we live, work and bring life into this world is crazy.

Most kids are born from parents who already carry burden and damage of their parents that had to endure the poision of industrialisation and bio-chemistry.
Cigarette and endocrine disruptor babys. Malnourished mothers living the party, drug induced lifestyle only to realize they are already 2-3 months into pregnancy.
Mothers, who had by the age of barely halfway trough puberty already altered their endogenous hormone production with "the pill" from a young age on.
Microplastic and biozides inducing cancers or deformation in anyone whos physiology can not defend sufficiently against it.
Needles carrying toxic adjuvants and in the worst case, contaminants of animal-viruses, injected into the newborn potentially damaging its nervous system and brain before it even started to develop properly.

So many factors. I can see why the intrinsic desire to birth a child is supressed so heavily that one is willing to abort the mission altogether.


Oct 15, 2012
i hate those sanctimonious judgmental hypocrites. they are all so full of s..t


Jun 7, 2019

What's the point? He actually sounds totally reasonable there. That video is from March 2020 and if ADE were a problem (which it could have been but couldn't have been known then) then it would have been demonstrated by now. Vaccinated people would get disproportionately ill upon covid infection. The scare stories of outbreaks causing full hospitals and bodies on the street would actually be coming true, and the victims would be vaccinated.
But so far only the vax waning over time/with new variants has been demonstrated.


Sep 9, 2019
What's the point? He actually sounds totally reasonable there. That video is from March 2020 and if ADE were a problem (which it could have been but couldn't have been known then) then it would have been demonstrated by now. Vaccinated people would get disproportionately ill upon covid infection. The scare stories of outbreaks causing full hospitals and bodies on the street would actually be coming true, and the victims would be vaccinated.
But so far only the vax waning over time/with new variants has been demonstrated.
Exactly that. Any injuries/insults appear to be quite acute and fall more in line with the idea that only a fraction of doses are active.

I get the feeling a lot of people peddling ideas of ADE and such are almost wishing for it.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
What's the point? He actually sounds totally reasonable there. That video is from March 2020 and if ADE were a problem (which it could have been but couldn't have been known then) then it would have been demonstrated by now. Vaccinated people would get disproportionately ill upon covid infection. The scare stories of outbreaks causing full hospitals and bodies on the street would actually be coming true, and the victims would be vaccinated.
But so far only the vax waning over time/with new variants has been demonstrated.

The point is that anything that conflicts with the narrative that the clot shots are nothing but safe and effective eventually gets cancelled. ADE in the past has not resulted in everyone dying, or everyone who received the shots getting severely ill (eg, RSV, measles, dengue, AIDS). So we may in effect be seeing some form of ADE happening right now because many vexxed do appear to be having a rougher go.
Mar 10, 2021
I wanted to create a new thread after reading through many conspiracy skeptic's pages on twitter and reddit. I go down the adverse reactions rabbit hole for several days and start to feel that a great majority of the public is starting to see that this agenda is not for the betterment of public health; I am quickly snapped back to reality when viewing some responses on twitter and reddit. It seems bizarre to me at this point in the "pandemic" and "vaccine" rollout that there are still so many self-proclaimed logical people that do not see through the narrative or anything suspicious about it whatsoever. There are rather large groups on reddit - leopardsatemyface being one of the more obnoxious examples- dedicated to debunking what they feel are covid and vaccine myths with frequent postings with headings along the lines of: "Anti-vaxxer declines vaccine and later dies of covid." And they often deride people who choose not to get jabbed as minimally educated and immature. I am wondering how many more athletes and children need to collapse and how many more suggestions by the mainstream media need to reverse before they begin to be less trustworthy of the "science". Though many of them accuse people espousing anti-vaccine views as being in the cult of conspiracy, I would say the trust the narrative view is the biggest religion/cult happening right now. Our leaders will continue to push this agenda forward and until the mass of humanity can revolt, but I feel it's those whole-heartedly adopting the narrative that will be one of the biggest impediments to retaining whatever is left of our freedoms.

I think the repetitious headlines about the UNVAXXED being the ones getting Covid or dying of Covid, is paid damage control bots, or as I have recently found out, are unfairly counted vaccinated people who didn't get their boosters, but are being counted as UNVAXXED. The media is working hard to fool people every which way and sideways saying that a protest somewhere had 20k show up, when in reality it was 100k. The tv news media followers need to start watching the upper channels.


Oct 21, 2021
Washington State
I think the repetitious headlines about the UNVAXXED being the ones getting Covid or dying of Covid, is paid damage control bots, or as I have recently found out, are unfairly counted vaccinated people who didn't get their boosters, but are being counted as UNVAXXED. The media is working hard to fool people every which way and sideways saying that a protest somewhere had 20k show up, when in reality it was 100k. The tv news media followers need to start watching the upper channels.
I think you're right. There are many people on twitter still eating these mostly bot headlines up. I had the displeasure of reading some snarky pro-vax comments about how intellectually mighty they were for trusting the CDC and the science and not random grifters. Jimmy Kimmel just did a horrendous "anti-vax" barbie segment that went with all the standard stereotypes while Colbert praised Fauci for his handling of the attacks from Rand Paul. Time doesn't seem to be favoring the original narrative as cases and injuries rise despite higher vaccination rates, so have to imagine the cognitive dissonance and the grip are getting that much more extreme for those that choose to abide by it.
Mar 10, 2021
I think you're right. There are many people on twitter still eating these mostly bot headlines up. I had the displeasure of reading some snarky pro-vax comments about how intellectually mighty they were for trusting the CDC and the science and not random grifters. Jimmy Kimmel just did a horrendous "anti-vax" barbie segment that went with all the standard stereotypes while Colbert praised Fauci for his handling of the attacks from Rand Paul. Time doesn't seem to be favoring the original narrative as cases and injuries rise despite higher vaccination rates, so have to imagine the cognitive dissonance and the grip are getting that much more extreme for those that choose to abide by it.
Celebrities are like high schoolers, in that they wanna be liked, they wanna be relevant and will conform to the popular vote to keep their status and their shows. I doubt they sit around in the morning over coffee delving into deep and buried news, tgeyvare too busy lookingbinbthe mirror. It is a rare celebrity that is willing to take a hit to be real and speak their mind. The one that surprised and irritated me was Georve Clooney talking about the military sacrificed their lives for the good of the country and how we need to do the same getting vaccined, like he is some hero, oh brother. Just the sheer number of athletes dropping off like flies during their games should be a red flag! What do they think, global warming is to blame?
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